Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. mmnanmuD. «olobado. To lose our charity In defense of our religion Is to sacrifice the citadel to maintain the breastworks. Constant success shows us but one side of the world, for jt surrounds us with flatterers who will tell us only our merits, and silences our enemies* from whom alone we might learn our defects. A volume treating of the returns of the latest federal census haj< Just been issued at Washington. It has come out In Its turn. This is a splen did system of ours and there is rea son to believe that In the course of a few decades we will be able to know something about the nation as it was a quurter of a century ago. Serious calamity is reported to have befallen the crops In nearly every part of Ireland. The situation Is most ser ious nlong the Atlantic seaboard, where the potato crop, which is almost the sole dependence of the population, lias heon ruined by blight and a wet sum mer. The excess of rain has inflicted injury also upon hay and grain. The harvest in general is described as the worst since 1879, when there was great distress. The stride of the German soldier is thirty-one and one-half, inches, with a cadence of one hundred and twelve steps a minute. The French soldier has a stride two inches shorter, and a cadence of one hundred and fifteen Bteps a minute. The difference typi fies the methodical character of the one nationality and the mercurial tem perament of the other. Far distant be the day when these varying steps shall meet in a hostile onset! An English inventor lias contrived an instrument, which he calls the “dromograph,” intended to record the time and photograph the finish of a race, whether of horses, athletes or bi cycles. When, at the start, the con testants break a cord an electric bell rings and a chronograph begins to re cord the time. The breaking of the string at tlie finish stops the chrono graph and at the same Instant exposes a photographic plate, on which the po sition of the contestants at the end of the race is recorded. Utah is increasing in population faster than any state in the Union. Her mines, her fields and her factories yield their fullness of wealth annually. The best people in America are set tling within her borders. One hun dred towns and villages have popula tions of nearly 2,500 each, showing how equally the population is distrib uted. There is one thing, however, that Utah needs very much. There is a scarcity of printing presses. Thirty one of the towns referred to have no printing offices and no newspapers. It would seem that this is a condition that cannot exist for any great length of time. The heat of competition and the overcrowding of trades ami professions is the subject of anxious consideration among young men and their well wishers; hut the fuct remains that everywhere are places calling for the satisfactory occupant. In a large town in one of the populous middle states threo congregations are vainly search ing for acceptable pastors; two young doctors, returned from careful instruc tion and practice in foreign hospitals, have, in spite of dire predictions to the contrary, built up large practices; and a manufacturer in the same town de clares that he has two positions of five thousand dollars' salary each which he is anxious to fill. Nor is the situation in this town unique. Mediocrity Is not wanted, hut in every line of work ex ceptional ability is in increasing de mand. The ex-governor of one of our wealthiest states said to the writer the other day: “When I read an or dinary little country newspaper (something he does several times ev ery day) and then turn to one of our great metropolitan papers I at once observe the chasm that Is dividing the newspapers of the country Into two classes, on one side of which is the country paper, with its homely, honest ways, and on the other the hired mud machine of an anonymous assassin. A conflict between these two elements Is now at hand. The metropolitan is In vading the territory of the country editor, and it is the latter's duty to drive It back, not only as a means of self-protection, but to protect the mor als of his community. The average metropolitan paper is immoral in more ways than one. It plants seeds of poison wherever it goes.” To all of which we say amen. Country people ought to support the home paper. Whether it is Democratic, Republican, Populistic, Prohibitionist, it should be taken in preference to the “metropoli tan mud machines.” New York pneumatic mail tubes cover only the most important needs of the city for the rapid transit of mails, but they demonstrate what will be gained by extending them. The time elapsing between the forwarding and receipt of a mall in the under ground tubes is measured In seconds. According to the auditor’s report for 1895 Cook county people own only $12,05-1 worth of diamonds and Jewel ry. The amount of paste In use at these great social functions must be something extraordinary. Disease; whose name end in Itis teem to multiply. Why not ndd to the list hillilis, or a malady common to lcgirilators? Its chief characteristic is an apparently uncontrollable desire to multiply bills which never get be yond the stage of reference to a com mittee. The approaching session of congress will doubtless see the develop ment of some severe cases. It Is safe to say that this California Craven widow would not care to he Senator Fair's widow if there was no money attached to the relationship A TRAIN ROBBERY. SANTA FE 19 THE SUFFERER Hkfc lllown Open itt a Point Near Orant, New Mexico, l>y a Party riioiifctit to He lllaek •lack’M Ci»iik- Albuquerque, N. M.. Nov. 7.