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PAGE TWO THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. (Member Associated Press.) Established 1879. Published every afternoon except Sundays, by the Times-Recorder PuN'<‘y; Co. (Incorporated.) 8. R. ELLIS President WUIMBY MELTON . Editor 4 W. yiir.’.OW City EJ.tor W. T, DUPREE - Business Manager «, B MARSH Circulation Manager "Mvertising Ratos Reasonable. Promp’ly Furnished on Request. vlemorial Resolutions, Resolutions oi Respect, Obituary Notices, etc., other Shan those which the paper may deem proper to publish, as news matter, will •e ch»-»"ed for at the rate of & cents per line. All advertising copy requiring two columns of space or lees should be la the business office not later Shrji eight o’cloci morning of issue in order .o Insure prompt insertion. A copy for space of more than two columns should ks r-»bmitted later than 6 o’clock of the day, prior to date of issue. Subscription Rates. Bj; Mail in United States and Mexico. Payable Strictly in Advance DAILY, One Year * 5 - 00 DAILY, Six Months 8 - 50 DAILY, Three Months i- 25 WEEKLY, One Year 103 WEEKLY, Six Months.. 50 BY CARRIER In Americus or Vicinity, 50c a Month or 12c a Week Subscribers failing to receive their paper regularly will confer a favor oy promptly reporting same to circulation department OFFICIAL ORGAN for City of Americus, Sumter County, Webster County, Ballroad Commission of Georgia 'or Third Congressional District, U. S. Ceurt, Bouthem District of Georgia. * AMERICUS GEORGIA, TUESDAY AFTERNOON JULY 13, 1915 The Germans in this country who are urging President Wilson to .iloo the war with which he has noth ug to do might accomplish something by addressing their communications to the Kaiser in Berlin. A writer for the New York Sun says monkeys are the most intelli gent cf all animals. Well, it must be conceded that a monkey is capable of some very smart tricks, and that he never writes poetry, sings tenor or plays the mandolin. ~ '.a., * i There is not the least doubt that our old friend Vic Huerta realizes that it is a far cry from the El Pas 0 jail to the national palace in the City of Mexico, but we hope that the jail authorities are considerate enough to provide for the daily irrigation of his arid system. The Joliet, 111., News-Herald says: “One of the most interesting fea tures of the groom’s part :’r the wedding was the fact that the suspenders which he wore had been carefully embroidered seventy years ago by his grandmother for his grandfather’s wedding day.” Great Scott! It seems to us that when an old pair of suspenderscan attract more attention than the groom the time to quit marrying has come. A Kansas editor says If men were built like pianos there would be more square and upright men in :he world, but one of his contemporaries while admitting that it may be true, asks him just to think of the noise they would make. The Salem, N. J., Standard says: “Mrs. Joseph Westcott had ler bulkhead rebuilt during the past week.” e wonder if the work was done by a surgeon or a carpenter. The fact that a woman is not usually equip ped with a bulkhead interests us, but these days nobody can tell to what extremes the feminist movement wil I go. Fashion did a good thing when it changed the style of facial shrub bery and got the goat of the fellow who wore the goatee. Manufacturers in this country nave made a great deal of money out of the European shell game without betting anything on it If the commanders of German submarines don’t, stop using Norwegian ships for target practice it will not be long before Norway is without a merchant marine. A fashion magazine says blue veils preserve the complexion, but there is not a woman in the country with a good complexion who is going to hide it with a veil. On the Fourth of July in Europe a great many people were killed and Injured by the explosion of gunpowder and the indiscriminate shooting of firearms. Tn view of the fact that the Hon Bill Bryan has espoused the cause of prohibition, George Bailey of the Houston Post thinks that ‘Peerless Leader” is a misnomer and hereafter the Hon. Bill should be called the “beerless” leader. We