Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Yol. XI. L. A. WIKOFF EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Enlor*,*; at the postofllce at Springfield Colorado, a* second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION. - - #1 25 PER YEAR Invariably In advance. Published Friday of each wreck. ADVERTISING RATES. .SO cents per Inch, single colnmn, each month. No prefered position given. Business l.oenls. 10 cents per line each Insertion. I.ornl mention, 15 cents per llnecaeli Insertion. Lko ai. APT.: Final proof notices $5.50, single Contest notices $5.U) each. All other legal printing subject to n rate of 10 cents per line for first Insertion, 5 cents for each additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to a 11#*, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will be strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January 1st 1895 the sub scription rates of the Herald will be $1.25 per year, if paid in ad vance. Subscriptions to the lead ing papers, magazines and period icals. taken in connection with the Herald at reduced prices. Wm J. JJryan is the most talk ed of man in the United States. It looks as though the European powers intended to divide up China. At Dillon, Colorado mercury registered 40 below zero Tuesday morning. The coldest ever known at that place. Parson Uzzell got over 4000 rabbits out of the Lamar hunt to give to the poor of Denver tor Christmas dinner. The La Junta Tunes has been merged into the Rocky Ford Rep ublican, which latter paper ex poets to become the leading p’aper of the Arkansas valley. Dr. Cresswell reports that little scab exists among sheep in South ern part of Colorado, and attrib utes the healthy condition to the law which compels the dipping ot sheep. The wire manufacturers are forming a trust, lor the purpose they say, of making their product cheaper. Probably they do not intend to perpetrate a huge joke but it looks like n. The new quarantine line estab lished by secretary Wilson runs along the southern boundary of Colorado and Kansas and shall be up from the 15th of January to Nov 15th each year. This seeni3 to be a great season for the formation of trusts. Re cently a big cracker trust, a paper trust and a wire trust has been or ganized. Buy of them and you will probably get trusted till busted. The millionaire packing firm ot Armour tfc Co., saw a great op portunity, recently to speculate in wheat futures. They are just now delivering the grain and re nhze a million dollar loss. Belter stick to pork and beef. The greeting of Wm J. Bryan by President Diaz and his minis ters. was almost as dazzling and cordial ns would be accorded an actual ruler. This shows how foreigners look upon Mr. Bryan pnd the cause he represents. Senator Hanna will establish headquarters at Columbus, Ohio, till the election ot a senator has been accomplished. Ihere is lit tle doubt but that he will succeed himself in the senate, but it may cost him a little more money. Mary E. Lease, of Kansas, an nounces that she is going to run for congress m the 7th district, on the Populist ticket. She gives it her opinion that “Sockless Jer ry” cannot be reeleotod in that district. She would be a promi nent figure in congress. Judge Bailey, who ran for gov ernor last year on the Populist ticket, announces that hereafter he will act with the Democratic party. He believes the next pres ident will he a Democrat, elected by the South and West, on a Deqv pcratic ticket. The Cubans are reported to have won a victory over the Spanish, on the 14th. inst. The Spanish general Pando, is reported as saying it will require 100.009 sol diers to pacify the eastern part of tlie island. Senator Chandler sounds a warning note to the Republican party in the following style: “If the secretary ot the treasury and his single gold standard asso ciates will cease their demand for impossible currency legislation. Congress will pass the necessary appropiiation bills, probably take care of Hawaii and Cuba, there will be no serious party division during the session and there will be an adjournment m May. Business will revive, the balance of trade will continue in our favor and the Republican party will, in November 189 S, elect a majority of the House in the lifty-filth Con gress. On (he other hand, if Sec retary Gage continues to press up on Congress a bill the object lie says is first, to commit the coun try more thoroughly to the gold standard, and the immediate