PAGE TWO THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. (Member Associated Press.) ' Established 1879. Published every afterD«OD, except Sundays, by the Times-Hecorder PuWlshlrx Co. (Incorporated.) 9. R. KbUS PrCßWem QUIMBY MELTON Editor J. W. FURLOW C,ty Ed * tor W. L. DUPREE Business Manager - B, MaRSH Circulation Manager Advertising Ka • L. G. COUNCIL, Pres’t Inc. 1881. H. S. COUNCIL, Cashier, j; C. M. COUNCIL, Vlee-Pres. T. E. BOLTON, tsst Cashier. 1 ' ■ Planters’ Bank of Americus : ■ : CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $210,000.00 : | ] Mfah twenty years exper- | |; 0 ience in successful banking and ; { '' f? 1 I with our large resources and ;{ J: i§s W- : fl close personal attention to ;} 1! ■ feSam fig j§|[ Jh 8 !mi every interest consistent with ;} ]'■ 'll jjß>s linking, we solicit your :j I! Interest allowed on time ; j: fifljPfl Pin li , ; !f!Sj[ certificates and in our depart- ; i ■ ment f or savings■ | • j; Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating. We want • I' your Business. ; {; No Account Too Large and None Too Small. | MONEY LOANED We make farm loans at 6 per cent interest and give the borrower the privilege of paying part of principal at end of any year, stopping interest on amounts paid, but no annual payment of principal required. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB THE ALLISON UNDERTAKING COMPANY . . . FUNERAL DfRECrORS AND EMBALMERS . . . Daj Phones Night Phones 253 80 and 106 J. H. BEARD, Director, Americus, Ga. i Americus Undertaking Co. £ 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBAI.MERS, j | MR, NAT LeMASEER, Manager. j Agents For Ro~>emont Gardens | DAY PHONES 88 end 231 NIGHT 661 and 136. \ r«3»3rv3r*3cr**3»3CA«3A«3»3«3r*'jt«3tirjr3r«3r»**«»*jr««*»3r*c«3«3r«***3w ■""" "" i Cook With Gas Safe, Convenient and Economical! America Public Service Co Frank Sheffield, ) C. M. Council, V TRUSTEES J. E. Poole ) ■— HERBERT HAWKINS Insurance And Surety Bonds. Specialty—Autos at 2 per cent PLANTERS BANK BLDG. Phone No. 186 BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL BY PLANTING Forrest's Extra Early Prolific Cotton Seed Write me for war-time prices. A. A. FORREST R. F. D. 4, Box 7. Americus, Ga. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1015