—Th* No. 1 1 passenger train of tin* Santa Fe Pa cific, which was held up at Grurft’s station last night, reached tills city at 11:30 o’clock this morning. Conductor Aldrich states that Just as the train came to a halt at Grant's, a fusiladc of shots rang out in the air. and as far as he could see several nieu boarded tlie train, one mi tin* engine. He and tiie engineer, 11. 1 >. McCarty, were nil tlie platform, but ran and caught the train as i: was moving out, the fire man, Henry Abel, being compelled at tlie point of a cocked revolver to pull tlie train up at tin* stock yards, about two miles distant. Tlie conductor, ful ly realizing that something was wrong, left the train at tin* stock yards, where tlie robbers had ordered tin* train stopped, and rail buck to the station, telegraphing tin* news to Division Su perintendent Hubbard at Gallup and Sheriff Iliihbcll. In tlie meantime, however, the rob bers. who wore false lieards and were unmasked, cut the mail coach, day and chair coaches and tin* Pullman sleeper from the engine and express car, and tlie fireman was again ordered to pull tlie latter further up tlie road. They commenced dynamiting the express car. and tlie third explosion blew out one end of the ear. Abel I icing forced to as sist the robbers. Once inside they picked out a safe, which they surmised contained considerable money and val uables. and placed on it a stick of dy namite. a few lumps of coal on tlie dynamite, and then attached a fuse, which they lit, and blew a hole in tlie safe. They helped themselves to a nmnlier of packages containing gold and silver coin, which they placed in a sack, and then left the ear. going in the direction of the Malpoi rocks, where their horses were picketed. The express car was on fire, and Abel, thoroughly frightened, and after seeing tin* robbers at a safe distance, backed tlie engine and express ear into the other portion of the train lcf; standing at the stock yards, and in consequence the express ear. day coach and chair ear were telescoped and all three de stroyed by fire. Express Route Agents Ray and Tice, who went out to the scene last night, returned this morning, and they state* that the robbers did not get into tlie most valuable safe, which, with two others, were badly warped and dam aged by fire. They think, however, that the robbers secured several hun dred dollars, but the exact amount will not lie known for some time, as all the papers and records of the ear and safe were burned in the fire. The baggage was all removed before the fire got un der headway and saved, and the pas sengers. soiiK* of whom were badly frightened, were not disturbed. The robbers are thought to be several desperate cowboys who are familiar with that section of the road. A jsisse of officers Is still in pursuit. Santa Fe. N. M.. Nov. 7.-United States Marshal Forakcr left to-night for tho scene of last night’s train rob bery on the Santa Fe & Pacific road. Immediately upon being apprised of tho robbery ho wired the attorney gen oral. requiting authority to place live picked men on the trail I»f the robbers, bill had received no response up to tin* time of his departure. Marshal Forakcr says tin* robbery was undoubtedly the work of the Black •Tack gang, who last week returned to Arizona from the Sierra Madre moun tains in Mexico, and who were heard of a few days ago at Solomonville. on the Now Mexico-Arlzonn line. There are eight men in tlu* band. NINETEEN MEN DROWNED. Tin* Stonier Malm Foundered on l.uke l-rle Durinj; a Terrible dale. Buffalo. X. Y„ Nov. S.-Tlie Western Transit Company’s steamer Idaho, which left Buffalo yesterday afternoon for Chicago,laden with package* freight, foundered off Long Point, on Lake Erie, during a furious gale at -1 o’clock yt*sterday morning. The first mute and one sailor, who succeeded in reach big the rigging, were rescued by tin* steamer Mariimsn late this afternoon and brought here. The rest of the crew, numliering nineteen, were undoubtedly drowned. The names of the two men saved are Isolds l*iForce. .Jr., second mute, and William Gill, a deck hand, living at 137 Kent street. Rochester, New York. When tin* steamer Mariposa arrived in port, alsmt midnight last night, with the news of tin* disaster to the Idaho, and having on l>onnl tin* two survivors of tlie crew. Captain Root had this to say regarding the storm on the lake and the rescue of tlie two men: "II was one of iin* worst gales I ever experienced in all my years on tin* lakes. We started from Chicago with a load of <fats. All tlie way down the lakes we had a light with tin* storm, and I thought once or twice of putting in somewhere until it blew over. I am glad I did not. for I fear if I had these two iik*ii who ennie down with me would have to join their mates by this time. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS EXCITED l*roniliu*iit F.xpotit’iit of the Fitlth In Knn hiih City Concealed a Cane of Diphtheria. Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. S.—Nothing ever stirred tin* Christian Scientists of Kansas City as the arrest of Mrs. A. .1. Baird, Christian Science healer, for fail ing to notify tlu* health authorities of a ease of diphtheria which she had treat ed. Among tlu* 1.500 or 2,000 Scientists in the city there are few who do not support .Mrs. Baird iu her controversy with the health officers. She will not lack lawyers when she appears in [>o liee court W«slnesday next, and should sin* he convict«kl it Is certain that ap peal to tlu* court of final resort will Im* taken. The health officers look on Mrs. Baird’s offense as serious; they say the laws to protect the public health will be quite useless if people are to be al lowed to conceal coutoglous diseases, as Mrs. Bainl did in this case, and they are determined on n test case. Iliilleru'orlh I.lkely to Die. Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. 7.