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Cheyenne record. (Cheyenne Wells, Cheyenne County, Colo.) 1913-19??, August 20, 1914, Image 4

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Cheyenne Record
Cheyenne Wells, Colo.
C. T. BOUKRT, Owner and Publisher
Published every Thuraday in Cheyenne Wells.
Cheyenne county Colorado, and entered at the
poatoffice aa Becond claaa mail master, April 3.1912
under the Act of March 3. 1879.
Subscription Ouo Dollar i>er Yonr
Display advertising 10c per inch
each insertion: locals Sr. per line each
Church Notes.
The fourth Quarterly Confer
ence of the Methodist Church
was held last Tuesday evening
Dr. W. T. Scott preached an
excellent sermon after which the
business' session was held and the
following officers were elected.
Stewards- Mrs. P. A. Jones; Mrs.
Marlha Daniels; Fred Schulke;
J. J. Schutke; J. W. Adams, Re
cording Steward; and H. E.
Bayer. District Steward.
Trustees- S. W. Adams; L. M.
Gudgel; J. J. Schulkee; T. S.
Johnstone; and H. E. Bayer.
The county High School opens
its doors again to all applicants of
the county on Monday Aug. 31.
The earlv date set for the county
fair, and the fact that Labor day
comes on the 7th., are responsi
ble for the rather early date set
for the opening of school. Mr.
Nylander is succeeded by Mr. F.
A. Reidel, recently with the
South Canon High School. He
is looking forward to a splendid
year and is earnestly hoping that
the present reputation of the
school as amof.g the most pro
gressive and thorough in the
state, will draw a large number
of ambitious young people from
all parts of the county. A broad
minded and liberal board of di
rectors has made it possible for
the most exacting student to find
courses suited to his needs. The
most up-to-date text books and
equipment, and splendid practi
cal courses in manual training,
domestic science and agriculture,
under energetic, and competent
teachers are at the disposal of all
prepared to enter the high school.
Music, both vocal and instru
mental, and physical exercise
and social enjoyment are proper
ly balanced with the regular
A special effort has been made
to secure lodging and employ
ment for those coming alone
from a distance. Remember
this school is yours. Communi
cations regarding lodging board
or employment will receive
prempt attention. Already a
fairly large number of excellent
rooms in good families and at
reasonable rates for those who
will bring along their own fur
niture and cooking utensils, has
been found. Parents desiring to
send their children here are as
sured of thd most careful and
sympathetic supervision of those
placed under our care.
Mrs. Claud Warren who was
verry sick last week is better at
this date and we trust will soon
be well again.
A heavy cream and merchan
dise trade here last Saturday
Mr. George Howard and Miss
Stella Rabourn are getting along
nicely since their surgical oper
Mts Charles F. Carter of Town
er, will teach this school this
school year.
Miss. Lillian Bogert of Chey
enne Wells, will have charge of
the Mayfield school this school
year. We wish and bespeak for
these young teachers success and
a pleasant year and we believe
entire satisfaction to the patrons.
The farmers association are
handling nearly all the c.v im
here for miles around and are
doing a splendid business.
Under this heudinj' candidate’s an
nouncements will be published until
tlie primary election in September at
the Hut rate of $5.00, payable strictly
in advance. Notice must not exceed
ten lines ut this rate. 12xtra lines
must lie paid for at the Hat '-ate of 50
cents a line for the full time.
For United State* Represen
I hereby announce to tht Democratic
voters of the Second Congressional
District that I shall be a candidate for
the nominatioh for Congress on the
Democratic ticket subject to the result
of the forthcoming primary.
Harry H. Seldom ridge.
Auditor of State.
I hereby anm/tmee myself as a can
didate for the office of State Auditor,
subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic voters ut the coining primary
Chas. H. Leckenby.
For Commissioner
We are authorized to announce the
name of of John K. Marolf as a candi
date for the otMce of County Commis
sioner on the Democratic ticket, from
the Second District, subject to the de
cision of the Democretic voters at the
the coming Primary election.
We are authorized to announce the
name of Geo. W. Atkinson as a can
didate for County Commissioner from
the 2nd district subject to the action
of the voters at the Democratic pri
mary. Sept Bth.
1 hereby announce myself us a can
didate for County Commissioner from
the 2nd eoinmissionersrs district, sub
ject to the will of tne Republican vo
ters at the primary election.
County Superintendent.
1 wish to announce my candidacy for
the office of County Superintendent of
Schools oj Cheyenne county, subject
to the decision of the Republican par
ty at the September primary; Jas. 11
Curtis, First view.
