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PAGE EIGHT ... GLASSES ... Ground to fit your eyes. Broken Len ses duplicated. Eyes examined free. Thos. L. Bell Jeweler and Optician. —— Fricker & Broadhurst JEWELERS I GENERAL REPAIR WORK Special attention given to fine Watch Repairingl OFFICES: ! <0 West Lamar St. Opposite Post Office | “SEEDS” 'I ' We want the people of Americus and surrounding county to know that we are ; headquarters for seeds of all kinds, for gar den, field or flowers. Just received: South Ga. Rye, Abiuzzi Rje, Barley and Rape, and 1,000 bushels Fulgun Oats and Blue Stem Wheat. Get your seed now and be ready to plant when it rains. Call on us for Onion Sets and Turnip Seed. For the Ladies: Haycienth Buibs (single or double) all colors, Narcissi, Fresia and Cro cus Bulbs and Sweet Peas—just received, all fresh. Call on us for seeds. ! Allen’s Drug &Seed Store J Successors to IV. A. Rembert 1 - I c crou r| _ hat tells i whether j- I r, you are up I to date or ■ I not. : t h ■ ■ I i \ j I j / / I r ? I »/// ' ! ■ 1 ‘ "A> i 1 I ■>T i Styles change each sea son and our new Fall styles of have that “different” look that lets everyone know whether your’s is a new Fall style or a “hold over” from last spring. TA? color and the style are the tell tales. We show the correct Fa II sty r es and Colors Tilhnan & Brown titters of Feet i ! Trust Us | o o I For Trusses ° 5 o 6 $ ;} For many years we have § 3 given special attention to g s the fitting of trusses and are g o prepared .o give superior g 5 service in this line of work. X We handle a wide assort- § o ment of high grade trusses g § and are therefore able to g 3 provide the particular kind 2 g best suited to the case 1 We guarantee the Trass. v 2 We guarantee the fit. g I I | ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY | Telephone 33 g Jackson Street 2 a 5 SOCIETY THE REASON : Dear love of mine, who fain would know j The reason why I love you so— Your very eyes, steadfast and true. Would seem to ask the question, too; In their gray depths I see it glow. O clean fresh winds that fragrant blow, Be thou my messengers and go Whisper the answer to him, do! "Dear love of mine!” You are so clean! No turbid flow Os sullied thought runs thick and slow * W ithin your mind. No grimy hue Soils or defiles the speech of you; Therefore my heart sings, soft and low, Dear love of mine. Beatrice Barry in New York Times MARRIAGE ON TUESDAY OCCASION OF INTEREST. The Hawkins-Cobb marriage on Tuesday evening next will be an oc casion of social prominence anticipat ed with keenest interest la social cir cles here among the many friends of the bride and groom. The marriage rites will be solemnized at 9 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hawkins, on Col lege street. Three Hundred invitations have been sent to friends, and a large and brilliant assemblage will witness the interesting ceremony and extend con gratulations to the newly wedded pair. The bride, Miss Blanche Hawkins, will be attended by her sister, Miss ! Mabelle Hawkins, as maid of honor, | while Mr. Cobb will be attended by i Mr. Fred Smith as best man of the occasion. Petite Misses Martha Eng- ■ lish and Elizabeth Newton will be flower girls. Following the wedding ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Cobb will leave at 12 j o’clock for Florida upon a wedding j trip of a week. MRS. FERGUSON ENTERTAINS FOR MISS HAWKINS. At the handsome Eldridge home on Lee street Mrs. James Ferguson en tertained at bridge on Saturday after -noon complimentary to Miss Blanche : Hawkins. The parlors of this beauti ful residence so well adopted to enter tainments. were made most attractive in their decorations of fall roses and other cut flowers, bright-hued cannas and zinnias in profusion being used. Auction bridge was played at sever- I al tables, and upon conclusion of the ! game a delicious hot luncheon and i coffee w’as served. » » « MRS, .1. M. THAYER ENTERTAINS CLUB. The M. B. S. club was entertained ■ Wednesday afternooon by Mrs. J. M. Thayer at her home on Brannen ave. The girls met at four o’clock and spent an hour embroidering and crocheting, after which