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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1915. ♦ ♦■♦♦■♦••♦•■♦■■♦■♦♦♦♦♦•♦•-♦•♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦■.♦..♦■♦♦A : SOCIETY NEWS : : Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportioned thought his act, Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. The friends thou hast, and their adop tion tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with enter tainment Os each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d com rade. Beware €>f entrance to a quarrel, but, being ' * in, Bear it, that the opposer may beware of thee. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice: Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For apparel oft proclaims the man; And they in France, of best rank and station, Are most select and generous, chief in that, Neither a borrower nor a lender be: For a loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of hus bandry. This above all—to thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou can’st not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in , thee. —Polonius to his son, in Hamlet. • * * VV. C. T. U. MILL MEET WITH MRS. J. R. WILLIAMS The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. J. R. Williams on Taylor street. A large attendance is urged as a re- S'• Three new hats , p have just come to 4 us. They arenew blocks, new colors and different from g theearly Fall styles. "f Two softs, one 0 derby. N 9 See them in our window. ✓ \ 3 ' ’ port of the state convention held in Covington several weeks ago, will be made. * * • MRS. THOMAS HARROLD ENTERTAINS FRIDAY. At her residence on College street, Mrs. Thomas Harrold will entertain on Friday afternoon, complimentary to Mrs. Stephen S. Shipps, Mrs. T. H. Boone, Misses Anna and Elizabeth Harrold, of Macon, who will come to Americus on Thursday as guests of Miss Maria Harrold at her residence cu College street. Other guests will be Mrs. Charles Harrold and Mrs. E. B. Harrold, of Macon, who will ar rive on Friday morning. Al] are former residents of Ameri cus, and their visit here this week will be of interest among their very many friends. • • « MARRIAGE OF MISS MALONE AND MR. REID WILSON. Os interest to their many friends ia Americus and south Georgia was the marriage of Miss Cara Malone and Mr. Reid Wilson, of Leslie, on Sunday af ternoon. Accompanied by several friends, Mr. Wilson and Miss Malone d-ove to the residence of Rev. J. A. Thomas at 4 o’clock, where the inter esting and impression marriage rites were solemnized. Both the bride and groom are popu lar residents of Leslie and have many friends who are extending sincere con gratulations. * * * HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MEETING TUESDAY. The ladies of the Americus Hospital association will have a meeting Tues day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. C. C. Hawkins, on Colleeg street. As matters of import ance are to be discussed, a full attend ance is desired. 1 SEVERAL SOCIAL . FUNCTIONS PLANNED Among the several very pleasant so i cial events planned for the week, are ; the following: i Miss Marie Belle Hixon will enter tain the Tuesday Card club tomorrow morning. Mrs. M. J. Josey, at her home on Lee street, will entertain the D, A. R., chapter Tuesday morning. Mrs. William A. Dodson will enter tain the Florence Irving club Wednes day morning with three tables of auc tion bridge. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. John M. Council will entertain charmingly for Miss Gertrude Sheppard ,of An niston, the guest of the Misses Dod son. Several other pleasant entertain ments are also being planned for the week-end. « « • Mrs. Coley J. Lewis, of Montezuma, came to Americus yesterday in their car, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Council. \ LYCEUM TICKETS GO ON SALE Al HOOKS The tickets for the first Lyceum at traction of thezseason under the aus pices of the Americus and Sumter County Hospital association Mill go on | sale at Hooks’ Pharmacy Tuesday morning. The first attraction is the Haseltine Opera Company, which shows at the Opera House, Thursday evening, No vember 11th. The public are expected to co-oper ate wi’h these attractions in the in terest of the hospital. PRAYER SERVICES TO BEGIN TODAY AT FIRST METHODIST SERVICES TO B EHELD THIS AF TERNOON. The ladies of First Methodist church will inaugurate this afternoon their annual week of prayer exercises, whic'r always are occasions of spiritual in terest and well attended. The ser vices will be held each afternoon this week at 3:30 o’clockk and a selected program of music will be rendered, along with the usual devotional exer cises. JEKYL ISLAND WILL OPEN UP VERY SOON BRUNSWICK, Nov. B.