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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911 MISS BESSIE WINDSOR . . Insurance . . Fire, Accident and Bends: Of fice Forsyth St. ’Phone 313 C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea Resident Phone 218. Office Phone 81» Allison Bldg. DR. M. H. WHEELER Dentist. Office In Beil Bldg., Lamar St Ju»» opposite Postoffice. Office Phone "85. Residence Phone 28C F. G. OLVER Sewing Machines and Supplies; Ke. md Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repair* and Covered. Lamar street, aaar wel_ F. and A. M. < AMERICUS I.ODGJ F. and A. M. meets «v --ery Second and Fourth Friday night at * r v"’/ s o’clock. S. A. JENNINGS, W. M. CLOYD BUCHANAN. Sec’y. M. B. COUNCII LODGE, F. and A. M. meets every First ani .Third Friday nights fX&p Visiting brothersc ta vited to attend. W. F. SMITH, W. M. NAT LeMASTER, Secretary. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night at o’clock. K. of P. Hall. Visitors al ways welcome. R. W. BUCHANAN, S. H. EDGE, Noble Grand. Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOODMEB OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in th< Wheatley Bldg., Windsor Ave. All vis iting Sovereigns invited to meet with us. J. M. TOBIN, C. C. NAT LeMASTER, Clerk. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 14, P. 0. S. OF A. Meets on Thursday nights, Wheat ley Building, at 7:30 o’clock. All mem •- bers are urged to attend. Visitors welcomed. E. F. WILDER, Pres’t. 0. D. REESE, Recording Sec’y. NAT LeMASTER. Financial Sec’y. Seaboard Air Line be Progressive Railway of the SouW Leave Americus for Cordele, Ro chelle, Abbeville, Helena, Lyons, Col lins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, Portsmouth and points East and South 12:31 p m 2:30 a m Leave Americus for Cordele. Abbe rille. Helena and intermediate points 5:15 p m Leave Americus for Richland, At- F.uta, Birmingham, Hurtsboro, Mont jomery and points West and Northwest 3:10 p m Leave Americus for Richland, Col r.mbus, Dawson, Albany and interme ■jiate points 10:05 a m Seaboard Buffet Parlor-Sleeping Cai yn Trains 13 and 14, arriving Americus from Savannah 11:25 p. m., and leav ing Americus for Savannah 2:30 a. m Sleeping car leaving for Savannah at 8:30 a. m., will be open for passen gers at 11:25 p. _i. I or further information apply to H. p Everett, Local Agent, Americus, 3a.' U. W. Small, Div. Pass., Agt, java until:, Ga., C. B. llyw, G. P. Norfoi r. Va- MR ’’The Right Way” Trains Arrive. From Chicago, via Columbus *12.45 a m From Columbus ’»:«« « ■ From Columbus J P ■ From Atlanta and Macon..* 5:28 a ■ From Macon S 1 From Albany ...» 6.38 a ■ From Montgomery and . Albany From Montgomery and Albany 10 p * From Jacksonville via. .... Albany “ Trains Depart. For Cnicago, via Columbus * 8:47 a ta For Columbus 18:06 a. For Columbus * fi’gS a b> K m'S» ii’iAiu ««>». For Macon and Atlanta.. .♦lo:3# p ■ For Montgomery and * Albany • For Montgomery and . Albany ’ ror Albany <:«0 p ’ for Jacksonville, via Albany •Daily. ! Except Sunday- jjTL B< hi« htowbb » Areßt f i County News Items I M Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our to 9 Regular Correspondent*. La Crosse (Special to Times-Recorder.) LA CROSSE, Ga., Sept. 22.—Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Holloway were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Autry Sunday. Mrs H. G. Killebrew spent Thurs day in Ellaville, the guest of Mrs. S. A. Royal. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Autry spent the week-end in Americus, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lee. Messrs. Wiley Tidd and Weaver Mur phy, of Lowe, were visitors here Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Charlie Campbell, of near Americus, spent Wednesday with Mrs. W. B. Jones. Miss Lillie Belle Franklin spent Thursday with isses S. E. and Es telle Jones. Mr. Artist Snyder, of Sumter Citv. was the guest of Mr. Newton Frank lin Sunday. Mr. Emory Speer and little son Tewlie, and Miss Mattie Perry, of Ma con, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Franklin a few days last week. Mr. Lee Autry, of Americus, spent the weekend with homefolks. Quite a number of young people from here attended the party given by rM. and Mrs. Henry Lumpkin, near Ellaville Friday night. Mr. W. L. Williams, of Anderson ville, was the guest of friends here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jordan spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Sni der, near Arles. Mr. C. H. Burt went up to Ellaville Tuesday. Mr. Westbrooks Autry made a busi ness triy to Americus Saturday. Weston (Special to Times-Recorder.) WESTON, Ga., Sept. 22.