Newspaper Page Text
•jrilE SPRINGFIELD IIERALD. i County Officers. < County Clerk and Recorder.. I.. F. Mathews. I *• Treasurer Jesse F. 11 mil son. “ Mmlge" Ins. Herbert. District Clerk... Fred K. Mathews. , Sheriir j. Want. . • eliool Superintendent Mary F. ("ole. Assessor .. Thus. F.Milligan. County Attorney — . Jifsimr... K. K Curran. Surveyor 1 County Commissioners——Tlios. II. Godwin. -••lu gene Wallis unit John W. Lewis. M. E. CIIFUCII—W>1. N. Mitciiki.i., l'astor. — APPOIMTM ENTS JMyniouth, 11 a. in. 1st. Sabbath Kapli Montli \V. II. Konkel’s liruo p. in. 1st Sabbath Vila*, 7:80 p. in. Minneapolis, II n. in. 2nd. Sabbath Hear Creek, !1:S0 p. in. ** “ “ 7:::o p. in. Saturday before 3d. Sunday 10:00 a. in. 3d Sabbath t Vilas, 4:00 p. in ** '* Springfield, II a. in. and 7 p. in. 1th. “ Sin art's 3:30 1>. in. Local and Personal. Dr. Milligan was attending to •business here Wednesday. Luther Thomas went to Lamar Tuesday alter freight for liomsher & Co. l*uett and Milton of Oklu homa, were doing business in town .yesterday. Jesse F. Harrison recovered one of his strayed horses, Wednesday evening. Candidates Whitaker and Har rison are at Carriso tins week seeing voters. The Sunday School Convention and Quarterly Meeting will be held at Springfield, Nov. 4 to 7. J. W. White and Air 13. Allen went to Carriso Tuesday to shake hands with voters in that vicinity. Four teams from Liberal, Ivans, passed through town Monday on their way to the cedars for post. Miss Clara Darby returned here last Friday horn Oklahoma, to make her home witli Mrs. L. F. Mathews. L. F. Mathews is plastering and otherwise repairing his residence in town. Sam Squires is doinp the work. Z. W. DeOamp and family left .Sunday morning on a few days visit with relatives in Stevens county Kansas. Otho Cole is at the Christie yanch 12 miles southeast this week looking alter the 300 head of cattle at that place. J. 11. Christie passed through town Monday on his way to La mar to meet his wife who is re turning from a visit in lowa. E. K. Curran took his horses to his Cimarron ranch this week. Dud Tanner, Crit Allen and Mr. Wilkin went along to assist him. Mrs. L. F. Mathews an l little daughter and Miss Clara Darby are visiting at. the M tliew’s ranch this week, live miles south of Vilas. Candidates, White, Shannon, Ilall, Florey, Allen, Gordon and G. E. Konkel, attended the meet ing of the county central commit tee here Monday. .Jap St’alnaker has left a sample of nnlo maize at the post oflice. it shows ho>v solid the heads can grow, and with what profit it can be raised by the farmer. We are under obligations to F. C. Stalnaker for a supply of veg etables. lie has grown a large patch of onions and beets, and has onions grown from the seed that will weigh nearly a pound. Jas. Quirk, of California, a trav eling photographer, who has been operating in Western Kansas for several months past, paid Spring field a visit Wednesday to look over the ground with a view ol spending several davs here in his business'. He made up his mind adversely and returned to Rich field the' same evening. W. J. Dear, of Green City, Mo., is spending the week with J. T, Allen and family three miles southwest of town. He is an old acquaintance of theirs. He is making a visit to friends and relatives in Prowers county. He also spent some time in Baca county several years ago. He will visit the mines at Carriso be fore returning as he lias worked considerable in stamp mills. He is well pleased with some of our ore. W. 11. Konkel has sworn out, a warrant in the county court for Iho nrrc«V ofw.m. M Thomson and Zeb Nicholson for making an assiiit on linn last week. The case is up for hearing] today with three ex judges on hand to repre sent the parties, Judge Nowels of Lamar has the side ol the defend ants and Judge Stewart of Min iieapolis assiste l by Judge | Doughty ol Lamar, lias the prose cution. From appearances the case will consume considerable lime. Southeast Jtacft. F. E. Lamport and sis‘or visit ed friends on the Cimmaron last week R. 1). Nance and wife have re turned from a six weeks visit to their children in Oklahoma. 