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PAGE SIX Fricker & Broadhurst JEWELERS I GENERftI REPAIR WORK Special attention given to fine \\ atch Repairing OFFICES: 110 West Lamar St. Opposite Post Office Visit Widener Comfort Shop For all work that is don? in the best Chica go Hair Dressing Parlors. The best is none too good for Ameri cus, and we have it. One visit will convince you. TELEPHO/fE 8 01 FOR AH. APPOINTMEAT Mrs. Winifred Widener, Mgr. MRS. JOSEPHINE DRUMMOND, Os Chicago, Assistant ~ I ) I Farm Loans made |[ at six per cent in _ __ w 'terest. Partial or j; I’M# full payments al- ; *lf I■ ■ |%I Hj Bf lowed ,with ou t ■ bonus. No yearly If I W_r I ill B installments requir- I e “* J. J. HANESLEY, [ — 329 Lamar St. | 1 i»■ """' m——— ■oiwwwwwww 1 ————— ITAmT/IDI My vacation is over and lam | Bl IVi Ii L-i a^ain on tbe i° b ’ better P re_ ! 111 I I II I I pared to serve you than ever j lIVIIVIJt before. Special reduced prices on high grade guaranteed work. Dr. N. S. Evans, Dentist Over Hooks’ Pharmacy :: 12 Years Experience 1 No Better Equipped Office in the South IJCLiZC luimnwwMß ■■■!!■■ ii ' iaß waaaaaaa^aa^xiAi****^******* l^*^*^^l New lot Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes. I ; For tall planting, just received ! I r Price 65c per peck,'also Turnips and Rutabaga seed. Plant now for fall j and winter use. i i j Allen’s Seed & Drug Store i I Q C<m<HXHX>WOvOOvvOC-CCvO OOOOOC-O CKJOOO OOOW/OQO ww fi 9 2 9 1— 8 2 / i LADIES’ PUMPS | i i I g We have just received a ne\s lot o of Ladies’ Pumps, in Patent leather and Dull Calf, also Pat- o ent and Dull Kid Beaded Pumps. 8 Let us show j ou the new Black | 5 and White Combinations. 8 5 8 > Tillman & Brown « 5 Fitters of Feet o : - g > I > g <XH>CHXhXH><K><hXHXHX><KH>O-O-O<HXKXHH3<HXH>O-O{Xh><>O<HX>CH>Q<lCH» I THOSE WHO COME o AND GO ' Americus The Mecca For o —— Those Seeking Pleasure, a 5 Health and Business. We are constantly receiving Ne’v 1 Goods. Come and see them. S. A. Dan iels, Jeweler. advt Dr. and Mrs. Edward Prather and daughters, Misses Genevieve and Hazel Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown and family, will have a cottage this week at Myrtle Springs. Miss Mamie Brown, who during sev eral weeks has been the guest of Miss Clara Belle Culpepper in Atlanta, will return here today to join the house party at Myrtle Springs this week. B. F. Hall, of Atlanta, was in the city today, called here upon business of importance. Mrs. John Oliver and Miss Effie Mc- Arthur, of Plains, were guests of Am ericus friends while shopping in the city Saturday. Watch our front for special offerings each day. Allison Furniture Co. 13-adct-eod-tf Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Skinner, of Blakely, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Walker. Mr, H. S. Walker left yesterday for Akron, Ohio, and after a week there will go to Baltimore for a month. Mr. Brown McLendon and sister, Miss Janie McLendon, returned Sat urday afternoon from Hampton Springs, Fla. Miss Florence Prince, of Columbia. Ala., is the attractive guest of Mrs. H. S. Walker for some time at her home here. Col. Lewis Ellis has gone to Do than, and will spend a vacation of a week stringing feminine hearts in the Alabama metropolis. W. F. Birdsong, formerly of Ameri cus. but now residing in La Grange, was a visitor in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNeill and son. Raymond, returned last night from an extended trip to California and the West. Misses Anna and Elizabeth Harrold will leave Macon tomorrow upon an extended and delightful tour of set crai ir nths in Cab'fcinia, visit’, g ail lace. of interest the <• and along tf,° Pacific coast. Messrs. E B Everett and W. Thud Glover, valiant disciples of Izaak Wal ton. have gone to Panacea Springs, on the Mexican Gulf coast to try rod and reel for ten days. MEN'S FURNISHING SPECIALS We will close out our $3.50 and $5.00 i silk shirts for $1.98 and $2.50. A small lot of $1.50 and $2.00 soft; Shirts in odds and ends, 