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Americus times-recorder. [volume] (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 10, 1915, City Edition, Image 6

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/T J Convinced Me
W, °** *t S a^ue
jgMi One of our sales-
) - ; “IMK# men demonstrated the
Jt value of the Long Dis-
tance Telephone to us.
He was at Huntsville,
Ala., and upon his own
responsibility put in
Long Distance calls for fifteen merchants within a
radius of several hundred miles.
“In less than one hour he had sold 2100 barrels
of flour at a total cost to us of less than six dollars.
“Since then we have applied the Long Distance
Bell Telephone to every feature of our business with
most profitable results. The service is fine, the
rates are reasonable and there is more satisfaction
in one Long Distance Telephone talk than in half
a dozen letters”.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station.
<■’ 8l
GEORGIA-—Sumter County
Will be sold before the court hou>te
door in the city of Americus on -he ’
first Tuesday in November. 1915' .viieii
is rhe second day of November. ,e
--tween the legal hours or sale, the f n
lowing described property to-v
One black white mouthed mare mule,
about six years old named Alice. Al > :
one light bay mare mule about tour
yearn old named Mattie. One two
horse White Hickory wagon, and two
sets of wagon harness. Also one one
horse Hull buggy, light running gear
and side springs. Also two milk cows. a
red and white sported, about five years I
old. Also one heifer, red and whit?
■potted, about three years old. Levied
upon and will be sold as the proper*'/
of Green Brown and Claracy Berry, to <
satisfy a certain mortgage 3 a issued
from the city '-ourt ~f Americus in fav- $
or of Spark Williams Co. vs. Gre -n <
Brown and (laracy Berry. This 22nd t
day of September, 1915.
Deputy Sheriff. Sumter County la.
GEORGIA —Sumter County.
Will be sold before the court houre
door, between rhe legal hours of sale,
on the “-it Tuesday in November 191.".
tile .wing described real estate, t-j
ertain lot of 'and situated,
lyuiy being in the New Sixteenth
(16th) Er strict of -cutter County
Georgia, same being lot number Seven
teen (17) in said District, and con
t"‘*iing One Hundred and Seventy
(170) acres. more or less; said lot o.'
I- d ia bounded on the North iy the
lands of Kinmore, on the East y
1 nd formerly owned ty T. G. Hudson,
on the South by land of the widow
(’’nard, and on the West by lands »i
(-« p pinch old estate.”
Levied on as the property of Geo.
Wheatley to satisfy a City (lourt Ei 7
fn favor of W. W. Dykes, Receiver >t
the Americus Trust & Savings Bank.
This 2nd day of October. 1915.
Deputy Sherif. Sumter County Geor?
GEORGIA: —Sumter County.
Will he lold before the court house
door rm First Tuesday of November
I"1,5. between the legal hours of sale
r-» fr'lowing described property to
w t- The north half of lot of land
No. 172 in the 27th District of Sumter
Conntv. Ga., containing 101 1-4 acres
ir>rv<» nr less, and hounded as follows:
C- the North by the Dar.villa road, ca
t* c "ast by Mary Moreland and L. B.
v- tth. on the 4oith by D. Crockett a d
cr, the West by Dr. J. W. Hughley and
Mrs. McAlister, except one acre in the
Northeast corner owned by Mary
Moreland, leaving ?,»o 1-4 acres, mor >
or less, being the property conveyed
by said Leonard Smith to the Union
Central Life Insurance Co. on the 30th
day of lune. 1911. by deed recorded
July : i. 19! :. in Deed Book K-K. page
”50. of Sumter Superior Court. Said
property levied on as rhe property of
Leonard Smith to satisfy 3 fa in favor
>f the Union Central Life Insurance
Co. against Leonard Smith from City
Cour* )f Americus. Tenant n posses
sion notified in terms of the law.
This August 11th. 1915.
Sheriff Sumter County, Ga.
GEORGIA-—Sumter County
Notice is hereby given that John 4.
S. Perry, as administrator ,n t;ie estate
of M. Lou Perry deceased, has appi.ed
to the Ordinary of said county for
leave to sell the land belonging to the
estate of the said M. Lou Perry de
ceased. viz: The while of land lot
Number two hundred and fifty (2501.
containing two hundred two ond onc
half (202 1-2) acres, more or less, in
the Sixteenth district of Sumter Conn -
ty. Georgia, for the purpose of paying
the debts of said deceased and making
distribution among the heirs at law of
.aid deceased.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Cour* of Ordinary
of said county to be held on the first
Monday in November. 1915.
This 4th day of Oct.. 1915.
Ordinary Sumter County, Ga.