'They saw many Baca county people while gone. B. F. Lamport killed six blue cranes at one shot, a few days ago. Fred Twyford and Torn Gaskell are working for S. J. Konkel. Miss Cora Nance will leave soon for Manzanola where she will spend the winter. 13. F. Lamport is engaged in building lencc. A. A. Vow'ell is hard at work making sorghum. He is assisted by “Sorghum'’ Brown. The “tally pull” at YowelTs a few evenings ago was well attend ed, and all who were present unite in saving that they had a pleasant time. Commissioners* Meeting. (Continued from last week.) Adjourned to 1:00 p. m. Met as per adjournment. The board proceeded to consider appropriations lor the year IS9S, and the following resolution was adopted: Be it resolved by the board of county commissioners ol Baca county that there lie appro printed from the ordinary county revenue fund of said county, that there be appropriated the follow ing amounts for the purposes lu re inafter given: District Court Expense S4OO “ Attorney fees 25 Justice of the Peace 50 County Judge 40 " Clerk 400 “ Sheriff 300 “ Treasurer 350 “ Superintendent 300 “ Assessor 300 “ Coroner 25 “ Commissioners 250 “ Printing 250 “ Elections 350 “ Books and Stationery 75 “ Fuel and Light GO “ Miscellaneous 250 The following levies were order ed made: For General County purposes 24 mills, to be divided as follows: Ordinary Co. Rev. Fund 15 nulls Scalp Bounty 2 “ General School Fund 5 “ Special Contingent 2 “ A poll tax of SI.OO to be assess ed according to law. For Payment af Interest on County bonds, 1G “ For Payment of Interest on Bonds School Dist. No. 1.7 mills For Payment of Bonds School Dist. No. 1, 8 mills For Payment of Interest on Bonds School Dist No. 4, 12 mills For Payment of Bonds School Dist. No. 4. 15 mills Resignation of Gabriel Crill as Justice of the L’cace, accepted to take effect when his successor is duly qualified. On motion L. L. Knox is ap pointed constable, Precinct No 1 Baca county. The following claims allowed and clerk instructed to draw war rants on ordinary Co. Revenue fund in payment ol: Tlios. H. Godwin. 32.00 E. Hall. 9.G0 L. F. Mathews Co. Clerk 10.00 Minutes read and approved and Board adjourned. Special School levies as follows: Dist No. Mills Dist. No. Mills 1 3 25 5 3 5 2G S 4 G 31 5 5 10 33 5 12 15 35 8 14 15 40 15 18 2 41 10 20 15 43 9 Board visited jail and reported cells in good condition. County Treasurer instructed to pay a bounty of 50/ on coyotes, and $2.50 on grey wolves. Same |to be paid from the revenue of 1597, according to the law created by legislature of 1897, said coyote and wolve-- « hill, } }n !’• • i:i.i:ct:ox noth state of ( olorailo, I ( utility <>f liuen, i ’ l*n r.- it aii t to tlio provisions of Section Twenty ' one (21 1 of Chapter Thirty four (31; of the Gen- | rial Statutes of the Suite of Colorado entitled •• Election.-,"" not’.ee Is hereby given that a Gen- i oral Election will he held in the several voting preelncts in said County of Buca in the State o fore-ald,on the Tuesday sueeccdlug the first Monday In the mouth of November, A. 1). 18)7, to- wit: on the second (2) d of November, A. l>. 1817. That on said day the following olllecrs are to be elected, to wit: One .Judge of the Supremo Court of the State of Colorado. One District Attorney, within and for the 3rd Judicial District of the Statu of Colorado. One Comity Clock and Recorder. One County Treasurer. One* County Sheriff. One County Judge to fill vacancy, fine County Assessor. One County Commissioner within for Com* inlsuionor's District No. One One County Commissioner W .ldu and for j Commissioner's District No. Two, to fill vu- ; coney. One County Superintendent of Schools. One County Stirveyoiy. Ono County Coroner One Justice of the Peace for full term forencli Precinct In Comity. One Justice of the Pence to fill vacancy for each precinct in County. One Constable for each Jtudlce precinct In County, for full term. One Constable for each Justice precinct in County, to lill vacancy. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto ret my hand and olilelnl seal, at Springfield, Colo. this 23rd day of September A. I>. 181)7. rSKAf.. Lkwis F. Matiikw3. Couiitv Clerk. U’ IAYTsI CAM MAKE MONEY SELLING Jib AI H OUR SPECIALTIES NEEDED in rverv home anil by everv person. Wi«jtii:i: A Co.. Kcu’.iood Terrace, Station 1!. Chicago. Jil. !ia Po notbo deceived ky allurlce adrertlament* and think you cun get the best made, lineal llulsli and MOST POPULAR BEWII4C MACHINE! for a moro pone. Buy from reliable munufrirtururn that liavo Kilned a reputation by hcnoGt mid square d.-ullnk'- Tliera lsnon- ln the world that ran equal .:i niorhamral construction, durability of working I-irU, llnisiess of finish, beauty In appearance,or iuui as m.-.ny improvement*as the NSW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. Ohasok, Mass. Boston, Maks. 28 Union Cqvauz.N.Y. Cuicaoo, lu. Sr, Louis, Mo. liAi.UAa.TxxA>. tA!» FBaxcihco, Cal. Atlanta, Ua. FOR 6ALE DY At liny and Son, La Junta, Colo. F. MILTON FRIENI}, M. D* and SURGEON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. I’ref. Eye, Throat, Femalenml Surgical Diseases Office hours: 8 ton a. in., 1 to 3 and, 7toSp. m. 8 to 10 «. m. Sundays. Everybody Says So. Cascnrots Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the ape. p’eas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively ou liiducys. liver and bowels, cleansing tho untiro sysU m, dispel colds, euro hoadaohe, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Pleaso buy and try a box of (J. C. C. to-day; 10, 2T*. f.O cents. Sold and puuruntccd to euro by all druggists. Just What Miners Want. All who are, or expect to be, in terested in mines will be glad to know that Henry N. Copp, the Washington, (D. C.) land lawyer, has revised Cops Prospector’s Man uel. The mineralogical part of the work has been almost entirely re written by a Colorado mining on gmeer, who lias had years of ex perience as a prospector, assay el and superintendent of mines and United States surveyor. 'The book is a popular treatise on assaying and meneralogv. and will be found useful to all who wish to discover mines. The first part of the work gives the United States mining laws and regula tions, how to locate and survey a mining claim, various forms and much valuable inlormation. The price is 50 cents at the principal book stores, or of the author. f lho attention of mining men throughout the entire West is at present being directed to the pla cer diggings ol Bolivia, South America, from which locality the most alluring reports come, ll you have any idea of trying your lortunes in this country he sure and consult with Messrs. Shepperd & Cooper of the Chicago A Alton International Steamship Agency in Cooper building, Denver, who can give you correct and reliable information as to the shortest, quickest and cheapest way to reach the gold fields and can book you through lrom any point in the West. -vSX-rH-d-rH-HrHrHr'HrK-rH-i-t®);- S) AG E N TS — I WANTED for The Official Guide to the Klondike Country And tlic Gold Fields of Alaska. Retail Price $l.OO. Intensely interacting and strictly authentic The actual experiences of miners nml their I marvelous discoveries of gold The infornia- I lion contained in this hook lias boonnareful- I ly prepared from the most reliable sources, I and M ill he the means of lending thousands I to fortunes In the GOLD FIELDS OF TIIE NORTH I The hook contains 300 pages and is illus ■ trated with 32 full page photographs, taken t!H.«eciallv for this work, and also 8 pages .if sfflclal mans. I We are the sole puhilsm-re of ""The Official | Guide to the Country:" any other pub | lications purporting to he It are imitations. | Our usual coniuilsshiri*. I Send f>» cents at once for complete hook, j together iv'th •itls omMl*. STRAW HATS. Just received nice lot of straw lmts for Boys, Girls and Men. Prices very reasonable. FUR, FELT and WOOL Hats. Prices lower than ever for nob- j biest lot of cloth hats we ever had ! Bring your whole laimly and get wholesale rates on them. SI II RTS, PANTS & OVERALLS. Splendid invoice ol above goods nice patterns, good quality and reasonable