¥OL. 7 FOLLOW THE CALENDAR AND WIN THE WAR MONDAY— Wheatless day. TUESDAY—One Meatless day 1 meal wheatless "WEDNESDAY—WheatIess day THURSDAY—I wheatless meal FRIDAY—I meal wheatless - SATURDAY—I meal wheatless SUNDAY—One meal wheatless Every day a Fat caving pay Every day a Sugar saving day USE—Fruits, vegetables, Pinto beans and potatoes abundantly USE—Milk wisely Washington Letteir By Edward Keating Conffressu&n from the third Colorado istrtet Sever 1 years prior to the be ginning of the great European War, the authorities of the Bel jjian province of Huinaut decided that men crippled in industrial accidents should not be support* «d in idleness if they could be so trained as to restore their pro ductive eapasity. That was the beginning of one of the most interesting move ments the world haseverseen. Of coarse, those hard-headed Belgians did not know that their country was soon to be transform «d into a hugh cemetary and that hundreds of thousands of men were tube blinded and crippled in the greatest of all wars. They Wen thinking only of the wound ed veterans of industry, but they founded an institution which has become of tremendous import ance in a military sense. The first school for maimed men was located at Charleroi iri .Belgium and it was successful from the star,. The world was beginning to hear interesting tales of this factory where human beings were repaired when the declaration of war came and the Ormans swept down in Belgium Charleroi was in the path of the invaders and its schools was destroyed and the teachers and their pupils killed or driven away FIRST SCHOOL IN FRANCE. The director of the school fled to France nnd arrived in the city of Lyons, after many adventures to flad the mayor of _ {hat great industrial center struggling With tbs problem of providing jobs for the maimed French soldiers who wars drifting back from the fierce OMSUUtrrs between Joffe's army oad the forces of Prussian mili- The legless and armless heroes wave snanirg themselves in the parks placidly waiting for “some thing to turn up.” No. employ ment could be found tor them, because they had not been train od for the positions which their physical handicap would [e:mit them to fill. The teacher from Charleroi saw bis opportunity. He was to •old to fight in the trenches for his beloved Bt Igium but he could render a much more valuable .service to his country’s allies. He could show them how to re construct crippled soldiers. And ke did. From that obscure beginning tiie system has spread throughout the world. Thou .sands and. tens of thousands of soldiers have been rehahitaled jtnd new schools are being con atantlgestabiished. “SMITH-SEARS” ACT. Less than a month ago the A m •erican Conimesa enacted legis Cheyenne Record. CHEYENNE WELLS, CHEYENNE COUNTY, COLORADO, THURSDAY, JULY IS, 15)18 iation which will permit the sys tem to be introduce 1 here. We hope the inventive genius of the Yankee will enable us to out-do our European friends. The legislation refered to is known as the "Smith-Sears Act,’ having been'fathered by Senator Hoke Bmith of Georgia and Con gressman “Joe” Sears of Florida The act delegates to the Feder al Board for Vocational Educat ion the duty of re-educating the disabled men in some useful em ployment which they shall be deemed capable of following with profit. While the me n are taking the special courses compensation will be allowances will be paid their families precisely.as if the men were still in active service. At the conclusion of the course agencies will be ready to assist in placing the re-educated men in civil life. Th« Federal Board is now en gaged in the task of making the necessary arrangements for the work which means so much to these men who have suffered im pairment of their earning capaci ties. A GENEROUS PROVISION In order that the disabled sol dier may have every incentive for assisting in the work of re education, the act provides that the result of such work shall not be permitted to interfer in any way with the payment of the peusion which the aoldie. would “e entitled to receive on account { of his disability. For example; A soldier who has lost both eyes is entitled t> a certain pention. Under the new system such a soldier might be taught a number of gainful occupations and it is conceivable that eventually he might have a considerable earning power. Tnat fact would not operate to reduce the amount of his pension There