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PAGE FOUR mSimWi • TUESDAY NIGHT llinil# %J\J • • • • The Theatrical Treat of The Season J • GORGEOUS MUSICAL SPECTACLE • : “THE PRINCE of TONIGHT” S : 20—SONG HITS AND STUNNING SHOW-GIRLS—2O s ; _— * • METROPOLITAN CAST WII H • : TOM ARNOLD. 40—PEOPLE—40 Z f PONY BALLET OF WONDERFUL DANCERS % • SINGING, DANCING, MUSICAL WHIRL • V ... """'"TV. ■' ; •. ■. . , J A TTinm The Blue and Silver Ballet, Transformation of 2 L|4 AI I 11\ P A Land °f M° on > College Octette and T lir\ lIJ IYijLJ Moon Maidens, Water Fete and Banquet Scene, A Grand Illumination of Flowers and Lights. • WILKINS & BURCH :7ety Nances 0 AaD so • • Complete Chicago Production. Two Special Cars • • PRirF?. Snr 8 B R Sor°Snn tra ’ sls ° TOMORROW A. MAT * • rKltllj. Balcony, 75c['fiallGry, 50c OIMO. MURRAYS PHARMACY ® •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Me The coupons in , cc „r, n <l»1 A AA M r |W '¥¥ |L-| The coupons in ISSUED &P" AA this book aie not ISSUED V| I I*UU JL JL JL 1 »..J “ this book are not transferab’e. BY transferable. f3J Ayashery Sanitary Market A T" TT H I A Ayashery Sanitary Market ’Phones 14 and 89 /JL /jk H—"-JB Li L/ ’Phones 14 and 89 TO A I l TO countersigned bj countersigned by Dala No ’ 1 SANITARY MARKET Dale No MONEY SAVING SYSTEM IN EFFECT ON AND AFTER APRIL THE IST. Co-operating with the times in reducing the high cost of living, we have inaugurated a system whereby we can save you money on each and every purchase made here. Beginning April Ist, we are going to place each and every customer on an equal footing “On a Cash Basis.” W e mean by this that we will not charge an item to any one, no matter who they might be. Now for the convenience of our customers we have prepared coupon books in two different sizes, $5.00 and SIO.OO, each book containing coupons in assorted denominations. These books can be purchased at a 5 per cent discount. In this system we save the cost of bookkeeping, collecting and loss of accounts, then to, we are in a position to pay cash for our stock, which means that we make a big saving. This we propose to give to our customers in the price of articles. Add this to your discount in purchasing coupon books and your saving on your grocery bill will reach quite a nice little sum within a months time. \ , ■ , Remember every ar- j\ /V 'XTC| C r/ie est meats an d tide is guaranteed to T ▼ • XV. • XjL. \f id JL I m g r o<:eries at the lowest be as represented..... . . Proprietor fZ^our’Zaot. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES they ABE CLOSELY OBSERVING PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Compa nies, in an interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large major ity of those whose applications are de clined do not even suspect that they have the disease. According to this it would seem that a medicine for the kidneys, possessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to thousands. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., who prepare Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the well known kidney, liver and blad der remedy, claim that judging from evidence received from druggists ev erywhere, who are constantly in touch with their customers, and also indis putable proof in the form of grateful testimonial letters from thousands of reliable citizens, this preparation is remarkably successful in sickness, caused by kidney and bladder troubles. Every interesting statement they re ceive regarding Swamp-Root is inves tigated, and no testimonial is publish ed unless the party who sends it is re ported of good character. They have on file many sworn statements of re coveries in the most distressing cases. They state that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root is mild and gentle in its action and its healing influence is soon notic ed in most cases. Swamp-Root is purely an herbal com pound and Dr. Kilmer & Co. advise all readers who feel in need of such a rem edy to give it a trial. