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PAGE FOUR i store'""] I ANNOUNCES A CHANGE IN BUSINESS | • On September Ist. we are going strictly and exclusively in the Ladies’ Misses and Child- • S rens Ready-to-Wear and Millinery Business. We will devote our 2nd floor to exclusively ? • Millinery, and our Ist. floor exclusively to Ready-to-Wear Goods, S ? Beginning today we offer everything in our store,some at cost,some below,some half price- | J Some less than half price. Just come and see and be your own judge of values. • • Shoes, and Clothing, all price goods, Ginghams, Sheeting and Bleachings, White Goods of * • all Kinds, fine Wash Dress Goods, all Millinery and Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear. • • This sale includes everything on both floors. • j O COME AND SAVF : | 11V W. E. HAMILTON I S LAMAR STREET ' • J AMERICUS, : : : : : : GEORGIA J • ( i Canning Time is Here Can up your fruit and vegetables. They vs ill come in good next winter. We can supply you with the tollowing: MASON FRUIT JARS, IMITATION CUT GLASS, JELLY GLASSES 1 QT. TIN CANS WITH WAX SEALING STRINGS JAR RUBBERS ALL KINDS AND SIZES WILLIAMS-NILES CO. Successors to OUn A. Williams Co. LAMAR STREET OPPOSITE POSTOPFICk DR. R. M. WILLIAMSON VETERINERY SURGEON Hospital Accommodations for Horses, Mules and Dogs Office and Hospital, Hampton St. near Ball Park.* TELEPHONE 235 EXCURSION TO $3.00 Jacksonville ..... $5.00 Tampa $3.50 St. Augustine $3.50 Palatka fla. JULY 20TH., 1915 . VIA CENffl SOUTHERN 8 FLORIDA RAILWAY Tickets will be sold for special train due to leave Cordele 12:34 p. m., also for regular train No. 1, July 20. 1915, limited five days returning. Fares shown above apply from Cordele, Ga., proportionate fares from other points. Pullman service. Cail on nearest agent for tickets and detailed information. C. B. RHODES, General Passenger Agent,*.Macon,JGa. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER 135 AEROPLANES fIAGGED St MISER (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, July 13.—The German and Austro-Hungarian troops have so far brought down 135 hostile aeroplanes, according to the Cologne Gazette. The list includes 57 French machines, 47 British, 26 Russian and 5 Belgian. In the Dardanelles the Turks have disposed of five English aeroplanes, and eight more English airmen have been interned in Holland after landing there by mistake. No figures have been made public as | to the losses of the German air corps. «»e nut M EIME ECONOMY (By Associated Press.) BELGRADE, July 13.—1a none of ■ Europe’s capitals is the meaning of I war-time economy so thoroughly un derstood as in Belgrade. Only about one-fourth of the inhabitants of the city proper are now to be found there, and these subsist under great difficul ties. There are no street cars or cabs. Many articles of common use are so scarce as to be practically un obtainable. Even the upper class homes have dispensed with servants. It has become a general custom to cook meals but once dally. The food thus prepared is placed on a buffet to suffice for the day with their various wartime occupations to go through a formality in connection with their sustainance. Families which would otherwise be destitute obtain a small allowance from the government .limited to six cents a day for a woman and two cents a Jay for each child. All the cities and important build ings are practically in ruins as a re sult of the repeated bombardments from the Austrian batteries in the tofvn of Semlin, just across the river. CABLEGRAMS HELD UP 81 LONDON CENSOR CHRISTIANIA, July 13.—The tele graph service between Norway and the United States, which is limited to the lines byway of England, has be come so unsatisfactory as to be a matter of grave annoyance to Nor wegian business. It sometimes takes as much as a week for the exchange of messages by cable and sometimes the cablegrams disappear altogether. In addition to the delays caused by the British censorship and the crowded condition of trans-Atlantic cacbles, there is trouble because of the break ing of two direct cables between Nor way and England. The Norwegian Royal Telegraph De partment has been seeking guarantees that the work of the cable repairship should not be interfered with by the German warships, but has been un successful. Through the courtesy of the Great Northern Telegraph Com pany in Copenhagen, the government has been able to use a cable via west Jutland and Newcastle directly to London but this has not relieved the difficulties about which the Norwegian business concerns complain. WANIEO PAIR OF BLANKETS DESPITE THE WEATHER “People may say that Americus is hot, and we all believe it is, but what do you think of sleeping under blan kets last night,’’ said Herschel Argo at the Windsor hotel. “It seems that a New Yorker thought it quite cool, for he disturbed the moths in the cedar chest when he demanded two blank ets in order to insure