—There was a big all-day singing at Poplar Springs Sunday, with dinner on the grounds. A great crowd was in attendance to en ■ joy the singing as well as the good things to eat. Mrs. J. W. Adams, Mrs. Sid Adams, Dr. G. G. Lunsford and Cora Lee Luns ford made up a party of shoppers go ing over to Richland Tuesday. Mrs. George Tedder and Mrs. Annie Wills, of Blakely, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Elliott. Profs. Lovett and Peas, of Tennes see, are in town, conductink a large class in singing. Mr. Claude Saunders, of Savannah, returned home Monday after a pleas ant stay of ten days with relatives and friends in Weston, formerly his home Miss Gladys Pinkston, of Parrott, and Mrs. Anglin Turner, of Dawson, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood. Mr. Tobe Dixon, of Richland, was a business visitor in Weston Saturday. Mr. C. D. Hunt, a cotton buyer of Columbus, was in town this week. Mr. Simmons, Mrs. A. P. Passmore and Mrs. G. G. Lunsford are on the MONEY Remember when you want to borrow money on your improved farm on long time thut I can get it for you at Six (6%) Per Cent Interest. The contract carry with them the privilege of pay ing SIOO, or any multiple thereof, or of taking up entire loan, on any Inter est day, without bonus. J. J. HANES! EY Lamar Street Americus, :: Georgia sick list this week, to the regret of their many friends. Mrs. R. E. Bridges, of Sales City, is visiting at the town of Mrs. A. E. Pat terson. Mrs. Nat Black, of Dawson, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Passore. Miss Johnnie Merritt returned Fri day from a visit of some length to relatives in Preston. 17th. District (Special to Times-Recorder.) SEVENTEENTH DIST., Ga., Sept. 22. —Rev. A. P. Spillers, of Albany, visited relatives here this week. Mrs. J. D. Williams left Sunday for a month’s visit at Nashville and White Springs, Fla. Mr. Charlie Israel motored to Daw son Sunday, visiting friends while there. Miss Mamie Harris spent Sunday with Misses Emma and Ellie Wig-' gins. Mr. Clarence Williams left Tuesday for Macon. He will enter school at Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Suggs. Miss Ruth McCoy spent SaStuSrday night with Miss Dora Mae Williams. Mr. 0. A. Turner and sister, Miss Stella Turner spent Saturday in Americus shopping. Mrs. G. W. Israel, Jr., and little daughter, Frances, visited Mrs. Emmet. Howell in Americus last week. Everpone attending enoyed the sing ing Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Suggs. Mrs. G. W. Wiggins is visiting her son, Mr. H. W. Wiggins, at Myrtle Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wills, of Florida, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Williams. Shiloh (Special to Times-Recorder.) SHILOH, Ga., Sept. 22.—One of the 1 most enjoyable events of the season I was a party given by Misses Bessi* and Minnie Beckwith on Friday even ing last in honor of their geest, Miss Lois King, of Richland, and Miss Sa-' rah Bell. The rooms and porches | were beautifully decorated with crepe myrtle, gorgeous ferns and cut ow ers. Many delightful games were played while many were interested in conver-' sations and many were also delighted in the music, which was played by Misses Lois King and Mary Wood. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served by Misses Bessie Beckwith and Eunice Walters. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wiggins, Mr. and Mi-s. E. L. Meek with, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Beck with, Misses Lois King, Sa>»rah Bell, Julia Arrington, Mary Wood, Lydia and Jewel Owens, Harte Sirrells, Eu nice Walters, Lettie Jewell Crutch field, Lois Pilcher, Annie Leslie, Olga Halstead, Bessie and Mnnie Beckwith and Miss Ida McMath, of Americus; Messrs. Lem and Jim Bramblett, Frank Andrews, Robert Comer and Bob Mc- Math, of Americus, and Claude Dan iel, of Friendship; Henry Lee Child ers, Sheppard Clyde Johnston, Hunter Leslie, Hilda Pilcher, Anderson Dar den, Mark and Frank Bell, Tom O’Hern, Walter Sorrells, Billie Mc- Math, Watson Halstead, David and John Owens, Charlie Crutchfield, Dou glas Brantwell and Ola Beckwith. Misses Jewell and Mary Jordan spent Sunday with Miss Mary Wood. Miss Bessie Beckwith spent Sunday with Miss Sarah Bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jordan spent Snuday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniel. Miss Lucile Pilcher spent Monday night with Miss Mary Barnes. Miss Lois Pilcher returned from Leslie Sunday, after a delightful visi THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER ’ Look—s 6 Acre 440 acres, 1-2 miles of rail road station, 150 acres open, balance in first and second growth timber, estimated 100,000 feet, saw timber, 4 room] house, on graded road,near church and school J-4 cash, balance, 3 years. Wood and timber enough to pay for place. For Rent 10-horse farm 3 miles of Americus, on graded road. P.B.Williford AMERICUS, GA. of a week there. Miss Ida McMath, of Americus has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here. Misses Bessie and Minnie Beckwith spent Monday afternoon with Miss Eunice Walters. Leslie (Special to Times-Recorder.) LESLIE, Ga., Sept. 22.—The fourth quarterly conference of the Americus district, Mt. Xion and Leslie charge will be held with the Leslie Methodist church, Friday, September 24. Dinner on the ground and everybody cordially invited to attend the con ference. Orphan Home Rally Day will be observed in the Leslie Methodist church Sunday evening, September 26 at 7:30. Mrs. Frank McDonald and two chil dren have returned to Lakelaud, Fla Mr. W. T. Bussells, of Cordele, was a visitor in town Monday. Mrs. J. A. Fourhand, of Pinshurst, was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Gardner. Rev. A. P. Spillers, of Albany vis ited relatives and friends in Leslie this week. Mrs. G. H. Larimore and daughter, Addie, from near Leesburg, were here Monday, guests of Mrs. J. D. Cocke Miss Mervin Dell has returned from a two weeks’ visit to friends in Tif ton. Mrs. Gordan Adams, of Fitzgerald, visited Mrs. Floyd P. Jones Saturday and Sunday. Miss aJnie Lee Gardner has return ed from Americus, where she spent the week-end. Miss Nella Braddy has returned to her home in Dublin, Ga., after spend ing several weeks here with relatives and friends. Mr. Caulton Larimore left Saturday for his home in Lakeland, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Thompson had with them recently their mother, Mrs. T. T. Thompson, and sister, Mrs. T. C. Beaverly, of Ochlochnee. Mrs. H. L. Speer had as guests Mr“. A MESSAGE TO WOMEN TRADE \ MARK K Nature-Aid Nature intended woman to be well and happy, but unfortunatly many fall short of perfect health; if you are not well, search for ihe cause; if it is dne to disorders of the female organs, take NATURE-AID “Woman’s Best Medicine.” Price 75c at HOWELL’S PHARMACY. | I Opening Display of Correct Millinery for autumn and winter Begins Thursday, September Twenty Third ! ' In our selection of millinery, it has been our aim to give you something different; something new and distinctive; an ex clusive hat. Our customers who appreciate ex clusive designs and superior workman ship will be interested in our line of SILK-VELVET SHAPES and novel CHIC models reproduced in LYONS effect. J. J. HARDY IWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWIWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWTRFWWXWWOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWiI A. Roglnson, of Anthony, and Mrs. C. I. Gifford and little son, of Tallahas see, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Bass, guests for the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Willis, of Bridgeboro. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Harvey, of Americus, were visitors here Tuesday afternoon. DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILL NOT TALK SAVANNAH, Ga., Sept. 22.