re sult of which is to throw doubts upon the sincerity ot the presi dent’s declarations in favor of con tinued efforts to secure bimetal lism, a political turmoil will arise in Congress which will split the now united Republican party into fragments, while it will unite and consolidate the now incongruous of position.” The Chicago Record’s postal savings bank bill was introduced in the house of representatives on the opening day of the congress ional session by Representatives Loriiner, the Chicago membsr of the house committee on postoffi ces and postroads. The bill was referred at once to the postoflice committee, according to the usual custom. It was introduced in the senate a day or two later by Senator Mason, who is a member of the senate postoflice com mittee. It is upon these commit tees that attention must center for the present of those interested in the passage of a law lor the establishment of the postal sav ings bank system. The earnest agitation among the people has forced upon all the members of congress consideration of this subject, with the result that it is discussed in Washington to an extent that it never has before. The chairman of the house com mittee is an opponent of the postal bank idea, but other leading mem bers are friendly to the plan. The first and, indeed, the severest test of strength, therefore, must come in the postoflice committee. If a postal savings bank bill is re ported favorably by that commit tee and brought to a vote m the house, there can be but little doubt ot the outcome on the floor. Fortunately, ns the result ot popular agitation, and because of the aggressive spirit which the lnendsof the measure in congress are manifesting, the subject is one that cannot be ignored or pigeonholed. Never before has the number ot members actively interested in the success of this project been so great. Sentiment in favor of postal savings banks seems to be even stronger in the senate than among the members of the house. It is expected that a bill will be reported from the senate committee without great difliuulty, with the chances good for its passage through the senate. The more that members of con gress, and especially of the post office committees, can be made to feel individually the deep inter est of the public in this matter the more likely will they be to take early action looking to the establishment of the postal sav ings bank system.—Chicago liec ord. When a man drops a piece of meat on the floor, no difference how clean the floor may be. he either gives it a kick or picks it up and lays it to one side. He will never eat it. But let him drop his plug of tobacco on the street, and no difference Jiow dirty SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 21, 1897. the street may le, he will pick it up, give it a careless wipe on liis coat sleeve, or on the bosom of lus pants, and then take a lug chew from it with a keener relish than ever. That is the kind of a vitrified brick man is.—Ex. A man traveling on a Missouri train said he could tell by the looks ol the pas. e .ige;s what po litical party thev belonged to. “This man here,” said the passen ger, “is a Bryan Democrat.” “Yes,” said the passenger, “that’s my politics.” “Tint man over there is a sound money demo crat.” “That’s correct,” respond ed the passenger. “That man in the third scat is a populist." “Correct you are,” said the Pop ulist. “And t fiat man down furthur is a Republican and voted for McKinley.” “No 1 am 1101,“ promptly responded the fellow. “I’ve been sick; that’s uliat makes me look this way.”—Ex. 111 Memory of Sir. Stewart. Lot Christ heal your lirokou hearts And do not so sadly weep When you sea your dear one still and cold. For he is In Christ mdcap. Ilow desolate Is the home from which he ' passed away. Yet lie Is safe with God la a home of end less day. Out of the dreary tomb Rose Christ the Holy one; Up from tlie darkness and gloom God's woll-bclovcd son— Econ as Christ arose from the dark tomb sad and lone. Even so he will arise, our dear friend who Is gone. SI a 11 V lilt AV. NOTICE. (Copy.) IJ. 8. Land Office, I.nmar, Colo., Nov. fi 18i'7. Complaint having been entered at this office bv A. G. 11. Schroder linen (Jo. Colo., against Ellseo De llerrc ra for abandoning Ids Homestead Entry No. <4Ol, dated Lnmnr, Colorado April Bth 1813, upon the S. E. I* of H. E. (4 Sec. 30 and N. 1 - of N. E. * 4 Section 31, Township 34 south, range 40 west. In linen County, Colorado, with a view to the cancellation of suld entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tills office on the 31et day of Decemlier, I8.»7, at 0 o.cloek n.'