is sound reason for this peculiar provision. The work of rehabilitation cannot be success ful unless the injured men coop erates cheerfully and earnest ly. The first thing needed in or der to Get that kind of cooper ation is to demonstrate that the government is not actuated by selfish.motives—that it is not at tempting to re-educate the men in order to cut down the pension bill. ' In next week’s letter I will en deavor to relate some of the mar veloua results secured in the ai led countries by teac.ipr* of the new system. SUNNY SIDE Mrs. M. C. Owens visited Mrs. Sheim Smith lust Friday. Verne Norton and family vis ited lit the M. C. Owens home last Sunday. Tlie Ked Cross at dance at Les ter Beveridge was well attended -mu u Mood tune was had by all. M. C. O wens house was struck wuii lightning one day last week •vi. 0. has an insurance on his buildings. ♦ ■ ■ ■ - To ths Women of C'aeyenne Weils. Without waiting for requisition Washington has. shipped to the women of this county material enough to mnke about 1000 refu gee garments. This has been ap portioned out lo the various branches of the ARC. leaving a large allotment for Cheyenne Wells. Will YOU help to keep some child warm this winter by making.some of these garments. Call at the home of Mrs. H. C. Nelson for the cut supplies. Mrs. 11. L. Delaplain. i Sec A. R. C. Annual Financial Statement Of school district No. 2 county of Cneyenne. state of Colorado, from July 1, 1917 to June 30, 1918. Received Amount on hand July 1, 1917. General Fund 119 38 Special Fund 1,713 81 Redemption Fund 1,112 02 Library Fund 7 04 Received from general fund by upiKM'tioniuent 1,879 80 From special tax for school purposes 0,230 02 From special tax on interest on bonds 2,001 20 From all other sources 3 22 Total 13,183 00 Paid For teachers’ salaries 3,729 00 For fuel, rent, insurunca and all current expenses 2,914 02 For redemption of bonds 2,500 00 For Interest on bonds 233 84 For outstanding warrants 1,347 21 For interest on legistered warrants ' 28 94 For rebate taxes Balance in hands of county treas urer to credit of district July 1,1918 General fund 034 24 Special fund 1,034 52 Redemption fund 399 27 Library fund 12 22 Total 13,183 00 J. West, Secretary district No. 2 Annual Financial Statement OX school district No. 4, countv of Cheyenne, state of Colorado from July 1, 1917 to June 30, 1018. Received Amount on hand July 1, 1917 General fund 302 16 Bond fund 755 *.4 Amount on hand July I, 1917 I held by district treasurer 1,057 f .O Received from general fumd | by apportionment 080 *5 . rom special tax for school ( jur{K>seri 3,027 79 From all other sources 08 79 Total 4,811 33 Paid For teachers* salaries 2,370 00 For fuel, rent, insurance and all current expenses 973 92 For sites, buildings, furniture permanent improvements 50 00 For redemption outstanding warrants 314 01 For interest on registered warrants 00 31 For rebate taxes and fees 30 28 Total amount paid out during year 3,805 12 Balance in bands of County Treasurer to credit of district June 30 1918 General fund 209 01 Special fund 7t7 £0 Balance in band District treas uror June 30, 1918, 1.030 21 Total 4,841 33 Balance in bands of County and Distrlot treasurer 1,030 21 Amount of District warrants registered and unpaid J une 30, 1918 840 90 ' A. Killioa Sec. district No. 4 Annual Financial St ataman. Of school district No. 9, county o Cheyen te state of Colorado, from Juno 30, 1917 to July 1, 1918. Received Amount on hand 1917 Bond fund 1,503 75 Amount on hand July 1 1917 held by district treasurer 1,593*75 Received from general fund by apportionment 1,011 40 From special tax for school purposes 4,630 98 Total 5,642 38 Paid For teachers's salaries 1,560 00 For fuel, rent, insurance and all current expenses 1,209 0.1 For buildings 4,000 00 | For Library purposes 150 00 ' ror overdrafts 132 85 For interest on registered war -1 rants 37 93 For rebate taxes and fees 3 > 19 Total amount paid oat during year 5,120 01 Balance In hand of treasurer 521 72 I Total ♦ 5,642 38 i Balance In hands of county and districts treasurers, as above > £2l 72 Amount of district warrants r» gistertd and unpuld 265 52 Warrants not. registered, and other forms of indebU a ness 1-000 j A, E. Uowell, 1 ‘ Secretary district No. 5 Soldiers’ Parents Warned Against Money Swindle [By. Mt. News] The transportation pirate has again attracted the attention of the war department by his scheme