—The physi cians in attendance upon Mnjor Benja min Butterworth. who is ill with pneu monia tit tlu* Hollenden hotel, give but lit tie encouragement for his recovery. It was stated at 10 o’clock this evening that lie would not die during the night, but the physicians could not toll wheth er he would get well. Mr. Butter worth’s wife and daughter, who were summoned from Cincinnati, are at his bedside. AfrltllH Still Fighting. Simla. Nov. 7. official dispatches from Maidiin. in tlu* '.Maidan valley, where the British column under Sir William Lockhart is encamped, say that a large deputation of tlu* Omk zuis lias entered the camp to treat for peace, but as yet the Afridis give no signs of yielding. Meanwhile the triliesmeu cut tint tolograph wires nightly, persistently hurrase tho expedition, fire at long range on every baggage convoy cross ing the Arhanga pass, and attack ev ery foraging party. One of tlie latter narrowly escaped massacre. Several have been killed or wounded In these desultory encounters. Among tin* killed was Lieutenant Giffartl of tlu* Northamptonshire regiment. Lieuten ant Sullivau of the Sikhs wus badly wounded. TO BE TRIED AGAIN. Competitor Crew Will Have to Stand Court Martial. Washington, Nov. <».- A telegram came to the State Department to-day from United States Acting Consul Springer, at Havana, as follows: "Trial l»y court-martial of Competi tor prisoners will lie held Monday next. Will attend." There are live of these prisoners, namely: Alfred Luborde. William Gil dea. Onu Melton, Charles Harnett and William Leavitt. They were arrested on the Conqiotitor April 2.”. lSDtl. on a charge of lauding arms for the insur gents. and have been held in dose con finement ever since. May 8. IS!Mi. they were tried by a naval court-martial and sentenced to death. Only tin* most en ergetic acion by the United States gov ernment prevented the immediate exe cution of this sentence, and after ne gotiations direct with Madrid. Weyler having proved unrelenting, an order was secured for a new trial, the Ma drid judicial reviewing authorities hav ing adjudged the proceeding informal. The contention of our government lias been that these men were properly subject to the protection afforded by till* Cushing proetoeol. and entitled to counsel, to be confronted with 'wit nesses and all of the guarantees of a fair trial contained in that agreement. The Spanish claim has been that the men. being taken arms in hand, and not on laud, are excluded from the benefits of the proetoeol. The news now coming that they are to be tried by court-martial again is not reassuring, as it amounts to an insistence by tin* Spanish upon their contention, which, If carried out, will lend to the reimpo sition of the dentil penalty, though clemency may lie extended by General Hlanco. I Iannis Taylor, ex-minister to Spain, to-night made the following statement: “To the Associated Press: As certain journals have deemed it necessary to assert that the present administration is in no wise responsible for my acts as a private citizen, I deem i; my duty to ratify that statement. The publica tions signed by me and based on data accessible to everybody, were made up on my sole responsibility from a grave sense of public duty, which I cannot doubt is fully appreciated by the peo ple of the United States, who are en titled to my testimony. “I am sure that the present adminis tration is doing its entire patriotic duty, and I have for it no adverse crit icism whatever. On the other hand, I cannot believe that any one author ized to speak for It lias ventured to criticise mo in any particular, as all know that I have discharged every ob ligation due to it. whether personal or official, with punctilious fullness." CHINESE WILL REPLACE WHITES The Coal Mine* of Northern Illinois Are to lie For! Mini unit (•iirriNoiu-il. Chicago. Nov. 7.—Tlie Times-llcrald says: Chinese coal miners are to take tin* placet* of Americans in tlu* North ern Illinois district. An attempt will Ik_* made to break the strike that exists and 800 skilled Celestials have been picked for tin* work. They will all liettr arms, live Inside a (Litling-gun equipped stockade and Im' body-guarded by 100 former Chicago lMillcemeu. An agent of tlu* Chinese Six Compa nies was in Chicago last week and made a contract with tlu* Wilmington Coal Company to deliver tin* 800 Chi namen at tlu* mines of the Wilmington- Braldwood district. The first consign ment of 200 will arrive next 'Pnesdny. and t'lie others will he on hand as soon as provisions can he made to take can* of them. Arrangements for an addi tional 1.000 Chinese miners have l*een made conditional on the success of the first venture. Elaborate preparations have been completed to take care of the first sou Chinamen and give them ample protec tion. A CHANCE FOR HANNA. Republican* Will Have a Majority of Five In the Ohio I.eglHlature. •Columbus, O.. Nov. 8.—'Pile only im portant development in the status of tlie new General Assembly to-day was the decision in the Wood county case, which once more removes, that county from the doubtful list to tin* Republi can column. The court instructed the election supervisors of Wood county to canvass the returns from the dis puted precinct, which gives the elec tion to Captain O. I’. Morris, the Re publican candidate for representative by .‘51 plurality. This news was re ceived by Chairman Nash of the Re publican state committee with evident satisfaction, though it was not differ ent from what he had expected. The decision had a significance which could not be expressed, inasmuch ns it put mi end to talk of other contests j on the same ground. Chairman Nash does not believe the ease will be np . pealed by the Democrats, since the law j in the case is plain. There was some talk of an injunction against the su pervisors, lint it was not confirmed. Should no further changes lie made, the Republicans will have a majority of five on joint ballot, as claimed by chairman Nash. Ilopmilom In Iowh. Des Moines. Iowa. Nov. (5.