.in., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. C. B. Tiiom an. Register. * "I 1 j* q* * *:•[*-—} ■ * J***^J— —j—■ - • f> AGENTS— I X WANTED for X The Official Guide to the Klondyke Country Ami flic Goml Fields of Alaska. Retail Price $l.OO. Intensely Interesting r.nd strictly authentic j The actual experiences of miners mid their marvelous discoveries of gold The Inforina- ! tion contained in tills Imok lias hern careful- 1 . )y prepared from the most reliable sources, 1 I and will lie the means of leading thousands I to fortunes In the GOLD FIELDS OF THE NORTH The book rontnln* 300 pages and is Illus trated with «2 full page photographs, taken . evvciully for this work, and also 8 pages of; sfacial maps. We are the sole puhllsnur-* of "Hie Official | G-ide to th« Klo>>dyke CouiLry:" any other pub- 1 Heath ns purportinirto tie It are unit at inns, j Our usual mmiulsslute-. Send 5i cents ot once for (-••ni|o<-te hook. I 1 together \\ itli agents outfit. j ■J W. B. Conkey Compie'y, >,* 'l. 341-351 Doarborn Slroei, Chienpo. t • H -XSW Colorado’s Crystal Cave. Colorado’s novel foal tire at th< Trans-. Mississippi exposition at Omaha in ’9B will consist of a “Crystal Cave,” occupying 3,009 , square feot ol sp«tee, resplendent with crvstals of dazzeliug colors. Visitors will be conducted into i the fairy den through winding tunnels studded with electric | lights, and suddenly ushered into j brilliant Iv alluiniuated apartments : where a vast and complete col ! lection of the state’s mineral re j sources will be shown. In the j center of the main chambers an elaborate fountain will discharge 1 copious draughts of the different health giving mineral waters of Colorado to the delight of visitors, while from mysterious caverns will echo the strains of soft sweet music, lending enchantment, as in lairyland, to the scene. The exterior ot the cave will represent a mountain in the Rockies, the sides covered with earth, rock, trees and pine shrubs. WORK FOR US • few day*, and you will hr sturtled at the unex pected Micces* that will reward your effort*. Wo positively have the best business to offer an agent that can be found on the face of thin earth. 845.00 profit on B*s OO worth of business U being ea-ilv ami honorably made by and paid to hundred* «if men, women, Ikivs, and gbl* in our employ. Yon can make money faster at work for us than voit have any Idea of. The Imsluess is *o ea*v to (earn, and instruction* so simple ami plain, that all succeed from tile »tart. Those who take hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and largest publishing house* in America. Secnr* for yourself the profits that the buxines* so readily and linmDoniely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than renlGc their greatest expectation*. Those who try I: find exactly ns we tell them. There f* plenty of room for a few more workers, ami vr« urge them to heaiii at once. If you are nlrendy em ployed, but have a few spare moments, nml wish to use t list in to advantage, then write u* at once (for this Is vour grand opportunity), and receive full p«Hlou(nr« by return mail. Address, TRI E N CO., Box No* 400, Augusta, Me. The Hick’s 1898 Almanac and Paper. We are informed that .the 1898 Almanac ot IVof. Irl llicks is now I ready, and judging Irom its past, Instorv, it will not bo inanv weeks, in finding its way into homos and offices all over America. It is much larger and finer than any previous issue. It contains 110 pages, is splcndillv printed and illustrated on line book paper, having I lie finest portrait ever given ol Frol. Hicks. It can no longer be denied that the publica tions of Frol Hicks have become a necessity to the family and com mercial life ol this country. His journal. “Word and Works,” aside from its storm, weather and astro nomical features, lias taken rank willi the Lest literary, scientific and family magazine ot the age. Do not believe hearsay and reports Seethe Hicks Almanac and paper lor yourself. You will then know why they are so popular. They are educators ot the millions, and unrivaled safeguards to property and human life. It is matter ot simple record that Frol. Ilicfts has foretold for many years all great storms, floods, drouths and torna does, even the recent terrible drouth all over the country. The Almanac