Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. VoLX. L. A. WIKOFF KiUTOK AND I'UOPKIKTOU. Entered *tthcjM**t«iQi«-«nt SprlnpAold Colorado. iu* i‘r.roml-cla*<H matter. kibscuiitiox. - - 41 a i»ku year Invariably In advance. Published Friday of each week. ADVERTISING RATES. |S ccnU |i«i Inch, itlnglc column, each month. No prufered position given. Uui«1ncH»l.ocAl*. 10 cent* per line each Insertion. I.:wal mention, 15 cents per line each Insertion. Lkqai. Ahv, : Final proof notices ♦.'■.(«, single Contest notices IVts'wo-ach. .All other legal printing subject to a rate of .10 rents per line for flrst insertion, ■> cents for eacli additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to u lino, uulese otherwise contracted. These rates will be strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. January 1st 1806 the sub scription rates of the Hkhai.d will be $1,25 per yenr, if paid in ad vance. (Subscriptions to the load ing papers, magazines and period icals. taken m connection with the Herald at reduced prices. Two inches of snow is reported ,«n the wheatlields of the Dakotas. The coal strike in the east con tinues and is becoming more ser ious. The Cuban insurgents seem to be doing about as they please, nowadays. .France louglit a duel with Italy Sunday, and got ripped up the side with a sword. The anarchist should be sent to Klondyke and made to dig gold. .•Social affairs might suit them in* the frozen oiorth. Senator George of Mississippi is : another southern senator who will never tread the halls of con gress again. Death has claimed him. Range stock shipped from Wyo ming to eastern markets is report ed sott, and suffers a wonderful shriukage on accouut ot being fat tened on green grass. Silver men should not only stand shoulder to shoulder, but •they should make every effort to have the next contest fought upon the single issue involved. — Denver Times. A ‘three-foot’ snake was snaked out ot the Sparks office at Lamar, last week. As the editor allows .nqt.the cup to go to his lips, neith er looketh upon the wine when it is red, it is supposed the devil did the reporting lor that issue. President Faure ot France, start ed on a visit to Russia, Wednes day and as a parting salute some anarchist tired a bomb. It was .meant to go off soon enough to cause a state funeral, but the luse was not calculated correctly, so did not go in time to knock the breath out of the president. Rocky Ford melon growers have formed a trust and placed high p/ices on their melons. Pueblo merchants have ret used to buy canteloupes at 6 cents and water .melons at 1 cent per pound, pre ferring to wait tor melons to come in by wagon lrotn nearer home, jdow lew people are free from the desire to form a combination and raise the price of their products. The Silver republican state con vention will be held at Glemvood Springs, Sept. 3d, and the Melvin jey republicans will hold their convention m Denver, on the same date. A candidate tor supreme fudge is the only nomination to make, unless the districts select their candidates for prosecuting attorney, which is the usual cus tom. __ The new stock rate on the Santa Fe went into effect on Tuesday. On cal tie the charge is very slight but there is a radical departure on sheep to Kausas City that will cut into the profits ot shippers. The .-old rate to Kansas City was 21-1-2 a hundred or $49/50 a JJftr. The new rate is 34 cents a hundred or $81.60 a car. The old rate to Chicago was $95.60 and the new rate $98.80, only 20 cents differ ence.—l/is Animas Leader. The Democratic State convert vention will meet on the sixth of September. Baca county is en titled to two delegates. The regu lar call extends the following in vitation: “All citizens, without respect to previous party afliliations, who are willing to unite with the Democratic party in its demand as embodied in the national plat form adopted by the Chicago con vention, for the free and unlimit ed coinage of both silver and gold, at the ratio of 16 to I, without waiting for the consent of any other nation, are invited to take part in the caucuses, primaries, conventions and other councils of the Democratic party and to par licipate in the nomination and election ot persons to state and county ofliees.” You can’t grub-stake a man in the Klondyke. The laws of the Dominion of Canada are such that they nullify any and all contracts entered into between the mail who puts up