—Three col ored desperadoes, armed with a shot gun and two big revolvers, held up the mining town of Marquisville. four miles north of here to-night. 'Hicy walked into the pool room, and, call ing on fifty miners to hold up their hands, one of the party went through fheir pockets. The miners had just been paid and quite a sum was taken. After the robbery file desperadoes strutted around town and gloated over their work for a few minutes. They fin*d many shots, but no one was hurt. They are still at large. Yellow- Fever Clntrhe* llroken. New Orleans, Nov. 7.—There lias been ft decrease in the number of yellow fever cases since yesterday and the sit uation is further Improved. Very few places are now quarantined against New Orleans, and there has been a general revival in business. KlorhlM Hotel Itiirned. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 0.—A special from St. Augustine to tin* Times-Uuion and Citizen says: The Hotel San M..rco, one of the fin est and most commodious hotels in this city, was burned to tin* ground lids morning, entailing a loss of about $250,•» 000, with legs than $50,000 lusuruuce. THE PENSION ROLL. COMMISSIONER’S ANNUAL RE PORT. Mr. Kviuni Shows m (iuln of 5,330 Pension ers Over I.»st Year -There Are Almost it Million of Them. Washington, Nov. s—The first an nual rejxirt of the commissioner of pen sions, H. Clay Evans, to tlu* secretary of the interior was made public to-day. There were addetl to the pension rolls (luring the year the names of 60,101 new pensioners and there were restored to the rolls 3.071 pensioners who had been previously dropped, a total of 54,- 072. During tlu* same period tin* losses to tlu* roll were 31.0(50 by death, 1,074 by remarriage of widows and mothers. 1,845 by legal limitation (minors), 2,(583 for failure to claim pension for three years and 4.5(50 for other causes, an ag gregate of 41.122. The whole number of pensioners on tlu* rolls June 30, 1807. was 07(5,014. The gain over the previous year was 6,330. Seven widows of revolutionary sol diers are still on tin* rolls. During tlie year 70,234 claims of var ious classes were disallowed. This number, however, does not include claims which were made for higher rates of pensions. The amount disbursed for pensions by tlu* pension agents during tlu* year was $130,709,242, and tin* amount dis bursed by treasury settlement was $150,175. a total of $130,040,717. This exceeds tin* amount disbursed during the fiscal year of 1800 by the sum of $1,504,480, If 1 1,(571 certificates which were held in the bureau until July 1. 1807. had l»cen mailed to tlu* pension agents during the fiscal year they would have required first payments amounting to $2,101,004. besides tin* ad ditional value, which would also have been a charge upon tin* appropriation. This amount, addl'd to that actually disbursed, makes an aggregate of $141,000,030. Tho appropriation for tin* payment of pensions for tlu* fiscal year 1807 was duly $140.0u0,000. The aver age annual value of each pension at the close of tin* year was $133.17. The average annual value of each pension under tin* general law was $102.04, each under the act of June 27. 1800. was $100.25. The aggregate annual value of till pensions at the close of the year was $120,705,428. This, of course, ex cludes tlu* eases that were held up. There wen* forty-four original and seven duplicate bounty land claims ad mitted and 145 original claims of tins character rejected. In conclusion, tin* report recommend ed tlu* publication of a complete list of pensioners and of the passage of a law to tho end that no pensions be granted to the widow of any soldier that shull marry hereafter. THE FEDERAL ARTILLERY FORCE New York C.’liiiiiilmt of Commerce Urge* a Large Increase In It. New York. Nov. s.—The New York Ohnmberof Commerce has adopted tlu* following resolutions: “Whereas, The United States is now constructing modern sea coast defenses , to include over 500 liigh-power guns. 1,000 12-second mortars and 3(50 rapid firing gnus, to lu* grouped at 110 dif ferent jtoint.s at about twenty-live dif ferent harbors, and has made an ap propriation for over 350 high-power | guns and about* the same number of i 12-pouml mortars, of which one-half can bo iu their implaeeinents by June. 181)8. and, "Whereas, The present United States artillery f«rc<r ie wholly Inadequate to care for and properly man these guns in their lmphicements, or to be prop erly organized into a defensive sys tem or to furnish a nucleus of instruct ed artillerymen for the proper man ning of these defenses in case of war; therefore, lx.* it “Resolved, That we, the Chamber of Commerce of the city of New York, being fully impressed with the* urgent need of an increase in number of the federal artillery force to properly in sure the vast amount of property of our city and other sea coast cities against destruction and levying of con tributions that would he visited upon us in the event of war with foreign nations, do earnestly request and urge the President and Congress of tlie United States to take such immediate action as will provide ft force of trained artillerymen for the proper manning of our sea coast defenses, and It is believed by us that 110 sea coast batteries requiring a numerical in crease of the army of about 4,000 artil lerymen is absolutely necessary to ac complish these purposes.” FREIGHT RATES LOWER YET. Overland Route* Are Trying to Force tlie I Gulf Linen Into hu Agreement. Chicago. Nov. s.—War against the ; lines running from tlu* Gulf to Colo- ; rado points has !