GEORGIA—Sumter County.
Will be sold before the court houst
door in Sumter county Georgia, on he
first Tuesday in November 1915. which
is the 2nd day of November, 1915.
vithin "he legal hours of sale, to-wlt.
between the hours of ten A. M. ano
four P. M. on said date, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed real estate to-wit: One house
and lot in the City of Americus, Geor
gia. containing two acres, more or less,
bounded on the South by lot of J. W.
Harris, on the West by property of t’ - e
■ Agricultural College, on the North by
street, running rom Felder street to
the Agricultural College, East by land
formerly of Mrs. Lucy H. Simmons.
i now Mrs. W. W. Hearon, with all im
provements thereon, said land levied
on as the property of F. A. Thomas to
satisfy an execution issued on the 2nd
iday of Feburary, 1915, from the City
■ | Court of Americus said County, in tav
l or of tfie Coweta Fertilizer Co. against
I the said F A. Thomas. Tenant in p<;--
session and defendant in fi fa notified
in terms of the law. This 2nd day ci :
October, 1915.
Sheriff. Sumter County. Georgia.
GEORGIA-—Sumter County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Mrs. Callie Oliver as Administratrix j
On the estate of Geo. Oliver, late of’
said county, deceased, has applied to I
the Court of Ordinary of Sumter Coun
ty or an order to sell all the person'll
and real property of rhe estate of Geo.
Oliver for the purpose of paying the
debts of said estate and for the pur
pose of distribution among the heirs
at law. This is therefore to cite all;
parties at interest to show cause, if i
any they can. why said order should ,
not be passed at the November term, J
l o l. of h» Court of Ordinary of Sum- '
ter County.
Ordinary Sumter County. Georgia.
GEORGIA Sumter County.
Mrs. Rosa McDowell vs. G. C. Me
Dowell—Libel for Divorce. In'
Sumter Superior Court. Return-1
able to he November Term, 1915. I
To G. C. McDowell You are here
by required personally or by an at
torney to be and appear at the Su
perior Court to be hoiden in and for;
the County of Sumter on the 4th Mor.-I
day in November. 1915, 'hen and there
to answer to Plaintiff’s complaint, as
in default thereof the Court will pro-:
ceed as to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Z. A Little j
John. Judge of the Superior Court of
; said County, this the 20th 'lay of Sep
tember, 1915. S. R. HEYS,
Deputy Clerk Superior Court.
GEORGIA-—Sumter County.
Will be sold before the court housei
door in Sumter County, Georgia, or
the first Tuesday in November, which
is the 2nd day of November, 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to-wit, I
between the hours of ten o’clock A M. |
and four o’clock P. M. on said date, to |
the highest bidder for cash, the follow-,
ing real estate to-wit: The whole of:
lot of land number oine hundred and
fifteen ; 115) In the 26th District. of :
Sumter County. Georgia, containing
two hundred two and one-iialf (202 1-2)
acres of land, more or less, with all
improvements thereon; said land levi
ed on as the property of F A Thomas
to satisfy an execution issued on the
2nd day of Feburary. 1915. from rhe
City Court of Americus, said County, in
favor of J. W. Sheffield against the
said F. A. Thomas; tenant in posses
sion and defendant in ti fa notified in
terms of the law
This 2nd day of October, 1915.
Sheriff. Sumter County, Georgia.
xEOß'.la —Sumter County.
"o All Whom It May Concern:
L. Kite having, in proper form,
appiied to me for permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate of G. N.
Mask. late of said County, this is to
! :ite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of G. N. Mask to be and i
appear at my office within he time sl
owed by law. and show cause, if any
they can why permanent administra
tion should not be granted to E. L.
Kite on G. N. Mask 3 estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
’ cure, this 4th day of October, 1915.
JOHN A. COBB. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Sumter County.
To Ail Whom It May Concern:
Mrs. Ida Green—nee lordan, havir g
n proper form, applied to me tor per
manent Letters of Administration or.
he estate of Mrs. Cinda Jordan, late of
taid County, this is to cite ail ind sin
gular the creditors and next of kin of
Mrs. Cinda Jordan to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by
law, and show cause, if any they can
'■ ty permanent administration ihoitid
sot be granted to Mrs. Ida Greene—nee
lordan, on Mrs. Cinda lordan i estate
Witness my hand and ifficiai signa
ture, this 4th day of October, 1915,
JOHN A COBB. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Sumter County
To All Whom It Ma?" Concern. Ros
ilae Smith and Gertrude Smith, exee
itrices of A. W Smith, deceased, have
;n due form applied ■.> •h e mdersign
sd for leave to sell the equity of re
demption belonging to the estate of A.