prices. Can fit most anybody, and am making a speci ly of cottonades. OUR CLAIM. We claim our Boots and Shoes for all sizes are as good as can be ! bought anywhere for the money. | IN DRY GOODS and NOTIONS j we carry substantial qualities and aim to avoid all shoddies in Dress Goods. GROCERIES. Wo will hereafter sell provisions with tho lowest, quality consider ed. We are now buying lrom one ol the best firms in the East. WINDMILLS and SUPPLIES. We are agents for the largest firm in the U. S. and can get any thing vou want on short notice. Sole, Harness, Lace and Calf skin Leather, with Findings kept constantly on hand. Turpentine, Machine and Linseed oil and drugs on hand all the t imo. Flour, Feed and Hay always in stock. Dr. R. I). lIOMSHER & Co. STATE HOME For Dependent and Neglected Children. 033 Doct Street, Denver, Colorn-10. Will receive infants and children under IG years. For particulars regarding admission address the superintendent. ALASKA MAP. Taken from Slit* Into government surveys ahnw ing the area, rivers, volcanoes, towns, distances ami ni\ mountain pas.-us to the Klondike gold fields all in red Hues and figures. Also a hook of 28 pages containing a history of the purchase by the I . S. in 18 57 •»r Alaska and the Aleutian Islands (the home of the Seal). Also American ami ( anadian mining laws and necessary pro. ed tire In taking up and staking out claims, itntli man (12x24 inches) and Interesting book by mall for IX) cents In stamps. WINGER & CO. Stati nR. Chicago ft list UUrr CIVILSERViGE GILES via crr:wsKSSAi'n:A?mGoZC7ici;3, ...vest «■ av I, Army, Navy and Dipl <inatic l*..y lut.le., ’l* lb ibout Postal, Co tom-. Indian and >thcr public employments. E077 TO OET &1W THEM. Price 50c. For sale at the office *f this paper. A Haro Thing for You. A transaction iti which youcannot loseiur. sure thing. Biliousness, sielc headache, flir ted tongue, fever, piles ami a thousand othci ilia arc causod by constipation and sluggish liver. Casearots Candy Cathartic, the won derful now liver stimulant and iutesiina' tonic arc by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. (J. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., ‘A'.e , 50c. Sample and booklet free. See our big ad. Save Your Homestead Right. The Department of the Interior is sending out the following circu lar to the different land ofiices: Your attention is called to the provisions of an act of Congress, approved Dec. 29 '94, entitled “An act to amend section 3 of an act to wit tidraw certain public lands tom private entry, and lor other pur poses, approved March 2d 1889 Sec. 3 of the act. of March 2d ISB9 reads as follows: That whenever it shall be made to appear to the register and re ceiver of any public land office, under such regulations as the Sec retary of the Interior may pre scribe, that any settler upon the public domain under existing law is unable, by reason of a total or partial destruction or failure ol crops, sickness, or other unavoid able casualty, to secure a support for himself, herself, or those de pendent upon him or her upon the lands settled upon, then such reg ister and receiver may grant to such settler a leave ol absence from the claim upon which he or she has filed lor a period not, ex ceeding one year at any one time, and such settlers o granted leave of absence shall forfeit no rights by reason of such absence: I’rovided, That the lime of such actual ab sence shall not be deducted lrom the actual residence required by law. And tlie provision added there to by the amendatory act is as follows: That it any such settler lias here tofore forfeit ted his or her entry for any of said reasons, such per son shall be permitted to make entry of not to exceed a quarter section on any public land subject to entry under the homestead law and to perfect title to the same under the same conditions in ev ery respect as if he had not made the former entry. No party will be allowed to make a second entry under this act, un logs his Jormer entry is cancelled for any of the causes named, aris ing before December 20 1594. Tho applicant for