>een openly declared by tin; roads reaching the same points . through Chicago. St. Louis and Kan sas city. The Gulf lines insisted upon having a differential below the direct j overland roads, and the latter refused ! to give it. No agreement could be reached, and tin* Gulf lines withdrew from the meeting. This was practically a declaration that the present low rates via the Gulf would be maintained, and the direct lines took steps to protect themselves by the passing of tin order upon tin* chairman of the Transcontinental Freight body to at once prepare a tar-! iff upon a basis of $1.31 first-class from the Mississippi river to Colorado com- ( mon points. This is a reduction of six- . teen cents below tin* present rates and ' fifty-four below charges that prevailed before the trouble began. It makes! the rate from Chicago $1.51 first-class. Tlie ltrn**el* Exposition. Washington, Nov. 5. Professor Thomas Wilson of the Smithsonian In stitution. who represented this country at tlie Brussels exposition, Iras re turned to Washington. lit* describes tlie exposition as entirely of a commer cial character, and says it was not nearly so large or varied as the World’s Fair at Chicago. Twenty seven or more countries were repre sented. Those having better or larger exhibitions than the United States "'ere Franco, Germany, Great Britain and Austria. Tliri-niH From IliilgnrlH. Berlin. Nov. -The Frankfort Zei tung publishes the following sensation al dispatch from Constantinople: "The Bulgarian government recently delivered an ultimatum to Turkey, threatening to declare tin* Independence of Bulgaria uuh ss th b rats to the Bui gnrlnn bishops in Macedonia were granted by 10 o’clock on the morning of November 3rd. Ut.-H Will Not Yield. Washington. Nov. 5. Tin? delegation of Ute Indians from Utah, who reached lien* some days ago, together with Indian Agent Beck and Chairman Jeffries, of the commission appointed to treat with them for allotments, had n conference with Seeivtary Bliss tills afternoon. They stated their opposi tion to the allotments and indicated that they were not disposal to yield their objection. It is claimed, lK*ing based oti their present attitude, that if allotments are Unally made, it will re quire the arbitrary action of the gov ernment to accomplish that end. SILVER IN THE LATIN UNION. Keceut Decision to liutcuho tlie Number of Sum 11 Coins Mean* Nothing. Chicago, Nov. , r >.- A special to the Tlmes-llet-aid from Washington, I>. C. says: Secretary of the Treasury Gage wneu seen in regard to the decision of the countries comprising the Latin union t<» increase the number of their small silver coins to :Ik* amount of one franc : for each one of the'population, said there was no significance whatever in this action as alTecting the broad ques tion of bimetallism. The additional small coins are to be coined from live franc pieces and the secretary pointed out that as the live-franc piece is a full legal tender coin in the Latin un ion countries, while the minor coins are legal tender only to the amount of for ty francs, or about $7.75. tin* effect was really to reduce the volume of legal tender sliver iu the Latin union coun tries to the amount of tin* live-franc piece coined into minor coins. lie said lie supposed tin* countries interested were led to take this action by tin* de mand for small change. “The population of the live countries comprising the Latin union France. Belgium. Italy. Switzerland and Greece, is about 81.000,000. and as the new small coins are to amount to one franc for each inhabitant, there will In* withdrawn from circulation in these countries about $8,000,000. While this amount is not large it is a small step in the direction of the retirement of le gal tender silver coins in the Latin un ion countries, and as the initiative was taken by Switzerland it is believed to be possible that it is one of the tirst steps of that country in getting rid of full legal tender silver and adopting an exclusively gold standard. “The large volume of full legal ten der live-franc pieces which are held by the Latin union countries have been, it is said, responsible to a great extent j for keeping alive the agitation for in- I tornational bimetallism in France and other countries, comprising this union, j and if Switzerland should solve the* dif lieulty by getting rid of her legal ten der silver it would, it is thought, de crease the strength < f the bimetallic agi tation iu Europe.” WOLCOTT IN NFW YORK. Ask* to He Excused From Saying Anything Vlimit IIIh Mission. New York. Nov. o.—Senator Edward n. Wolcott of Colorado and General Charles .1. Bayne, two of the monetary commissioners appointed by President McKinley to confer with European governments concerning the feasibility of establishing international bimetal lism, arrived here to-night on the steamship Campania. The other com missioner. former Vice President Adlai E Stevenson, will return on a later vessel. Senator Wolcott asked to lie excused from saying anything of Ids mission abroad. He was much interested in the news of the recent elections. He asked some questions about them, but made no comments. General Payne also declined to speak about his European trip. Senator Wol cott will remain here for a couple of days and then go to Washington. Charles I>. Lane, chairman of the National Silver |>nrty. was also a pas senger on the Campania, lie had been to ltui*»|H> oil II pleasure nml trip. Referring to the mission of the mon etary commissioners. Mr. Lane said ho had not expected anything better from the European governments. They were against bimetallism, but he was of the opinion that tin* people of this country would eventually adopt it. in dependently of the European powers. WORK AT THE NAVY YARD. Ships Ht llronklyn llcing Pushed to Com pletion. New York, Nov. s.