98c each. A small lot of Men’s Oxfords, Craw ford make, the $3.50 to $5.00 grades, to close at $1.50 pair. Sizes 5 to 7. Men’s feather-weight Silk Hats, the SI.OO and $1.50 grades, 50c each. All Men’s Straw Hats, SI.OO each. One lot Men’s Silk Sox, the 50c grades, to close at 25c pair. advt ANSLEY’S. ——— Good Soda We are just as careful in our Soda Water de partment as we are in the handling of our drugs and chemicals. This means that you are always assured of getting clean, sanitary soda service and de licious soda fountain drinks made from pure fruits, juices in combi nation with cool, spark ling soda water. Tr> our Soda. \ou will like it. Drink plenty of it as it is healthful and very refreshing. Your favorite drink awaits you. Howells taw The PENSLAR Store THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMtS-RECORDER ’ Bod-O-Link Friendship Bracelet Bell's, the Jeweler. advt ; Dr. J. A. Thomas, pastor of First I Methodist church here, will go tomor ' row to Cherokee Corners, in Ogle- I thorpe county, where he will assist ' with an interesting meeting during ten days. Miss Mary Lee has gone to George town, Ky., where for several weeks she j will be the guest of Misses Mary and Annie Gray, formerly of Americus. i Mr. Bertram Small, of Valdosta, is ■ the guest of his brother, Mr. I. B. ■ Small, while upon a visit in Americus, I his former home. Mrs. Charles L. Ansley has gone to ; Monteagle, Tenn. ,for a stay of sev- ■ eral weeks. Dr. Thomas M. Merritt has gone up on an extended tour of the Pacific coast, stopping en route at Canadian points, Seattle, the ’Frisco fair and Los Angeles as well. Dr. and Mrs. N. S. Evans and Mr. John W. Shiver are at home again af ter a trip to Demorest, where Mrs. Shiver and children are spending some time. Mrs. S. M. Smith has returned from Sale City, where she went recently up on a visit to her daughter. Mr. Emory Mathis, who has been at Alto, Ga., for two or three months re cuperating his health, has returned to Americus, his condition evidencing marked improvement. Miss Louise Blackwell, of Columbia, Ala., is the attractive guest of Mrs. Emmett L. Bolton at her home here. Mr. Ralph Frederick, of Marshall vville, was a well known business vis itor here today. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Layfield, of At lanta ,are visitors in Americus, where they arrived this morning. Mrs. Howell B. Simmons returned to Atlanta this afternoon, after a visit of several days in Americus. * —————— Mrs. J. E. Stewart, of Ellaville, was shopping in Americus this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson, of Macon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Howard at their home on Brannon avenue. Mrs. J. H. Cheney and sister, Mrs. E. L. McGowan, of Ellaville, were visitors here yesterday afternoon. E. S. Horsley was a well known Dawsonian coming to Americus today upon business. Mr. R. J Perry, who has been with Mrs. Perry in Atlanta, where she has I been ill recently, returned here today, Mrs. Perry’s condition having improved somewhat. NOTICE. Have returned from north Georgia and am ready to do your dental work advt-26-d2t-wlt N. S. EVANS, Dentist. NOTICE OF SALE. I am offered $4,100.00 cash for the S. C. Kelly residence on Lee street. Un less get better offer, this property will be sold. N. M. DUDLEY, Receiver, Americus National Bank. advt 13-2 w nOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOO-OCW I Your Summer Correspondence | Your letters to distant g friends and your letters g to home friends while g g away on your vacation g g should be written on g g correct 5 g STATIONERY g § Our stationery stock | g is very complete and g g contains the newest g g things in g Bulk arui Box Papers, g Tablets, Etc. g i a 9 j ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY g Telephone 33 o ;g Jackson Street 9 " gcXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC OOOOOO* AMERICUS HUS ASSURANCE OF FINE BASEBALL GREAT SERIES HERE BEIYG AR. RANGED JI ST NOW. Americus is winning a great reputa tion as a baseball center for visiting teams from the different leagues in the state. A committee from Montezuma, composed of Oscar McKenzie, J. B. Guerry and J. L. Reid met in the office of the Chamber of Commerce yester day with Mr. H. D. McLendon, of Daw son ; H. E. Allen and Secretary E. H. Hyman, representing Americus, for the purpose of forming a series of ten games and adjusting the rules under which they would be played. