Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Vol. XI. L. A. WIKOFF EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Entorod atthcpo.-tomecat Sprlngllcld Colorado, ub s.'. (.ii.l-clttb« matter. SUHaCUIPTION. - - ?l 4.1 PER YEAR Invariable in advance. Piildldicd Frlllav of cacii week. ADVERTISING RATES. 75 cento pci Inch, single column, each month. No prefered position given. It wolnesH Locals, 10 cents per line each Insertion. 1,..-:, i locution, IS coats per line oni hlnst rtlon. 1,15a ai. Anv.: Final proof notices $5.00, single Contest notices $3.00 each. Ail otker legal printing tuhjeet to n rate of 10 cents per line for llrst insertion,:» cents for each additional—nonpareil measure, nine words t<» « line, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will be strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January Ist 1806 the* sub script ion rates of the Herald will he $1.25 per year, if paid in ad vance. Subscriptions to the lead ing: papers, magazines and period icals. taken in ooj»|e£tion with the Herald at reddHlprices. Foraker is sharpening his blade lor Ilanna. The fun volition of live stock growers wiil hold its annual meet ing in Denver, January 25th. Dogs are killing sheep by the dozen near Manzanola. 1 he dogs should be annihilated. Gov. Adams has issued his Thanksgiving proclamation for the 25th. Is your Turkey ready? England and France are having a tilt over their African possess ions and war talk is indulged by the papers. Now that, the election is over t he big dailies will pay more at tention to the war (?) between this country and Spain. We understand that Ross has a majority of 36 over McOhesnev in this Judicial district. It is riimoroil tllli eloctlOIl ul RoSS will be contested. A Manzanola ranchman reports that he has taken 11000 pounds ol' honey irom 100 stands of bees during the past season. That is equal to $1000 per acre. Frost in the south has . put a stop to the ravages of yellow lev er. Frost lias been two weeks later in making an appearance and the disease has held out with much virulency. As the official count in Colora do progresses, Gabbert.’s majority increases. In place of Haca going 200 majority to Havt, 5 is the to tal, and El Faso gives him 1,800 in stead of over 5,000 as claimed at first. Another freight rate war is on between the railroads and the steam ship lines. The railroads are making a reduction all along the line from New York to Colo rado common points. The indi cations are that price will lie cut in the next tew days. The Georgia Legislature is in a fair way to stop foot ball playing in that state. A bill passed the house 91 to 3 that makes it un lawful to play match games or a game where a fee is charged for admission. A state university student recently lost lus life in a game. Mineral Day has been inaugur ated by Salida and the first cole brat ion will be held on the 20th of this month. The managers send out a very cordial invitation to all to attend and promise to barbecue oxen, sheep and pigs and overlay these delicious roasts with Arkansas valley potatoes. The Ohio legislature is so close that much lighting may be looked for over three or lour seats. Five mojonty on joint ballot is all the republicans claim and several of these had so narrow a race that it required the official count to <le termiue who was entitled to the seat. With five majority Ilanna may have trouble to succeed him self in Die United States Senate. Rome are known to oppose him but a caucus may settle all oppo OFFICIAL COUNT. The following is an abstract of the official count of the votes cast in Hacu Comity, Nov. 2, 1897. Names of Candidates. o • ' q|. S- p ?.■ *Q (7 • O 2. i : s : : S’ : a. ; •••**• Supreme Judge. | II I Willliiim 11. Oabberl, 11. I* 22 15 13 3!) 4 32 !»•> Charles D. lluyt, JK |l9 IS 9 54 0 4 110, -j Dist. Attorney. j I i, „ I ... Arthur C. McChesnev, D 1 23 ! i t 11 4-0 ° t- GU» Kobert H. 1 25,20| 10 jOO 0 0 153, -0 Countv Clerk. j j { l , ' (iooi-ge U. Ivonkcl, D 20 : 20 12 30 4 32 111. Kugene 11. Whitaker, It ;25j 23 10 |OB 0 i US, o’- Treasurer. I I I Alfred B. Allen, D 30 j 23 IS 51 5 li 144; 2d Jesse F. Ilamson, R 22 j 2*2 13 54 5 -3, 119 Assessor. I | J _ Thomas F. Milligan, R 1 20 33 15 6i 7 1 ‘4J. l 8 Jesse W. White, D j34j lb 16 39 3 lo 121, Judge. I J ’ .Milton Gordon, 1) ! *27 19 22 50 -1 b> i<i R. I). Homslicr, R 23 j 25 8 54 6 3 119 Sheriff. j 1 . . , S. W. Cole, R 19 ! 