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PAGE SIX Visit Widener Comfort Shop For all work that is don? in the best Chica go Hair Dressing Parlors. The best is none too gocd for Ameri cus, and we have it. One visit will convince you. TELEPHONE 10 8 FOR A/f APPOIATMEAT Mrs. Winifred Widener, Mgr. MRS. JOSEPHINE DRUMMOND, Os Chicage, Assistant . .. ' - ! Farm Loans made || at six per cent in- [ __ _ w wmw v terest. Partial or ' nnAMTr*!/ full payments al- [ IVII IIV M V lowed ’ wilh ° u 1 ! IVII II W ■ I bonus. No yearly ; Ifllf I 1 AU! M installmentsrequir- ed. J. J. HANESLEY, | i 829 Lamar St <! MRPBWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWrWWWWWVWWWWWVWWWWWI Fricker & Broadhurst JEWELERS & GENERAL REPAIR WORK Special attention given to fine Watch Repairing OFFICES: 110 West Lamar St. Opposite Post Office ! i I * 1 0 Special reduced prices in I ’ I 111 IK i Guaranteed Dental Work. lit IIJ iV e No better equipped Dent- j al offices in the south. ■i I i Dr. N. S. Evans, Dentist Established 12 Years OVER HOOKS' PHARMACY » I "~r~ ~ ' KILL THE BUGS! , Now is the time to clean up and disinfect the home as well as the - -'"garden and fields. We have prepared .tor you and have in stock all kinds , of Germicides and Insecticides: r MOTH BALLS ARSENATE OF LEAD TAR PAPER RED BUG KILLER. • INSECT.POWDER (bulk and pkg.) INSECT POWDER in bulk and pkg. FLY PANS FLY SWATTERS RAT POISON, all kinds. KRESO DIP for cattle and hogs. ROACH FEED. NAPCREALE LICE PAINT. EGG PRESERVATIVE. LICE POWDER. ' FLY GI’ARD for horses. ■ PARIS GREEN. SKEETER GO. FLY PAPER. - f . SHOOFLY. 1 NAPTHOLEUM DIP * , PHENO-CLORO. HOG CHOLERA CURE. , ’ ’ .t* j i and many others which the lack of space forbids our mentioning. Large stock of Poultry Food and Stock Powders always on hand. Call on us for everything in the line of Drugs and Toilet Articles. Alien’s Seed and Drug Store *HX> U v OCHXKHMHWOO j ALL STRAW » j HATS I $2.00 J $3.00 i AND | ■ $4.00 F; Values for | F 75c CASH | - o » * : s Tillman & Brown I Fitters of Feet S > X i y -r i FROZEN MEAT FOR SOLDIERS (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July, 13.—“ The Allied Armies are today depending on frozen meat,” said the Hon. Thomas MacKen zie, High Commissioner for New Zea land ,at the annual meeting of the Cold Storage and Ice Association of which he is the new president. “We were told after the Boer war,” he continued, “that ‘frozen meat saved the situation. After the present European war is over we shall find that frozen meat has performed as vital a function on ' an incomparably larger scale.’ , TOWER OF LONDON to undergo ms (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July 13.—Notwithstanding the pre-occupations of war, the gov- | ernment has undertaken, through the | National Physical Laboratory, to mak; I an investigation of the cracks in the buildings of the Tower of London, some of which are said to have spread alarmingly during the past year or two. Cracks suitable for observation have been chosen in the walls of the chapel and four of the larger towers, and a set of special micrometers has been put in position in each crack. Obser vation will be made weekly for a period of twelve months. GERMAN WOffl IS NOW CHIMNEYWEE SP (By Associated Press.) VIENNA, July 13. —Many womei since the outbreak of the war, have j < taken up queer and unusual occupa tions, mainly masculine work, but no one has chosen a more unexpected ‘ “line” than Fraulein Schaer of Meran. who ,since her father was called out as a reservist has been conducting his business as a chimney sweeper. Originally the father and one son had a monopoly of the chimney sweep ing business in Meran. The son went off to war soon after it began, and the father, by herculean efforts, was able to do the work of two. When Italy : same in. however, he, too, had to go i to the front as a sharpshooter. The business threatened to go to smash entirely, but the young fraulein , 1 astonished everyone by stepping into i the breach. In masculine attire she is j I now family figure in Meran, and 1 has more business, than she can attend! to 11 ND CHANGE IN COTTON 80T MARKET IS STEADY There was no perceptible change to day in the cotton futures market, quo tations being about the same as on yesterday. At noon the December op tion was quoted at 9.21 cents. NOTICE OF SALE. I am offered $4,100.00 cash for the S. C. Kelly residence on Lee street. Un less get better offer, this property will be sold. N. M. DUDLEY, Receiver, Americus National Bank, advt 13-2 w You may have good safe Insurance but until you get a Union Central Policy you haven’t the best It is best because it gives you all that is good in L'fe Insur anceprotection, and gives lit to you for less. J UNINN CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. i LEE M. HANSFORD, General Agent Room 18, Fiaiuere Bank Bldg. ,Ybe C.-eat Annual Dividend Payei THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMLS-RECORDER Health Tone up, build up yourself, I and the CHILDREN with SAN i TOX BEEF, IRON AND WINE, I the finest spring tonic ever sold; get a pint bottle and try it; SI.OO. Beauty SAN- TO X GREASELESS CREAM for beauty, good ad vice. Superior to other vanish ing creams. Makes a fine mas sage, soothes, heals and aids in removing blemishes, so for clean, pretty skin, Ladies try it; 25c and 50c. Delight Ginger is good for the stom ach. A frequent glass of CHICK SPRING Ginger-Ale is delight ful and refreshing. Sold by the bottle or by the dozen, at 'Phone 161 WINDSOR PHARMACY Local News Items Max Banner ,of Columbus, is stop ping at the Windsor. Mr. G. W. Creth is in the city on business. Charlie Marks who, while an Alban ian now, loves Americus, his former home, came up today and marveled at the city’s growth since his