they spent some time at progressive conversa-! j tion. At a late hour, Mrs. Thayer, assist ied by her sister, Miss Nell Weeks, I I served a delicious ice course. Those 1 enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Thayer were: Misses Marian Stalker. Louise Edwards, Nell Weeks, Ruby and La vert Mennick. Bessie and Edith Cobb, Sarah Matthews, Myrtle Baldwin, ■ Susie Neal Law and Annie Matthews, t The viscitors were, Misses Edna Hel j mey of Savannah, Lee Whitten, Sallie * j Emma Teal of Talbotton, Annie Co- ' J wood and Mary Alice Lingo. The club j * willl be entertained by Misses Marion * Stalker next Wednesday afternoon. > FALL FASHION | RULES FOR 1915. 2 Fashion has sent forth her edict on ’ 1915 styles. j Through the Fashion Art League of j America—friend and consular to well -1 dressed American women—she has S sent the followign proclamation to 5 dressmakers throughout the country. 5 These are the rules you should paste J in your hat, or in your vanity case be- ■ fore you buy your fall outfit. Wastline—Normal, that is in the Who Said High Prices? High prices are a myth when you make all your purchases at our store, be cause our skilled and judi cious buying always insures you of getting exactly what you want at the lowest market price. We are pre pared to take care of all your wants in the tight way, and can assure you of prompt, efficient.and cour teous service, together with prompt delivery. Howells Pmum ihe PENS LAR Store THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER OPERAHOUSE Wed. Oct. 13 “Her own Way” featuring the charming Florence Reed Thurs. Oct. 14 Charlie Chaplin in “The Mix Up” 4 reels of genuine laugh I Friday, October 15 “Marse Covington” By Geo. Ade, featuring Ed ward Connelly. 5 acts of Southern romance place nature intended it to be. Skirt Length—Three to six inches from the floor. Sleeves —Long for day wear. This is imperative, the short sleeved blouse is quite out of fit. Seperate Coats—Full leagth. Princess Gowns —In high favor; all the smart gowns will be buttoned up I tb e back. » » « Miss Mary Dudley Fort, of Danville, ■ who was the guest of Miss Louise I Callawav for several days, is being de lightfully entertained in Atlanta' as ; the guest of Mrs. Harry Hill.—Macon News. HOLLIS LANIER IS CHOSEN ON STAFF OF PANDORA Americus friends of Hollis Lanier i will be gratified to know that he has been made assistant editor of “Pan dora,’’ the college annual of the Uni versity of Georgia. His selection is an ■ excellent one, and “Pandora.” will re- . fleet his genius and versatile talents. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS EDITORS-IN CHIEFS: Miss Bessie Birins C. J. Sherlock. 'ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Miss Alice Perry Miss Cordelia Gatewood Miss Margueritte Jones Gns Anderson. In The Social World. (BY’ MISS ANNA MURRAY.) The “Lucky 13” were entertained on j Friday afternoon by Miss Bessie Bivins at her attractive home on Harrold av- | enue. The spacious living room was at- i tractively decorated with pot plants and cuts flowers which added beauty to the occasion. The “13” gathered in groups, some doing their fancy work while others were too busy gossiping to do much work. One or two added merriment to the occasion by keeping the piano going. I After an hour of enjoyable enter tainment a delicious salad course was served by the hostess and her mother. Those enjoying the afternoon as ths guests of Miss Bivins were Misses Ma ry Hudson, Mary Hawkins, Mary Glov er, Elizabeth Davis, Annie Allen, Cor delia Gatewood, Eugenia Parker, Sara Britton, Lois McMath, Margaret Jones, Genevieve Prather and Anna Murray. Last week the club was entertained by Miss Annie Allen and the follow ing officers were elected: Miss Mary Hawkins, president; Miss Bessie Biv ins, vice president, and Miss Anna Murray, secretary and treasurer. ? Er. N. S. Evans ! ... DENTIST ... I s OVER HOOKS’ PHARMACY o No Better Equipped Offices in the South o Painless Methods, Prices Reasonable, Woik © g Guaranteed | XHXKHJJO GOO (KKHJ 000000 OC 000 OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4. ooc School Glee Club. On Sept. 20, 1915, A. D„ a