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PAGE FOUR .. MORE NEW SUITS.. - : p— — For Ladies and Young Ladies sl2-5# 515.00 S2O- 00 to S 25 00 n & Wednesday’s Express brought us a lot of new models which we want to show you. Come in and see them. NEW COATS :: NEW DRESSES 1 UNDERWEAR A SWEATERS f° r FOR EVERYBODY EVERYBODY - ffl [LUM DRAWING tt NO CANDIDATES IBIMARY JUST ONE WEEK 15 THE FUTURE. WANTED. —Three or more candi dates to offer for the office of aiderman at the forthcoming democratic pri mary, called for November 10th. That date is just one week in the future— Wednesday, 10th, but as yet not an as pirant for honors aldermanic has en tered the arena in the capacity of pub - lie servant of the people. Os course, there will be candidates all right W MW |™*l r “■KfeMt WWTr #v«i > fOgi , ’ U 'll WJI ißb r< - WlrlMr wfc - Ww/7 w ’ n/ P I i|WI» M. // \r~ll * WMiOM< • ,/^lSwtrs---■ Wni-£=K Maurice Darcy and Chorus Scenes from John C. Fisher’s Production of the Musical Comedy Success, “The Red Hose,’’ Wednesday Xight, November 3rd. enough, but as yet the supposed dark horses are champing their bits in the bushes with identity unknown. Both Aidermen Harris and Bolton, whose terms expire shortly, have an nounced that they would not offer again. Aiderman Poole, whose terra also expires, has .not yet reached a conclusion, though pressed by many friends to again offer for re-election. It is quite likely that the “required three,’’ and, perhaps, others, will be in the race by Sunday next, thus add ing interest to Jh e campaign. At the regular city election, to be held i-i December, the qualified voters of Americus will vote upon the pro posed amendment, authorized by the legislature, regarding the selection of members of the city board of educa tion. Under the method now in effect as for many years past, city council elects to vacancies upon the board of THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER education, ad libitum. Under the pro posed amendment, council can elect only from names suggested by the board of education to that body. The number of names to be referred to council by the board of education is not limited, but selections must be . made in that manner in future, if the ■ amendment proposed is ratified at the polls in the December regular elec- I tion. 1 - Mr. Samuel Morrison, representing the “Greater Sheesley’s Shows,” the > attraction for the Elks yala week here ■ 3 beginning November 15th. is in Ameri-, cus preparing for the coming of that attraction. 3 1 f Put Worthiness First. "The purpose of man's life is not t happiness, but worthiness. Happiness I may come as an accessory; we ought never to make it the end.” OPHELIA WILL 8E ' GUEST OF CITI ATLANTA Nov. 2.—Ophelia would | have done better to take Hamlet's ad vice and go live on a nunnery, where ther e was no rent to pay, for she came 11 0 grief in the police court yesterday ' and is now in the stockade because ' she refused to pay the collector and bit him in th e head with an axe when ’he tried to put a “for rent” sign on i her house. 1 Ophelia had another picturesque t ame, which was Woolfork, and under these two cognomens she was invited to be the guest of the city for thirty ( days. WANT ADVERTISEMENT I ________________ • rates. One cent a word each Insertion, (inunnin charge of 25c. Xo classified advertisement will be ' charged to any one unless their name : appears on our subscription books. All advertisements for “HELP o' ITUATION WANTED” wHI be in ■ sorted one time free. ’; Wien number of Insertions except ’ i jreo weeks 3-4 cent a word. 1 When number of Insertions exceed four weeks 1-2 cent a word. WANTED—M iscellaneous TO LEND—SI,SOO.OO local money. 11. 0. Jones. 25-ts I The party who borrowed a step ladder from the premises of Judge 6. A. Littlejohn, are requested to return it. 31-2 t FARM LOANS—Can give good terms on f arm loans; money plenti ful W. W. Dykes. 16-ts I FARM LOANS—at 6 per cent, inter est. Terms satisfactory. R. L. May nard. LOANS made on farms at Six Per-- ■ Cent Interest. J. J. Hanesley. When needing fire Insurance, call I on The Americus Abstract Company. 12-ts i Before buying lands, get a report on the title from The Americus Abstrac- Company. We have already looked i: up. AMERICUS ABSTRACT CO. 12-ts FOR RENT — ' —1 '■> - ————————— FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; Jackson street. Phone 592. 31-2 t 1 FOR RENT —Two or three furnished or unfurnished first floor rooms; close in, Mrs. C. L. Ross, 125 S. Lee St. 31-ts FURNISHED ROOMS, with or with-' out kitchen annex. 117 South , 28-lw BUNGALOW TOR RENT—S-room on Jackson Ave. for rent. Apply to D. R. Andrews. Phone 67. I FRESH CABBAGE and Lettuce Plants; Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Loses and Shrubbery; Strawberries. R. D. Stewart, Phone 705, next to Poole's Grocery. FOR SALE t AUTOMOBILE—For sale cheap; five . passenger “Mitchell.” See Lee Allen t 31?tf FOR SALE—Nice mare; good road ster, or will work anywhere. See J. * A. Dupree. Phone 216. [ SING AND PLAY your own accom paniment; no knowledge of music nec essary; only one dollar for the entire course. The Musical Chart Company, 1805 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky. 25-30 d | FOR SALE—Good milch cow; fresh in milk. G. R. Ellis. FOR SALE—SO Grade Sows. These sows are Duroc and Berkshire breed ing, and we offer them bred to a rek istered Duroc Jersey boar at farmer’s i prices. They are handsome plantation . sows, and if not sold will be shipped . away Dec. Ist. Arles Plantation, R. F. D.. Andersonville Ga. 29-1 w SUMTER COUNTY GROWN seed rye, oats and wheat for sale. Sunny Hill Farm, Americus, Ga., Lee M Hansford, Propr. 1-ts SUNDAY’S TIMES-RECORDER IS AN ADVERTISING FEATURE. Read every line of the advertising. i TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191.-, $6,000 THE PRICE PAID FOR FARM IN SUMTER ItOBT. MORGAN FLACE IS SOLD BY ADMINISTRATOR. Among the lands sold at public sale Tuesday was the Robert Morgan farm of 300 acres in the western porton of Sumter near Plains The property was sold by the administrator and was bid den off by Judge J. A. Hixon for the price of $6,000, or S2O per acre. Th e F. A. Thomas farm of 200 acres, on the Plains road, was bidden in for the price of $2,500, while a small cot tage out near the Agricultural college was sold for S7OO. I Cotton Soars and the values may teach 15 cents, but the price of IN BOTTLES remains the same al ways; the popular drink of Americans who de mand the best. Coca Cola The drink which quenches thirst so com pletely and puts fresh vim into the whole sys tem. 5c EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CD. J. I. WARREN, Mgr.