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WEDNESDAY* SEPTEMBER 1, 191;', gAJJNOS ThENTVV Arrow COLLAR SOCIETY MISS M'NEILL IS HOSTESS AT A BEAUTIFUL PARTY Complimentary to Miss Fannie Fur low, Miss Alice McNeill entertained de lightfully last evening at her home or Church street, the occasions being one of the largest of the season here. The invitation list numbered fifty, and th e parlors and spacious veranda, were filled with the merry throng Potted plants and vases of bright hued cut flowers made attractive the several apartments, where * progress ive conversation,” the entertaining fea ture if the evening, was enjoyed. During the evening petite Miss Sara Oliver served punch to the fifty young guests, and a delicious ice course was served upon conclusion of the game. The following young people were | guests of Miss McNeill: Misses Mary Dudley, Ruth Council. Sarah Hightower, Elmer Bell, Nellie Worthy, Margaret Wheatley, Ger trude Davenport, Pauline Broadhurst, Quenelle Harrold, Mary Walker, Mar jory Kalmon, Orlean Ansley, Annie Ellis, Mabel Ellis, Eugenia Warlick Eugenia Collins, Naomi Wright, Fan nie Furlow, Katherine Thomas, Mary Elizabeth McLeod, Genevieve Prather; Messrs. Carroll Clark, Henry Aallen, Loring Smith, Chas. Crisp, Stewart Prather, Clarence Hyman, Chas. La nier, Harry Fain, Henry Clay, Frank Sheffield, Ralph Rodgers, Will Green Turpin, Henry Lumpkin, Oscar Car ter, George Lumpkin, Joe Thomas, James Davenport, Marion Roebuck, of Atlanta; Neal Thomas, Willie McNeal. John D. Sullivan, Robert MceNill. * * * Mrs. R. L. Jones, who has been spending several weeks in Atlanta, a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Willing ham, and her daughter, Mi’s. Hunter Muse, is expected to return home to morrow. Miss Miriam Jones, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Sheffield, in Americus, will join Mrs. Jones in Americus and accompany her home.—Albany Herald. * * * MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT INTERESTS AMERICUS Os interest to many in Americus i.s the announcement made by Mrs. W. W- Manghum, of Rome, of the engage ment of her daughter, Miss Jack Long, to Mr. Osgood P. Willingham, of Rome, the marriage to take place in tthe early fall. Miss Long, as the niece of Mrs. Thomas Harrold, has been a frequent and much admired visitor in Americus, and many friends here are reserving congratulations for th e wedding occasion. Piano and Voice Lessons. Miss Elizabeth C. Cobb will open her Music School on Monday, Sept. 13. Studio open for registration of pupils on Sept. 6. Phone 191 28-2 w For Sale! 6 Room house, large lot, centrally located, $2,250. 8 Room house, two-story, gas, wa ter and lights, $5,000. 6 Room house, with 10 acres land, at a bargain price. 5 Room house (new) lights and other conveniences only $1,850. 1,600 acres; 700 acres open; esti mated 300,000 feet saw timber; 6-room house, 5-room house, tenant houses, etc.; 300 acres nice level red land; railroad through property and sta tion; also fine graded road. For a quick sale only $12.00 acre; one-fourth cash, balance easy payments. Big bar gain. If you want to buy, sell or rent, call on or write me. P.B.Williford AMERICUS, GA. DALLAS WANTS NEXT | OENIOCPMNIIENTIDN NEW ORLEANS, Sept. I.—Fifteen hundred Texans made plans at the St. Charles Hotel toady to call on Rob ert Ewing, Democratic national com mitteeman, and ask him to vote for Dallas for the National ’ Democratic Convention next year. Attorney George A. Harmon, of Dallas, a cousin of Judson Harmon, heads the delega tion from the West. Handbills were circulated today among the big Texan delegation brought to the city by the Texas & Pacific Railroad advising everybody to attend a meeting at the St. Charles at 2 p. m. The purpose of the meeting was explained as an effort “to let New Orleans know Texas is in town,” and “to call in a body on Robert Ewing.” Dallas is opposing Chicago and St. Louis for the Democratic Convention. Although the Texas town is traveling in sw'ift company it is ready to prove its claim to consideration. A check for SIOO,OOO is waiting as a guarantee. Ample hotel accommodations and an auditorium with a capacity of 15,000 are further arguments. BARBECUE FEASTERS ASSEMBLE TOMORROW Fifty unfed members of the Ameri cus ’Cue club will today observe the notch upon their knife handles, indi cating tomorrow as the date for the fortnightly feast at the ’Cue club park The season is waning and as only one or two more joyous feasts