comfort for the night” will relieve your indigestion. Many people in this town have used them and we have yet to hear of a case where they have failed. We know the for mula. Sold only by us—2sc a box. Murray** Pharmacy. Sunday Rates —TO— SAVANNAH —AND— TYBEE Round Trip To Savannah - $2.25 Round Trip To Tybee $2.50 Leave Americus: 2:30 a.m, each Sunday Returning: Leave Savan nah at 6:30 p. m. C. W. Small, D.P.A. H.P. Everette, Agt. ONLY SOB MEN ENLISTJN ARMY (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July 13. “Donegal has the unpleasant preeminence of being the country in the British Isles which up to the present time has returned the smallest proportions of recruits,” de clared Judge Cooke in opening the summer session of the Donegal courts, at Lifford. Os 21,000 men of recruit able age in the country less than 500 have joined the colors. The proportion of recruits to opulation is only about a quarter of that in Ireland as a whole. mark on every pox OF GENUINE TEETHINA W ALL Kaown for f[ Half jj!a Century a. a Safe | it > e J >c * n * I If Teething | iI J, Mafiatt Melchs Cs/3|full directions I , "■■■■■■•“"■■“■■•in each box for I Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Worms, Hives. I Dysentery, Constipation and other ailments that I make baby suffer during the teething period. I Look tor the Trade Martu Sold by all drug» I gists— 25c. Writuforour Ft—" Mot far* * Booklet. I C. J. Moffett Medicbe Ca., St. Laub, Mo. I ENGLAND WOULD CONTROL HL METAL MINES (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July 13.—The interest the British government has recently taken in the threatened shortage of zinc (spelter), marks the first of a series of moves which the new Ministry of Mu nitions plans to secure a steady flow of supplies of the so-called war metals. The great bulk of England’s supply of zinc—used in cartridge cases— came before the war, from Germany and Belgium. There is no lack of zinc ore, it is said, but the smelting works of this country have not been adequate to cope with the supply. Meanwhile zinc has been advancing by leaps and bounds, rising from a before-the-war price of sllO a ton to the recent quo tation of nearly $575. Since the inter vention of the government the rice has fallen back to about $4"5. No difficulty is anticipated regarding nickel, which is a wartime essential in the manufacture of steel and for other purposes. The sources of supply, New Caledonia and Canada, are in the hands of the Allies and theosition is comparatively simple. Lead comes from the United States, Spain and Australia, and with the seas open, it is expected that all the supplies needed will be forthcoming, although prices have recently advanc ed sharply. Antimony, which is used to harden bullets, was formerly Imported mainly from France, but that country is now using practically all it can produce, and England and Russia are obtaining their supplies from the Far East. Copper comes to England from the United States, Chile, Spain, and Aus tralia. The main difficulty with this metal is in regard to the price, which has risen in price from S3OO a ton a year ago to recent quotations as high as $4lO. Cures Old Sorts, Other Remedies won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long standin*, ire cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. .’order’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Vain and Heals at the same time. ?su, 50c. Si.oo TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915 MISS'! BESSIE WINDSOR . . Insurance . . Fire, Accident and Bends: Of fice Forsyth St. ’Phone 313 t E. and A. M. > AMERICUS LODGS F. and A. M. meets ev dk JEWEL app ery Second and Fourth Friday night at 8 9 \ o’clock. S. A. JENNINGS, W. M CLOYD BUCHANAN, Sec’y. j. M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. and A. M, .p meets every First aal - Third Friday night*. Visiting brothersc in* vited to attend. W. F. SMITH, W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. I. O. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night at I o’clock. K. of P. Hall. Visitors aA ways welcome. W, J. BROOKS, S. H. EDGE, Noble Grand. Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in the W heatley Bldg., Windsor Ave. All vis iting Sovereigns invited to meet with us. J. M. TOBIN, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 14, P. 0. S. OF A. Meets on Thursday nights, Wheat ley Building, at 7:30 o’clock. All mem bers are urged to attend. Visitors welcomed. E. F. WILDER, Pres’t. y O. D. REESE, Recording Sec’y. 1 J NAT LeMASTER, Financial Sec’y. C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Resident Phone 218. Office Phone 81b Allison Bldg. DR. M. H. WHEELER Dentist Office in Bell Bldg., Lamar St. Just opposite Postoffice. Office Phone 785. Residence Phone 2M F. G.OLVER Sewing Machines and Supplies; K«| And Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repaired and Covered. LAMAR STREET, NIAR WELL