—The an nouncement has been made that the opening o fthe season at Jegyl island will be unusually early this winter. Superintendent ,G. Grob, who has been banaging a big summer resort I hotel in Maine, will arrive in this i city this week and will make pdelim inary arrangements for the opening of the handsome club house on the island. Many of the millionaire cottage own- ■ trs are expected to arrive on the island during the present month. * SPARTACUS” OPERA ♦ ♦ HOUSE TO-MORROW * • ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >| Spartacus is a magnificent produc- I tion taken in Italy in the neighbor- j 1 ood of ancient Rome and in the mountains, whether Spartacus led the revolting slaves and gladiators. In this production is seen the Cir cus Maximus, where the Roman com bats were held before the building of the Coliseum. During the action, a fight occurs between the gladiators i.i the mountains and the Roman le gionaries. Another thrilling scene is in the arena, where gladitorial combats take place and the lions are turned loose on men and women, who are left unprotected and at the mercy of the hungry beasts. There is a beautiful love theme that runs through the play. The love of Spartacus for the daughter of his cap tor Crassus. The scenes in Italy are v onderful and carry one back to the times of Roman dominance of the v- orld. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMtS-RECORDER ALCAZAnh theatreß I 5c AND 10c I 5 Reels Monday m Daniel Frohman B Presents || JOHN MASON f in the international V triumph A "JIM I THE PENMAN” I Paramount Pictuie ® Don’t miss it || Coming Thursday Margurfte Clark in “GRITEA | f GREEN” In 5 superb parts B You are cordially in vited to be the guest fe of the Alc?zar To- || morrow W TO f Mrs. J. E. Tanner M Mrs. Burrell Kent. fia NMHfiSHggHgByMHgMKMB AGED GRANDMOTHER SO WEAK SHE COULD HARDLY STAND—MADE STRONG BY VINOL. Right here in Americus we have seen such excellent results from Vinol that it is a pleasure to know it is do ing so much good for old people in other parts of the country. Woodbridge, N. J.-— “My grandma was recovering from the grippe, and was so weak she could hardly stand, and as she keeps house for my father and myself, she could not get aroundd at all. She had taken cod liver oil and I many other medicines, but nothing] seemed to do her any good. At last we heard of Vinol and tried it, and Grandma commenced to geet better \ right away, and got strong very soon,: so she gets around as well as ever. We all praise Vinol for it is a splen did medicine.” Myrtle H. Bunn. The reason, Vinol is so successful in, restoring strength to the aged is | because of the rare combination of tonic iron, the curative medicinal extractives of fresh cods’ livers, beef peptone and mild native wine. It I supplies iron to the blood, quickens the appetite, aids digestion, pro motes proper assimilation of food, and enriches the blood, and brings back the strength of renewed health. Hooks’ Pharmacy, Americus, Ga. • ’ Every ingredient used in : ■' y Huyler’s candies is selected J with patient care for pur- • t ity. The Cream ™’ ! the Butter • !| : —the Chocolate Coatings • : and the the best ; of the best : 5 e illll ’ '/ ® i ' ; i * Z/ )/ // ° h ’ $/f /? // Y£<///////z i(7 fIL/ /Z rs ® I : : 111 II • FRESlffu/ERY HOUR ‘ Bonbons Chocolates ; u • Our Sales Agent in Americus is Hooks Pharmacy ° I * 6 : 9 e > j y Huyler’s Cocoa, like Huyler’s Candy, c | ' is supremely good . |11 IS-* . ..... »_g For Fresh Home-made Candies made daily, all kinds best fruits and finest confec tionaries, soda water, select line cigars and tobaccos, call on us. Phone 142] Deliveries made anywhere in the city. J. Sedalis Confectionary Co. 2u3 Forsyth Street BRUNSWICK PEOPLE TO GOJDimOEET BRI N’SWICK, Ga., Nov. B.