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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8j 1915. iTri . - - - I,~m»wwwuwww ■ ■ "■— '****‘*"‘~—~—‘-~tit««'■■■'■■ ■■ >'■■'■'■V» - « ■ ■ i~i i r i i ittti'b rrTTrrrrrrr* - WW - it - ii luuufißiui-LJM»-LU « DIVIDENDS FOR YOU ON CASH PURCHASES I • ■ " = I i Beginning Monday, November Bth, 1915, the undersigned stores will issue with each I i cash purchase, coupons which are redeemable in premiums as list in an elaborate catalogue ■ I i which is being mailed throughout this section. A free certificate v ill be enclosed in your !i I i catalogue, so be on the lookout for it, and if for some reason you fail to receive your cata- jI J logue, be sure and notify us. i I i It is our purpose to place on display in a few days a selection of the valuable prizes i I ! that will be given away. However, do not wait for the display for each premium is guar- 11 1 I anteed to be as represented in catalogue. Just remember an early start will mean much to I g i you You can select from the varied stocks carried by the undersigned stores practically I I I everything needed in the home and when you visit the Movies remember where you can I I secure the coupons. They cost you nothing,-but are given : g I Absolutely Free. Simply These Merchants Dividing Their Profits With You I I I So trade where your dollars mean most to you. ; g I I ' * ill I ! Tn a verv short time you can bunch together your coupons received from the various stores and secure a valuable i I I I premium which would make an ideal gift for any one. Remember that only the following stores can issue coupons and ; g g I when you go shopping, visit these stores. H g I WIMJSdII I'HAHMAIiY SS CHURCHWEIL’S IIEPT. STOBE HOWELL'S I'MAKMAU' | I l— J ■ n f » ■ 1 i H ■ - - -1 h —l —r —— —. ■ -j, '"X" _ 3L» "VAMPIRE" OF SCREEN LIONIZED BY SOCIETY Charlotte Burton’s Popularity Gives Her Race Among Elite. al / • ■ " I wt W j iiißMk p yj V vAqRh JI Charlotte Burton. Miss Charlotte Bnrfo-, who plays the Tole of Vivian Marston, the adven turess. in “The Diamond From the Sky ” the SBOO,OOO continued photo play now being produced by the American Film Company, has become one of Santa Barbara’s most popular resi dents. Versatile, vivacious and charm ing, she has won an enviable place in the esteem of her acquaintances. MINEYTOLEND We are in position to obtain money on farm lands in Sumter county promptly at reasonable rates. If you desire a loan call on or write us. las. A. 5 John A. Fort Planters Bank Building. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS The above farm, containing 3,012 1-2 acres, more or less, located in the 14th District of Lee County, Georgia, (6 1.-2 miles south of Cobb, and 2 miles north west of Warwick, Ga.) and formerly known as the J. W. Burke Place. Good residence and tenant houses located thereon; three splendid, self-flowing artesian wells, with large tract of pine and hardwood timber, cleared land suitable to the growing of any crops usual to this section, and espec ially adapted to the raising of cattle and hogs. Sealed bids will be received until 4 o’clock P. M., Nov. 10th next, when all bids will be opened and submitted to the court for consideration. For further particulars see L. G. COUNCIL, Receiver, Bank of Southwestern Georgia. Bank of Southwestern Georgia, Undi vided Interest in Bank Building To Be Sold. Having been offered $9,000.00 for the undivided half-interest owned by the Bank of Southwestern Ga. for the lot and building known as the Thomas Block, situated on the N. W. corner of Jackson and Forsyth Sts., unless I receive a better bid by Nov. loth next, I will proceed to ask the court to authorize confirmation of sale at this price. L. G. COUNCIL, Receiver, Bank of Southwestern Georgia. GEORGIA, Sumter County: Notice is hereby given to all par ties concerned that I, A. S. Broad hurst, as th a guardian for my miner children, to-wit: Pauline A.; R, S., Jr.; D J., and Martha J. Broadhurst, all of whom are residents of said state and county, will apply to the Judge of Sumter Superior court, on Nov. . 13, 1915. at his office in Americus, Ga., at 9 o’clock A. M. for leave to sell forthe purpose of re-investment, their one ewenty-fourth undivided interest, be ing the one-sixth undivided remainder interest of their mother, Virginia H. Broadhurst, now deceased, in the following lands and real estate to-wit. All of lot of land number one hun dred aind seventy (170) except twenty acres, square in shape, in the north west corner thereof, also the North half of lot of land number one hun ured and eighty-five, all situated and being in the 9th district of Houston County, Ga., aggregating 282 1-2 acres, more or less. Said lamds being now ir possession of Mrs. Julia Flint who has a life estate in said lands. The reason for desiring to sell said lands for re-investment is that the lands are some forty-two or three miles away fr om the home of said minors and of myself, as their guardian, and the further reason said remainder interest in said lands is not producing any in come and will not produce any in come until the termination of said life estate, and as the guardian of said minors, I desire to invest the proceeds of the sale of said land in property that will presently produce an income for the benefit of said minors. My ap pointment to the guardianship of said minors was made in Sumter county, Georgia. This June 9th, 1915. R. S. BROADHURST. Guardian for Pauline A. Broadhurst, R. S. Broadhurst, Jr., D. J. Broad hurst and Martha J. Broadhurst. GEORGIA— Webster County. Will be sold before the court-house door in the town of Preston, said county, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber, next within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: A one fifth undivided interest in and to the lands bounded as fol lows, on the South by public road leading from Lumpikn to Dawson, Ga. on the west by public road leading out from Weston North and by lands be longing to W. J. Sims estate, Misses Walker and J. J. King,on the North by lands of the Davis Warehouse Co., and on the East by lands of said Davis Warehouse Co., Mrs A. W. Elliott, lands of the Weston High School and of S. W. Adams, the above boundel and described lands lying and be ing in the town of Weston, Georgia, and in the 19th land district of said Webster County and containing 23 acres, more or less, and is the lands deeded by A. K. Patterson to his children on the 26th day of March, 1895, and recorded in deed book “F” olio 178-179 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Said property is levied on and will be sold as the property of C. H. Patter son under and by vlrture of two Ex ecutions issued from the Justice Court of the 1092nd District G. M. in favor of the Smith Brisco Shoe Co. against the said C. H. Patterson. Terms cash and tenants in possession notified in terms of th e law. Levy made by J. M. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER Bowling, L. C„ and returned to me. This Nov, 3, 1915. C. M. CHRISTIAN, Sheriff. EXECUTRICES SALE. GEORGIA —Sumter County. Under and by virtue of an order from the Honorable John A. Cobb, Or dinary of said county, granted at the regular Nov. 1915 term of the Court of Ordinary, we will sell before the court house door in the City of Americus, between the legal hours of sale, on the Ist Tuesday in December, 1915. the Equity of Redemption belonging to the estate of the late A. W. Smith, in and to the following lands, to-wit: All lots of land Nos. Twenty-Five (25). Twenty-Six (26) and the South half of lot of land No. Twenty-Seven (27) lying and being in the New 26th District of Sumter County, Ga., form erly Dee Co . Also Seventy-Five (75) acres off the South side of lot of land No. Six (6», said seventy-five acres being equal strip entirely across said lot. Also. Sevepty-Five (75) acres off of lot No. Twenty-Seven (27), beginning at the Northwest corner of said lot and running South along the lire to such point as will cut off Forty-Five (45) acres of a field known as Redfield, thence due East to fence on East side ot said field, thence due North along said fence on East side to what is known as the South side of said lot, thence along said South line of said one half lot to such point as will cut off seventy-five (75) acres; thence due North to the line of said lot of lanl, thence due West along the North line to the point of beginning, this being Seventy-Five (75) acres from the North One Half of lot No. Twenty-Seven (27). Said tract of land containing Six Hundred Sixty (660) acres, more or . less, and situated in the 26th District of Sumter Co., Georgia. Said lands being sold subject to a loan deed given by the late A. W., Smith to the Manhattan Life Insurance j Co. of New York to secure a loan on | which there is now due $10,000.00 prin-1 cipal and $600.00 interest to Jan. Ist. 1916, a Bond for Title having been given by said Manhattan Life Insur ance Co. to the said A. W. Smith. Terms of sale cash. This Nov. 3rd. 1915. ROSALAE SMITH, GERTRUDE SMITH, Executrices, estate of A. W. Smith. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Notice is here’ given that the un dersigned has applied to the Ordinary o’ said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Lucinda Jor an, late of Sumter county, deceased, for the payment of the debts of said estate. Said applicaton will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in December, 1915. This the Ist day of November, 1915, R. H. M’MATH, Administrator of the Estate of Lucinda Jordan. GEORGIA, Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: Thomas L. Summers, having in proper form, applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Minnie I. Loper, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Minnie I. Loper to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should rot be granted to Thomas L. Summers on Mrs. Minnie I. Loper’s estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture this Ist day of November, 1915. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Sumter County. • Notice is hereby given to all per sons having demands against Mrs. Ju lia Morgan, late of said county, de ceased, to present them to nfe, proper ly mad© out within the time prescribed ly law, so as to show their character and amount. All persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. This Ist day of November, 1915. H. E. ALLEN, Aministrator. GEORGIA— Webster County. Will be sold before the court-house door in. the town of Preston, sail county, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber, next within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: A one fifth undivided interest in and to the lands bounded as fol lows, on the South by public roaJ leading from Lumpkin to Dawson, Ga, on the west by public road leading out from Weston North and by lands be longing to W. J. Sims estate, Misses Walker and J. J. King,on the North by lands of the Davis Warehouse Co., and on the East by lands of said Davis Warehouse Co., Mrs A. W. Elliott, lands of the Weston High School and of S W. Adams, the above bounded and described property lying and oe ing in the town of Weston, Georgia, j and in the 19th land district of said Webster County and conta'ning 23 acres, more or less, and is the lands deeded by A. K. Patterson to his children on the 26th day of March, 1895, and recorded in deed book “F” Folio 178-179 in the office of the ClerK of the Superior Court of said county. Said property is levied on and will be sold as the property of D. G. Patter- Where? When? What? I These are the three old, old stories. This may vary with the temper ature on the seasons, but the sub ject is the same. What is the best thing to get, and where is the best place to buy it When can I choose to the best advantage? It is the purpose of the advertis ing in the to ans wer these questions. The advertisers in this paper are the up-to-date, the reliable the people whom you can afford to buy from. i « I Read, learn, profit and save. | PAGE SEVEN son, under and by virtue of an Exeru tlon issued from the Superior Court <?t Webster County in favor of W. H. King against said defendant D. G. Patterson. Terms cash, and tenants in possession notified in terms of tho law. This Nov. 3, 1915. C. M. CHRISTIAN, Sheriff.