such permis sion to make second entry will be required to file in the district land office having jurisdiction over the ami to submit testimony to consist ot his own testimony, corroborut- i od by tlie affidavits ot disinterest- J od witnesses, executed before the register or receiver or some officer in the district using a seal and au thorized to administer oaths, set ting forth in detail the facts on which he relies to support Ins np plication, and which must be suf ficient to satisfy the register and j receiver, who are enjoined to ex-, ercise their best and most careful I judgment in the matter, that his I former entry was in tact forfeited by reason of his inability, caused by a total or partial destruction or failure ot crops, sickness, or other unavoidable casualty, to secure a support for himself or those de pendent upon him, upon the land settled upon. | The facts to be shown embrace ! the following, viz: I. The character and date of the entry, date of cstablishingres- | idence upon the land, and what j improvements were made thereon j bv the applicant. II. How much land was culti-1 vated by the applicant, and lor what period ol time. 3. In case of failure or injury to crop, what crops failed or were injured or destroyed, to what ex tent, and the cause thereof. 4. lu case of sickness, what disease or injury, and lo what ex tent the claimant was thereby prevented from continuing upon the land, and if practicable a cer tificate from a reliable physician should be furnished. 5. In case of‘‘other unavoida ble casualty,” the character, cause and extent ol such casualty, and its effect upon the land or the claimant. G. In each case full particulars upon which intelligent action may be based by the register and re ceiver. Live Stock and Grain Reports. The best live stock and general market reports published in any Denver paper will be found each day in the Denver Times. Quo tations on all livestock in Denver, Chicago, Kansas City, St Louis and Omaha, and the grain markets and produce markets at all im portant points are given together with much general gossip and news relating to the live stock and grain interests. Movements of stock will be found to be accu rately reported. The Times is the only paper in Colorado giving complete and accurate stock market reports. FUNK A WAGNAL STANDARD DICTIONARY is everywhere acknowledged by Educators, Scholars, the Press, and the Public to be THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. !t is the Latest an Most Complete. Contains 301.8)5 word-, many thousand more than any other dictionary ever pub lished. More than SO'•U.O'Uwcru expended In it-* production. ‘-'4? Specialists anti Ed itors were ongnged In 111* preparation. :ts Definitions a re Clcarand Exact. President Milne, of New York State Nor mal College. Mays Itp* definitions are best to be found anywhere. Scores of critics say llit; saina. Its Et mologies are Sound. They arc especially commended by the Atlantic .Monthly, boston, the Weatminla tert;azet te. London, Sunday School Timet-, Philadelphia, and scores of others. It fc a Government Authority. It is in use in all the departments of the I'nited States Government nt Washington, and nil the departments of the Dominion of Csnadn. Government exnerls give it the preference on all disputed points. It is Adopted in the Public Schools of New York City an«l elsewhere. Its new educntioiiiil features sire extremely valua ble in training pnplla to n correct use of words, capitals, hyphens, etc. In illustra tions nre superb. Its tables of coins, meas ures. nnd weights, plants, animals, etc., are exhaustive mid cannot be found elsewhere. It is Most HighlyCommcnded. Never has a dictionary been welcomed with such unanimous and unqualified praise hr the press, the great universities, and by ed ueators and critics throughout the English speaking world. Americans are proud of it. Englishmen admire it. The l.on.'on Times says: “The mci It* of the Standard Dictionary are indisputable and are abundantly attested by a large number of tiniiu peaehablo authorities’” The New York Herald *avs: ‘•The Standard Dictionary is a triumph In tin; art of publication . It is the most satisfactory and mostcomplctc dictionary yet printed." The M.’