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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19. 1915. ffiffitfwsaw s ■ s®as ifi jfi ie U g SOCIETY S 81 11 WffiSKKSiSH ■ ffiSfiSSHSSfiS MORGAN-GLAZE ‘ Mrs. Annie Morgan, of Leslie, announces the engagement of her daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Simon Luther Glaze, the wedding to take ' place sometime during the fall. MBS. WHEATLEY HOSTESS TO MATRONS CLUB. Mrs. Crawford Wheatley, at her handsome residence on Oglethorpe Road, was charming hostess Friday morning to that very popular social organizaztion, the Matrons Club, this being the first meeting of the season Besides the full membership of twelve, several other guests graced the occasion, adding interest thereto Auction bridge was played at three tables. Top score prizes were award ed Mrs. William A. Dodson, Mrs. Chloemily Freeman of Albany, Mrs. A. N. Walker of Scranton, Penn. To Mrs. Clayton Callaway of Atlanta, was awarded the guest prize. Mrs. W’heatley’s guests were Mes dames Charles M. Council, W. A. Dodson, Henry Lanier, H. B. Allen, I J. Kalmon, Chloemily Freeman of Albany, R. E. McNulty, F. P. Harrold, A. N. Walker of Scranton, C. J. White George W. Bacot of Charleston, Taylor Lewis,, C. O. Niles, Clayton Callaway of Atlanta, Miss Martha Wheatley. * * * MRS. EASTERLIN HOSTESS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Thursday evening at her home on Lee street, Mrs. W. 0. Easterlin en tertained for Mr. E. Y. Andrews’ Sun day school class, of which her son, Frank Easterlin, is a member. Miss Nannie Sue Bell and Mr. Andrews as sisted in entertaining the younger people. Progressive conversation was en joyed and punch was served on the verandah by Misses Bernice McAr thur and Mary Elizabeth Easterlin. At a late hour cream and cake was served, Mrs. J. O. McArthur assisting Mrs. Easterlin. Those who attended, including the Sunday school class, were Misses Eu genia Collins, Orleans Ansley, Mary W’alker, Agnes Gatewood, Mary Belle Green, Hallie W’alker, Mary Dudley. Elmer Bell, Mary Frances Lane, Mar guerite Everette; Messrs. Lewis Mer ritt, Eugene Harvey, Ralph Lane, Ed Everette, George Walker, Walter Lee Bell, Henry Walker, Frank Easterlin. Owen Poole. * * * “YOUNG IDEA” IS TAUGHT TO FISH AND SWIM A jolly occasion of the past week was the entertainment by Mrs. Clar ence Niles of the boys comprising her Sunday school class, the youngster’ I Trust Us I For Trusses i For many years we have g given special attention io p the fitting of trusses and are g prepared io give superior g service in this line of work, g We handle a wide assort- g meat of high grade trusses | and are therefore able to g provide the particular ktnd g best suited to the case g We guarantee the Truss. g 3 We guarantee the fit. g a 2 i ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY I Telephone 33 g Jackson Street | "X - WINE OF COD LIVER OIL A pleasant-tasting Wine-like preparation of cod liver j oil extract without greasy oil; contains Hyphophosphites, * the true tissue builder, the best remedy for COLDS, \ x 1 L-/z GRIPP. LUNG Troubles, Wasted flesh and run-down sys -XY tem no mistake can be made when you take it. Price * i SIOO a Bottle. WINDSOR PHARMACY, PHONE 161. ;-- y / ' » me San Tox Store. being given an outing which they will long remember with pleasure. Mrs Niles has a fishing lodge upon the banks of McMath’s mill-pond, near the city, and there she was hostess to the fourteen boys, to whom she tells Bi ble stories on Sunday. Two days were thus delightfully spent at the lodge, as much so for the charming hostess as for the kiddies, who fished and swam to their hearts’ content. * * * LEAVE SOON TO RESIDE FOR TIME IN TEXAS The many friends of Mrs. G. Mor gana Eldridge will -be interested in knowing that she anticipates going shortly to Dallas, Texas, where she will reside for a time with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Ferguson, who will leave Americus at the same time. Mr. Ferguson went recently to Dallas to engage in business, and Mrs. Fergu son and her mother will join him there. Miss Elizabeth Eldridge leave 1 ? for the North shortly to enter col lege, while her brother, Doctor Eld ridge, will go to Atlanta to engage in the automobile business. Mrs. Eld ridge will return