of wiring to the parents for funds to be sent to a fake ad dress. An official warning has been issued to parents to be sure that any message is from the proper person. The text of the warning follows: “It is believed that publicity should be given to the following described swindle, which is per petrated successfully upon the parents of soldiers in various camps: “A telegram is sent informing that the soldier has a furlough and requesting funds by wire to come home, waiving identifica tion. The rest is a mere matter of detad. “Parents and friends should be warned of this game and of the similar one where the tele graphic request is-to mail money to the soldier care general deliv ery. Respectfully, R. H. Van Deman, f Colonel, General Staff, Chief Military Intelligence Bateau, by W. C. Smiley, Captain National Army Five initiated an J referred laws have been placed before James R. Noland, secretary of state, for submission to the people at the November Election. This consti tutes the full number to go be fore the people, the time for; filing petitions having expired. Three of the five proposed laws will go on the ballot by petition. These are the ‘‘bone-dry,’ bill submitted by the Colorado Anti- Salmon league; a bill for adult blind, and a bill providing for civ il service in many of the state departments. Two constitutional, amendments are submitted to the I people by the Twenty-First Gen eral Assembly. One of these would limit the time for the pre sentation of bills to the legisla- 1 ture to 15 days, instead of 30 days as the present law provides. The other would authorize the secre-1 tary of state to print all initia tive and referred bills in two pa pers of opposite political faith in' each county. Under the present l law Secretary Noland will print the above five initiative and re-1 ferred bills in one paper in each | county for four consecutive weeks previous to the November elec tion. Cheyenne County Fair Dates September 17-18-19 and 20, 1918.! The stockholders of the Chey enne County Fair Association h *ld a meeting at the Court House Saturday night and elec ted the following directors fir the ensuing year: H. C. Nelson, j C. H. Norman, L. W. .Wells, B. D Piatt, John Dieckman, I. F., Jones, J. N. Hoilenbaugh, J. P. I Cahill, O. J. Burns, Lester Bev eridge and J. W. Shy. Immediately following the gen eral election, the directors held a meeting and elected L. VV. Wells Pres., John Dieckman. Vice pres II C. Nelson, Secy, B. D. Piatt Treas, O. J. Burns Mgr, John L. Forker Sec' Fair Assn. The above dates were decided on and the manager will soon ap-, i point a chairman for each of the | departments, and it is hoped that (every body will put their “shoul jiler to the wheel and help pull off j the best fair that Cheyenne court | ty ever had. , NORTH VIEW Mr. Baber headed grain for J. A. Denly Monday. Warner Givens is expected to begin threshing in this vicinity this week. The Old Wells Red Cross met at the school house Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Jackson and baby spent Sunday afternoon at the Sullivan ranch. The Waterville Sunday school will have Sunday school at the usual hour Sunday, after which they will go to the Mr. W. C. Schultz grove and eat a basket dinner. The afternoon will be spent at the Schultz home. Bring your son" book. ARAPAHOE ITEMS. Miss Belle Winters is visiting in Kansas. Mr. Shanklen is unloading a car of lumber. Mr. Shepard has gene to Holy oke on business. George Rudolphs brother and wife hat e been visiting him. Jim Shaffer and family visited in the Bob shaffer home last Sun day. We are having plenty of rain in and around during the last few days. Clara and Lillie Minor, of Rex fold Kana, are visiting their sis ter, Mrs. Harve Snyder. Some friends visited Wtlte : Snyder at Camp FunstOn. They say Walter is getting along fine. We are glad to hear. Mrs. C. L Shriner is improving. She has been staying in Cheyenne Wells taking medical treatment. V One of Mr. Colsen’s little daughters fell while riding horse back and broke her arm. Dr. L M. Dickson dressed her arm she is getting alo-g nicely. Mrs. Sam Snyder returned home from Missouri, where she has been visiting J. F. Snyder and family. J. F. are well and doing well. Miss Holcum is teaching music and vocal lessons, she has seven Ipupils, th% following parties are Opal Owen, Freda Hough, Lena Stamper, Dorthy Nesbitt, Opal, ! Ola, and Oma Thrasher and J. | Stamper and Russel Blood. Call (or Democratic County Assembly. The Cayenne county Democratic i Assembly will lie convened at the Court House at Ctieyenne Wells Colo, | Saturday July 2Uth HUM, at 8 o'clock, p m for the purpose of designating candidates for county offices to lie nominated at the primaty Tuesday Sept 1018 to the State Democratic Assembly to lie held at the Auditorium in the city of Denver July 22. 