will follow it behooves the hungry to rally strong tomorrow. Girls’ Home School. The Girls’ Home School will re-open for the fall session on Monday, Sept. 13th. Boarding and day pupils will please register next week. MISS SUSIE TAYLOR, lavtot Principal. ANOTHER AMERICUS CASE li Proves That There’s a Way Out For Many Suffering Americus Folks. Just another report of a case in Americus. Another typical case. Kid ney ailments relieved in Americus with Doan’s Kidney Pills. Mrs. J. R. Hudson, 168 Church St., Americus, says: “One of the family was so bad with rheumatic pains that he couldn’t work. He used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they cured him. In my case I suffered off and on for years from rheumatic pains in my arms. The first box of Doan’s Kid ney Pills gave me relief. Since then I have taken this remedy whenever I have had any trouble and it has al ways helped me.” Price 50c\ at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Hudson recommends. Foster- Milburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. jdvt Sale of Unclaimed Freight. Sale of unclaimed freight by the Southern Express Company will oe held at its office in Americus, Ga., on Saturday, September 4th, 1915, of all packages remaining on hand uncalled for and the charges not paid by that date. H. C. GARNER, Agent. H. M. SMITH, Superintendent. A Bald Head Only Indicates that the scalp has been neglected. We recommend that you use r Hair Tonic Kills the germ that causes the hair to fall out and will keep the scalp healthy Murray’s Pharmacy. Stove Wood i 288 Wheatley Bros. Alcazadl theatreß l 5c AND 10c I Tomorrow: Mt Big Broadway z Feature g THE I SCARLET I SIN I In 5 acts, featuring the h popular star Hobort Bosworth Don’t U fail to see it. ■ It’s wonderful M MISS ??? I You are invited to be || the guest of the man- ■ agement tomorrow || at the Alcazar. || Call at Box Office « and bring this ad. H To ||| Mrs. Ira Lowe. ' Mrs. Dudley Gatewood. K WATCH THIS SPACE FOR YOUR ‘ NAME \ MAJOR FURLOW WAS RECALLED” LEAVE fIBSENCI ORDERED TODAY TO REJOIN HIS REGIMENT. Maj. James W. Furlow, U. S. A., who with Mrs. Furlow came from Galves ton several w r eeks ago to spend some time at their home in Americus, re ceived this morning a wire call to rejoin his regiment at Galveston, and left at once in compliance with orders which read as follow's: “Secretary of War recalls the un expired portion of your leave ab sence. Your services needed at once at Galveston. (Signed) “M CAIN, “Adjutant General.” Major Furlow' left this afternoon for Galveston, and will reach the military headquarters there tomorrow after noon. The removal of troops from Texas City, recently badly damaged by the West Indian hurricane, may have been responsible for his recall to duty. Mrs. Furlow will remain here for the present, going to Galveston later in September. Special This Week Pecan, Chocolate and Va nilla Ice Tiream, and any special for party, entertain ment, sent in Bricks on short notice. Absolutely the Very Best. A pure Glycerine Soap for 5c a cake. Djer Kiss Talcum, and Face Powder, Toilet Water, and Perfume. Let us have your ordei. We haue a most complete stock and appreciate your patronage. We are always delighted to serve you. WINDSOR PHARMACY Phone 161. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER F- -“ ■ , , , -,, ... ' lOff ■.. •■ W 1 /JSk You uncork that ■Mfe ... - . 1 sunshine tank - some Prince Albert joy smoke sift into \ your system via a jimmy pipe or makin’s ciga- ~ rette, for you never got such fun out of tobacco B in all your life. . - Get t^iat P-A. flavor? Get that P. A. aroma? | Go to it mighty cheerful, because P. A. can’t \ bite! Puff away like you hit perpetual motion tb e rst round! And keep fired-up till the • Ww* cows come home. For it’s %. A sure facts Prince Albert , never grouched any other * O man’s tongue and won’t j ifc-. i grouch yours! L - \ 7 Get P. A. jimmypipejoy’us * A - '• ' - and cigarette makin’s happy, s " - ien y° u personally un- IP WJti. -P derstand that no other pipe * and cigarette tobacco ever • was or ever can ike ? r j/J TkS Prince Albert. The patented process ■F - • J mMwc; fixes that —and cuts out the bite and the Hr V parch. That’s why pipe peaceful and cigarette peaceful men call 1 Fringe Albert l- - ; J°y smoke ’t You be a sport and take a chance on this B • say-so, because you’ve no idea of the bully I ' J ' TobwlrJif* BIF goodness, of the joy’us satisfaction, of the i: ;<■ XpTX 111 ' contentment