are not startled by the news from Europe that “there is great ac tivity in the theaters of war,” because here is where we expect to see ac tion, but the truth as to what is really going on is a different matter. Some people find pleasure in almost everything they do, but our idea of zero entertainment is attending a funeral. What has become of the old-fashioned entertainer who used to set his audience in a roar by reciting “The Lady of the One Fishball,” especially the part where “the waiter cried it through the hall, ‘We don’t give bread with one fishball’?” If there is anything in the old saying about faith that moves moun tains the woman who believes everything her husband tells her has faith enough to make this old world reverse its motions.—Senoia Enterprise. We are tremendously interested in United States superdreadnaughts and submarines, but for all that we realize that a few steel freight barges ■ on Flint river would be mighty ■worth while. —Albany Herald The nimble nickel is losing naught of its nimbleness —Charleston Post. HE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER a I I ’'\ ' ■ rx W —4 -' - H \ \ ■i' < 1 •-r.T’I ,’ ■ I / ■ • ■v i- ’■ / f f O ':dd delight 886 (SWSta 1 Times cb.ange and styles change, but vfe '* ■ 1 the fundamentally good things oi this world \ '/ J change neither in therr.3elves<ior in popular ' % esteem. \ % For 29 years Coca-Cola has held and increased its popularity. That’s because it 3 is fundamentally delicious, refreshing and % wholesome. jBMK .1 Demand the senuine by full name —* ' X. nicknames encourage substitution. >■ % THE COCA-COLA. CO. SBg % Atlanta, Ga. % /z Whenever q you see an Arrow, think Coca-Cola It is earnestly hoped that the legislature will pass the bill relieving college endowment funds from tax. Georgia can well afford to protect and promote the various interests of its educational institutions as other states that have been doing so for years, and It is urged by the state press that Governor Harris’ message to the legislature be given the con sideration it deserves. —Griffin News. We are in favor of a highway commission, if it means better roads. It seems, how-ever, that the needs might be met by adding a department of good roads to some of the state departments already in existence, and put ting a competent road man in charge. One man who is a real road builder, and not a politician, would accomplish more than a commission will accomplish.—Moultrie Observer. Amon gthe best jokes of the summer should be listed that denial of the Hon. John Lowndes McLaurin that there is any politics in South Carolina’s cotton warehouse system.—Charleston News and Courier. “Ain’t the rain cornin’ down!” exclaims the cousin df the fellow who wants to know if it is hot enough for you, just as if the rain ever went up. —Greenville News. Before asking our opinion of the war ,be good enough to state your own. We are some diplomat.—Darlington News and Press. COTTON I BIT STEADIER BBT PRICE IS DOWN KAISER BILL IS HAMMERING THE SOUTH’S STAPLE. The cotton market this morning re flected a slight advance and at noon was steady, with the July option at 9.10 cents. The market has declined sharply as the result of Germany’s de fiant note to the United States two days ago, and the prospect for still lower values seems imminent. In the Americus market there is nothing do ing in the way of sales or demand. I I II We have a full stock of I Electric Light Bulbs, priced 27c to $2.60. Delivered I anywhere in the city . . . . Hightower’s Book Store MIDGET SOLDIER IN FRENCH ARMY (By Associated Press.) PARIS, July 13. —The shortest sol dier in the French army is Guy Cou dedt, w'ho stands 3 feet 6 inches, but is solidly built enough to carry a soldier’s load. When he presented himself at the recruiting office at Versailles the surgeon on duty re fused to examine him, but later he was incorporated in the 168th in fantry at Lens. The butt and ridicule because of his diminutive stature, he proved he could follow the pace and soon earned the stripes of corporal. Danish Yacht ! At The Expo. (By Associated Press.) COPENHAGEN, July 13.