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PAGE TWO THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. (Member Associated Press.) • Established 1879. Published every afternoon, except Sundays, by the Times-Recorder Publish lr? Co. (Incorporated.) _ _ „ . President UUIMBY MELTON Editor 0. W. FURLOW ....City Ed.tur V. U DUPREE Business Manager *. P. - Circulation Manager >lvertisicg Reasonable. Promptly Furnished on Request. Memorial Resolutions, Resolutions of Respect, Obituary Notices, etc., other y.... those wWch the paper may deem proper to publish, as news matter, will Ae dh*»~ed for at the rate of 5 cents per line. All advertising copy requiring two columns of space or less should be la she business office not later thr* eight o’clock morning of issue in order _o tuure prompt insertion. All copy for space of more than two columns should he submitted not later than 6 o’clock of the day, prior to date of issue. Subscription Rates. Bv Mail in United States and Mexico. Payable Strictly in Advance DAILY. One Year $6 00 2 SO DAILY, Six Mouths _ DAILY, Three Months I,2 '‘ 1 03 weekly, One Year Kft WEEKLY, Six Months 01 gy CARRIER In Americ'is or Vicinity, 50c a Month or 12c a Week Subscribers falling to receive their paper regularly will confer a favor by promptly reporting same to circulation department. OFFICIAL ORGAN for City of Americus, Sumter County, Webster County, ■allroad Commission of Georgia 'or Third Congressional District, U. S. Ceurt, louthern District of Georgia. AMERICUS. GEORGIA, SATURDA Y AFTERNOON, MARCH 27, 1915 A CITY AUDITORIUM Americus needs a city auditorium. A large assembly hall that could be used for conventions and all public meetings, would be a valuable asset to the city. An aduitorium would mean mtre conventions for Americus. Con ventions mean visitors. Visitors to Americus always leave the city praising Americus and Sumter county. Good auditoriums have put many a city on the map. The large Fifth regiment armory secured for Baltimore the Demo cratic convention that nominated Woodrow Wilson, and Baltimore secured more advertising during the week of the convention than for ten years before. Denver went to the expense to erect a mammoth auditorium to se cure the convention that nominated Bryan. > Chicago with her auditorium has drawn hundreds of conventions to the Windy City. Atlanta offers a large auditorium as her best argument in securing conventions. Americus can well afford to erect an auditorium. It would be possible to add a third story of the already beautiful Fur low school. This would provide room for a large auditorium. It would be even better for the city to build an auditorium that could be used as an armory by the Americus Light Infantry. A bond issue of $15,000 would be sufficient to erect a modern arm ory auditorium for Americus. America's new superdreadnougnts will be armed with 16-inch guns and one shot from which, remarks the Chicago News, should make the immor tal ratio heard around the world. You are wrong, Chlorinda, Miss Molla Bjurstedt, who won the Ameri can indoor tennis championship is not a Russian girl as you have been told. We have it on the best of authority that Miss Bjurstdt is s Norwegian, . , » bjabers. A Arkansas man has discovered that advertising pays. Last week he inserted a Want Ad to the effect th the wanted a wife. Within twenty four hours he had two hundred and thirty-five answers. The Redpath Chautauqua will return to Americus this spring “bigger ■» and better than ever before.”'" The Chautauqua week is a big event in Americus and always brings hundreds of visitors here. Little Italy has t>een in the li nelight since hostilities began. Now she shoos the German ambassador out of Rome, mobolizes her army and practically announces thats he is ready for the music to begin. j T. L. Collins, division freight agent to the Central of Georgia, while in Americus today, said: “Things are picking up all over south Georgia. It doesn't make much difference whether the war ends or not, Georgia is going to be on its feet by fall and will stay there. Everywhere I visit 1 see signs of returning prosperity.” In the April American Magazine, David Grayson, writing his storv, "Hempfield’’ .goes on with his wonderful account of the “Hempfield Star” and its editors. Hempfield is a small town, and the “Star” is a country weekly. One of the editors is Norton Carr, a youth from the city, who conveived the idea of printing the naked truth about things in the paper. Following is a paragraph he wrote about the village church service. It was the truth, but it did not get into the paper: “The usual forenoon service was held in the Congregational church on Sunday. Being a hot day, the Rev. Mr. Sargent wore his black alpaca coat, and preached ear nestly for thirty minutes, his text being John x, 3. Miss Daisy Miller played a selection from Mozart, though the piano was unfortunately out . of tune. There were in attendance fifteen women, mostly old, seven men and four children, besides the choir. During the sermon old Mr. John son went to sleep and Mrs. Johnson ate four peppermints. Deacon Mitchell took up a collection of fifty-six cents, besides what was in the envelopes.” What Our Readers Have to Say A Poor Friend. A practical view of the anti-alcohol question is taken by Jewell Mayes, the 1 , noted Missouri editor. Explaining why the town of Richmond stays dry, after 1 having voted itself into that condition under local option, he says: “Booze is a poor friend. Many men in Richmond who believed that the li cense system was best have learned that local option is best for the town Building Again Normal Sags Industral Index ;COLUMBUS, Ga., March 27.