the grub stake and the man who accepts it. The laws seemed to be aimed especially at Americans, and tho grub-staker, if caught is liable to a fine of SI,OOO while the grub stakee goes free. Also the Captain of any vessel who knowingly brings grub-stak ees, into her majesty’s dominion is liable to a fine of SSOO lor each offense and imprisonment for six months. Her gracious magesty’s governor general will see that the laws are enforced to the letter in the Klonkyke, and American’s had better beware ot how they behave in the blawsted country, you know. —Pueblo Indicator. Colorado at the Exposition. As work in connection with the Trans-Mississippi exposition pro gresses, which important affair will be hehjl in Omaha during the season of 1898, wide interest is manifested in all the leading cit ies and towns of Oolorodo to com bine in a movement to give this state a befitting and extensive dis play of its mining, agricultural, and commercial industries, lion. Ilenrv P. Steele of Denver, vice president from Colorado, for the Trans-Mississippi exposition, has already issued an address urging the people of the state to co-oper ate in the movement. The legis lature made no appropriation for an official exhibit, but Gov. Ad ams appointed a commission to .take charge of the matter. The architect of the mines and mining ibuildmg is John J. Humphreys of Denver. The building will occu py a space 400 feet, long by 150 feet wide, and sixty feet in height from the ground to the cornices, with an immense central dome rising 250 feet above the level. The building will cost $100,000. Colorado is one ot the chief min ing states in the union and the chamber of commerce, the mining bureau and other organizations are taking hold with commendable energy in order 10 make the min ing exhibit superior to that of any other state represented. The ex hibit will consist of a complete representation ot the products and industrial resources of the state in which each county will do its lull share in view of large and benefi cial returns accruing to the state in the near future. As one of the novel features of the exhibit will be a reproduction of Cripple Creek as it was before the lire. II011. George M. Miscke, representing the exposition in Colorado, has opened an office in the rooms oc cupied by the bureau of mines, in Denver, and is actively engaged in working up the industries oft be state lor the exposition exhibit. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, for August. There is something to interest nearly every kind of reader in Frank Leslie’s Popular monthly for September. Tho diversity and timeliness of its contents and the great profusion of its illustrations make this number a particularly attractive one. The lending arti cle gives much interesting infor mation about the historic Walikill Valiev, in New York State, and SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1897. tells of the troubles with the Indians, the founding of a Hugue not village, the first meeting of the State Legislature, etc. It is written by John P. Hitter, who personally visited the places de scribed, taking many excellent photographs, which are reproduc ed with the article. In “Cycle Touring in Ireland*’ S. 11. Ilerron writes of a trip through the most important towns ot the Kmerald Isle. The college article this mouth treats of Wellslev, and is by Virginia Sherwood. A paper of great interest and value is “The United States Marine Hospital Service,’’in which Joanna 8 Nicli alls tells of the history, work and officers of that important branch of our government. The old city of Bahia, in Brazil is the subject of an article by Ilenrv Grevson; Garrard Harris writes entertain ingly of “Plantation life in Dixie’’ The American Cities series is con tinned with a graphic account of Pittsburg, by Charles T. Logan; There are several good short stories and an exciting installment of the serial, “The Catspaw,” is given; the department ot stories and verses for young people is as bright as usual. Frank Leslie’s Publish ing House, ftew York. Simplicity Brings Life’s Best Pleasures. “For poor and rich alike the highest pleasure and utility in life will come from simplifying it, writes “Droch” of “Vacation Me anderings” in the August Ladle’s Home Journal* “The content ment that can only be had from tierve3 that are not overstrained is to be found by reducing your daily life to its simpliest terms. This applies