28 15 76 9 1 lot 44 Joseph F. Newberry, D j3sj 19 16 27 1 12 110, Commissioner Frst Dist. I __ Elijah Hall, D !35 21 23 4 1 5 li ol oi W. M. Stewart, R 19 22 S o o Jl4. Commissioner Second Dist. . . J . Samuel L. Florey, D 31 29 20 48 2 U W. 11. Konkel, R !21 17 11 00 S 5, lb. Superintendent. I J , lvl'.vin O. Myere, R 28 23 12 in G 7 I<*3l 1 Elizabeth R. Shannon, D 27 ,23 18 47 4 13 132 Coroner. .J, , 0 Wilson Edwards, D 132| 26 25 lo 0 15] 145148 sition and give, the biggest politi cal boss in the United States a place in congress. Sir.ce the election last Tuesday the Republicans have discovered that nothing but local issues were involved in any ot the states out side of Kansas.—Denver Times. A Santa Fe train was robbed re cently, beyond Albuquerque, N. M. The robbers took possession and blew the express company s ite open with dynamite. It is supposed tliev secured consider- j able booty. Officers have trailed tlie robbers but have tailed to catch them. New York has Tannnanv sad- j died tinnly upon her again. For the past few years Tammany has been out of power and some* head way made in reforming. While t lie organization of Tammany is to be admired for its perfect and j systematic working, it is so pow erful and corrupt that it is to be feared when in control of govern ment. The beauties ol the Dinglv bill tariff on sugar is amply illustrated by the tact that under its work ings the sugar beet raiser gets an advance of 25 cents per ton on his product while the manufacturer gets an increase oflrom $1.85 to $2.10 per ton in his profits. The farmers increase will hardly more than pav for the extra price on the sugar lie consumes, while the sugar trust is reaping a harvest of j something like $10,000,000 per month on its congressional invest ments.—Denver Times. Washington Star: In the elect ions ol yesterday the Republican party met with defeat. The re sult is not to be measured by the returns from lowa, Massachusetts and i’ennsylvania, lor those are Republican slates at all times, but m circumstances the most ex ceptional. The real contests were in New York, Ohio, Maryland and Kentucky, where national issues were sharply drawn, and where the Republicans had the prestige jot the two substantial victories ol 1595 and 1596 to aid them. Yet they lost. In Ohio the issue of bossism was coupled with the issue of sound money. Endorsement of the administration likewise was nil issue. Such a campaign seem ed to call fora conspicous show of the sound money strength devel oped in the cities ot the slate last year. But in all the cities the leg islative tickets which represented j the national issues were knifed I w ilhout mercy. In Kentucky the issue was strictly national. The Bryamtes | boldly challenged the Republic ans to another silver contest on SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 12, 1897. the silver question, and they have won. The Republicans, indirectly had assistance both troin the gold Democrats and from the populists, but, even with that were out voted. Another day like yesterday is certainly not lo be desired by the friends of sound money. What is Paternalism? When opponents of postal sav ings banks have no other object ion to offer to the establishment ol 1 the system m the United States they take refuge in the assertion that it is “paternalistic,” assuming that such a declaration establishes their position. The indefiniteness of the term paternalism does, indeed, make it difficult to attack the position of those who hide behind its pro tecting shadow. All government is and must be in a sense patern alistic. Therefore the only con sistent opponent ol paternalism in all its forms is the anarchist, and it is notable that among the coin ments on 'l’he Record's postal sav ing's bank bill by workingmen and trade unionists the only op position expressed was by a few men of avowedly anarchistic no tions ot government. When the state undertakes to protect its citizens from violence