W. Smith, in the following lands, to
■ wit;
All of lots of land Nos. Twenty-Five
25). Twenty-Six (26 . and he south
half of lot of land No. Twenty-Seven
! 2~'}, lying and being tn the New
Twenty-Sixth District of Sumter coun
ty, Ga., formerly Lee county.
Also seventy-five acres >iT he south
4ide of lot of land No. Six I'6 said tev
mty-five acres being equal atrip en
tirely across said lot.
Also seventy-five (75) acres ofl of lot
j No. twenty-seven (27 beginning ar
s he northwest corner of said or and
•’inning south along the line to such
i point as will cut oft forty-five 45
acres of a field known as Redfield,
•hence due east to fence on east side
of said field, thence due north along
fence on east side to what is known
as the south line of said lot. thenc?
along said south line of said one-half
lot to such point as will cut oft seven
ty-five 75) acres, thence due north
to rhe line of said’ lot of and. thence
due west along the norh line to tne
I point of beginning.
This being seventy-five 75 acres
from the north one-half of lot No.
Twenty-Seven (27), said tract of land
I containing six hundred sixty (660
1 acres, more or less, and situated in the
OF =====__=
"‘The Educational Fair”
t utter Auspices of the Georgia Stare Agricultural Society
The best Midway Shows ever assembled. Fireworks and Free
Acts every night. Iwo big Brass Bands. Seven free Acts every
afternoon and evenin g. The largest and best Agricultural and
Live Stock Fair ever held in the South.
To assist th? livestock raisers in securing new blood to in
fuse in thei- herds and flocks, we will hold public sales of
pure bred in rthorn, Angus and Hereford cattle, and Swine
and Poultry during the Fair, and will mail information of
- E -">-
Georgia State Fair
October 26 to November 5, 1916
JULIUS H. OTTO, President HARRY C. ROBERT, Sect. & Gen. Mgr.
rediced rates on ALL RAILROADS
26th district of Sumter Co.. Ga.
These are herefore to cite all per
sons interested to show cause before
me on ‘he Ist Monday in Nov. 1915, jf
any why said application should not
be granted, and said application will
be beard on said day
Given under my hand and official
j seal this the 4th day of Oct 1915.
Ordinary Sumter Co., Ga.
!*>EORGIA— Webster County.
; Will be sold efore the court-house
ioor in the town of Preston. said
county, on ‘he first Tuesday in Octo-’
ber. next within the legal hours of
sale, the toilowing described property
to-wit: A me fifth undivided interest|
:n and to the ands bounded as fol-:
lows, on the South by public road ]
eading rem Lumpikn to Dawson. Ga.
m he vest by public road leading out
tram Weston North and by lands be '
longing to W. J. Sims estate. Misses
Walker and J. J. King,on the North by
ands >f he Da- is Warehouse Co., an i
lon the East by iands of said Davis
Warehouse Co., Mrs A. W. EUio r.
.ands of the Weston High School and
of S. W. Adams. the above bounded
and iescribed lands lying and be-
I Cotton Soaks
and rhe values may
reach 15 cents, but the
price of
remains the same al
ways: the popular drink
of Americans who de
mand the best.
Coca Cola
The drink which
quenches thirst so com- :
pletely and puts fresh '
vim into the whole sys
J. I. Hi[r.
Do You I
W ant The I
News? I
and order the I
Americus Evening I
Times -Recorder I
A Daily Paper six afternoons 1
in the week and a Feature f
Edition on Sunday Morning. |
Full telegraphic service of i
the I
Twelve Cents a Week by Carrier g?
Fifty Cents Per Month f
ing in the town of Weston. Georgia,
and in the 19th land district of said
Webster County and containing 23
acres, more or less, and is the lands
deeded by A K. Patterson to bis
children on the 26th day of March.
1895. and recorded in deed book “F”
olio 178-179 in the office of the Clerk
of the Superior Court if said county
Said property is levied on and will be
sold as the property of C. H. Patter
son under and by virture of two Ex
ecutions issued from the Justice Cou '
of the 1092nd District G. M. in fa >
SUN D AT, OCTOBIB 10. 1915
of the Smith Brisco Shoe Co. against
the said C. H. Patterson. Terms cash
and tenants in possession notified in
terms of the law. Levy made by J. M.
Bowling L. C. and returned to me. This
Oct. sth 1915.
C. M CHRISTIAN. Sheriff-
FHendahlp’t Dirties.
“How many coolnesses would be
avoided could we learn to see that
mdship like ail other relation* In
las more duties than right*!*—
L. Sculsby.

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