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PAGE EIGHT STERLING : SILVER A Very pretty line of Sterling Silver suitable for Wedding Gifts. THOS. L. BELL Jeweler and Optician. a I FULGUM OATS : | ~~= SI.OO BUSHEL Don’t wait, buy now and have your seed on hand ready to plant when the ground is ready. Rape, Rye, Barley, Turnip and Onion Sets should be planted NOW. Get j our seed from Allen s Drug & Seed Store Successors to IV. A. Rembert ■ ißrowii wii ■ www ■ wwwiiimiiiiriwii • w wwwwwwrw>w ■ww■ ■ w m “WATCH PHILOSOPHY” i • An engine must be cleaned,oiled and cared for daily. A horse re- • quires food, water and rest, Or he refuses to work. An automobile ♦ eppnved of fuel oil and reasonable rare soon rebels. A watch, edi | cate, beautiful in construction, working every minute day and night, without rest, yet some people seem to think it should run for years without being cleaned or reoiled. This is a mistake. Your watch s, ould be examined and cleaned once a year, then it will last a life 1* time. Let us care for and guarantee your watch. FRICKER & BROADHURST 110 West Lamar St. Opposite Post Offica. — Brown A All I " You're sure of quality here for our shoes are so good,we guar j antee every pair of them. Our i prices are always as low as quality H will allow, j Fl T— | We are experts in fitting feet I Experience has been our teacher,and we do it correctly. H We’ve a just right pair of shoes ; for every member ot the family. <| Shoes for Grandpa’s tender feet, ; down to the nature shaped, toot ;! formed shoes for the very little ; people. Many families call this their I shoe store,coming here with their every shoe want. How about making this j I your Shoe Store? TILLMAN & BROWN « Fitters of Feet THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER Everyone Should Drink Hot Water linthe Morning Wa»h tlTe'stomach,F liver, j and boweUporsons before 1 To feel your best day in a:d day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, . colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on the i.tside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a well known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well tiushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and towels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass of hot wa ter with a teaspoonful of limestone 1 hosphate in t. This will cleanse, pur ify and freshen the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your sys tem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with an ac cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment and above all. keep it up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water before breakfast, act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING TONIGHT The Epworth League will have an interesting meeting tonight at First Vethodst church, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, when the following program - ill be. rendered. Subject How To Make the World Happy. Scripture Lesson: I. John IV., 7-21. Making the World Happy Through Love— 1. Its Personal Obligation. 2. Its Motive Force. 3. Love Analyzed and Expressing Itself Through: 1. Patience. 2. Kindness. 3. Generosity. 4. Humility. 5. Courtesy. 6. Unselfishness. 7. Good Temper. 8. Guilelessness. 9. Sincerity. The points are to be taken by nine members of the Epworth League. Spec ial music has also been prepared for the service. Every one is invited. The Bell Directory | Is the business and so cial list of highest class and first importance in any community. YOUR NAME should be listed. Call the Contract Office for telephone rates and par ticulars. YOUR BUSINESS will be always before the best people if you adver tise in the Bell Directory. Enquire today. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 1 AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY .401 t, - OPERAHOUSE Wednesday, Nov. 3 The Musical Hit "THE RED ROSE" 1 With Marguerite De Von and Original Cast World’ Greatest Dancing Chorus and Stunning Big Ensemble. Prices: Entire Floor $1.50. Balcony SI.OO. Gallery 50c. Seats on sale at Hooks Pharmacy. MILTON RAWLINGS TO DRAW PAROLE SOON ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 2. Miltoi Rawlins, who is serving a life sen tence in the Mitchell county chain gang for alleged participation ia the murder of the Carter children in Lowndes county some eleven or twelve years ako, will, it is expected, be paroled during the next few months, when he has completed ten years in the penitntiary. Rawlins through his attorneys, has several times petitioned to the state prison commission for a pardon, the last of the hearings on these petitions j having just occurred when Attorney John R. Cooper, of Macon, and Attor- j ney O. M. Smith, of Valdosta, urged I a recommendation, to the governor for a pardon. It is expected that the prison com mission will, when it passes upon Raw lins’ petition, recommend a parole, rather than a pardon, and Governor Harris is likely to follow the recom- ; rnendation. The two younger