and theft it is in a sense paternalistic. All the tilings which the government undertakes to do for the benefit of the people might be called pa ternalistic. Jlie public schools, the tire department, the post office, are all paternalistic institutions, yet without them a people would he lacking in important elements ol civilization. Generally the term paternalism is taken to imply offensive activ ity in looking out for tlie supposed interests of the people and in reg ulating their a flairs on the part of a government that is outside of and above the people. In the United States Iho government is j the people, and is engaged in carrying out their will. The at- I tempt of a free and sell-governing people to use their government for a fostering of helpful institu tions is co operation, not paternal ism. 'File value of the latter term as a catch phrase in opposition to the postal bank system consists in insinuating into it certain notions ot autocratic rule which have no 1 place in tins country. Paternalism implies depend ence. The object of the establish nient of postal savings banks iu the United States is the very re verse of this. The effect of the system would be lo develop© self reliance and independence.—Chic ago Record. P A O 7-1 82,100 PiILfJ=.J3FFER * and INVENTOR’S ASSISTANT 82::? FEES !9 sit n rscseit. Vt:a.vr:a3a,ko7i. rltli sal all?sa e»a get patftu. Wealth nay bo yours. Will yea try barl *cr it 7 W: ti - - r<-,. , » tbs IttVZHTOEO rSOItCTION E’JEZAU, - Waoiiar'.ca, t. C. The Hick's 1898 Almanac and Paper. We are informed that the 1898 Almanac ol Prof. Irl llieks is now ; ready, and judging trom its past history, it will not he manv weeks j iu finding its way into homes: and offices till over America, il ! is much larger and finer than any previous issue. It contains 116 pages, is suL-n li llv printed and j illustrated on line hook paper, having I lie finest portrait ever given ol Prof. Hicks. 11 can no longer be denied that the publica tions ot Pit J' Picks have become a necessity to the family and com mercial life ot this country. 1 iis journal. “Word and Works,” aside from its storm, weather and astro nomical leature::, has taken rank with the l est literary, scientific and family magazine ot the age Do not believe hearsay and reports See lli • Picks Almanac and paper for yourself. You will then know why they are so popular. They are educators of tlie millions, and unrivaled safeguards to property and human life, it is matter ol simple record that Prof. Hicks has foretold for many years all great storms, floods, drouths and torna does, even the recent terrible drouth all over the country. The Almanac alone is 25 cents a copy. The paper is SI.OO a year with the Almanac as a premium. Send to Word and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Locust st.,St. Louis, Mo. A Muro Thins for Von. A transaction in which .vom-amiot loser a suretbiug. biliousness, si. !: hcndacln . fur red tongue, fever, piles mut a thousand other ills arc caused by constipatimi and sluggiuh liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the won derful new liver .viimulaut tmd idles.iuul tonic uro i-y ail druggists ft- isran teed to euro or money refunded, tC C. nro_ a sure thing. Try a box today; 10e., 2>e.. LCe. Sample and booklet. free. Sco our big ad. aUta Winger’s Steel iirftSLT r A«inM r ' rj World'* Fair 111 - •« u J ploina nnd Mt>dal. •' Tf Qalvnnlztt'l B'cel atP*) Tank*. KeKUlator* amir.rlnd- V/J|U yyAM/ *r«. k. h. tvnvuKit, 534 Kenwood Termer, Cblcaco. Everybody Taya Co. Cu3caret3 Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical disco*, cry of the a £.o, pleas ant and rei'r. slnug to the tusio, net gently and positively on Kidneys, liver nnd bowels, cleansing thentire syst- m. dispel colds, cure liesduel it*, i.-.vv, hahitmd constipation and hi : i.»u.mesa. Please buy end try a box of C. C. 1 1 day; 10. 2.*>. AOcenis. Bold and to cun; l.y all drupgists. 