with equal force to the hard-working man or woman with small income or to the rich who are cumbered with many cares. Poverty has been made just as complex as riches by the many things that ill-advised teachers have taught poverty to expect that it ought to accomplish. What both must learn, for the best results in their own lives, is not how little can be had for a great 'deal of money, but how much ot real and permanent value can be secured for a little nnney. This is the highest economy and it cannot be taught—it must be learned by experience, and you cannot begin it at a better time than when seeking a vacation.” “COLORADO'S CLIMATE AND MINERALS” tells all about the wonderfully beneficial effects of the dry climate of Colorado on those suffering from depression, puhnanary troubles, asthma, etc. it also tells of Colorado’s great gold fields and gives a certificate ot stock in a gold mine to evey tenth subscriber. Or it will send a handsome specimin ot gold ore to those who prefer it. Only 50 cents a year. Address “Colorado's Climate and Minerals,” P. O. Box 392, Denver, Colo. Just What Miners Want. All who are, or expect to be, in terested ill mines will be glad to know that Henry N. Copp, the Washington, (D. C.) land lawyer, has revised Cops Prospector’s Man uel. The inineralogicul part of the work has been almost entirely re written by a Colorado mining en gineer, who lias had years of ex perience as a prospector, assayer and superintendent of mines and United Slates surveyor. The book is a popular treatise on assaying and meneralogv. and will be found useful to all who wish to discover mines. The first part of the work gives the United States mining laws and regula tions, how to locate and survey a mining claim, various forms and much valuable information. The price is 50 cents at tho principal book stores, or of the author. A. TO Your address, with ilx cents A W&fnm in stamps, nulled to our Head er l\l Quartets, II kllot XI., lOit.a, \) n4l lass., will bring you • lull line * j® it-E | [I ol samples, and rules lor sclf (L /] 11 msasurement, ol our justly fa- U 2 (/I I I moui S 3 pants ; Suits, £13.25 ( O l/'l {/111 Overcoats, #10.25, and up. Cut 0. fyll to order. Agents wanted crery- H l a where % piymoutii Rock Co. The Power Above and Behind All Thrones Is Public Opinion. PUBLIC OPINION (New York) represents the result of culling the most interesting and impor tant articles and items oi news from about 3,000 newspapers, magazines, and reviews. A single issue often contains matter from 150 different periodicals. The cost of these publications would amount to hundreds of dollars a week and even by constant read ing no one could gather the assort ed knowledge that is presented each week to the readers of PUB LIC OPINION. The editors re lieve you of trouble anu expence. The field ot American and For eign Affairs is thoroughly covered and tho best thought of tho day is presented under the heads of Sci oloirical. Scientific, Religious, j Letters and Art, Miscellany, and Business and Finance. Send to tho publishers for.a sample copy. Any magnzine(except the Ladle's Home Journal) the price ol which does not exceed SI.OO per year, will be sent free to every new subscriber at $2.50, the regular price of subscription, or the pub Ushers will send PUBLIC OPIN ION one year for this amount and also the Raud-McNally, 1897, atlas containing 175 pages of new maps. Public Opinion Company, 13 Astor Place. New York City. That Trip East May bo for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes bv mak ing a business of traveling East o ver the Santa Fe Route as far as Chicago. Thirty miles the short.ert line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that means quick time and sure connections. Track is straight, rock-ballasted, with very lew crossings at grade. No prettier, cosier or more com fortable trains enter Chicago than tliose over the Santa Fe. ’1 hey are vestibuled limited exoresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in dining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. Inquire of nearest agent, or ad dress G. T. Nicholson.G.l*.A. Santa Fe Route, Monadnock Building, Chicago. r llio attention of mining men throughout the entire West is at present being directed to tlie pla cer diggings ot Bolivia, South America, from which locality the most alluring reports come. If you have any idea of trying your fortunes in this country