—M. Earl M. Donaldson, United States dis trict attorney, said this morning he did not know when the appointment of the assistant from this city would be made. He was asked why the ap pointment had been held up and told that the people of Savannah wer; curious to know why this was the case and when it would be announced. His reply was that he had nothing to give to the public on the subject just yet, but probably there would be something for publication in the next few days, inside of a week. He was also asked if there was any chance of the appointment being giv en to any other than the present ap plicant, Mr. Charles D. Russell. He said he did not know, but remarked that Mr. W. R. Hewlett would make a good assistant, he thought. Whe.i asked why he made this statement he would not enlarge on it, simply saying that was his opinion. GIRL JILTS NAVAL OFFICER TO MARRY I SALESMAN WILMINGTON, Kan., Sept. 22.- Miss Josephine Smith, 24 years old daughter of Mr. and rMs. . F. Smth, dealthy social leaders of this city, has jilted Lieut. Edward Kingsburg Lang, of the United States navy and married Grier Stewart, a salesman and son of Rev. D. H. Stewart, pastor of the Presbyterian church here. The marriage of Lang and Miss Smith was to have taken place at the First M. E. church here, September 23. Many invitations were issued for the event last week, but Miss Smith met Stewart by prearrangement at Okla homa City, and after the marriage telephoned the news to her rejectee fiance. SENATOR WILLIAMS’ DAUGHTER WILL BE ‘MAYFLOWER BRIDE’ WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.—The list of “Mayflower brides” will be added to on October 4, when Miss Sallie Wil liams, daughter of Senator and Mrs. John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, is married to Lieut. Joel Bunckley. “Mayflower brides,” meaning brides of young officers serving on the presi dent’s yacht, have been numerous the last few years, and Miss Williams is the third senator’s daughter to be won by a young gallant thus serving the president and his country. Lieut. Bunckley comes to relive Lieut. Alston Simpson on the yacht. Mrs. Alston Simpson who was Miss Lucy Hoke Smith, became a Mayflower bride about two years ago, and among the others were Alice Meyer, datigh ter of former Secretary of the Nav,- Gecrge Von Lengerke Meyer, who mar ried Raymond Rogers; Maitland Mar shal), who is now Mrs. John Harrison Knapp, and Genieve Walsh, who mar ried Paymaster Gudger. Mrs. Gudger Is the daughter of Senator Walsh, of Montana, and has been married only a few months. DR. R. M. WILLIAMSON VETERINERY SURGEON Hospital Accommodations for Horses, Mules and Dogs- Office and Hospital, Hampton St. near Ball Park, TELEPHONE - - » - 235 e -COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE) (Successor to Oliver Warehouse) We wish to announce that, under our re-organization, we are pre- | pared to serve the public at all times. Every courtesy consistent j with good business will be extended to all alike. | Our facilities for handling cotton is ample to accommodate our i customers. Our sales department being in charge of an experienced man, we feel that we are in a position to protect the interests of the ■ farmer. „ We solicit youfipatronage and will appreciate same. Yours truly, C. H. BURK, Manager wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoßnßnrwwwwwww w w ww w w wvi PAGE THREE | Trust Us | For Trusses 5 For many years we have 5 given special attention io \ § the fitting of trusses and are | a prepared ,o give superior | g service in this line of work. ; We handle a wide assort- | 5 ment of high grade trusses | 5 and are therefore able to | 3 provide the particular kind | 5 best suited tu the case i We guarantee the Truss. | g We guarantee the fit. J u i I ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY j Telephone 33 Jackson Street ; Faulty work ages and detracts and renders dress powerless to adorn. Pain in all Dental operations may now be almost entirely eliminated. There is nothing surer than you will find compensations, If you will before having your Dental Work done go through it with DR. J.H.BOOZER DENTIST 114 Jackson Street. Over Sparks.