—The Industrial Index says in its issue for this week: “Construction and industrial devel opments have not been more substan tial in a year than for the past week, and the return to wholly normal con ditions is steady. “The voting of bonds for municipal aDd county improvements and the awarding of contracts for extensive construction work are features that demonstrate the trend toward pros perity. “The Sarasota, Fla., district has voted $250,000 of bonds for construct ing roads and a bridge. Bonds have been voted by Decatur, Ga., for school buildings, sewers and waterworks and by Cedartown, Ga., for school build ings; Dadeville, Ala., will vote on waterworks bonds; Hogansville, Ga., on electric light plant bonds and West Point, Miss., on sewer bonds. “Contracts were awarded at La- Grange, Ga., for the construction of a cotton mill to be established at a cost of about $500,000, the contracts in cluding the construction of the main mill building, seven sections of ware houses and 122 residences. “A contract was awarded for the construction of a railroad near Mobile, Ala., in connection with the plans for development on Dauphin Island. "Thirteen apartment houses, nine school buildings and seven church buildings are included in the news of construction work to be done. “Twenty-seven new corporations were formed with minimum capital stocks aggregating $703,500. A bank with capital stock of SIOO,OOO was or ganized at Winder, Ga. “Among the items of construction work to be done, as reported this week are: “Apartment houses, 9, Atlanta, Ga., and Davista, Miami and Tampa, Fla.; church buildings, Durant and West Point, Miss., Forsyth and Rome Ga., and Miami and West Palm Beach, Fla ; I OPERA HOUSE 9ft Tuesday Night, March Ov The Show That Left All Chicago Talking Le Comte & Flesher Offer the Gorgeous Musical Spectacle | The Prince of Tonight ■ liy Adams, Hough. & Howard. 260 times at the Princess Theatre, Chicago’s mcst popular theatre ■ Overflowing with song hits and stunning show —girls I METROPOLITAN CAST WITH TOM ARNOLD I Suoported by Mabel Laffin, Eva Phelps. Vera La Vere, frank fiar.h, I Tom McKnight, Lew Naden, Charles Corwin and the yffl PPfIDI P /flfl Process Prize Beauty Chorus Pony I LI""4U Ballet of Wonderful Dancers. Poaturoc* lhe 8,118 and s,,ver Ba,le,i Del,t fores t ,n the tand rudlulGu* the Moon ; Lithe Fairies Dancing in an >merald Gloom; 1 I Water—Fete and Banquet—Grand llluminatioh. Special Feature 1 WILKINS and BURCH in whirlwind and Society Dances. PKICtS: First 8 rows trc. M 50, Kalance Fluor $1.(10. Balcony, 75c, | Gallery 5Dc. SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING AT MURRAY’S PHYRMACY , THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER and its people. It has been tested. More streets have been paved, more streets have been lighted, more stores have been improved, more homes have been built, more debts have been paid since Richmond went dry. The courts and jails are less crowded. The town is cleaner, stronger, better to live in and to transact business in—that is Richmond’s experience.”—Copied from the Saturday Blade. This is worth copying. J. P. RAIFORD. clubhouse, Tampa, Fla.; paving, Bir ; mingham, Ala., and Miami, Fla.; fac tory buildings and sewers, Forsyth, Ga.; hotel buildng addition, Aiken jS. C.; school buildings, Columbus, I Forsyth and Waynesboro, Ga., Fayette, Ala., Miami, Pampano and Titusville, Fla., and Elloree, S. C.; sanitorium building, Opelika, Ala. “Construction contracts have been awarded as follows: “Abattoir building, Albany, Ga.; apartment house, Atlanta, Ga.; bank J building to be enlarged and remodel ed, Miami, Fla.; courthouse, Lincoln | county, Georgia; dormitory, Macon. Ga.; fraternal building, Fairhope, Ala.; j telephone building, Meridian, Miss.; theater building, Bradentown, Fla.; i paving, Hastings, Fla., and Way cross, Ga.; school buildings, Clermont 1 and Wimuama, Fla.; warehouse, Bay Minettie, Ala. I “Industrial plants will be establish ed as follows: “Fertilizer mixing plant, Carters , ville, Ga.; grist mill, Ala.; j electric light plant, Jefferson, Ga.; hosiery mill to be enlarged, Fort Payne, Ala.; lumber plant, Lumber ton, Fla.; cotton mill to be enlarged, Rock Hill, S. C.; preliminary arrange ments are to be made for construct i ing private railroad and establishing ! pyhosphate cleaning plant in Florida, : the plant to be in Tampa; company has been organized to build a railroad ’ in southern Georgia. i : TO ERECT MONUMENT TOR BELGIAN KIDDIES i PARIS, March 27.