4::-. .g ■ • ; X gy • AUffl EW $ Q£A LbllSv, Ayer’s Pills Are compounclcu with tlie view to general usefulness and adaptability. They arc composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar-coating, which readily dis solves in the stomach, preserves their full medicinal value and makes them easy to take, either by old or young. For constipation, dyspep sia, biliousness, sick headache, and the common derangements of the Stomach, JAvcr, and Bowels; also, to check colds and fevers, Ayer’s Pills Are the Best Unlike other cathartics, the etTecfc of Ayer’s Pills is to nlrcngthcn the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ac tion. Doctors everywhere prescriho them. In spite of immense compe tition, they have always maintained their popularity as a family med icine, being in greater demand now t lain ever before. They arc put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer’s Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them? Ayer’s PsSls •• il by Dr. .7. C. Ay «*r & On.. Lowell, Sold by nil Uruggißt*. k Every Oc&o Effective WANTED-AN IDEASSS^IffiSfi thliu? to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may bilnc you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEIt- HUiIN Se CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, JJ. C.. for their SI,SOO prize oiler. Subscribe For TILE COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE- The only morning daily pub lished in El Paso County. $1.75 lor throe months. THE MUNSON —TYPEWRITER IS A (3003) MACHINE. IIKiH-GnADESTAXDAUDOP EXCIU.LN'CK The MUNSON contains more im portant features limit any other one Typewriter. Investigation solicited* Address for particulars, The Munson Typewriter Co.. M ANUFACTrUKJtS, C4O--U West Lake Street, Chicago. Illinois. *, G7\ Yuur acldres*, wiih six cents A i n sian,, s, m.-.iicd to our llead -i". 1 ‘l’ , otcis, II Eliot St., llolud, v Til i u ,„ will brii) 6 you a full line l2 7*~n ! ll siniplts, ana rules for stlf l' t , j | I! measurement, of our justly fa -3 2- I' j j I J mous 8S pants : Suits <13.05; O i f lli 11 Overcoats, #10.25, and tip. Cut y fL D '/‘OJ in order. Agents wanted 1/111 • where. Plymouih Reck Co. THE DENVER TIMES is ihe only daily paper in the West which pays special attention to tiie daily Live Stock market quotations ~„.i gossip. @1.25 for three months. @5.00 per year. STATE HOME for Dependent an:! Neglected Children. 033 Bert Street, Denver, Colorado, Will receive infants and children under 16 years. For particulars regarding admission address ihe superintendent. ALASKA MAP. Taken from the late government survey.- .-how ing Ihe area, river.'. voU-iuko-towns dt-tnio-i*- nit -1 r- 1 , \ ii ll >ll ll Utlii pas-e- to KlomliUe gold licbls nil in red i , ;;urCH. Al*o a book ~f -js piiir*-.- rontuliiiiig :i Id-t-o v •>.* tin* pinriia-.- byllic- I'. sin ii7 «»f Alaska am! tin- \h-utkin Islnmltt (the home of the Seal). Alm> \>i •• loan nad t aii.'tdiau mining laws and lierr-sary ! roced iire in taking lip and -inking out rlaimr. both i tap - I-’\'M in. In • ami liiten- m g book !■> mull for 11 . rid-. In .tamps WING Elf & GO. F. WILTON FRIEHOt M. D* and SUK'JEOS'. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. , l»ref. Kye, Tlirot t, FemaloandStn . c il DltciM j ofilco hours: Bto On.iu., Ito 5 nuil, 7toB p. v.. S to 19 a. m. i. '| iw ite«l /sva s a# ill I | Do no* h»> dr-olvT-l by alluring ftdr<.-rtl*cnicnb'n:i.l | tbio’t ion can rot the best, fliu-at flnl.-h ami MOST POPULAR SZWiriO MACHINE for i\ more song. Huy from roiiablo lrnnufarturcni h.ito min.-d a r.-nulntlon by hon.-xt and wiunra dralln--. Thc-rx Ik non.. In I lie world (lint inn i-.-unl In in -I'lmni.-nl i-oii struct lon, duruliihty of workintr C iriM. ilin n.-ss ..f Ihilsli, li.-a.ity in aiipennoi'-*., or hoj in many iuiprovonirntu a.i tl.<- NEW HOME. IVRiTE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. Or..*nor. Mars. Ho*TO!f, M.ahs. 28 Vstoy Sokahk.N.Y. t IUCA-,0, lu. Sr, T.OLIS, Mo. D.AI.T.AS. TEXAS. Sa.-: K4;aj.tisco, Cai» Atlanta, Ga. FOR OAIE DV Atlinv and son, La Jun'.a, Colo. ULi 5 D ,p CIVIL SERVICE dilfS '.out I'jsui, I-V'.-.-mi-.-r.-d '"o • >n-. Itv*i..n and ■r [ til.c r rn J<<. r.ii 11C **" ? ' • tee sot. Tor sale at Ihs office «f thio paper. \I ’ I.’ YTvI CAN MAKE MONEY SELLING AllJ'ilM O OUR SPECIALTIES NEEDED In every home anil l>\ every per-on. koi a 1 ■ nw aTcrj tec, 11| pi) R. Ch cairo. 