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottlhs or two sizes— 50c and SI.OO. However, if you wish to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the Amer icus Daily Times-Recorder. advt Valdosta is planning a Booster Tic ket campaign to raise funds for the Millionaires. So far, Dothan, Tom asville and Americus have tried it. MISTER KEY TUI IT EVEH POM ILGIZAR Today’s attraction at the Alcazar Theatre consists of “The Master Key,” ip which so many Americus movie patrons are so keenly interest ed, and the usual large Friday after noon and evening crowd will be on hand to witness the further adven tures of the romance written about the life and fortune of pretty Elia Hall as Ruth Gallon. John Dore. hero of the romance, will be seen in his accustomed role in today’s episode and as the story is unfolded the in terest is certain to increase. As an additional attraction and in order to add variety to his usual ex cellent program, Manager Prather has arranged for the presentation of an additional reel illustrating the latest dance steps as practiced by the ex clusive fashionable dancers in New York City and resorts where fashion's leaders are accustomed to gather. FRECKLES February and March Worst Months for Tills Trouble—How to Remove Easily. There’s a reason why nearly every body freckles in Feburary and March, but happily there is also a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. Simply get an ounce of othine, double strength, from your druggist and apply a little of it night and morning, ani in a few days you should see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the light ones have van ished entirely. Now is the time to rid yourself of freckles, for if not remov ed now they may stay all summer an i spoil an otherwise beautiful complex ion. Your money hack if othine fails. BSSaa * BATES. * One Cent a Word*. Minimum * * charge 15 cents. * 10 Per Cent Discount tor one * ' week. * * 25 Per Cent Discount for two ♦ ‘ weeks. * * 50 Per Cent Discount for three • * weeks. No Copy accepted at 8 P. M. * * TERMS. * Advertising In this column will * * be charged to parties whose names * ’ appear on our subscription books; * ' otherwise CASH must accompany * * copy. * FREE ADVERTISING * * All advertisements under head- * * Ing “Situation Wanted” will be * * run twice Free of Charge. * «•**••*«•*••*•**?•* WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED —Farms; any size and lo cation; also tracts of land for colon ization. Brionne, 23 Duane St., New York. MONEY LOANED —Should you need any money, call to see me. I am pre pared t secure mon*v now at 7 per cent, interest, on improved farm lands. Loans promptly made. R. L. MAY NARD, Americus, Ga. 3-1-ts FOR SALE CANDY EASTER EGGS—Buchan* an*s the Spotless Store 24-4 t FOR RENT—Three room apart ment; all conveniences. Phone 232. Mrs. McGillis, corner Lamar and Hampton. 26-lw FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915 POULTRY POWDER Makes hens healthy and lay. Rembert’s. FOR SALE: 600 Bushels ear corn— 90c delivered Plains, ts OLIVER-McDONALD CO. FOR RENT—Store room on Jackson St., now occupied by myself; posses sion given April Ist. S. A. Daniels. FOR RENT A desirable bungalow on Hancock avenue; possession given April I. John A. Cobb. 24-ts FOR RENT —An attractive six-room cottage on Lee street, with all modern conveniences. W. D. Bailey. HOUSE FOR RENT—Jackson av inne. See Lee Allen. 2-ts FOR RENT—Six-room couse on Brannon Ave.; modern conveniences; possession March Ist. Herbert Haw kins. 13-ts 5-ROOM HOUSE for rent April Ist; close in. W. B. Heys. 16-ts WE FIT TRUSSES—Rembert’s. FOR RENT —Five rooms and bath; all on same floor; best residence seo tion. Phone 807. 26-ts RED CROSS COLD TABLETS cure. Rembert’s. FOR RENT —Six-room house corner Jackson avenue and Hill; moderate trice. C. P. Davis. 13-ts NICE COMBS —Brushes, Rembert’s. KODAK FINISHING—Send us your kodak films for finishing. We use the same care in finishing our amateur work that we do in our studio por traiture A .trial will convince you. The McKinstry Studio, Jackson St., Americus, Ga. 26-2 t