alone is 25 ecu's a copy. The paper is SI.OO a year with the Almanac ns'a premium. Send to Word and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Locust at., St. Louis, Mo. GOLD WATCH. ting prices am! <|itnm'ling we bought 1.11,0 I4k gohl filled cans watcher worth $.5. that we are selling at 18.25. (hue of any hank or express company with examining privilege. WINGER .V Co. Station R. No. 532 Kenwood Terraeo Chicago, 111. A Stiro T iling /or You. A transaction in which yo i cannot loauisa suiothiu;:. Rico imiuta-, si» 1: linnlnclic, fur red touyue, foyer, pilcamnl u thousand other i!:s nrcVau.icil by coimlipuliuii unci ninggish liver. Utucarets(Jamly Caiharlir, the won derful now liver stimulant stud lutes Inal touic nra i.y nil drmrj'.sts (virtnititexal to cure ot* money refunded. ('. C (J. urn u sure thing. Try a box to day; 10c., !iV., ;,oe. bamplo uud booklet free. Sco our Li;' ad. J. K. DOUGHTY, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Office in U. S. I.nnd Office Building Lamar, Colorado. Prattire before the U. S. Land Office. Uverylitnly Fays Co. Cuaeureta Camlv Cathartic, the mocl won derful medical dis-.i. «rv of the age, peas ant and rcfivrtTnntr l<> llie lasie, act foully an I positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, clean.'*in«j tlio entire sysl-m. dispel «olds, cum headache, id/.vr, hnhilunl < onellpnlion :ttri b .ion-ni va. Please buy mid try a box of G. (J. C. to-day; 10, 2‘*. :0 t enta. Mold and guaranteed to chin* by nil drupgists. more of every class ftao^taj r^ENCiNC Railroad, farm, garden, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing. THOUSANDS OF MILES IN USE. CAT! LOG UK FBEE. FREIGHT PAID. the McMullen woven wire fence co, 114.118. 118 and ISO If. Market fit.. Chicago, XiL pnpp’q u. s. SAiifl/ list UUrr O ,»n|yiLSERVICE‘OiIs r'.tb G?S:r*ZH ESAKIUaT:::? GvSiTIGHS, tnves t e i v 1, .Arinv, Navy .mu ii.jii ..n.ii i C..y i.e>!ev Tilts about Postal, Department. 1 Cn»to*n«. ln'Ln ard other public emnlavtnents. HOYT TO 03TAIK ?22!L Price 50c. For sale zt the office cf this paper. WINGER’S WINDMILL FEED GRINDER »"A MONEY MAKER AND SAVER." A rt'.iiGla Orlnrlcr *lth three Purrs. Cooler draft. Can 1<« attached to any bike or niase of f.iitupi>iir nliid mill. E. O. WINGER, 63J Terrace, Chicago, 111 Subscribe For TITE COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE. The only morning daily pub lished hi FlPaso County. $1.75 lor three months. THE MUNSON —TYPEWRITER IS A WOOD MACHINE. I) IGII-CiUADK STAN HARD OF KXCKLI.XCK The MUNSON contains more im portant features than any other o.vk Typewriter. Investigation solicited- j Address for particulars, The Munson Typewriter Co., MANUFACTURERS, 240-141 West Lake street, Chicago. Illinois. A. Cyl Your address, with six cents tF in stamps, mailed lo our HcjU 4i/ _ quartets, II Lliot fit.. lioitso, l /J hiss., will bring you a full line * 2 jf—f) If ol samples, and rules for sclf _ £ (L /J I measurement, of our justly fa -2 * if fill] mous S 3 pants ; Suits, $13.35; O ?11 111 LI Overcoats, slo.BB,and up. Cut ■y* to order. Agents wanted every ilLli ' .ra w hcre. • Plymouth Rock Co. THE DENVER TIMES is the only daily paper in the West which pays special attention to the daily i Live Stock market j quotations gossip. |IS 1.25 for tlircc montlis. 85.00 per year. I. STATE HOME : For Uopciiilcnt and Neglected Children. i 033 Dart Strjet, Denver, Colorado. Will receive infants and children | under IG years. For particulars ; regarding admission address the superintendent. ALASKA Taken front tin* Intt* governmout surveys show lug the area, rivers, volcanoes, towns, distances nii'l alx innuntnlu pasrea to tin* Klondike gold Held-- nil in red lines nml figures. Also a lx>oh ~f 2 pages containing n history of the ptirchnse liv the U. S. in IHI7 of Ala-kit and the Aleutian Ivl.-in 1- (the home of the .'real). Also Atneriean and < anadinn milling laws and neee*sary proced ure In taking up and staking out elnlniH. Doth man (12.\:4 Im he-i rind Intuructiug book by WINGER& F. MILTON FRIEND. M. D anti SURGEON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. Uref. Eye. Throat, Female anil Surgical Diseases Office hours: 8to!