here several months hence. * * * MRS. HANSFORD HONOR GUEST AT TWO PARTIES Mrs. Frank W. Withoft was hostess at a novel affair Saturday morning, when she entertained at “comfort” party for Miss Bessie Jo Woolfolk The attractive bungalow was adorn ed with vases of fragrant cut flowers. The guests were seated around the dining tamle where with deft fingers a lovely comfort was knotted and brier-stitched with pink wool. After the gift was presented to the bride to-be, the hostess, aassisted by Miss Louise McDonald, served a delicious saald course. The guests were Miss Woolfolk, Mrs. W. J. Braswell, Miss Mary Hale, Miss Meeta McDonald, Miss Eula Prator, Miss Katie May Williams. Miss Eugenia Riley and Miss Louise McDonald. * * * Mrs. Tom Murphey entertained Monday morn ing at a rook party fofr Miss Bessie Jo Woolfolk. After the game a dainty piece of handwork was presented the guest of honor and a refection was served. The guests were Miss Wool folk, Mrs. Charles Rountree, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. Glenmore Gr-;ene, Mrs John Woolfolk, Mrs. W. C. Sherman Miss Claudia Culpepper, Miss Carrie Riley. Miss Eugenia Riley, Miss Meeta McDonald and Miss Louise McDonald —Ft. Valley Leader-Tribune. • * * MISS BELLE ANSLEY ENTERTAINS AT 42. Miss Belle Ansley entertained in a delightful manner at a forty pa r tv at her beautiful home on Church street, last week. The shaded lawn, where the tables were placed, was prettily decorated with cut flowers and ferns. Dainty refreshments were served by Misses lone Carter and Naomi Wright. The invited guests were Mrs. Law' rence Brown, Mrs. Neon Buchanan, Mrs. Brooks, of Columbus, Mrs. Stella Thurman, Mrs. J. H. Rodgers, Mrs. J. W. Furlow, Mrs. Sam Heys, Mrs. Mary Kate Heys, Mrs. Harry Jarrard, Mrs. Tracy Cunningham, Mrs. Harvey Weaver, Mrs. George Vardaman, Mrs. George W. Riley, Mrs. J. E. Johnson. Mrs. D. K. Brinson. Mrs. John Wag non, Mrs. J. W. Harris, Jr., Mrs. W. D. Carter, Misses Yona Buchanan. Madge McAfee, Emmie Morgan, Eliza beth Cobb, Mabel Sawyer, Sarah Ma this, Matilda Houser. * * * ROBERT LANE IS GIVEN . A “SURPRISE” BY FRIENDS Upon the eve of his departure for college, Robert Lane was accorded a very agreeable “surprise” Thursday evening, when two score young friends assumbled ait his pretty home on Lee street to wish his bon voyage and a successful collegiate career. The merry surprisers enjoyed two hours in “progressive conversation,” when ices and cake was served. Those w’ho complimented Mr. Lane were Misses Elizabeth Dahis, Eugenia Parker, Mary Glover, Lois McMath, Mary Haw kins; Messrs. Dudley Gatewood, Charlie Payne, Otis Carter, Emmett Bolton, Carroll Clark, Cliff Wheatley, James Gartner, George Earl Ansley, George Andrews, Charlie Chambilss, Ferdinand Cohen, Emory Rylander, Willie McNeil, Henry Folmar, Jack McArthur, Edward Mathis. *♦ * ~ MISS M’AFEE ENTERTAINED THURSDAY AFTERNOON Miss Madge McAfee was the charm ing hostess Thursday afternoon at a 42 party. The parlor, dining room and hall were -thrown together in an at tractive manner, the decorations of cut flowers forming a beautiful scene. The game was played on the porch and in the parlor, these apartments being made pretty with ferns and flowers. Mrs. Robert McAfee assisted the hostess in entertaining. A dainty ice course with sandwiches and tea was served. The guests were Mrs. Harvey Wea ver, Mrs. Ernest Tullis, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. Frank Harrold, Mrs. Clayton Callaway, of Atlanta; Mrs. Charles Council, Mrs. John Sheffield, Mrs. C. O. Niles, Mrs. W. D. Ivey, Mrs C. M. Hale, Mrs. J. C. Bynum, Mrs. Neon Buchanan, Mrs. David Askew, of Arlington; Mrs. Linwood Jeffreys, of Florida; Mrs. Hollis Fort, Mrs. George Vardaman, Mrs. Tracey Cunningham, Mrs. Mullins, Mrs. Charles Hudson. Mrs. H. B. Mashburn, Mrs. Z. S. Childers, Mrs. Mary Kate Heys, Mrs. Tom McLendon, Mrs. Sam Heys, Mrs G. W. Riley, Misses Lula Mathis, Em mie Kate Ansley, Callie and Nannie Sue Bell, Claude McLaughlin, Emmie Morgan, Carrie Speer, Mary Hawkes, Belle Ansley, Gertrude Hudson, Man- Fort, of Danville; Brownie Carter, Emma Mae Borum. ♦ ♦ ♦ MISS CAIN AND MR. ROYAL DANIEL MARRY THURSDAY Os much interest throughout the state, and especially in the journalistic world, is the announcement of the wedding of Miss