Rawlins boys, Leonard and Jesse, who, like Milton, were sentenced to life imprisonment,. v're pardoned several years ago, b cause of their extreme youth at the time the Carter children were mur- I dered. J. G. Rawlins, the father of the Raw lins boys, was hanged for the crime, as was Alf Moore, a negro accessory. Watch Your Children • Often children do not let parents know they are constipated. They fear some thing distasteful. They will like Rexall Orderlies —a mild laxative that tastes like sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. I Trust Us » s For Trusses § o For many years we have 5 I given special attention io g the fitting of trusses and are £ prepared .o give superior g service in this ine of work. $ We handle a wide assort- g ment of high grade trusses 5 and are therefore able to § provide the particular kind S I 8 best suited to the case 1 guarantee the Trass. We guarantee the fit. » I u 5 I j ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY | Telephone 33 | 5 Jackson Street g Dr. N. S. Evans DENTIST Over Hooks’ Pharmacy Reduced Ptices For The Next Ten Days Painless Methods Guaranteed Work No Better Equipped Offices in The South Esiablished 12 Years CHiCH ESTER S PILLS W IMAMONM BRAND. A xC/ Druffl’tst for ZX A fl J Diamond Villa in Red and Gold metallic\V’z with Blue Ribbon. Pl other. Buy of your * I / ” -- IX £5 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for A* » years known as Best. Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE OMTmiiN FRENZI CONTINUE ID SHDOT HOT AIR a ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 2.—While for mer Governor John M. Slaton is quiet ly pursuing the usual tenor of his ways in Atlanta, practicing law and walking the streets like any other citi zen, the Roanoke (Va.) World, and other out- of-the-state newspapers are trying to give Georgia a further black eye by printing untrue stories to the ebect that Mr. Slaton is in parts un known, an exile from his native state, •'banished by the mob,” as they put it. Such stories are simply slanderous lies about Georgia. The former gov ernor returned to Atlanta after a western, vacation trip, the latter part September, just as it was always his intention to return. The Atlanta newspapers all mentioned his return cn their front page, and ever since Mr. Slaton has been engaged in his usual occupations and may be seen in his of See, or going to and from his office any day in the week. If a state was like an individual or, a corporation, Georkia could probably make out a case of criminal libel for seme of the untrue things that have teen said about her in this and kin dred connections. The Roanoke. M orld, besmirching with falsehood the .name of a sister state, says, under date . of October 28: | “It seems certain that Slaton is not lin Georgia. Slaton and his friends I manifestly realize that with lyncn j law supreme in Georgia, an ex-gover ■ nor with the courage to act according to his convictions has no business try ing to live there.” Notice Odd Fellows: There will be a meeting of the Odd Fellows tonight at 7:30. All members urged to be present. • R. W. BUCHANAN, N. G. S. H. EDGE, Sec’y. • JIM CONLEY 15 IN JAIL ON CHARGE ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 2. — Tim Conley I who gained notoriety in connection with the Frank case was married in jail yesterday to Mary Glover, a negro woman in whose company be had been arrested the day before. BAINBRIDGE WANTS SOLONS AS GUESTS BAINBRIDGE, Ga., Nov. 2.—State Senator John W. Callahan together with representatives A. B. Conger and ‘ Pat" Griffin left Tuesday morning for Atlanta to attend the special session of the legislature called by Governor Harris. All three of these men look for a stormy session of the legislature but expect things to be settled with the least delay and matters adjusted in tim e for the entire legislature to be the guests of Bainbridge at the South Georgia Harvest Festival, Nov. 16, 17 j lad is. For Dandruff, we recommend i Ir if I e “93”HalrTonic Murray’s Pharmacy. Bigger Cities? Yes Bigger Stores? Yes But Better? No. You can be fitted here in our store in clothes whose styles range as far and as wide as any store’s in the state. Why don’t you try them? Our mirrors are big, and they show you from head to foot. Try on a Stein- Bloch Business Suit and ask the price. Rylander Shoe Company Clothiers and furnishers MUI r IWMIIII IM MM MIIBI 111 ■■■Ml |||| ■SNBMnili IMI 111 ■ IMIU NEW OVERCOATS You see in this illustra- J tion the most popular coat f° r e have >’ our s ’ ze > n a fabric and pattern that will suit you. /1 It \li arc s h°wi n g some /W \ V wonderful values at W $12.50 and sls. Others up to S3O. We believe we have the smart est and handsomest Overcoats that have appeared ihis season. Full of style and dignity that can only come from the finest tailoring. Some are made with velvet collars and some plain. We want you to come in and look them over. W. D. Bailey Co. . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1915