• a. nt., Ito 3 ami, 7to3p. m. 8 to 10 a. in. Sutnlnv*. Do not trf* deceived bv alluring advertisements and think you can get tbe boat m-ulr, finest finish and MOST POPULAR BCWINQ MAOHINS for a more song. Buy trom rvlluPla manufacturers thnt have (ralucl a reputation by honest and square dealing. There Isnonnln tho world that ran equal In inechanleal construction, durability of working ptrts, fineness of finish, beauty In aiipoamncc, or has os many Improvements as tbo NSW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. Okaxok, Mass. Boston, Hass. Ml’xioxßqvAKK,N.Y. Cuicaoo, ill. nt. Louts, mo. Dallas. Tula*. Bax nuxcisoo, Cal. Atlanta, Oa. FOR BALC BY Athny and Son, I.n Junta, Colo. CINCINNATI iTYPE (FOUNDRY AND PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, 0. | Tho typo nactl on this paper *,y*3 oast by tha j iMvo fo-uidry.—l d, CATHARIIC [ i CURtCOHSTIPATIOH 1 10 * ALL 25* SO* ITiiraijnir DRUGGISTS <> II nt lisa, CAICAIITI tnstaaood. Kattlwm H Piunv like candy. Theyro " wMflUl move any bad taste i | In the mouth, leavln* J CATHARTIC • n fumed. It Is a I r real plensare ts taka , tbom Instead of Bats | | seating liquidsorcauuon-ball pills. ' i mmmmmmmm C.UCABm HI (are purely vegelablß \l BlinCl V Aandouutaln no mer it I rUIItLI Xcurlal or other min ’l leral poison. They f VFCCTARI F f are made of the let .if WCHCI ADLKs test remedies dlsoov- I't 4 ered and era a solan . •• •••anno comblnatloa (i never before pnt together In any form. \ MS CAHCAim l r A are untlsoptlc. That } ANTISEPTIC I<l is sled food' from \ I souring In the (torn ) LAXATIVE |■ a itaUon *ln the . \ § bowels end kill dte- W ••••• • • •••••• ease germs of any A kind that breed and feed In the system. ;,, -i r ■■ sb necAHm 111 I tone the stomach and ' I lIIf CD 1 bowels and atluulste i I I LITCII I the lasy liver, mak v I Ting It work. They .i 3 CTIIIIII IKT (strengthen the bow ('f wIIMULAm t els and put them Into .t f vigorous bun I thy condition, making X their action easy and natural. , j» Don’t judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They ~ ' are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior. ’. f Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get f The your money back! Larger boxes, 2Sc or 50c. (* f on ßewa?e U l> n f o ‘ Sample and booklet mailed free- Address i i | imitations I sterling remedy co., cmcaooi cam., mwvo*k. an <} I rs BK ourcs Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makes weak men | strong. Sold snd guaranteed by nil druggists. Get book lew Large Sample* Rooms for Com House UelittaJ Tlinug 1 ! mercial Mon. Reason- out. First class Ac able Kales. cc nrnodations. SILVER STATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. i^L^CM^^Quaßtyi ! J cume-plate with our tnJc- jo i ov ” a* a proof Uis a S 1 5 If you cannot afford to %* X Af thoroughly high-grade wheels and K | ? cheap in price onljr. Six sty lessor |? for Catalogue* J« .A» J* J* «>* J* nr g Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., K 3 Lake, Halsted and Fulton B3 Rcadc St., K ft CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK, jg I Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Book A LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Mon. W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. _ The work will contain adlk An account of his campaign tour . . . His biography, written by his wife . . His most important speeches . . . , The results of the campaign of 1896. vS A >*&* A review of the political situation . . AGENTS WANTED <& Mr. Bryan ha 3 announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St....CHICAGO. | □^PRICE’S Q&JSSGf The only Pure Creuui of Tartar Powdei.—-No Ammonia; No Alum. Used ia Millions of Homes —40 Years the Standard No. 18. CAMAirrs d Increase Uia flow of . ohlVa "tablet •■Mn ! 8001 FOR t by tbo mother make* A her milk mildly pure- BIATIIPBC ‘ ■tire and bai a mild MU lIIUIO . butoertaln effect on ( ' the baby, tbo only •••••••••••••■ safe laxative for Abe babe-la-anus. 4 | .... cAKAiirro ■ i ■ 1 i . 1 are liked by tbecbll- ( t dren. They taato M fflffg pood and do good, rLCJIffC i | •top wtnd-eullo and ' sr,*,”Av;;™:!:K35 r ,*,”Av;;™:!:K3 the children all felnde of para- t \ •Itoe that Ilea In tbo "•■•••••••••••• towels of tbo prow Inc child. ( ' ...CiKAIITt, 11 ■ t 1 11 n ri t ii A taken patiently. per- |' •latently, arepuaran- awag t U-od to cure any case UUIIB. ( t of eonstlpatlon, no ’ obstinate, I RUARAITEED If ebaeo money will bo , \ cheerfully refunded ••••••••••••■■ \ • by yoar own drattglet. > .... CARCAMITO arosoid by nil drop- m Loc* a°box, aoco-d- NEALTN i , Inp to else. A l*s _ _ _ _ 1 KffiS!IMSWKS FOR 10 CERTS ( l the richt road toper- _ _ _ _ foct nndpermanent , ) health. Doa’t risk delay. T