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PAGE EIGHT big half price sale of LADIES’ COATSU ITS J2O 00 LADIES’ CO AT SUIT - - SIO.OO \ $25.00 LA. DIES’ COAT STIT - - $12.50 j§_ S3O 00 LADIES’ COAT SUIT • - $15.00 \ jNj J $35.00 LADIES’ COAT SUIT - - 517.50 A & ® S4O 00 LADIES’ COAT SUIT - - $20.00 J ** ’ FIFTY SAMPLE SUITS ”i-l /I Ml i THM’C THE stNSATION 0F THE CITY Co ir itrn od to m for ouick selling at HALF PRICE. No two Mike. || Ok IVI II IVV I \ 41 Absolutely the greatest suit value ever offered in Americus. BE DIS- A genuine “Snap” for Faster shoppers. See our windows None I V( 1 KJ TINCTIVE THIS EASTER by buying from this Sample lot at half price and sold umil Saturday, 27th OPPOSITE WINDSOR HOTEL. iTlcazar today" f§ ' "THE MASTER KEY” Tsisode 12. It’s a thriller. Don’t miss it. -DANCE CREATIONS" I Latest in modern dances. A thousand dollar daa cit g lesson for a few cents. Don’t miss it. H TOMORROW'S PROGRAM -HAUNTED HEARTS" A romance of the Sea in two parts •Nellie the Pride of the Fire House’ I Some Comedy DR. R. M. WILLI AM SON VETERINERY SURGEON Hospital Accommodations for Horses, Mules and Dogs. Office aed Hospital, Hampton St. near Ball Park. TELEPHONE 235 I Come to This Store We will show you ladies’ 1 Pumps and Slippers that will I 1 fit and please yon, we have I every new style that will be good this season. CHILDREN’S SLIPPERS Buy your children’s East er slippers from this st >re, we are especially prepared for them with slippers that fit and | wear TILLMAN * BROWN Fitters of Feet THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER I OPEN NOSTRILS! END | A COLD OR CATARRH I y How To Get Relief When Head % I X and Nose are Stuffed Up. X Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffing, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or head ache; no struggling for breath at nigfht. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, sooth , ing and healing the swollen or inflam ed mucous membrane, giving you in stant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don’t stay stuffed-up ■ and miserable. Relief is sure. Hooks Pharmacy. advt JOHN BULLHEFUSES REOUESTUNCLESHM I T“ (By Associated Prpss.) LONDON, March 25. —The British government has formally declined to i j grant the request of the United States for permission to station an American consular agent at Kirkwell to report to this government on cargoes of American ships destined for that port I t | IMERIOUS COTTON MARKET I j Americus, Ga., March 26, 1915. 1 The cotton market is quoted today as follows: j Good middling 8 l-2e to 8 3-4 c. Middling, 7 l-2c to 73-4 c. The futures market today is steady, with a recession of a few points only from the topnotch quotations of yes terday. At neon M:y was quoted at 9.55, Ju ly at 9.48 and October 10,14 c. I CKKHKKH>O<>OO<KHJO<KHKK}<KH>MCh, 1 Eldridge Display I § of | Select Seed g If you require seeds for g g early or hot-house planting, 2 2 select wha. you need from g 2 out stock of g | LANCRETH’S GUARANTEED g GARDEN g | AND E OWER SED g g Every seed which we sup- g g ply wil .Le fresh and from 2 1 J 914 crops. We receive g 2 these seeds from Lnndreth 2 g Seed Co. and havo select- g g ed the varieties best udapt- 2 lea to the soil and climate 2 of this section. g ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY f Jackson St. Phone S 3 | i ofoooooiKnjooeoDoovoooooooeHd j » Money to Lend We are in position to obtain money on farm lands in Sumter county promptly at reasonable rates. If you desire a loan cail on or write us. Jas. i). i John A. Fort .. Planters Bank Building. GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Both ers You, Drink Lots of Water. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don’t get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean by flush ing them with a mild, harm less salts, which removes the body’s urinous waste and stimu lates them to normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid |jid waste, so we can readily understand the cital im portance of keeping the kidneys ac tive. Drink lots of water—you can’t drink j % too much; also get from any pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act line. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with lithia, and has been us ed for generations to clean and stim ulate clogged kidneys; also to neu tralize the acids in uiine so it no lon ser is a source of irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent i lithia-water drink which everyone I should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, aIBO keep lip the water drinking | and no doubt you will wonder what | became of your kidney trouble and backache. Hooks Pharmacy. advt ’•» > C> ft* n ■ u-J i ARE YOU A SHAVER! | Come and sea our common sense ra zors. We have safety razors and all i kinds of Razors or blades, 35c and up. ; Soaps, straps, bay rum, lotions, creams or powders. Rembert’s Prog Store 213 Forsyth Street. WOODMEN CIRCLE WILL ENTERTAIN GUESTS TONIGHT PLEASANT AFFAIR AT WOODMAN HALL IS PLANNED. A delightful social event tonight will ha the “tackey party” which the la dies of Minnie Vann Grove auxiliary to Americus Camp, Woodmen of the ■World, will give at the W. O. W. hall. Invitations have been extended to many friends, and a large number of very "tackey” guests will enjoy the occasion. Among the features of in terest announced are speeches apropos to the occasion, and an old time jubilee speeling bee. Delightful refreshments will be served, and an occasion of un alloyed pleasure is fully assured. jprfL April 4th is Easier A HpHAT’S the time for new A tilings; you well dressed men are undoubtedly plan ning on a new outfit; we’re /piik 1 M ll ready for you. Hart Schaffner & Marx r, jTJ rUMS have made up for us some of the most beau thul suiis you ever saw. New colorings jK/'and weaves; new styles that are sure to ' If- L4j m pF ase you. Ju% r TI '.’"j/H i|l Varsity Fifty Five is a special stjle JJM rirrM that young men will like; lots of II snap and ginger in it; a sack suit rTWHII Mil model that any man, young or old, W iT'f jfl ff44|l \a ill enjoy. I :mu I j I 111 For oil the style thet’sgoing sen 9 I ' lilt V’ If Varsity models— slß to S3O ttul m. Straw Hat Time l" I IL- You’ll soon want your new spring I II 1 hat. We have all the new shaies, f l-fll 1...1..4.. ai d extra values this season at $1.50 j m j . and $2.00. fjmj ITT Bow Ties will’be worn more this i jtjj rt f season than ever.p Just received a A Fwj ff-1| heaulilul new assortment of the sea \T s° n ’ s latest. [copyright ' 1 W. D. Bailey Co. 1— The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothes Jfie 7 Cook Right on j: JKoStr/t / Your Own Table What wonders electricity has &c- J complished! Do you know you can now cook ijlj I (4BlP™§Bg your meals with one of our electric (f wgjfipwS stoves so deliciously, so daintily I that kitchen work is robbed of all *- 8 u * tra conv . en ' en^ —hie xIA V» L J JJI \ We want you to know all about I °^ er —. e l ec^ a P" Levy-Morion Company. 113 Jackson SI. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915