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TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915 COFFEE COM PROFITE 01 HER TOOlffl CHOP fEED BEING RAISED AND AI (READY MARKETED IN COFFEE COUNTY. Interesting at this time because of the efforts to raise tobacco in Sumter county is the dispatches in the state press concerning the yield in Coffee county: DOUGLAS, Aug. 15.—Over 1,000 pounds of tobacco will be marketed by the farmers of Coffee county this year, most of it having been grown near Nicholls. This tobacco, at the pre vailing prices, will be marketed at from 10 to 12 1-2 cents per pound. The first carload was shipped from Nich olls on last Saturday, and was sent to the market at Lake City, S. C., which is the market used last season. The balance of the crop will likely be shipped during August. Something like 150 acres of tobacco were planted in Coffee county this year, but it was such a success that the acreage will, perhaps, be doubled another year, and the farmers are making their preparations with that end in view. BOLD HOARD OF 0. S. BIBBE£IN HISTORY NEW YORK, August 17.—The United States had today the greatest supply of gold in its history, greater than anv other nation on earth, and probably greater than any other two nations. The amount of gold held in this coun try in the form of cash or bullion is $2,006,399,539. According to the latest reports England had about eight hun dred millions, which is all practically controlled by the government. The 1 latest report from Germany, which i v ?~'1hF"~ 1 :4 -‘ 1 n A ’ A\k / imi Wm iraW \ . li l\t * ' W A f’ '/ -" > <•• , . Jf\ ” 6 o e 0 t> f Ok \< \x 6 6 \y3k f 67a / f — Jr'’ H Wn wKffiflW k f| It was made especially to please you anti H refresh you end to quench your thirst 'smm|h|i That it was made for pcu is proved by 9BB|b the fact that each of some ninety million t Americans claim it was made especially for their delight. HraHfl W ■ „ <s Delicious and. Refreshing Demand the genuine by full name — <S§5 > nickname# encourage substitution. %, The Coca-Cola Company Whenever you see . ATLANTA, GA. "'cTa Cola ** ° f -O’ FREEDOM OF BITT BOES TO SUBMARINE HEROES (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, Aug. 17.—Next to naiming a new baby or a statue or a bridge or tower after Hindenburg, granting the freedom of a city to the commander of a successful submarine is Germany’s popular diversion at present. No less than four naval commanders have thus been honored and have been made “honor citizens” of communities large and small. The first one to be thus recognized was Frigate Captain von Mueller, com- 1 mander of the sea raider Emden. The city of Emden, after the ship’s destruc tion, named von Mueiler its honor cit izen, while his birthplace, Blanke i burg, paid him similar tribute. The city of Karlsrhue took the same steps in the case of Frigate Captain Erich Koehler, commander of the Karlsruhe, and Otto Weddigen, cap tain lieutenant of the U-9 and U-29, who perished with the latter submar ine, has been similarly honored by hig birthplace, Herford. The latest case is that of the city of Kreuznac l , which has conferred its freedom on Captain Lieutenant Herising, com mander of the U-21 and the U-51. People Say To Us ’ “I cannot eat this or that food, it doe« not agree with me.” Our advice to nil of them is to take a Dyspepsia Tablet t ore and after each meal. 25c a box. Murray’* Pharmacy. was in 1907, showed that country held $1,044,000,000 in gold. The supply in the United States for that year was only $1,612,000,000. The large increase in tlhe stock of gold in the United States represents the losses of the precious metal to this country by the principal nations of Europe on ac count of the huge balance of trade ij our favor. Based on the returns for July the United States is now accum ulating gold at the rate of $12,000,000 I a month. MURDERER’S NECK SAVED BY GOVERNOR MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 17.—James Waupoose, an Indian, who was sent enced to be hanged tomorrow for the of Kesheno, Wis., has been saved from of Keshena, Wis., has been saver from the gallows through commutation of sentence. He will serve a life sentence at Leavenworth. Waupoose claimed he did not know what he was doing when he shot Miss Dickson last April. He claimed that he had been engaged to the girl. He became despondent «E€S i*i luted Eg ©3 0 gut U commit suicide. His mother succeeded in getting the revolver away from him. Later he went to see his former sweet heart, and shot the girl. He then turned the gun on himself and inflicted a serious wound. When he confessed to the crime and pleaded guilty in the fefderal court, he was given the death STOMACH TROUBLES Hr. Ragland Writes Interesting Letter on This Subject. Madison Heights, Va.—Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, of this place, writes: “I have been taking Thedford’s Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught for a few days, I always feel like a new man.” Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain in pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptoms of stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Its 75 years of splendid success, in the treatment of just such troubles, proves the real merit of Thedford’s Black- Draught. Safe, pleasant, gentle in action, and without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c. n. q THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMLS-RECORDER • •••••••••••••••••••••••••<••••••••••••••••••••••••••< • TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE * j CLOSE OUT PRICES j • ON SPECIAL LOTS OF MERCHANDISE • $ Special lot Ladies’ 25c and 50c Neckwear to Another lot of those Tam O’Shanters in all q q close out at colors to go at q : 15c Each 48c Each : • • • New lot Sport Shirts, in stripes and plain, lhe Take your choice of all Voile and Muslin sum- • • greatest value you ever saw for mer dresses at • : 63c 1-2 Price : • We are showing some very attraative modele in BETWEEN- • • SEASON HATS. They are nifty, up-to-date styles for late sum- J • mer and early fall wear. See them today. • i PRICES: $2.50 to $5.00 j S lamar CHURCHWELL’S AMER, “ S : a CTDirirT ** w —■ ** ** rrnnm a • 31 KEEL ‘‘SELLS IT FOR LESS” liEUKbIA * 5150,000,000 POTASH DEPOSIT ON PACIFIC WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.—When it was suggested that the crop raisers in the United States are "up against it” for potash since the war cut off the supply from Germany and shot the price up from S3B to $240 to $250 per ton, Dr. Thomas N. Norton, commercial agent of the department of commerce laughed. The attitude of the agricultural folk of the United States reminded the doc tor of that old familiar picture of the fat man scanning tjie horizon for his cocker spaniel, while the lost pup stood calmly out of sight in the cool ing shade of the fat man’s stomach. “Why,” said the doctor, “there is $150,000,000 worth of potash going to waste in the kelp, on our Pacific coast. All we need to do is to go and cut it and supply the United States with the $15,000,000 worth of potash it used every year. It can be done at $5 less per ton than Germany can supply it !i peace times. We would still have $135,000,000 worth to sell outside of the United States Dr. Norton doesn’t know whether the American Fat Man will step back and find the poodle or not, but he says some motions have been made in that direction, though they have been rath er spasmodic and not on a very large scale. “To be handled economically,’ said he. “this kelp must be handled on n large scale. Some parts of the coast will yield two cuttings a year. All you have to do with it is to let it dry, grind it, pack it and send it to the consum er.” GERMANS ‘FEEDING FISHES' IN ADRIATIC RERUN, Aug. 17.—Under the sar castic heading “A Sign of the Highe-’ Culture,” the Vorwarts quotes from the Neue Freie Presse of Vienna that dig nified organ's editorial note on the drowning of Italian sailors in the Adriatic: “The fish and lobsters of the Adriatic have long had no such good times as these. In the Southern Adriatic they are eating up almost the w’hole crew of the Leon Gambetta. In the Middle Adriatic their larders are stocked yb those Italians whom we did not succeed in rescuing from the Turbine, and in the north the fishes’ table has a richer menu every day.” ARGUMENT BEGUN ON MILLION DOLLARS (By Associated Press.) BOSTON, Aug. 17. —In the state Su preme Court today arguments are be ing heard on the suit for $102,000,000 brought by the minority stockholders in the New Haven railroad against the former directors, in which it is sought to have the former directors held liable for the expenditure of the vast sums for street railwway and steamship lines. The minority stockholders seek to have the money paid back to the corporation, claiming it was spent wrongfully. Specific allegation is made that $112,000,000 was spent on street railways in New England that are worth only $56,000,000, that $28,- 000,000 went for steam railroads the actual value of which was $12,000,000. that $32,000,000 was paid for Boston and Maine stock worth not over $lO.