Edna Cain and Mr. Royal Daniel, at the home of -.he bride’s parents in Quitman Thursday. Mrs. Daniel is an associate editor of the Quitman Free Press, a prominent Georgia weekly, and Mr. Daniel is president and editor of the publishing company. Both are widely known, and the’r many friends join in heartiest con gi atulations. MRS. A. 8. Mill IS DEAD AFTER A BRIEF ILLNESS WAS TEACHER IN COLORED SCHOOLS OF THE CITY. Mrs. Alberta Holsey McKay, aged Look—s 6 Acre 440 acres, 1-2 miles of rail road station, 150 acres open, balance in first and second growth timber, estimated 100,000 feet, saw timber, 4 room house, on graded road,near church and school J-4 cash, balance, 3 years. Wood and timber enough to pay for place. For Rent 10-horse farm 3 miles of Americus, on graded road. P.B. Williford AMERICUS, GA. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER V. ftLCAZAnb Htheatreja I 5c AND 10c ■ MONDAY I PARAMOUNT PICTURES I Margurite Clark in The Goose! Girl I A 5 act picturization of K Harold McGraths’ fa mous romatic novel. See it, its grand. w Coming Thursday S ELLA HALL, IN j| •’JEWEL” I 5 reels |g You are cordiall in- K vited to be the guest % Alcazar Tomorrow g t TO g Mrs. E. A. Hawkins Sf Mrs. W. F. Ivey. thirty-four years, and the wife of Rev. A. B. McKay, pastor of the colored Presbyterian church here, passed away yesterday afternoon, following an ill ness of one week’s duration. The de ceased wag one of the best known and most respected colored women of Americus, and during several years was a valued teacher in the McKay Hill school. Many friends here, both white and colored, will regret her de mise. The funeral exercises will be held at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon from the A. M. E. church on Jackson street, north, and will be conducted by Rev. A. S. Clark, of Cordele. SUNDAY’S TIMES-RECORDER IS AN ADVERTISING FEATURE. Read every line of the advertising. Faulty work ages and detracts and renders dress powerless to adorn. Pain in all Dental operations may now be almost entirely eliminated. There is nothing surer than you will find compensations, if you will before having your Dental Work done go through it with DR. J.H.BOOZER DENTIST 114 Jackson Street. Over Sparks. ■ ■ THOSE WHO COME i AND GO Americus The Mecca For I < £ - Those Seeking Pleasure, r Health and Business. Bob-o Link Bracelets at S. A. Dan. iels, the Jeweler. advi Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Saxon and the Misses Saxon, of Tallahassee, will arrive in Americus Tuesday in their car, en route to Atlanta, coming here over the Dixie Highway. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Walker and Miss Catherine Walker, visitors here for the past week, will return to morrow to Scranton, Penn. Mrs. David Askew has returned to Arlington, after a visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Fort. His sisters, Mrs. Jeffrey and Miss Mary Fort, will remain here longer. Miss La Verne Thomas, who has been spending the summer season with relatives in North Georgia will return here this week. Miss Sarah Sheffield will leave to night for Sweetbriar, Va., where she will enter college for the fail season. Misses Corrinne Culler, Alice Mc- Gehee and Mary Beecham will be the fair guests of Mrs. D. T. Jennings at Plains this week. Miss Leta Merritt will leave tomor row for Atlanta, where she will enter the Woodbarry select school for the fall session. Mrs. Blackshear C. Ray has return ed to Arlington, Ga., after a visit here to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer and son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cross, Jr., and Mrs. 0. S. Burke made up a motoring party here today, en route to Jarksonville over the Dixie Highway. Mrs. George W. Bacot, of Charles ton, who is being welcomed to Ameri cus by her many friends here, is now the guest of Mrs. Frank Harrold on College street. Col. Burton H. Rawls, of Pelham Ga., was the guest vs friends in the city yesterday. Mrs. Howell B. Simmons, who has been spending some time in Atlanta, has returned to her home in Americus, to remain through the fall and winter months. Mrs. Minnie J .Hearn, of Ander sonville, is the guest of friends while spending a few days in the city. Bob-O-Link Friendship Bracelet Bell’s, the Jeweler. advt Mrs. Charles L. Ansley has returned here after a summer’s sojourn in Monteagle, Tenn., and the north Geor gia mountains. Mrs. D. K. Brinson will leave Mon day morning, via the Seminole Lim ited for Birmingham to spend ten days at the home of her brother, Mr. Carl J. Wall. Petite Miss Johnson and Miss Ruth Hightower, two charming little Col lege street belles of the future, were pretty visitors to the Times-Recorder yesterday, . Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Chester are be ing congratulated upon the advent of a handsome young son at their home yesterday. John Wright came up from Savan nah yesterday to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Wright, on Church street. THE KIRMISSI SUCCESS IT TWO PERFORMANCES HOSPITAL CLEARED NET SUM OF $123. I The Kirmess, or dance of nations, presented Friday night at the opera house, and repeated yesterday at mat inee, was a pleasing success in every respect. The dances were very beau tiful and presented in the highest style of the art Terpsichore, more than a half hundred young girls and yot ng ladies taking part, attired in costumes of several nationalities. The net proceeds made by the Hospital as sociation was $123. Stove Wood 288 Wheatley Bros. PAGE FIVE MISS BESSIE WINDSOR . . Insurance . . Fire, Accident and Bonds: Of fice Forsyth St. 'Phone 313 C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Resident Phone 218. Office Phone Bxl Allison Bldg. DR. M. H. WHEELER Dentist. Office in Bell Bldg., Lamar st Jum opposite Postofflce. Office Phone 785. Residence Phone 280 F. G. OLVER Sewing Machines and Suppilea; K«| and Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repair*' end Covered. LAMAR STRUT, MAR WIL. - F. and A. M. > > AMERICUS LODGt F. and A. M. meeta ev* dkJjWahL .aa ery Second and Fourth Friday night at 0 / o’clock. S. A. JENNINGS, W. M. CLOYD BUCHANAN. Sec’y. M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. and A. M, meeta every First and .Third Friday nlghta. Visiting brothereo rited to attend. W. F. SMITH, W. M NAT Secretary. I. O. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night at 3 o’clock. K. of P. Hall. Visitors *1 a ways welcome. R. W. BUCHANAN, S. H. EDGE, Noble Grand Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night In tu< Wheatley Bldg., Windsor Ave. All vis aing Sovereigns invited to meet will, us. J. M. TOBIN, C. C NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 14, P. 0. S. OF A. Meets on Thursday nights, Wheal ley Building, at 7:30 o’clock. All mem bers are urged to attend. Visitors welcomed. E. F. WILDER, Pres’t O. D. REESE, Recording Sec’y. NAT LeMASTER : Financial Sec’j. Seaboard Air Line he Progressive Kallway of the South Leave Americus for Cordele, Ro chelle, Abbeville, Helena, Lyons, Col lins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, Portsmouth and points East and South. 12:31 p m 2:80 a m ! - ■ I ■ I ■ Leave Americus for Cordele, Abbo illle, Helena and intermediate points. 5:15 p m Leave Americus for Richland, At anta, Birmingham, Hurtsboro, Moat s ornery and points West and Northwest 8:10 p m Leave Americus for Richland, Col xmbus, Dawson, Albany and interme •Jlate points 10:05 a m Seaboard Buffet Parlor-Sleeping Car >n Trains 13 and 14, arriving Americu* from Savannah 11:25 p. m., and leav ing Americus for Savannah 2:30 a. m Sleeping car leaving for Savannah at 2:30 a. m., will be open for passen gers at 11:25 p. _i. tor further Information apply to H. P. Everett, Local Agent, Americus, 3a.; U. W. Small, Div. Pass., Agt„ lavsanak, Ga., C. B. Xyajv G. P. A- Norfolk. Va- MR C/fGaRy ’’The Right Way” Trains Arrive. From Chicago, via Columbus *1245 a ■ From Columbus *19:00 a ■ From Columbus I 7:10 p ■ From Atlanta and Macon..* 5:28 a ■ From Mai-on ♦ 2:10 p a From Macon * 7:30 p ■ From Albany * 8:88 a ■ From Montgomery and Albany • 2505. pl From Montgomery and Albany * 10:39 p ■ From Jacksonville via. Albany * 8:47 a ■ ' Trains Depart. I For Cnicago, via Columbus * Sp7 a ■ For Columbus ’ BWO a ■ For Columbua * 8:45 p ■ For Macon * 8:88 ■ m For Macon and Atlanta ...* 2:05 p a, For Macon and Atlanta.. .*10:39 p ■ For Montgomery and Albany - * 5:28 a ■ For Montgomery and Albany * 2:18 P ■ For Albany * > tr ror Jacksonville, via Albany 1-lM B B ♦Daily 'Exccnt Sunday. J. K- HIGHTOWER, Agent