—The Commercial Advertiser says tills afternoon: The Brooklyn navy yard is active and work on all the war vessels lying at the wharves or dry docks is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible under orders from the Navy Depart ment. . No one seems to understand why so much haste is necessary, and in quiries are met with the invariable re ply: "It is nothing unusual. We are i beynig orders issued some time ago, that is all. We always finish work at this station as rapidly as we can. Spain’s naval activities have nothing to do with our industry.” An ollicer attached to the office of the commandant of the yard repented this time-worn explanation to-day, but add ed that he believed some sort of an or der had been received to urge the com pletion of the two new vessels which are at the yard making preparations for their final trials under the Board of Inspection. These vessels are the torpedo boat Foote and the big battleship lowa. THE KANSAS PACIFIC. A Rumor That It Will lt«* Bought In by tlie Chicago & Alton Itoail. Chicago, Nov. s.—Between now and December Kith, the date of the sale of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, which has seemingly been abandoned by the Union Pacific reorganization commit tee, a syndicate, it is reported, is to be formed with .1. Pierpont Morgan at. iLs head, which, it is understood, will buy the road for the use of the Chicago & Alton. This road has a traffic contract with tin* Kansas Pacific similar to the one tin* Chicago A: Northwestern has with tlie Fnion Pacific, and it has found the Kansas Pacific almost indis pensable as an outlet, from Kansas City to Denver. Tlie Alton lias offered to least* ii from tlie syndicate, which is to secure it. agreeing to pay the actual net earning.*, to the owners of the property. The Alton's offer, it is understood, is being favorably considered. Tlie Vanderbilts are said to Ik* anxious that the road should come under tlie control of the Alton, as the latter is practi cally tlie connection of the Vanderbilt lines from Chicago and St. Louis to Kansas City. The Methodist Church Extension. Philadelphia. Nov. s.—To-duy’s ses sion of the general committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church Extension Society was devoted wholly to a con sideration of the amounts, asked for from tin? various conferences for church extension. Bishop Cranston of Portland, Oregon, declared that many churches which have been aided by the society have become wholly indif ferent in respect to helping the work of the church extension. Bishop McCabe of Fort Worth, Tex as, deplored the assistance given by the society to churches which cost more than SIO,OOO. No deliuite action was token. WILL GO TO THE COURTS. Ohio O.'iiiiicri.t. Claim rh», rh ghoulu lUv«» Majority. OolllinliUK, Nov. 4 r J} .to , n . nll,'lit It Iwciiim. known that the courts uoillil be resorted to for the nuns**- preve.itliitt ltoards of election from Issu.tiK eert ticales m Ihe Kepubllean candidates iu certain counties Tin* "HI he brought In the lower conns and thence to the Supreme Court as soon as possible. The Repub lican state committee already has law yers preparing cases of contest. The Republicans get three representatives on the face of the returns from Dela- I ware. Noble and Wood counties, whose pluralities aggregate only 142, and a change of 72 votes would have given the Democrats control of the Legisla ture. Tlie Republicans claim that the Dem ocrats also elected members of the Legislature on close margins, and as then* were ten counties in tlie state that gave less than 100 plurality each for the candidates for the Legis lature, tin* Democrats elected ns many members on these small pluralities as the Republicans. Both shies are preparing for contests iu tlie courts and afterwards in tin* Legislature. As each branch of the Legislature is tin* tribunal of hist resort In judging of rhe qualifications of its own members, the Republicans have an advantage in their control of the House over the Democrats, who control tin* Senate. There are thirty-six senators, with only two or three contests possi ble in that body. In tin* House there are 109 members, with a dozen or more seats tlint can Ik* contested, and the Republicans claim a majority of 7 in Hint Ikml.v. so that more Democrats could bo unseated in tin* House than Republicans In the Senate. While 1 h>tli committees are keeping se cret any arrangements for legal pro ceedings. yet it is stated that, the Dem ocratic state committee will seek to on i loin enough certificates of election from ! Republican representatives to prevent 1 tlie Republicans from organizing the i House and appointing tin* committee* I that will consider contests. Develop ! ments are* expected to-morrow In the j policies of both parties, so far as ap i pealing to the courts is concerned. A VICTORY FOR BIMETALLISM. Government Candidate for Parliament Hen ten Because of It* Action Toward Silver. London. Nov. 4.—A parliamentary bye-election was held to-day in tin* Middleton division of Southeast Lan cashire to till the vacancy caused by the recent death of Thomas Flelden, Conservative, who secured the sent at the last general election by a majority of 805. The results of to-day’s polling is the victory of the Liberal Radical candi date. Alderman Duckworth, by a mn jority of :tiM» over the Unionist and Con servative candidate, William Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell is a member of the firm of Mitchell Bros., felt and woolen mer chants, and is locally well liked, but Mr. Duckworth is not less popular on personal grounds. The bimetallist ques tion played a considerable part in the contest. No part of Lancashire is more ardently bimetallist than the southeast. The refusal of the govern ment to take any definite step to meet the proposals of the American and French governments was used against Mr. Mitchell, although at all of bis meetings he expressed himself strong ly in favor of bimetallism and ad vanced the opinion thnt the prevailing bad condition of the cotton trade is dm* largely to the depreciation of silver, which, be said, bad handicapped Lan cashire trade to the extent of thirty per cent. Ml’. Mitclx-U nrowoil Mmcolf n thick and thill supporter of the government. Mr. Duckworth proclaimed himself u thorough-going Liberal, with the excep tion of being unable t<» adopt the Lib eral education program in its entirety. The Times, commenting editorially upon the result of the bye-election in Middleton, says: “The Unionists’ defeat must be re garded as due In part to Lancashire’s disappointment at the government’s re jection of tlie proposals of the Wolcott Monetary Commission.” A CHAMPION OF CROKER. William T. St end Hold* Out Hope’ll of Good Government. Ia) ml oil, Nov. 4.