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"WEDNESDAY,, SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 r. > I 1 County News Items Intere&antf Facts Gathered During the Week by Our to <r Regular Correspondent*. % * La Crosse (Special to Times-Recorder.) , La CROSSE, Ga., Sept. 1. —Miss Es telle Jones spent last week in Ameri cus, the guest of Misses Ethel and Minnie Lee. Miss Lyde Green, of Bainbridge, is the attractive guest of Mrs. H. G. Kille brew. Miss Edith Autry is spending this week in Americus, the guest of Mrs. W. J. Payne. Mrs. Leila Hardy, of Columbus, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. R .H. Hol loway. Mrs. C. A. Takack returned to her home in Sanford, Fla., after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Jones Mr. Lee Autry, of Americus, spent the week-end with homefolks. Mrs. L. G. Council, of Americus, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ada Hollo way. Miss Lillie Belle Franklin returned home Monday after a pleasant stay with Miss Minnie Lee, at Americus. Mr. Clifford Anglin, of Americus, spent Monday with Mr. Newton Frank - lin. Mr. W. L. Williams, of Anderson ville, was a visitor here Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Killebrew autoeJ to Americus Saturday. Mrs. B. R. Walls spent Monday bery pleasantly with Mrs W. B. Jones. Mr. John Jones, of Macon, is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jones. Mrs. Christian, of Salem, is spend ing this week with Mrs. A. J. Autry. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Autry spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. H. Hol loway. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pilcher, of An- Chapel, were visitors here Sun- Way. Mr. J. R. Autry went down to Americus Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holloway, of near Andersonville, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Jones spent Sunday in Americus, the guest of Mrs. H. A. Lee Anthony Chapel (Special to Times-Recorder.) ANTHONY CHAPEL, Ga., Sept. I. Miss Jessie Daniels has resumed her school duties at Pennington school near Andersonville. Miss Ruby Simpson is now teaching at New Hope, near Leslie. Mrs. Emmett Daniels was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Kile, at Cobb, for the Xveek-end. Mrs. Parsons and Miss Emma Par sons were guests of friends in Leslie me day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, of Les e, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rov ' iobinson last Sunday afternoon. . One of the most unique parties of : le season was that given by Miss Ed- 1 Robinson Friday evening. She en rtained with an old fashioned school i irty. Each one was presented a box dinner at the “dinner hour” and •nonade was found to be in the "old ken basket that hung in the well.” me of the interesting ,'haracters >re Mr. Douglas Walters, Misses • mde Johnson and Ethel Howard, AU • nt in school-day attire. • dr. and Mrs. Hugh Page were ' ssts of friends in Americus Mon- The Secret of a Good Figure gj* r often lies in the brassiere. Hundreds of thousands of women "car the Bien-Jolie Brassiere for the reason that they regard BH n&At&fe* it ns necessary as a corset. It supports the bust and back Bk% *!jr «nd gives the figure the youthful outline fashion decrees. SJ&! nre the daintiest, most serviceable Li/V < > W W garments imaginable. Only the I® z ,7?)* best of jnaterials an* used—for in- I® on a c cirnf 17 c’ ? tance « Walohn”. a flexible bon- H y,W| dKAOOILKLJ ing of great durability—absolutely . -&■ rustless—permitting laundering without removal. T V." u s?k\ -.3 ■.■JJI They come in all styles, and your local Dry Goods dealer m will show them to you on request. If he does not carry them, l;s* >*♦*>? Vf*«B he can easily get them f<»r-ou by writing to us. Send for |fe| *»**s» an illustrated booklet showing styles that are in high favor. rp' BENJAMIN & JOHNES g I ' fe^'V 50 Warren Street Newark, N. J. day. Mrs. J. A. Worthy,, of Sumter, was a guest at Mr. Lonnie Worthy’s sev eral days last week. Anthony School opened Monday with a full attendance. Misses Eula and Eva Jordan were guests of friends in Americus several days last week. ''■ ■ I Plains (Special to Times-Recorder.) PLAINS, Ga., Sept. 1. —Plains school opened Monday morning with a large enrollment and with Prof. Barrett, as principal; Miss Gay, Bth and 9the grades, Miss Julia Coleman, 6th ano 7th grades; Miss May Belle Anderson, 4th and sth grades; Miss Lula Earl 2nd and 3rd grades, and Miss Estelle Rawls, beginners and Ist grade. A * 4 successful term is assured. On Monday evening a rather unique and withal a most enjoyable affair was the “Proven” party given in the Hud