stranger visiting the school might have rejoiced in seeing the pupils crowding in chapel, overflowing with life and eager with enthusiasm. The scene might change, he might become suddenly ill in seeing friends kissing friends and bosom friends kissing friends, sobbing on the shoulders of bosom friends. Finally, when order restored, a pret ty young lady came forward timidly announcing the schedule of the classes in singing. Her musical articulations held the audience spellbound as they vibrated softly in the dark recesses of the chapel. Under her direction the singing has progressed nicely and the school is greatly encouraged. The music in chapel every morning is greatly liked by the student body. The quotation runs “Music hath powder to charm savage beasts,” therefore the students greatly appreciate it. The following are the officers of the Senior Class Glee club: Cliff Wheat , ley, president; Carroll Clark, vice president; Bill Dodson, secretary and treasurer; Frank Sheffield, pianist, and Charles Crisp, librarian. 34*00 Acre Farm For Sale. The above farm, containing 3,012 1 -2 : acres, more or less, located in the 14th ■ District of Lee County, Georgia, (6 1-2 I miles south of Cobb, and 2 miles north west of Warwick, Ga.) and formerly ; known as the J. W. Burke Place. Good ' residence and tenant houses located thereon; three splendid, self-flowing i artesian wells, with large tract of . pine and hardwood timber, cleared j land suitable to the growing of any ■ crops usual to this section, and espec ially adapted to the raising of cattle I and hogs. Sealed bids will be received until i' o'clock P. M., Nov. 10th next, when . all bids will be opened and submitted to the court for consideration. For further particulars see L. G. COUNCIL, Receiver, Bank of Southwestern Georgia. Bank of Southwestern Georgia, Undi vided Interest in Bank Building To Be Sold. Having been offei. 2 $9,000.00 for the undivided half-interest owned by the Bank of Southwestern Ga. for the lot! and building known as the Thomas Block, situated on the N. W. corner of I Jackson and Forsyth Sts., unless I receive a better bid by Nov. loth next I will proceed to ask the court to authorize confirmation of sale at this price. L. G. COUNCIL, Receiver, Bank of Southwester.! Georgia. IILC AZAD | HtheatrejX I 5c AND 10c I Monday i| Jesse L. Lasky presents K Wallace Eddings E IN I A Gentleman I of Leisure I Paramount Pictuers {B Here the new Photo g| Player. Its great || Coming Thursday || “THE GOVERNOR’S UDI” 8 Paramount Picture „ || Yon -re cordially in- S vited to be the guest £ of the Alcazar To- a morrow « TO 1 Mrs. W. D.-Bailey. W Mrs. D. R. Andrews 9 MOTHERS SAVE ON EXTRAGOOD The boys’ clothing is made from the standpoint that only re inforcement of all seams and wear parts will stand the strain of boys’ wear. Style and good looks are there, too. The effort to safeguard the making has resulted in extraordi nary care throughout the produc tion of Xtragood. This shows clearly in its better style appear ance. longer wear, and greater sat isfaction than can be obtained in ordinary boys’ clothing See the facing on the inside button of the coat. The lining does not go to the edge and it is tacked. This prevents the lining from sagging. It prevents the pulling of the coat out of shape because the lining is properly tak en care of Single and double breasted Norfolks, some box plaited,some with extra trousers,belts one or three-piece, nifty patch pockets on many suits. A big choice of fabrics in all sizes $5 to sls Rylander Shoe Company Clothiers and burnishers Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx Invitation COME in any day and see what we have, whether you want to buy or not. You’re welcome. Beginning now we are able to of fer you complete stocks. Hart Schaffner &Marx New Fall Furnishings fail svits and overcoats I!}® latest pal,c T S 2 , nd colorings m shirts, in all the latest styles. Beautiful cravats, 50c _ up. Newest styles in Come in and see them. hats and shoes. W. D. Bailey Co. I his store is tne home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clo‘hes SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1915-