—An Englishman who does not cherish a totally gloomy view of the result of the recent elec tion in Greater New York is William T. Stead, the well-known newspaper man, who recently figured in the public eye here as the sponsor of Richard Croker iu a somewhat flattering pen i>ortrait of that noted Tammany chieftain. Mr. Stead gave his views to a representa tive of the Associated Press to-day in original phrases such as characterize his utterances. Mr. Croker, it appears, while conversing with Mr. Stead, pre dicted thnt the Tammany majority would be 100.000 votes, adding: “If I were to run for mayor. I should want all the newspapers against me.” Mr. Oroker added, says Mr. Stead: “If you intend to write about me. please say that Tammany must give New York the best government it ever hud. New York is the ideal of the world and that is tlie future watch word of Tammany.” Mr. Stead continued: “It is a great vindication of Taimuauy and Croker. and gives them a wonderful opportu nity, though it does not wipe out the slate of the past. Nothing could erase the Lexow revelations, but many men who. struggling to tlie front, some times find it necessary to do shady tilings to get there, would be superior to such temptations after having achieved the position.” Gorman Turned Down. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 4.—An official count of the ballots cast on Tuesday last made iu most of the counties to day. loaves no further room for doubt that the Republicans have control of both branches of the Legislature ami that a Republican will succeed Arthur P. Gorman in the United States Sen ate. Five members of the Assembly and one senator were taken from the Democratic list of probabilities and added to that of tin* Republicans. Three of the members and the senator from Talbot county, and one member each from Prince George and Carroll. This gives the Republicans forty-nine mem bers iu the House and the Democrats forty-two. It also gives the Republicans ton sen ators to eight for the Democrats and a majority on joint ballot of seventeen. Will Invent Irh to. New York. Nov. 4.—The executive committee of the Citizens’ Union, which met to-night, proposes to insti tute a series of prosecutions against violators of tlie election laws. Tlie committeemen say that they are in possession of evidence of frauds prac ticed in this city oil election day. It is also claimed that the frauds are of such a gigantic nature ns to affect the official returns to a marked extent Chairman Reynolds says that some body will go i<> prison before the in vestigations are completed," HAILSTORMS SCATTERED. Austrian Vineyards Successfully Protected front tlie l><twtt|Mtur. The principle of producing rain by means of powerful disturbances of the up per strata of air by means of explosions turned out to be unsuccessful, but the re verse principle-that of dissipating rain and hull storms by means of explosions In the upper currents of air—has proved successful, says the I’hiludeiphlu lieeord. Unlike the ruiu-prodtieliig experiments carried out lit this country, whlcli were conducted for the exposition of a selentllic principle, the ex periments which proved successful were car ried out In Austria for the commercial pur pose of protecting valuable vineyards from tlie devastation of hall storms, which are of frequent oeeurrenee In that section of tin* country. Mr. Albert Htiger, burgomaster of Wlndlsche-Fndstrltz (lower Stolrmurk. Aus tria), owns extensive vineyards, situated on the southern slopes of the Kucher moun tains. a loealltv often visited lty destructive ball storms. According to Consul Germain, at Zurich, having expended a good deal of money and labor on tin* Improvement of Ids lands and in securing choice cuttings from which to raise Ids vines. Ik* begun to experi ment to protect Ills crops from their worst enemy—hall. At first he purchased galvan ized Iron wire netting ami at retched It over live acres of Ills best vines, but found tho scheme too expensive for general applica tion. He therefore concluded to try the shooting or exidoslve systems to scatter the clouds and drive a wav* approaching hall or heavy rain storms, lb* erected six stations on the six most prominent summits sur rounding tin- locality and comminuting a territory about two miles In extent. These stations, built of wood, shelter ten heavy mortars each. In the neighborhood of every station Is a cabin In whlcli the necessary powder Is stored. A corps of volunteers, consisting of neigh bors. who are also owners of small vine yards. have been trained to handle the mor tars at the slightest indication of an ap proaching storm. The mortars are Imme diately manned ntid loaded with about four and a quarter ounces of powder each, and shooting commences simultaneously, and continues regular! \ out of the sixty mor tars until tlie clouds have scattered and the storm lias blown over. These experiments were anxiously watched by the citizens of WlndlHch Frclstrlty. Inst sntinnui- Al the ap proach of threatening black clouds over tlie summits of