111. I A|g|ANSV CATHAB11C | s i | I $ | ss 4 so* druggists *> t’ f OA9CAHETO CA8C.1UET3 \ *> a t"-«ie irootl. Kat them la.-reuee tlio How or A ft \ ->| CJLHDY |;; ; BOSH FOB tl GATBARTSS L ; ?, r Hd“H‘ p Hj MOTHERS |J ? ft i ru.-.l tmiiauro to into butc*ru!a flfecl on # Q& \ g it,■_•!.. n 1.1 tea-1 of uau- tho l«»: .the only *•**« ri »oo«irriw»* B »i \ « ecntlug li'juM j or caunon*ball pills. Lafo IuxuUto for U10 tabc-ln-urais. fl rc-'»>?.< , rf,'»-i'riirKfc,vsin CARO Alt r.TN .... CASOATCETSj u r>& «o««<»i T L RMpr; v |nr”»coauun‘n'0 1" 8!“n. 'fiisr umuJ r*: £A«3P £ \ -5 a l Ul.--.t- 5 Jcmlai os other ruin- , ■ "l a*:'! Jo fo.::\, a k S.klH jl. J. O . II VE8ETSBLS fffiSWa&’SfJK SR,WitflK:sa{ THE GHiLDREH|j> \ Mile 1 com bV iYu on vi'toe tlmt'liv'- f'-ti'c M«n>«*»•'•» rug— ><o S * 3 cover before put locolhc r In nnv form. bowel* of tbo (trowing child. W A i.ASr.l KF.TS ... OA* CA N.V.TR. *.> s .»o : >b.->»ssto®j A II ANTISEPTIC f.' .’ yAAy CURE U #1 LAXATIVE iSD&rinc ?SSv?£| GUARANTEED It t -t—-r„ - c-i. - jS'owol.i 1111*1 kni <Hs. c wiiM'tj I A f kind that breed mid lucJ !u * by your own driiKglst. \ . — . , - r , _ . rirpi irpi'q .... CA8CASETM ns.-oaoj.-*.r-Kr-aa<-i v U S time *liu ntoinach 11 ml . {,{ .1 - • V X V' if vm , . gKfgh&d IS i STiKiiLAsr f&sRs$s& Fes id cents i 1 !„,m,,.i .,.1 SSZXl m'liiSr jp<"■•■■..• A \ '.lair action ena, and natural. ‘ b.»Hh. Boa t t-lck tlaltty. ? judge GASC’iRETS by othermedicines you have tried. They i < are nev.y unlifcc anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior. V f - t y 3 ssjk.-n>3S i Try a <0: box tcr-clay, if not pleased get? $ rVi' ' i ’■ i Tiro i your money back! Larger bones, 25cor 50c. 0 f fe.i'l(;3 0: Bowaro of°‘ Samnle and booklet mailed free- Address 0 A imlie tioiio I ' STERLING REMEDY CO.. CMICAOC: KONTHtAU can.i HZ.X YOaK. 233 a) inti p-3 cure3 Tol>r; -. o Habit or money refunded. Makes woalc men R strong. Sold and guaranUcd by r.ll druggLits. Uet booklet. Lni'gu Stimple-Kooma lor Oom liouso Itofitted Tliroagli inercml Men. Itcason- out. Firs' class Ac able Hates. commodatione. SILVERSTATK HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT; Prop. Norlli of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. K^Ss5SEE^®5SKE:S®KSSaESSS!| ; ’ P: A Proof of Quality | a * This name-plate with our trade- Joi k.ji k mark of <4 lion’s head in wheel” l * s on cvcr Y gtnuine Monarch Kiev ■ w cle f and is recognized tlie world S?V over as a proof of quality. It is a poM guarantee of strength, speed and dur * it *, u. t\ ability, e’i* It represents the Lest prod- rs* i \ 'La VyA uct of the finest equipped bicycle H factory in the world. go ri jay, V\ / . \ *1 safety, comfort and satisfaction in Kit K? Fo-idnga e« ut K MonaTcfi | H * ...Tandems $150 jjjj K “RIDE A MONARCH f<2 H AND KEEP IN FRONT” [>3 KiJ ’Bb. ”5 If you cannot afford to buy a Mon- Fo*) JP* r > arch, the next best are our Defiance, »■_?* ** * £*** * thoroughly high-grade wheels and Vc * r*3 cheap in price only. %.'* Six styles for £■*) jJ-h children and adults — $40, $50 and » W CjV v $60. e't Fully guaranteed, u* Send ><£a for Catalogue. iS u- w*-* <S* QA Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., jjj Lake, Hakted and Fulton Sts., 33 Reade St., H CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. Jgj Hyfesl W I I^C’VifSO 9^ L - -ufiu \ v c Jo iL.. £ y &2sJ CJ A LL who are interested in furthering; the sale of lion. ■,. ■/. Brysn’s new bocU should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The wcik will contain xtfSpK An account of Itis campaign tour . . . jiis lr:jr;rt:p!iy, urilton by l.iu wife . . - . . J7 Elis me.-;, t fir-portent rpr-erbe-s .... t'- - . '■-.: * ■ - T- '' —. ... ... -. . . It ' \ ino rcsssilsof Lap ce.irtpnipn of IS'-JG. A review of poKtice! f-ituolion . . c> AcaciiM-rrs wanted <& Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-haif of ah royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There arc already indications of an enor mous sale. Address NY. S. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, *-i 1-351 Dearborn St..-CHICAGO. ""D“FRICF'S ' flic only Pure Cream ofTartar I’owdci —NoAiamonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Hojjics —\o Years the Standa’d. No. 12.