.Dunes liudgct (Gazette). London, pays : ‘■The Standard Dictionary should be the pride of literary A merlca, as it is the admiration of liter ary England.” Sold by Subscription only. AGENTS WANTED. PRICES: In 1 vol. In 2 vola. Half Husain, - - - »15.00 *lB.OO Full Russia, - - - 18.0) 22.0 C Morocco - 22.00 20.00 If no Agent inyonr town sendyour subscription to Funk ii Watjnnlls Co.. 30 Lafayette P nee. New York Descriptive Circulars sent on application. THE DENVER TIMES is the only daily paper in the West which pays special attention to the daily Live Stock market quotations „„,i gossip. «1.-25 IY>r fbroo mmill'S. THE Thrice-a-Week Edition. Thrice-a-Week Edition. IS I’iigcs a Week. lot! Papers a War. FOR ONE DOLLAR. Published every Alternntj Day except Sunday. Tito Thrice-a-Week Edition of The Now York World is first i among all “weekly” papers in ; 6izc, frequency of publication, and I the freshness, accuracy anil va I riety of its contents. It lias all (he merits of a great $G daily :.t I the price ol a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, com i plete, accurate ami i npailial as all its readers will testily. It is against the monopolies and for | the people. It prints the news of jail the world, having special cor respondence lront all important j news points on the globe. It has j brilliant, illustrations, stories by i great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, depart ments for the household and the women's work and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this uncqiialcd news paper and the HERALD together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.25. THE MUNSON —TYPEWRITER IS A Cool> lIAf him:. 11 igii-Gradk STANDARD of kxoellnck The MUNSON contains more im portant leatures than any other one Typewriter. Investigation solicited- Address for particulars, The Munson Typewriter Co., m a n r fa err treks, 240-:.! 1 West Lake Sticct, Chicago, Illinois. & C\J Your address, with *ix cents V - f in sumps, mailed to our Hcad !> .1 qiiaiteis, II Flint St., Vision, N V. i! fj >! I**., will brir.g you a full line /h~rl | I of simples, and rules for scll ». !J, (k )\ I I measurement, of our justly fa “J *r {'III t-oui ts>:: pants : Suits. <K>.‘J5 ; O < kLjillJ Overcoats, < 10.25,and up. Cut T *" ,( "m j order. Agents wanted every % Plyrnouth Rock Co. Subscribe For THE COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE. The only morning daily pub lished m El Paso County. $1.75 for three months. Large Sample Rooms for Com- House Refitted Through mercial Men. Reason- out. First-class Ac able Rates. coin modat ions. SILVEBSTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. /O|ANDV CATHARTIC ii i: \| CURtCOHSTIPATIOH |i 25*50* DRUGGISTS £ Ori■■ ■ I] I IHT_ rASCAHET'I CAir.IKKTB ■■ ■ i r( • a 5 tiisto good. F«t Ihpi ■ tncroaso ttio tow of A A . ft CANDY l!i£S\“„Ti.K'.lE BOON FOR .11 fln tho mouth, leaving by the mother makes ¥ Ii) Vm DITUIBTID f tho broatti sweet and bur milk mildly purg- V IfaTUSDO I ' \ V I nfln 110 y perfumed. It Is a alive and liuh u rulld V fn'J I iibflO J i (I | Areal plensuro to tiiko but curtain effect on f _ _ 9\ ’ \ mm mi them limtead of Dnu- tlie baby, tbo only ■ • "• »••••••••■ , 0 seating liquids or cannon-bull pills. oafe laxative for tbo babe-lx-aruis. | f V »■»<»— atMimer. CANCAKETN .... (ASIARkTN ■OW \ i I • % ore purely vegetable are liked hytbecbll- fir I DIIQCI V In ml contain no mer- dren. They tasto D] PACE f \ ill rUltwLI Icurlal or other min- pood and do pood. rLCRiC Xij I X Irral poison. They stop wind-colic nnd I \ SI VEGETABLE t < t rented las dlseov- I drive off worms, and THE CHILDREN |# V# f cred nnd nro a scion- sell kinds of par*- _____ ft i . k '*** * » »« • • title combination sues that live In tbo ■■ ■■•••••••••■ . i I I never before put together lu anv form. bowels of the growing child. | ’ \ n rssai.rsi CANCABKTfI ... CASCARETfI, ssesse s ■■■■■■■ , ) IF f 1 are nntlsoptlo. That tnkeu