tin* Ituchcr intrlns a signal was given and all the mortal's were fired off. and tlie continuous detonations In a few moments caused a sudden reaction In tlie movements of the clouds. The cloud wall opened up funncl-llkc, tlie mouth of tlie funnel began to rise In the form of consecu tive rings, expanding gradually until all of the clouds scattered and entirely disap peared. There* was no hall or even a sudden downpour of rain. The same experience was gone through six times last summer, and has. without n single exception, proved a successful preventive. MUSICAL BIRDS IN FLORIDA. One Sings it Medley and the Other Imitate tlie Whistle or Air-Brakes. Fred Kills, engineer of the waterworks, has the most wonderful mocking bird In Jacksonville, lie was six years old this month. Is a great, full-throated fellow, tame as a kitten and as belligerent In a mnke-be lleve sort of way as a hornet, says the Flor ida Times-fnion. lie doesn't do any fancy work In the mimicry of mouth organs, music boxes and Instriimcnts. bin slugs Ills own roundelay the picture of happiness, in a voice ilial Is wonderfully sweet. He has a number of songs, and one of them Is a med ley of Ids own composition that sweeps in the whole feathered tribe- -hawk, whippoor will. Jay. rain crow, rooster crowing, little chick In distress, the cull of a young tur key. the enw of a raven, the cluck of a hen, the pipe of the blackbird, song of the red bird. thrush. Joree and the tweet of tho sparrow. Tin* hind claw of one foot | s broken, and. as while he sings tills fool keeps slipping from Its perch, lie constantly readjusts It. and, with head lifted ill the air. pours out Ids heart all day long t** the roses among which his cage is hung. There Is a canary bird at the terminal Bul lion that has learned the ex n t imllatlon of the whistle of the air brakes of a passenger train, when it runs itit• * the station. T!i> bird will listen IntenHy for a train, and !t Immediately begins to dance around In glee. The train glides Into the statl »u while tin* little fellow clings to the wires of the cage to get m peep, and the often heard whistle of escaping air tills the structure with Its mdse. The bird waits complacently until all noise lias ceased, and then settles hack iis If for a supreme effort. It tills Its lungs and produces an echo of the sound of the train's brakes. Many passengers. In pass ing the hint's cage, have attracted by the marvelous similarity between the two sounds, the only difference being In volume. An Economical Preventive. “No. I shall not bother myself to buy any presents for my relatives Hits time. I don t want those customs olllccrs to get their claws on nif." personal buggngo clause.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Uncomfortably Frank. She (pointing to picture on panel)—There, my dear. Is the result of my call on the photographer you recommended to me. He Yes; I have been examining It." She—You surely do not call It a good pic ture. do you?" He— To be sure not. but thnt Is not the fault of the photographer.—Boston Courier. "My wife Is one of the most thoughtful women on earth.” "In what way?" "When she goes through my pockets Saturday night she always leaves me a quarter to put Id the church box Sunday morning.” Slain lty Poison. • Not tin* poison that the covert assassin ad ministers in the drink, the food, or some other guise, but the poison of of malaria shortens the lives »f myriads. There Is a safe and certain antidote. Hostetter'sStom nch ltltters. which not only fortifies the sys tem against malaria, but roots out Its seeds when they have germinated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic, liver and kidney trouble are conquered by the Kilters. "How appropriate!” “What Is appro priate?" "Tlie evidence Ju the Luetgort case Is to be rehashed." Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Uac the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists. 50c. or *l. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. ••There is one thing which gratifies a woman more than all things els**.” "And what Is Unit?" "Being told that other women are Jealous of her." MOUNTAIN DEW IIAIIC TONIC. The Greatest Hair Grower ou Earth. I want a partner in same. I can grow si full homl of luilr on the baldest head. Send to the discoverer only for it: no matter if you have been bald for thir ty years or more. Geo. W. Selioenhut, Eldora, lowa. Ho—lf the people said Just what they thought It would do a lot of harm, wouldn't It? She—Well, Ii would reduce conversation about nine-tenths! See the advertisement of “5 Drops,” Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, in another column of this paper. Take advantage of their splendid offer, | which is open for the next thirty days only. "What Is n rude awakening, pa?” “Well, It Is an awakening before 8 o'clock In tho morning.” Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. •J.'Sc. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. "I wouldn’t wear my hair down over my ears for anything." "Don’t you admire the fashion?" “Yes: but suppose some mau should propose and I didn’t hear ldm.” Smoko Sledge Cigarottes, 20 for 5 cts. "Julia said something very complimentary about you." "What was It?" "She said you'd look too sweet for any tiling In a blue tea gown and pink slippers." Hearing Affected ! Ringing and Snapping In the Head Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. “ For many years I have been troubled with catarrh, which caused mo much pain and affected my hearing. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it helped me wonderfully and cured the snapping and ringing in my head." Mbs. C. A. Meeker, Cherry Valley, Illinois, Hood’s Sarsaparilla lathe host In fact the One True Blood I‘urlfler. Hood’s Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cent*.