son park by the young ladies in honor of the young men. The young ladies going for the young men was much fun and enjoyment. Ice cream and cake was served. Those invited were: Misses Margaret Hudson, Martha Hud son, Alice Ruth Timmerman, Lucy Williams, Effie McArthur, Carrie and Catherine Oliver, Ruth Ansley, Leila Earl, May Bell Anderson, Gay, Estelle Rawls, Julia Coleman, Lucy Kate and Berta Will Clark, Agnes Thomas and Emmie Kate Andrews of Americus. Messrs, Tom, Frank, S. H., Alvin and Louie Timmerman, Ernest Spann, Dr. Sam Wise Dr. Bowman Wise, Earl Carter, Otis Wellons, Green, Harris Hall and Sieg Holmes. Miss Emmie Kate Andrews, of Am ericus, is the guest of Miss Lucy Wil Hams. Mrs. M. D. Walters and Miss Carrie Walters attended the funeral of Mr. Jere Bolton in Americus Monday after noon. Mrs. M. M. Jennings and yong sons, Philip Brown and Millard, have re turned from a visit to relatives at Cordele. Mrs. R. S. Oliver is spending several days with relatives in Americus. Miss Mattie Stapleton returned Tuesday from a delightful stay of six weeks in Live Oak, Fla. Mr. J. W. Timmerman spent Sunday in Macon. Miss Melba Lunsford spent Tuesday shopping in Americus. Miss Amy Coleman returned to Bon ifay, Fla., Tuesday, after a visit to Mrs. H. R. McGea. Mrs. Lucy Forth and Miss Jessie Bell Forth, of Bronwood, were guests of Mrs. E. Timmerman the past week. Mrs. W. B. Gibson and children have returned from a visit to her parents, near Leslie. De Soto (Special to Times-Recorder.) D’SOTO, Ga., Sept. 1. —The barbe cue given by the De Soto people re cently was a decided success and a number of visitors were here from th± country and towns. Mr. M. W. Marshall, of Dawson, was a reecnt business visitor here. Mr. W. C. Herring went to Hunting ton Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ferguson went to Americus Friday. Miss Eva Hooks, of Lee county, was a charming week-end visitor to Mrs Bruce Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Howe, Mrs. Ed Ferguson, Sr., and Mr. Harold Sum erford spent Wednesday at Myrtle Springs. Mr. E. A. Luke, Misses Gussie and Mae Luke and Tmma Glostermance w’ent to Americus recently. Miss Ann Duncan spent several days recently with little Misses Wilma and Mary Hill, at Cobb. Mr. L. K. Bagley was a business vis itor to Americus Thursday. Mr. Mirk Harvey ,of Mississippi, was mingling with old friends here last week. Petite Misses Wilma and Mary Hill, of Cobb, visited Misses Blanche and Ann Duncan last week. Mr. A. M. Barlow went to Americus Friday. Miss Fannie Kaylor, of Chokee, was a charming visitor here, the guest of Miss Florine Scarbro, last week. Miss Blanche Duncan visited her grandny>ther in Americus recently. Miss Ada Mae Battle, of Dawson was the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Duncan last week. Miss Gussie Luke was a pleasan' visitor to Miss Frances Johnson in Huntington last week. Mrs. Ed Vinson, of Cordele, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Allen John • son, last Sunday. Miss Sallie Johnson, of Americus, visited Mrs. Hugh Ferguson Monday. Miss Elise Barlow, of Glenwood, has entered the De Soto High School. Mr. R. E. Howe and little daughters and Dr. Alva Bagley motored to Am ericus Tuesday. Misses Mary Lizzie and Rebecca Ferguson, of Chokee, were the week end guests of Mrs. Frank Ferguson. Dr. Alva Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howe attended th e party at Mr. an.i Mrs. John Methvin’s in the 28th, Tues day evening. Mr. C. C. Womack and little daugh ter, Helen, went to Americus last Wednesday. Rev. J. A. Phillips and Dr. Wise, of Plains, were -the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith Sunday, Rev. Phillips preaching two splendid sermons to a large and interested congregations. .. School opened Monday morning with a good attendance. Mr. Mark Adams, of Dallas, and Miss Nellie Morris, of Conyers, are the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Simmons, of Daphne, were here Sunday, guests of ■relatives. Mrs. R. E. Howe began her music school Tuesday with a large class. Pu pils in voice and piano are solicited. Weston (Special to Times-Recorder.) WESTON, Ga., Sept. I.—The past week has been a gay one, Weston en tertaining royally for many young visitors. On Monday Misses Willie and El dora gave a 6 o'clock dinner for a number of intimate friends. The for tunate honorees were Misses Elia May Coik, Thelma Patterson, Lucile Pat terson, Lucile Pinkston, Gussie Jones, Georgia Elliott, Harshall Martin, Effie Adams, Susie Mae King, Louise Sims, and Mr. Lawton Sims. Monday evening Miss Thelma Pat terson was hostess at a dance and musicale. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood entertained in honor of their sisters, Misses Gladys and Lucile Pinkston. Wednesday night Dr. and Mrs. Cleve land gave a delightful musicale in honor of their charming visitor, Miss Elizabeth Mallette, of Mobile, Ala. One of the most delightful parties of the season was that given by Miss Louise Sims on Thursday night. Manv out-of-town visitors were present,and music and cards were enjoyed until a late hour. Friday, 26th, Weston enjoyed a big barbecue dinners at Camp Ground Springs. Quite a large crowd was in attendance, and after a sumptuous dinner, bathing and swimming con tests furnished amusement for the merry crowd. Friday evening wound up the week’s festivities, with Miss Marshall Mar tin hostess to Weston’s gay young peo ple. Wenesay was municipal election day. Dr. G. G. Lunsford was made mayor by a large majority, and Messrs. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER : Every Express Brings Us j : Something New j : Come Take a Look j 2 We have just received a few of our 2 • new Fall Styles in Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, • 2 Dresses and Waists which we think 2 • are very pretty and would be glad to • 2 show them to you the first time you 2 • are up town. • 1 CHURCHWELL’S I 2 "SELLS FT FOR LESS” • • Americus, Georgia • J. W. Adams, Lem Harmon, Oscar Sims and Tom McGarrah, councilmen. With such progressive men as Dr. Lnusford and his able assistants at the head of city affairs, Weston feels that she has entered into a new era of prosperity. The fall term of Weston High school opened Monday with full attendance The school is to be congratulated up on securing Prof. Knox Walker, from Whitesburg, as principal. A graduate of Mercer university, a gentleman and scholar, under Prof. Walker’s able maan gement, Weston High school hopes to rank with the best. The pri mary department is again m charge of the efficient teacher, Miss Floyd Sims. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Adams, of Way cross, after a delightful visit to rela tives, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Olin A. Williams and son, Olin, Jr., the guests of Dr. G. G. Lunsford the past week, returned to Americus Tuesday. Misses Gladys and Lucile Pinkston, of Parrott, are the charming puests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cleveland, of Eufaula, and Miss Eliabeth Mallette, if Mobile, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Cleveland. Miss Allie Godwin, of Plains, and Mr. Wylea Johnson, of Sassar, are guests of Misses Rena and Ella May Cook. Miss Thelmaj Patterson returned Monday from a bisit to her sister, Mrs Golden Christian, of Parrott. Mrs. John Lunsford, Miss Sadie Lunsford and Mr. Jim Lunsford, of Preston, and Miss Sara Hightower, of Americus, were visitors in Weston Friday. Prof. Dudley Dennard and family, left Monday for their home in Sale City. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hay and child ren, Miss Florence Johnson and Mr. Joe Johnson, of Leesburg, were guests of friends in Weston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley King and children, of Cusseta, were visitors a' the home of Mrs. A. W. Elliott, for several days this week. On Saturday Mrs. W. A. King gave a Lining in their holnor. Those invited were Messrs. Joe and Kay King .Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Miss Georgia Elliott, King and Florence Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams enter tained at a spend-the-day party Wed nesday, complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Adams, of Waycross. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ribert Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Adacs, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCollum, Misses Jennie and Anie Lee Adams. Shiloh (Special to Times-Recorder.) SHILOH, September I.—Mrs. C. J. Jordan and children spent Thursday in Ellaville. Miss Bessie Beckwith arrived home Monday, after spending a short while with her cousin, Lizzie Ruth Dozier, at Sumter. Mrs. E. W. Pilcher and family spent the week-end with Mrs. G. N. Jordan. Miss Margia Whitely, of Americus, is spending this week, the guest of Miss Louise Arrington. Miss Jewel Owens, of Ebenezer. spent the past week with her sister Mrs. J. A. McGill. Miss Minnie Beckwith is a charm ing visitor of her sister, Mrs. A. C Grey, and her cousins, Misses Imo gene and Lillian Dixon, of Americus. Miss Jewel Jordan visited relative' -near Andrew Chapel Sunday. * Miss Jewell Duncan has teturned t< I Ellaville, after visiting relatives here The dance at Myrtle Springs Thurs day night was greatly enjoyed. | Miss Bessie Beckwith had as her guest Saturday, Misses Sarah Belle Eunice and Margarete Evans. Misses Lois Pilcher and Julia Ar rington spent Sunday, guests of Miss Mary Wood. Miss Eunice Walters spent Sundav 1 i very pleasantly, the guest of Miss Jew ! ell Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bell visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Beckwith recently. Leslie (Special to Times-Recorder.) LESLIE, Ga., Sept. I.