We are authorized to announce Miss
hoe, Colo., as a candidate for the of
fice of Superintendent of Schools, sub
ject to the decision of the voters of the
Democratic party at the September
I ’rimary.
lCsther 11. Weir will he a candidate
for the office Superintendent of schools
of Cheyenne county subject to the de
cision of ehc voters at the Democratic
Primaries, Sept. 8tl».
We are authorized to announce the
name of Miss Florence Cudgel as a
candidate for County Supeaintendent
on the Republican ticket subject to the
voters at the coming Primaries.
County Sheriff
I hereby announce myself for re
nomination to the office ! now hold,
that of Sheri IT. subject to the decision
of the Democratic Assembly and tin*
will of the voters at the coming i’ri
mary election. W. F. Williams.
County Treasurer
l hereby announce myself us a can
didate for re-election to the office of
County Treasurer, subject to the ap
proval of the Republican Assembly
and the voters tit the coining primary
election. FRANK J. QUINN.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of County Treas
urer on tiie Democratic ticket subject
to the will of the people at the coming
primary i lectiou Sept. 8. P>M,
John H. Williams.
We are authorized to announce the
name of J. A. McCrumb as a candi
date for the office of county Treasurer
on the Democratic ticket, subject to
the decision of the voters at the com
ing Primary election.
For the best Ice Cream in
town pro to the Farmers Home
Clerk and Recorder 1
I hereby announce myself ns n can
didate for the office of County Clerk
and Recorder, subject to thcauprovul
of the Republican Assembly and
the will of the people at the cOming
primary election.
Chas. C. Tuhneh.
I hereby announce myself us a can
didate for Clerk and Recorder of Chey
enne county on the Democratic ticket,
subject to the will of the delegates in ,
the county assembly and the voters in
the primary election.
Tkos; K. Hickman.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of County Clerk
and Recorder, on the Democratic tick
et, subject to tile will of the people at"
the cominjf primary election Sept 8, '
lUH, E. .T. S.wdai.. j
We are authorized to announce the
name of C, O. Sears as a candidate ,
for tlie office of County Clerk and Re
corder, subject to the will of the Re
publican voters at the couisnu Primary
election Sept. 8, 11114.
County Assessor
l hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of County Asses
or subject to tlieupprovulof the Demo
cratic County Assembly and the voters
at the Halmary election Sept 8. 11114.
.1 11, Nelson
1 hereby announce myself us a cun
uidate for the office of Assessor sub
ject to the action of the Republican
voters at the Primaries Sept 8, 11)14,
V. h. Nokman.
We are authorized to announce the
the name ofT. W. Maynard as a can
didate for Assessor on the Democratic
ticket subject to the voters at the com
mu Primaries SeptB, 11)14.
1 hereby announce myself us a can- j
didate -for Representative from this J
district on the Democratic ticket sub
ject to tlie will of the people at pi-inia- •
ry election Sept. 8, 1!)14.
J. M. Stalky.
A Business man for a Business
Candidate for the Democratic n< 111-.
Ination for
Democratic Candidate For i
P 3B ——a———f _
I When you Buy Lumber j
« You want I
Dcois, Building Paper l|
Cement, Plaster, i
Shingles, Lath, and 'in :
fact everything you may need for any!
kind of a building.
You should have a Fairbanks-Morsel
engine to attach to your well.
Chas. Erchenberger
—+ + ♦ ♦- + -♦ ♦♦ ——♦ ♦—r —
Dry Goods, Groceries, and*
.. „ . • i
General Merchandise. j
i 1 also handle a complete line of boys;
| suits and Knickerbockers. Give me
| a trial.
I will pay you the highest market!
price for butter, eggs and cream.
and Embalming
I carry a complete line of Undertaking goods and
Funeral Supplies. A licensed embalmcr and all
of the most modern equipment for taking care of
and directing funerals, see to the securing of pall
bearers, preparing grave, furnishing steel vault
if desired. Phone 20.
j]. N. Hollenbaugh Cbeyenne Wells
! I Overland garage Co I
Sears and Hoi.i.f.xbaugh, Props I
are we d prepared to handle I
7 ~ passengers for any point you Q
| may wish to go, and guarantee the |
best q £ serv ; ce _ Rates reasonable. 1
—- ’PHONE No. 39 - t
WE have a new*, complete line of ‘j
supplies and accessories, and
we can fit you out in anything i
that you may need in that line j
WETare also agents for ~ ,
the ‘HUPMObiIE’
automobile on the market * (■

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