—Bruns wick will be well represented at the meeting of the Deeper Waterways as sociation in Savannah .Delegates have been named by the board of trade and 'y Mayor Hopkins ,and besides these regular appointed delegates a number of others will attend, including the mayor and probably one or two members of council. The appointed delegates are: Representing the board of trade, F. D. Aiken, E. H. Mason, L. R. Aiken, F. D. M. Strachan, i C. P. Goodyear; from the city council, J. B. Abrams, L. Ludwig, J. S. Roberts, I F. Efl Twitty, B. Padrosa, R. R. Hop : kins, C. H. Leavy, J. W. Simmons. | fINNOTINCEIWENTS. I •***** MMh ********^**<*< i To the Voters of the City of Americus: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Aider man of the City of Americus, subject to the Democratic Primary of Novem ber 10th, 1915, and will appreciate thei support of my friends and the voters generally. Respectfully, J. E. POOLE. lIMEHICUS Ltffi In the general march of progress as the best town in Georgia. IN BOTTLES Leads all beverages as the popular drink in | America. SEASONS CHANGE But Coca Cola in bot tles is the same always; invigorating, refreshing It gives new life to the whole system. 5c EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. T. WARREN, Mgr. ** TAm/tew of the Country Are th* I •N Yxr I Ma'd one »he greatest thinkers this \ ( X. ;i ‘T| I country erer produced. x. \ L il il Now for a Ten Strike! The ball goes whizzing straight down the centre of the alley. Behind it is the clear head and the steady nerve of a cliewer of mild Pic twO CHEWING TOBACCO Stop chewing rank, black tobacco 7 withits come-back ”on the nerves. Start chewing soft, mellow, long 'L'L’fb® I1 lasting PICNIC TWIST. | i [ sc. twists and drums of 11 twists. Be sure M get the genuine. FthoSev/hocow™! I _____ AND GO Americus The Mecca For 5 " Those Seeking Pieasuie, g Health and Business. g } Chchxhsoooocmkhhh: Sterling Sih er Dorine Boxes .at S. A. Daniels, the Jeweler. Dick Williams returned today to his duties at Emory College after a week end visit at his home In Americus. Mrs. John Scarborough, Mrs. Leila Jarrard, Miss Virginia Gunn ahd Miss lielie Ansley formed a motoring party visiting Ellaville Sunday. Mrs. C. B. Walker has returned to Macon after a visit of several days to relatives in Americus. Capt. John A. McDonald came over this morning from Plains, spending the day here upon business. Mr. and Mrs. J. G.‘ Dodson have come in their car from Atlanta upon a visit of two or three days to relatives in Americus and Montezuma. J. M. Alexander came over this morning from Columbus, spending the day here upon business. T. H. Adams, of Cedartown, was among the several visitors in Ameri cus this morning. 1 GALXX THEATRE .. ' Tuesday, Nov. 4 9th. Violet Mersereau and ; Wm. Garwood in “The Wolf of Debt” A gripping drama in 4 ; parts Coming Thursday MARY FULLER in I “ODER SOUTHERN SKIES” 5 reels | VWWV wwwwwwwwwwww» THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR I COLD W Sll-Til W 'JCIETS J tV/ Relieves that aching, makes you feel • z ■ ■ y/ For sale by L '- J r Windsor Phaimacy Telephone 161 ■O-OCHXKK'DO CHKHXH2<XKI <HXHCT' . Just Received, new line of Canie<*>. Kell, the Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vereen, of Tif ton, were guests yesterday of Mrs. Ve reen’s mother, Mrs. F. D. Hollis, at her residence here. 1 Mrs. W. C. Barrow, Mrs. R. L. Mc- Leod, Mrs. R. S. Freeman, Miss Eliza- Ibeth McLeod, Messrs. R. S. Freeman, Walter Page and James A. Dean visit- 1 ed friends in Sylvester Sunday, going down and returning in Mrs. Barrow’s touring car. Mr. Jesse Faust, a well known far mer of Sumter, has gone to Milledge ville to be treated for an ailment ,n a private sanitarium there. . Jessie Jameson, of Talbotton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Annie McLaughlin at. her pretty home on College street. Miss Claude McLaughlin spent the week-end with friends in Moultrie. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schneider have returned from a motoring trip to Ma con and Atlanta. Mr. A. C. Chancellor, Jr., was a prominent member of the Columbus contingent of visitors to Americus this morning. D. C. and S. C. Rumph, two popular young men of Marshallville, were in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wheatey and Mrs. T. H. Bland, of Cordele, are visit ors spending the day in Americus. W. H. Langston was among the many Maconians coming to Americus this morning. W. C. Dean is a well known Dawson ian spending the day in Americus. Mrs. W. P. Jones is ill at her home on Lee street, much to the regret of her many friends. Mr. W. C. Gardner has returned home from a pleasant visit to the Ma con fair. Mr. Wade H. Turner, of Smithville, . was in the city today. PAGE FIVE