patiently, per- I ’ \I AIITICEDTIO I means they atop un- slstentfy.arogucran- PIIRP A 1 1 I HlfllOCr IIW X digested food from teed to cure any case UUnC (P \I I souring In tbo atom- of constipation, no _ _ . f I LAXATIVE 5 nientatmn In the I obstinate, or rur- fOl lARANTEED # A I f bowels and kI’I die- chase money win be y ■ ■ •mmmm mm mm gornis of any cheorfully refunded u ® • | r I kind that breed and feed In tbo system. by your own druggist. s ! nven ItS’.ViiISJStauSSJ H F ALTH i | STIMULANT =ss=l >0 CENTS {<» condition, making h?',. I !rh^lßori’tTlst delay their action easy and natural. health. Don t risk delay. X ot Don't judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They | are new, unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. . Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased yet V The your money back! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. (' “aoworoor*” Sample and booklet mailed free- Address<• Imitations ! CTERUNa nCMEOY CO., chicaooi Momsrat, c*n.i miwvcrk. 238 i) r <■) Tc'ctccn Habit or ir- ncy refunded. Mnicen woalt men f , . , r , : r w.ji a f.ti'j intari’-ntevd t y all Get booklet. DJ-.ALEHS, mm There aro single retail shoo atorea In our largo cities \. blc’.i sell 2.000 pairs of aboes a duy, making le t prolil <T s2‘*o,ooo a year. We sell shoes low, i.ut \. e sell a great umnypatra, tbo cloar prollt om (, ir !..<!i• s', ntisnes’ nti.l childrens’ blioos Is nt laast t -ii cee.tsa pair, atid on > r mens’nnd boys’ shoe* | 1'• ecu's n pair. Wo shall estublish ahoo stores In 1 ci-It or the fifty largest «tlf.< nof tho U. H.,nnd If ‘ they f. H only 3-dO j«airH of ebocs n day they would j r.i. a $ 1 <•: a y- i-. Wo should bo able to pay a y-ririy il'.vi !• :i.l’t l 5.2’< orovrr 50 per cent. I n voir, ii” \. C ■>, ! I tho StOCIC Bt flO | T hv j.: it: ■ i ti: t itably l»o much mura Ilia', i olt share. N . »:n. k has ever t>ecn sold ut lets I’t ;i t? |::ltr, \,!:i bis Its par value. Bt'-ck met.- . -a’ . I fur;- s.rated. Capital #1,000,000. Wo hat ■ ' rJ,< t rtockholdcrs, and tbo nurabor I Is liicri .i t::. : daily. Home of tho principal htock i h'<! if- tire TB. V.a'.; •• N. Y.t I. J. I’ultiT, Botun ; A. Jr tv ; J. d. Cam; Ik IS. Chirac v| W. At. uiieli. I.iPs-L, A t.j1.11. K h. Chicago:J. F. | Tir - ■ r. 1 ilt : It. Hauling, ii. Y.; I J. I’ajrua, lUUIc C.t-r .. Mu . ; L\ l’. IlulltUr. Arcatla. N. Y. V, nte fer a prospoctun containing tlie names of our stoekholdf re, ole., or send an ordtr for, r,., in •/ cachin '* cfin k, eaih or tnouru order. t>i loro tdkun for one or more shams. I'noo, $lO OEXTEII SHSE DO., "VSAXOS? /L'cn't ll'irn/ctt WORK FOR US n few days, nnd you will be startled at the nnox pcctetl success Hint will reward your efforts. W n positively have tlie best business to offer an agent Hint ren be found on tlie face of tills earlli. • 15.00 profit on »75 (HI worth of business is being easilv ami honorably made by and paid to hundreds <>f men, women, boys, nnd girls In om employ. Yon can make money faster at work few us than you have any idea of. The business is so easy to learn, anti Instructions so simple amt plain, that all succeed from the start. Those who tako bold t*f Ibe business reap the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of tho ‘ oldest, most successful, and largest publishing bouses iu America. Set-urn for vourself the profits t tmt the business so readily and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, ami more than realist! their greatest expectations. Those who try ir Hud exactly «•* we tell them. There Is plenty ot' room for a few more workers, and we urgo them to begin at once. If you arc already em ployed, but Imre a few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write ut at once (for tills is vour grand opportunity), and receive full pntficulurs bv return mall. Address, XllfE & CO., Jfox No. 400, Augusta, Me. Wilg¥’sTteel SIS? ‘^ ,l 1 constructed n n-t laWfeltAfE-Cg i j r .1 rr I'lo. Awartlcd <^SII A IgSEf-q y World’s fair W- Oalvan'r.ed Riet-I 'ffi\ Vd X-V.Z+y or"? e:. 'tt'iNbisib Utb l j|j] »?/ Kent, cod Terrace. Dilcogo