be sure j and consult with Messrs. Shepperd 1 & Cooper of the Chicago tfc Alton International Steamship Agency in Cooper building, Denver, who | can give you correct and reliable information as to the shortest,! quickest and cheapest way to! reach the gold fields and can book j you through from any point in the West. n A SH $2,100 ESiZE-OFFER l and INVENTOR’S ASSISTANT CENT T2ZZ to ill ea r:co»xt. Un, vmta, loyi, fir'.i r.l a’.lcci e*agetpatrcU. wealth n»r lo ywn. will yea :rr bird ter it i '■»»* *••"«*•»» thi» t-ufu-atinn i to tin INViIITTOSS PBOiCTIOIf BUSEAV, - Wiiilagton, S. S. DIRECT FROM MILL TO WEARER. - Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. “ "2 Ut Cimmittitn Home. Tht WMtialtr. The Jobbtr and Slcn Ketptr. E. ROSENBURGER k CO. 202-20** U2»»t, NEW YORK CITY. a— _ _ Otir Orest Bargain* ha ssloo I QUITS'for i $2.93 Boo’s JMonfts Saits, Sizes 3 to IS, ★ will) extra pair of pants, $2.93 * Thu* Suits are GUARANTEED to be made from Imported Wool Cheviot, la Black. Blue, Grey, and Brown, in size..from Ito o ye»rs of as*. Made up double-breasted, with Sailor Co"ar--Collar fancy embroidered—lined with fact Black Albert Twill Sateen and Patent Waist Bands. Trimming and Work manship the v.ry beat. Same in Site* for agea to to 15 yeara, without Sailor Collar. See Pattern'* Below. When orJering tend Post Office, Express Money Order *>f Registered letters, also Hi at la«1 birthday, and il large or small Wgf B jj-j lor hi. ar/ Money cheerfully refunded if . not samia.lotv Send jc stamr, 'or .am- jj $lOO.OO » | Given Away j I Every Month j 7 to the person auhmiitlng th« J imost meritorioMH iuvoiitiou i during tho preceding month. ■ ft Wli NK»’l7 H U 1* ATB N TS ft ~ Toil INVENTORY, and the ft , G object of tills off* rll to en- Ift 1 Co.irairo jjcr*«>n* nf au invent- 1 ft ivo turn of mind. At tho F.nmi time wo wi«!i to Impi-vaj 4 tho feet iliac :: :: ft It’s flic Simple, j Trivial Inventions j That Yield Fortunes j such rT Jin J.nn?’* Hook I and I*yo, that Jlitmp.'' I ‘•Safely IM11.” “IMm iu Clo- ft vcr.” “Air Jimke.” etc. ft Almost 1 very ono conceive* ft Q a lultfiit idea at smne time or ft other. Why not nnt it in pruc- ft ticnl use'/ Yorlt tajentamay ft lio lo Ihl it rli ruction. May ft mako your fortune. Wliy not ft $ to? :: :: :: :: :: ft trw rite for further Information and luunlioii this Jaipur. ft " THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. Philip W. Avlrctt, Gou. Myjr., ft 618 I : Street, Northwest, ! WASHINGTON, D. C. ft ter The responsibility of tht. company ft? may ho lu.lKrrd liy tin- fact tlmt in ft Mock in held by over •me thousand ft nr tlui Icndinu (jcwapuocra In tho ft rnitud States. ft M P° no * deeclvKl by ollnrlnc rulv.-rttzrniMitaajuJ Clunk you con vet the bent made, fluent finish and ttOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE *; ,r • ,n «re aooff. Buy from rvll.ibln manufacturers tliV. hare irained a reputation by hoar-i Mn ,l eqwaro jl'iallntr. Therv ia none In the »orhi ttmt ion rou-1 lu uirokruiical ennatnirtlon, durability of woikinff p»ri*,flnetiena of flnl»li a beauty in nppurmwv, or La* aa many improveaaent* aa tho NEW HOMfe. WRITS FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Hactine Co. Okamob, Kami. Bortoh.Slam. UUMioKfiqvunt.N.Y. FOR SALE B v At liny and :'<ni, (.11 Junta. Colo. DBXTWB fIROE CO., Inc'p. fsplUl. BEST SIIOK IN THIS WOULD. "A dollar tartil la a dollar tamiit.'* ThlaTatdleM' Solid Kmu h Dun|olaKklllnt< ton Hoot dullvercd free nnyr.-h'-ro in the U.S.. c-a rocclptofCnah, Money Order, Tfifa*?>' jy(f?.i&j Kauala every way tbo boots 7jH *°'d In nil retail a tore# for ouraelvea, Jhcrcforo wo guar* we tho money or aend another pair. Ojicia width* C-dTk. kKK, ® and half Dexter SlMtlul term! to Dealira. F. MILTON FRIEND, M. D« and SURGEON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. l»rcf. Eye, Throat, Female and .Sitrglral DDeo-ea Office hours: 8tot) a. in., Ito .1 nml, 7to 8 ji. in. S to 10 a. in. Sunday*. WANTED-AN IDEA of oomo almple thinii to patent? Protect your Ideaa ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDiJEU bUItN & CO., Patent Attorney*, Washington, D. C., for their 51,800 prize offer. Everybody Eli?