and restfulness and that sort < X<;: : § / \ 1 ofthe Pnnee Albert ./ Qf thing, that hltS CVerV 111311 WHO gGtS I pipers club.” This is John O Reilly, ■_ , :>; y/ / UMS! I chummy with P. A. I i I ‘I O’Reilly is one of those grand old f IK / I c of m Hammer this home for what ails your smokeappetite, | \ f fl He has always been a liberal smoker. because you’ve no time to lose getting introduced to I " VQij * Z J this real and true man-tobacco that’s ace-high and a I II Prinee Albert it sold everywhere became ... . . .. •• / (§iUh7 9 the demand tor u ..universal. Sowherever yard wide no matter how you swing on it, jimmy £4^ETr e roßA<xo D 1 ppe or makin’s cigarette! V ! I tin, 10c; handtome pound and half-pound pound humidor uitlh sponge-moistencr tope R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. Q «Xto-arwo-o<?oo&oo<>oao<Hj<}<HXHO<xtoGCH>orH>cra-rHH>orHXHX>&CHXHM«i« { THOSE WHO COME g a AND GO Americus The Mecca For I | _ Those Seeking Pleasure, g g Health and Business. Bob.o Link Bracelets at S. A. Dan iels, the Jeweler. advt Mr. Harris Council and sister, Mrs. S. H. McKee, Misses Mary Parker and Eugenia Parker, returned here yester day from a stay of a week at White Springs, Fla. Miss Fannie M. Furlow, after hav ing spent two months delightfully in Americus, where many pleasing atten tions were shown her, returned today to Vidalia. Miss Elizabeth Barck, of Mont gomery, is an attractive and popular visitor here, the guest of Mrs. Frank Cato, on Lee street. Opera House today, first show 4:39; 5:45; 7:00; 8:15; 9:30. It’s better to get in at the beginning of each show, advt Mrs. George Vardaman returned last evening to her home here, after having spent the summer pleasantly with rel , atives near Newnan. Mrs. N. E. Sanborn and Miss Myrtle Sanborn have gone to Dothan, where to the regret of their many Americus friends, they will make their home in the future. Miss Gladys Wooten, of Shellman, will be a charming visitor here this week, arriving tomorrow as the guest of Mrs. W. T. Lane, on Lee street. “The High Road” tonight. Charlie Chaplin, “Exploits of Elaine,” Pathe News Weekly tomorrow night, and “The Reign of Terror” Friday night, all corking good pictures. Opera House. a< ivt Mis s Clebe Merz Kemp has return ed to her home in Americus after hav ing spent some time in Columbia and at Smith Station, Ala., where she was delightfully entertained. Bod-O-Link Friendship Bracelet Bell's, the Jeweler. advt Miss Lucy Sills, of Thomasville, en ruote home after a summer’s visit in the Carolina mountains, will arrive Thursday upon a visit to Mrs. S. L. Sills. Continued improvement in the con dition of Mrs. E. B. Everett is very gratifying to her very large circle of friends here. Mrs. John L. Wooten returned to day to her home in Eastman after a visit here to her mother, Mrs. G. A. Turpin. Your advertising is read in the Times-Recorder. There’s a gold mine in every advertisement on the DOL LAR PAGE. MONEY Remember when you want to borrow money on your improved farm on long time that I can get it for you at Six (6%) • Per Cent Interest. The contract carry with them the privilege of pay ing SIOO, or any multiple thereof, or of taking up entire loan, on any inter est day, without bonus. J. J. HANESIEY Lamar Street Americus, :: Georgia \1 Her Cooking ‘ A Burden. You hear some women say, “I II / F like a coal stove best for cooking I V because it gives more heat.” \ ij How true, especially in summer! V. nfll This picture shows the back date way of cooking. It tells its own story—the woman hot and tired and. worried over the time she is wasting iS )) waiting for a hot oven. 1 If you are one of this class get out of it. Buy a gas range and lighten your burdens. Z1c'...... AMERICUS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY. The best there is in ’T* Life Insurance absolutely secure Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Ct> Newark, N. J. O 1 I LIMIT ON ONE RISK, $7 W.C 5 □<lie e J, aToTvENPORI s co. Agents HERBERT HAWKINS Insurance And Surety Bonds Specialty-Autos at 2 per ceni PLANTERS BANK BLDG. Phnne Ao >B6 Mrs. J. E. Charlton and children of Atlanta, are guests of Mrs. Thomas Harrold, at her residence on College. Opera House today first show at 4:30 and shows each hour and fifteen minutes thereafter. advt PAGE FIVE Vali Vali, the exquisite stage star, in the dramatic surprise "The High Road.” Opera House tonight. advt Oscar Bowen, of Tifton, is among the business visitors in Americus to- I day.