last visit here. Miss Naomi Neill, after a delightful visit here, the charming guest of the Misses Mathis at their home on Lee street, has gone to North Carolina for the summer months. Henry S. Walker will leave tonight for Akron, Ohio, where he goes for several days upon a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrold and Miss Quenelle Harrold have gone to Asheville, N. C., for a pleasant stay of some length, leaving this afternoon. TO BREED NEW HORSES FOR BRITAIN'S ARMIES (By Associated Press.) LONDON, June 13. —The Prince of Wales who owns a fine stock farm in Devonshire, is to make an attempt to revive the Devon pack horse for use in the British army. The breed, for merly the finest of its kind in western Europe, is very sturdy and ( strong, but for some years hag been almost ex tinct, Only about a hundred pure an l half-bred specimens of the breed re main in England. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS LOANED TO GOVERNMENT (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July 13.—One of the prov incial banks has made the announce ment that all deposits hereafter made in its savings departement will ba loaned to the government for the prosecution of the war. The bank, however, undertakes to repay on de mand with 3 per cent interest. PAY YOUR GAS AND ELECTRIC BILLS. Bills for .lune service are now due and unless same are paid at our office by 15th, service will be discontinued without further notice. AMERICUS PUBLIC SERVICE CO. advt-12-!{t FOR A Birthday Present One Picture for SI.OO at I The McKinstry Studio GERMANS CLAIM OFFENSIVE’ IN NEAR EAST (Continued from Page 1.) cently reached Souchez, according to one report, and this may indicate the resumption of offensive operations, but allied airmen reconnoiteri g the Ger man positions in the east and in the west as well, failed to discover indi cation of any impending vigorous for ward movement. Dickering With Rumania. Apparently authentic reports from Bucharest are to the effect that Aus tria-Hungary has definitely offered Ru mania certain territorial concessions as the price of continued neutrality, and negotiations between the two coun tries are still under way. The allies, also, have offered Rumania certain extention of its borders, but the terms of the negotiations are being guarded carefully. Russia is taking a promi nent part in these negotiations, but is reported to be slow in conceding Ru mania’s desire for additional Black sea coast. Additional fortifications are being erected along the Rumanian bor der by the Russians, and it is believed a successful culmination of the allies effort to force Rumania into the con flict will not succeed. Turkey and Bulgaria Negotiating. Negotiations between Turkey and Bulgaria are reported to be deadlocked as a result of the refusal of the Sofia government to guarantee the Sultan more than an attitude of strict neu trality during the war. Turkish ter ritory ,it is known, has been offered Bulgaria in return for active support of the Turko-Germanic allies, but the Bulgarians thus far have failed to see the wisdom of such a course. Allies Advance at Dardanelles An Athens dispatch to an afternoon newspaper says news has reached there of another severe battle between the Franco-British allies and Turks on the peninsula of Gallipoli, resulting in the advancement of the allies’ right wing two hundred yards. The fight ing resulting in this advance is de scribed as of most serious nature and heavy casualties were sustained on both sides. A vigorous bombardment of the inner defenses of the Dardan elles was under way when the dis patch was filed early this afternoon. Pope Pius Condemns Germans. A feature of the day’s war news is contained in a dispatch from Rome saying the papal secretary at the Vat ican has given the Belgian minister a letter stating that German violation of Belgium’s neutrality at the outbreak of the war, is among those acts. Pope Pius X. has formally condemned in a consistorial allocution, issued January 22d, and just made public. GERMANS GAIN IN CEMETERY; FRENCH ADVANCE IN LABYRINTH (By Associated Press.) LONDON, July 13fl—-Berlin late this afternoon announces a further gain has been scored by German troops in the Sochez cemetery, after violent fighting. Paris reports concede German gains at Sochez, but claim German attacks in great force have been repulsed in the Labyrinth, the French advancin. in that area. | There’s a iLIVE WIRE f W 1 | From your Home to g g Our Stoie x | LET IT SERVE S ? YOU I —1 I PHONE 33 S g I ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY | g Prescription Specialist g g Jackson Street g O A VOILE SALE! Beginning Tuesday morning we offer to clear out quick: Our 40 inch printed voiles, 25c and 35c numbers 19c yard Our 15c and 20c Voiles and Mus lins IQc yard Our 50c numbers,magnificent designs, 40 inches wide 35c yard Remember that five yards of these goods, 40 inches wide, is all required for a dress. The above are all the newest and swellest style fabrics we have recentlv re ceived. VO Clearance Prices on / A\ Hart '"WFi Schaffner uW & Marx k Wool Clothes ] \ You’ll find clearance T /1 l\ prices the rule most I I | everywhere at this time - ; / J y ear> ; LJt 111111 Don’t pay much atten t,on t° the prices quoted; you may see l° wer Prices than ours or higher; it aoesn’t matter. Just give I i-j your [attention to the goods; t that’ the Train thing Yqu know Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are; the best clothes made. At our Clearance Prices these clothes are the best bargain in the world. $30.00 Suits now - $20.00 25.00 “ “ - 16.75 22.50 “ “ - 15.00 15.00 “ “ - 10.00 Extra Trousers reduced One Third Boy’s Wool Suits reduced “ W. D. Bailey Co. . The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915