* So. Cascnrcts Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing lo the tuste, act gently nml positively on kidneys, liver nnd howcls, cleansin ' tlm entire system, ulopil colds, cure lieadaolie, lever, Iml.ltunl * onstipetion an i hiiiouino-13. Piensu bny and try n box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, LOccuts. Sold and fftim-antocd to cure by ull druj.gists. A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER si6. mum 7.50 Guxrjnterd to te made from All Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray. Black, or hlu# Worvted Cordrd Cheviot, made in lateit style, lined with Imported Farmer Satin, trimmed and t.nUhed in the best of Cuatom Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate II in your town for $16.00. Sues J 4 to 4a. vV.:,’6.25 s Aii| Youth**suit* Style. [col CATHARTIC | i CURECOnSTIPATIOM 1 »**♦ * ft i niißnnim. CAICABBTI CAACAKRTS mrr »n nr--i ■ . i . # ft Ituatdguod. Kattlieui Itioreaso the flow of I 2 \ ill AIUnV Illkecaiidy. Thty r»- inllktn nursing luotb- ft ftAAU CAB I# #1 IINnUI I move any bad tnute ere. A lablot eaten I UUUIV rUfl I J In themouth.leaving l»y the mother ¥ I A I AITUIBTIH V the breath awaet nuu her milk mildly purg-V BIATIICDC IV .if vJIIIIAnIIw (perfumed. U la a atlvo and hue a tulld f IRUIIILna f \ { ' f ft rual pleasure intake but certain effect on ft I ■ . them Instead of nuu* the baby, the only ■ • ••%e**eejl \ j ) Beating liquid*or caunou-ball pill*. sufe laxullTo fer thu babe-in-arma. A . \ mmmmmm iimimi c.iacABETS .... caicarkts , T ■■ ■ i.. ■ , \ (F ar* purely vagainbio aro liked by lbcchll-ft Q \ DIIDBI V ami contain no mer» dreo. They taste I n| CltC , \ i | rVIISU eurial or other min- pood and do good. Z rLUlftt A ’ oral polion. They atop Wtnd-eollo end f f IfCABTIBI C are made of the laU cramp*. and kill and f TUB I*llll ItBBU j I ukBEIfIBIsB eat rviuodle* diroor- drtvu «rr wciriua.nnd t I VIC wIHLUVIkIv I' ered nml nre a aclen* all kltiDa of pnrn* ft ~ . i ■••••*♦* •• ••"title com b I na tlo n altea (but lire In the (" never before put together lu any form. bowola of the growing child. ( * \ ■»»»*»« aeaaaal CABCASETII aaiaiiTgauii.L f ft ft nre nnilseptlc. That taken patiently, per-1 4|' >1 AIITICEDTIf I A means they atop tin- alxtcntly.aregunraft- ft AUBE i k I uniiocrisu I digested food from toed to cure any caae 1 wlftltl 111 I X souring In the atom- of constipation, no I J ' , LAXATIVE I n HiitßMon In the I ohxtlnnte, .".“'ESI GUARANTEED U .\ ft f bowola and kill die* chase money will bo f ft . \ W ■■ •••••••••••■ eaao germs of any cheerfully refunded ( f iklnd that broed and feed In the system. by your own drugulst. ■ ar i mil r.A NCARRTfI .... CAftCAHRTS iiQiiinißiie. 5 ft tone the stomach and kj®}! „ r !’ K ‘ |F 1 LIVER IarasHSMSB HEALTH , I STIMULANT merit undent yotiion FOR 10 CENTS | A I I rigorous linn l thy the right road to per- . »»»« w » u->* seel condition, maklug feet nud nennnnoiit ®• c t ***“®** (r their action easy and natural. health. Don t risk dewy. T j* Don't judge GASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They a arc new, unlike anything eke that's sold, and infinitely superior. \ ? j * iry a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get f y Th ? i your money back! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. r \ g|gOT °Pe wSPeo'f j Sample and booklet mailed free* Address i Imitations! * OTCRUNO NEMCOV CO.. CNICAOOi montkial. can.) new VOSK. 838 A ■^F^^*B»^k^^^ft > Tobacco ITablt or money refunded. Make* weak inen | V DMw strong. Sold and guaranteed by all druggbt3. Clct booklet. I A Proof of Quality 1 name-plate with our trade- jg MSHBffA and KEEP K wj/3*7<pm 1 f you cannot afford to Mon- gj cheap fn J* Six style* for for Catalogue. & J* J* J* V Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., § Lake, Hakted and Fulton Sts., 83 Reade St., W S CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK, g Largo Sample Rooms for Com- House Re lit ted Tliroujth meroial Men. Reason- out. First class Ac able Rales. commodnlions. SILYEESTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Bools LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Mon. \V. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain ifflSßk. An account of his campaign tour . . . His biography, written by his wife . . w S most ' m P or t ant speeches .. . . The results of the campaign of 1896. Fr A review of the political situation . , •3> AGENTS W A (SITED <x- Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, .341-351 Dew-horn St....CH!CAGO. ViE? Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdei.— No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. No. 52.