1018, ut 10 a m and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the assembly.# Candidates will be nominated for the following county offices County Clerk and Recorder County Sheriff County Treasurer County Assessor County Superintendent of Schools County Surveyor County Coroner County Commissioner for Districts Nos. and The various precincts shall be enti tled to representation in this Assem bly as follows: I No Delegates v 1 Arapahoe 4 2 Cheyenne Weils No 1 8 I 3 Cheyenne Wells No 2 7 ! 4 First View 4 | 5 Kit Carson 5 it> Wild llorso 4 •7 Aroya 2 The precinct Primaries will be held at 2 p m Saturday July 20, 1918 at the regular polling places to select dele* gates to the county convention, to name one committeeman and one com mittee woman for 2 years and to name one candicate for Just'ce of the Peace and to name one candidate for Con* stable. The various committeemen and com* mittee women are requested to see that the polling places be oj>en from 2 to 4 p m July 2C, 1918 B. D. Piatt, Chairman J. A. Jenkins, Sec. WAYSIDES By J. A. J. Mrs. J. H. Bidinger and Mrs. Fernard Bidinger from 10 miles north of Arapahoe were after noon callers at Mrs. J. A. Jenk ins last Friday. Mrs. William Owens South of Arapahoe attended chuch at Cheyenne Wells on Sunday and spent the afternoon with the writers family. Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Snider and Mr. Durby of the Mayfield school house vicinity favored us with a call one after-noon last week, we are glad to make these te knowlegements, for the thought fullness of all these good friends D. H. Zuck begin monarch of all his surveys, had £. C. Wilson, and the writer helping him com plete the slaking out of the north Arapahoe road last Friday This road passes through a beautiful part of the country and is made all the more disirable by reason of the good road being graded up by tnose veteran graders, Joe Bolum and Henry Seibert. The road strikes Kit Carson county line, about one mile west of Lester Beveridges, then runs a mile west to the Co. line where it intercepts a pro jected road leads to Burlington. It was restful to the eye to see numberless barley stacks over the north-east part of Cheyenne County, aud the promising fields of clean well tilled corn fodder crops and millet were making rapid growths. It was interest ing to note besides good crops the substantial improvements in the way of commodious barns, neat dwellings and in the dist ant aboye.ground silos at Sherni Smiths and Beveridges. Still further in the distance we could see Joe Nesbtts barns like a City ona hill that could not be hid. Fernard Bidinger has a pretty home ornamented wite a statley row of tall cotton wood trees. Frank Nolan, besides being a Missourian has much to recomeml his place in a great field of corn and other crops. This road will add greatly to the conven ience, value and pleasure of that part of the county. It passe* through the Mrs. Roes ranch and will put the people safely over Big Timber. The pro verbid c-it tle on a thousand hijls” were grazing fat and sleek in all di lections around there. Bever idge* white faces like bellowing beauties were every wherein evidence. The writer and wife were guests on Tuesday with M t. and Mrs. J. H. Nelson at their country home. Mrs. William Owens, Mrs. Nelsons mother and Mrs. Chamberlain and children, staffer of Mr. Nelson were a port of the gathering at this deliaiou t dinner. ' While there we were vMted by such a down of rain that the Smoky creek quickly r >se to the flood stare aqd we were put the expedient of making a de tour in our passage tibine al l ii returning across roadless sect* ! ions we plowed through mu I to many a mire down, but mak* ' port with our laithful Chevorl t. | We spent a part of the day with j about 30 other willin r wor tar* helping Mr. Fo.vler adjust soma of his buildings, which had b<*er» unroofed by Sundays hard bl >«•„ Willie IloUenbuugh informs th-» writer that Prosp ct Hill had on*, shed Unroofed by the sums »ionm4 ■ r'Sj NO 17