- 000,000, and that $37,500,000 was used up on the Westchester road for prop erty that did not exceed $19,000,000 in value. The Supreme Court has alreadv turned down the suit, but an amende 1 action has been filed and is now the subject or argument between the law yers for the minority stockholders and the railroad attorneys. The court has decided that a stockholder has no personal right to action against direc tors who have defrauded a corporation and thus affected the value of his stock. Such wrongs, it is decreed, are against the corporation itself, and except through that, have no relation to the stockholder. Our Advice Is: When you feel out of sorts from consti pation, let us say that if do not relieve you, see a physician, because no other home remedy will. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Murray’# Pharmacy. You may have good safe Insurance but until you get a Union Central Policy you haven’t the best It is best because it gives you all that is good in I ife Insur ance protection, and gives it to you for less. dNINN CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. LEE M. JIANSFOKD, General Agent. Room IS, Planter# Bank Bldg. The Creat Annual Dividend Payer WOMEN ANGRILY WANT POSTMASTERSENTENGED HACKENSACK, N. J., Aug. 17.—The women who were behind the prosecu tion of former Postmaster George A. Hurd of Haworth, N. J., on charges brought by his pretty assistant, Miss Martha L. Conrad, do not conceal their anger over Hurd's disappearance after they worked hard to bring about his conviction. The sentencing of Hurd, who was convicted last May, has bee.i postponed from time to time, until to day, when he is ordered to appear. For a dozen weeks since his conviction, Hurd has been at liberty. Twice the case has been called up for sentence, but Hurd failed to appear. He faces a sentence of $2,000 fine, fifteen years ijnprisonment, or both. Hurd is alleg ed t o have left home in June and has not been seen since. His counsel said recently that Hurd was in Arkansas. His wife and children say they do not know where he is, and the bondsmen have been- worrying. Mrs. Herbert Van Dusen and Mrs. Benjamin Olcotto f Haworth and oth ed women who were interested in the prosecution of the case, are outspoken. "There is something wrong,” said Mrs. BVan Dusen. “The man was con victed, released on the mere bail of $2,000, and now he is gone. The excuse that the record could not be trans cribed is too shallow. I just wish that we women could get hold of Hurd and handle him. He would not now be missing, but would be in jail. We will be in court to see that this man go's his just deserts.” fIEGEKSm; PROFIT Gt SILVER WEDGING (By Associated Press.) MUNICH, GEermany, Aug. 17. —To celebrate their silver wedding anni versary, the Prince and Princess of Thum and Taxis in Regensburg have created a charity fund of 500,000 marks for the benefit of the inhabitants of Regensburg. Ancient Cult of the Flycatcher. Beelzebub was the fly god ©f Ekron (referred to in II Kings 1:2, 3, 4 and 10). The great god Baal was some times worshiped as the “lord of the fly,” as he who drives oil the flies. The flies were then and are now man's worst enemies in Palesth » snd Egypt We remember well how ■we had to be continually fighting them off with fans when we were traveling in those lands. The flies settled on the eyes of the children and literally sucked out their eyesight.—Christian Herald. PAGE THREE OLDEST LAW SOIL IN GEORGIA SOON PASSES (Special to Times-Reeorder.) ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 17.—The su preme court will shortly have to pass on the oldest law suit in Georgia. It is the case of “Cicero Wilson, et al., vs. Emory and Claude Wood, adminis trators,” and it comes up from Judge. Brand ,of the Athens superior court, who has over-ruled the original mo tion for a new trial. Nearly 50 years ago. in 1858. to be exact, this case was first called, in the Jackson superior court. In its first shape it was an application for dower. All of the original parties and attor neys area ow dead, including more than one judge before whom it was tried. It will now probably go to the supreme court fir the third or fourtu time. Judge Russell tried it, and judges prior to his time have had a shot at it, but it has never been fin ally settled. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, SI.OO 11YIR. OFFICE WAN Mil. HARD WORKER Sometime today min utes will drag like hours You will be hot, tired and thirsty. A bottle of genuine will cure BiainFag and wash the dry spot from your throat. Try bot tled COCA COLA Nothing sogood;Noth ing so refreshing. 5C EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. T. WASIEN, Mgr.