—The youthful Princess Marie Jose of Belgium has I been chosen honorary president of a ,' committee which will erect a monu ment in Paris “to the heroic Belgian I children of 1914-15.” v Call For Coca Cola By its full name Accept nothing else said to be‘Just as Good’ There is no other drink so refreshing, so strengthening as , in bottles. Pure and wholesome always. Keep if in your refrig erator at home at all times. AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. T. Warren. Mgr. t LONDON INIS TO HUNG CH OF O.S. (By Associated Frees.) LONDON, March 27. —A great hue and cry has been raised about trying for murder the crews of German sub- I marines which have torpedoed mer chantmen. The popular clamor has been that this course should be fol lowed, and by segregating the crew of the U-8 recently captured the Admir alty intimated that conviction would be sought. But, in the opinion of Sir Herbert Stephen it would be irregular and illegal. “First,” says Sir Herbert, “as to the allegation that these .prisoners are murderers. You cannot murder with out killing somebody, and lam not aware that these prisoners or any of them have ever killed anybody. “I am practically sure that they hav3 not done so within the jurisidction of the Central Criminal Court, i. e., in England or within three miles of the coast, and if so they could not be con victed. “Piracy is not in itself a capital of fense. The deflnation, in English law, of piracy, is extremely vague, but this much is certain that all definitions of it hitherto assayed have obviously re ferred to matters occurring during peace, and not warlike operations.” The writer adds that if empowered to act by Parliament the authorities could doubtless “do something very appropriate and impressive to the pris oners of the U-8, and I daresay it might be deserved; but if it were done it would have to be through some kind of court martial.” DIRE DISTRESS It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Aniericus Headers. Don’t neglect an aching bask. Backache is often the kidneys’ cry for help. Neglect hurrying to the kidneys’ aid Means that urinary troubles may follow. A danger of worse kidney trouble. Here’s Americus testimony; J. T. Bragg, 705 Hancock St„ Am ericus, says; “Some time after being on my feet a good deal I have a dull ache across the small of my back. At times there are irregularities in the passage of the kidney secretions. I have use Doan’s Kidney Pills on more than one occasion and have always had relief. They have rid me of the attacks of backache and put my kid neys in a normal condition.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Bragg had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. advt I' L. G. COUNCIL, Praa Inc. I*ol. H. 8. COUNCIL, Cashier. >; C. M. COUNCIL, Ylce-Pres. T. E. BOLTON, Asst Cashier, i» 1 I; Planters’ Bank of Americus CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $210,000.00 \ !• With twenty years exper- J 5 ience in successful banking and ] j !- ft j If with our large resources and :| ! close personal attention to ;j I IgllSlSrtl every interest consistent with ;[ ! ■ |g |g j|§ m fjjr sound banking, we solicit your ; j ’ • Interest allowed on time ; i jWj p& r j Slljjll IgpL certificates and in our depart- ; j • ment for savings. |> ' J j; Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating. We want • j ]; your Business. \‘. No Account Too Large and None Too Small. ; » I MONEY LOANED We make farm loans at 6 per cent interest and give the borrower the privilege of paying part of principal at end of any year, stopping interest on amounts paid, but no annual payment of principal required. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB THE ALLISON UNDERTAKING COMPANY . . . FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS . . . Daj Phones Night Phones 253 80 and 106 J. H. BEARD, Director, Americus, Ga. s Americus Undertaking Co. j FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. | MR. NAT LeMASTER, Managei. Agents For Rosemont Gardens § DAY PHONES 88 and 231 NIGHT 661 and 136. § A Pleasure. lj|l The gas range truly takes all the '$ A trouble out of meal preparation. It’s the up to date, safe and sane \j We want you to see our assort- I|® j 5 ment of gas ranges. We’ll explain g-Jp ! how economical they are, how easy ,• to cook with, how quickly they per form their duty—without smoke or Rrop: ~ . dust or ashes. J&Bjr*- ■. ’ 5 When you once use one you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. AMERICUS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY HERBERT HAWKINS Insurance And Surely Bands. Specialty—Autos at 2 per cent PLANTERS BANK BLDG. Phone No. 18« BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL BY PLANTING Forrest's Extra Early Prolific Cotton Seed Write me tor war-time prices. A. A. FORREST R. F. D. 4, Box 7. Americus, Ga. SATURDAY, MABCH 27, 1915