—On August ' 30tft, Leslie High school witnessed one of the best openings in its his tory. Th e prayer was followed by the in troduction of the teachers, Mr. W. S. Lancaster, Gainesville, Ga., principal Miss Esta Garr, Jackson, Ga., assist ant principal; Miss Nellie Siddall Lumpkin, Ga., grammar department; Miss Leola Ranew, Leslie, Ga., inter mediate department; Miss Clifford Whaley, Maysfield, Ga., primary de partment. Short talks were then given by trustees and principal. Mr. Stonewall Bolton, of Doles, Ga., is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. T. John son. The protracted service at the Les lie Methodist church closed Sundav evening. The interest in the meeting continued to grow as manifested by the house being well filled at each service. Mr. E. A. Bowen has returned to Leslie and accepted a position with the Leslie Hardware and Furniture Co. Miss Beatrice Hutchinson returned to her home in Tifton Friday after a visit to her cousin, Miss Lota Speer. Mrs .Sallie Larimore, of Huntington i is spending the week with Mrs. E. L Wilson. Misses Susie, Mary and Martha Pryor spent the evening Friday with Miss Ella Wilson. Miss Annie Clare Ranew has gone to Swainsboro, Ga., to accept a po sition in the Swainsboro school. Mr. Eugene Lockett, of Americus, spent a couple of days in Leslie re cently seeing his ffriends. We are glad to see Mrs. J. R. Pil cher able to be out again after her re cent illness. Miss Lillian Jay spent the week i end in Huntington, the guest of Miss Frances Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Jr. have a fine little girl at their home. Those going from here Monday as ternoon to attend the funeral of Mr. Jere F. Bolton, in Americus, were Mr. W. R. Bolton, Mrs. A. T. Johnson, i Mrs Elizabeth Bolton, Mrs. J. O. i Suggs, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bolton, Mr [ and Mrs. J. T. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. F P. Jones and Mrs. Sallie Wade Cut Off (Special to Times-Recorder.) CUT-OFF, Ga., Sept. I.—The Mission Study class held a most interesting meeting at Union Schoolhouse, on Saturday evening. Quite a number from here attended protracted services at Pennington schoolhouse the past week. Miss Mary Alice Stubbs ieft Mon-1 day for Americus, to resume her stud ies at A. M. C. Mrs. J. B. Rouse had as guests Sun- | day Mr. and Mrs. Godwin and child-1 ren, and Miss Chappel, from south Georgia. Miss Laura Stubbs is the guest ol Misses Louise Turner and Elizabeth Pennington, at Spaulding. Misses Janie Wicker and Beulah Pennington spent a few days the past week with Misses Bertha and Jessie Pennington, in Sumter county. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith spent Sun day with Mr. J. R. Rouse and fam ily. Mr. Murchison, of the Public Min ing; company, spent the past two weeks pleasantly with homefolks near Rome. Miss Beulah Pennington left Monday a. m. for Andersonville, where I she has a position in the public i schools. I PAGE THREE Preston (Special to Times-Recoraer.) PRESTON, Ga., Sept. 1.- —For sev eral years past Mr. W. P. Addy has celebrated his birthday with a good old-fashioned barbecue dinner, to which he invites all his relatives and numerous friends. This happy occas ion rolls around on the 25th day of August each year and each year it ia looked forward to with pleasant anti cipation by many. Last Wednesday being the fifty-third anniversary, there were a hundred or more friends an 1 relatives assembled at their hospitable home, where they enjoyed the joyous occasion once more. Rev. Mr. Walker, pastor of the Methodist church, is conducting a se ries of meetings there this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jenkins had as their guests last week, Mrs. W. D. Pa den, Mr. D. S. Paden and Mr. E. IX Jenkins, of Atlanta, the party arriv ing last Sunday and spending the week Miss Alla Kidd has returned to Doerun, where she resumes charge of her school there. Mr. Geo. McNeal left Tuesday for North Carolina to make his home. IM. Office Ml M, MB »MFB Sometime today min utes will drag like hours You will be hot, tired and thirsty. A bottle of genuine will cure BiainFag and wash the dry spot from your throat. Try bot tled COCA COLA Nothing so good;Noth ing so refreshing. 5C EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTUCMi CO. J. T. WA«BM. Mjr.