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Allen, and after much discussion it was decided that Americus would get the first two games between the clubs of Dawson and Montezuma, on Mondav and Tuesday, August 2d and 3d. The next three games would be play ed at Dawson on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 4th, sth and 6th. Then three games would be played at Montezuma, the dates selected being Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Au guest 9th and 10th and 11th. After these games are played, the two clubs will coms to Americus and pull off two of the greatest games of ball ever played here for the games will give one of the two clubs the pennant. , Numerous prizes will probably be of fered by the Americus people for the most home runs and other stunts by single players. A grand prize will also be given to the club winning the pan nant. Moran, the greatest umpire of the South, will umpire all ten games, and any one knowing his reputation with the National League, Southern League and the South Atlantic League, know that he will produce ten of the best games of ball in local history. The games will be well advertised by Secretary Hyman, and will be a big event to draw visitors from the sur rounding towns. Dawson and Monte zuma will bring about 2,000 people with them. Then again negotiations were opened up over the long dis tance ’phone today with President E. G. Jacobs of the Macon Baseball asso ciation, to have two games played in Americus between Macon and Colum bus. This would mean a great crowd for the two games and the fans would come from Albany Columbus and other towns very near Americus. Another thing in Americus’ favor is the fact of our good roads in this section Auto toists could come through in their cars from either Macon or Columbus with ease the roads being in perfectly good condition. Letters have gone to President Ja cobs from Mr. Egbert Allen and Sec retary Hyman today and he will take the matter up with the Columbus epo ple on Monday and wire his decision in the matter. The Chamber of Commerce is get ting down behind these ball games and trying to secure as many out of town clubs to play here as possible, believing that they will draw many visitors to our city, and the business men will be well repaid for the trou ble. An effort will be made in August to secure ong of the National or Ameri can Leagues big teams to come here and have practice games next spring. To secure this club It is necessary to begin work trying to land one during the month of August. Let’s get ’em. Let’s have Americus famous as a base ball center. Good advertising this. Stove Wood 288 Wheatley Bros. CLOSING OUT Children’s Wash Dresses' at 50' AND Values from 50c TO $1.50 Our entire stock included Sale Starts Wednesday Morning and Continues for the rest of the Week. | SEE WINDOW DISPLAY | NONE SENT ON APPROVAL, TAKEN BACK OR EXCHANGED We will close at 1 p. m. Thurs days during July and August. A Palm Beach Suit For These Hot Days Porous —It brings the breezes. Shapely—lt promises style. Dust-Proof —It rejects dirt and grit. Washable —It leaves the tub as smart as when new. Durable—lt will yield sturdy wear the summer through. Inexpensive—-It cost much les than serge or worsted. Cool, comfortable and clean fitting. In Pongee shades; in Greys, Blues and Blacks; in Fancy Stripes and Plains. Beware of imitations! There’s only one Palm Beach. The name is trade-marked. We show you the genuine Prices range $7.50 to SIO.OO W. D. BAILEY CO. We will close at 1 p. m. Thurs days during July and August. MONDAY. JULY 26. 1915