—The fam- ; ous Danish yacht Nordug 4 has been I selected to represent Denmark in the 1 regatta to be held at San Francisco : during the Panama-Pacific fair. The ‘ yacht will be carried on a steamer ; sailing from Copenhagen direct for j San Francisco. The Nprdug’s captain j is a Dane named Meulengracht Mad- ’ sen, but his crew will be made up cf ’ Americans. : ) SUMMER TRIPS Central of Georgia Railway . Via Savannah and Ship. ) I New York $39.25 ! Boston : 43.25 J Philadelphia 36.40 ] d Baltimore 31.6) ] TO TYBEE ‘‘Where Ocer.n Breezes Blow.” 1 Season Ticket $9.40 ! Weekend Tickets 6.25 I Sunday Tickets 3.00 1 For information ask the Ticket ' Agent. J. E. HIGHTOWER, Agent. I Money to Lend We are in position to obtain money on farm lands in Sumter county promptly at reasonable rates.. If you desire a loan call on or write us. Jas. A. & John A. Fort i .. Planters Bank Buildhuu • k k ••••••••••••••••••a t Want Column | ••••••••••••••••••• » ‘ BATES. ‘ ’ One cent a word each Insertion. * liiiinium charge of 25c. No classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on our subscription books. All advertisements for “HELP o situation wanted” win be in serted one time free. When number of Insertions exceei ! Mo weeks 3-4 cent a word. When number of insertions exceed j four weeks 1-2 cent a word. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six-room house oa Brannon ave. Modern conveniences. Herbert Hawkins. 7-ts LOSI LOST ON STREETS—Probably be tween 222 Taylor street and corner of Church and Brown, lavalier set with about seventeen pearls and one sap phire. Reward for return of same to Miss Virginia Parker. Phone 205. WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED: Saleslady that can use typewriter and is good penman. Ad dress Box 386. WANTED—To lend S9OO on a farm 1 in Sumter county. H. O. Jones. 25-ts 1 WANTED—The public to know that I have a thoroughbred Jersey bull for services. Henry R. Johnson. 10-lm MONEY LO.ANED—ShouId you need any money, call to see me. I am pre pared to secure money now at 6J per cent, interest, on impro’ ed farm lands Loans promptly made. R. L. MAY- ' NARD, Americus, Ga. 3-1-ti 1 Stove Wood; 288 ; Wheatley Bros.' J LG. COUNCIL, Pres’L Inc. 1891. H. S. COUNCIL, Cashier ♦C. M. COUNCIL, Vice-Pres. T, E. BOLTON, Asst Cashier, I I Planters’ Bank of Americus ij ; GAPITAI. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $210,000.00 j v With twenty years exper- \ ’ • 4 ience in successful banking and | * ? 4 without large resources and i V ! y close pers * na i attention to fj S’ 4 : ’d y,‘ every interest consistent with ; ’’ ■■ ti’Clj.f'' 7 *1 u-p f sound banking, we solicit uout i >5 patronage. Interest allowed on time 1 J : certificates and in our depart- 1 >■ " ment for savings. 1 J: Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating. We want ] >■ your Business. 1 }: No Account Too Large and None Too Small. MONEY LOANED! ; We make farm loans at 6 per cent inteiest and give the borrower the privilege of paying part of principal at end of any year, stopping interest i on amounts paid, but no annual payment of principal required. i G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB L THE ALLISON UNDERTAKING CONPANT . . . FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS . . . Daj Phones Night Phones 253 80 and 106 J. H. BEARD, Director, Americus, Ga S Americus Undertaking Co. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANO EMBALMEBS. i. MR, NAT LeMAS TER, Manager. Agents For Rosemont Gardens DAY PHONES 88 and 231 NIGHT 661 and 135 <<3 * 3, ® ,3 * 3,3,3 * 3 * :: ®* : <*<-<<«®t<<<««*j«3r«««<ir<«<.<«:<»BtKjt <<<»<««, ; AUTOMOBILE LIVERY : : DAY OR NIGHT : : ! REASONABLE RATES TERMS CASH | phone L. L. COMPTON phone |g 161—Wldnsor Pharmacy. Re.ldence-646 1 iiHi \ • £<J v * »>A* O». PORCH SHADES e • • Make your porch the most • 2 comfortable spot of the house • • during the hot summer days, • • by using THE AEROLUX • J PORCH SHADE. Easy to • • put up, and will last almost • • indefinitely. Call and let us • • have your order, and make • • your porch more comfort- • • able. • • 9 • eoe • : I. 111. n FURNITURE UIM ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••a TUESDAY, .JULY 13. IMS