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PAGE FOUR HOUSEWARMSUP IN FIGHTING ON DEBATES LIMIT ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 9.—The anti prohibitionists in the house used up the entire two hours of yesterday's cession in a filibuster, which their leaders declared will be kept up until the prohibitionists agree to consider the general appropriations bill ahead of the prohibition measures. The prohibitionists sat steady In the heat and let the antis filibuster to their hearts’ content, while their lead ers said the prohibitionists would not te forced by the antis to do anything, and would stay in session until Christ- PATTERSON FARM. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK Fitzgerald, Ga. Aunt Patsy Poultry Feed Co., Gentlemen: Ship me at once, 20 hundred pound bags Aunt Patsy Mash. I have discontinued using all other Mash but Aunt Patsy several months ago. I see the mistake I made by not using it exclus ively two years ago when I first became acquainted with its merits. I find it the best for increasing the egg yield. My young stock have been fed Aunt Patsy every day since they were a week old, and they are a promising looking flock of White Rocks, and I expect them to give a good account of themselves in the fall and winter shows. Very truly, . J.P.Patterson. Ask your dealer for Aunt Patsy, the egg producer, if he has not got the feed, write Aunt Patsy Poultry Feed Co., Memphis, Tenn., and they will see that you get it. For Fresh Home-made Candies made daily, all kinds best fruits and finest confec tionaries, soda water, select line cigars and tobaccos, call on us. Phone 142’ Deliveries made anywhere in the city. J. Sedalis Confectionary Co. 203 Forsyth Street mas, if necessary to carry through the program agreed upon by the prohibi tion majority. At the beginning of the afternoon session, Representative J. E. Sheppard of Sumter, a prohibition leader, intro duced a resolution limiting individual speeches for the afternoon session, to ten minutes on any and all subjects. Led by Representative R. B. Black - I urn, of Fulton, and Representative Ed Wohlwender, of Muscogee, the anti prohibitionists launched a filibuster against the resolution, and succeeded in forcing six aye and nay roll calls. These roll calls consumed the entire two hours of the afternoon session, which had been fixed for this period with adjournment at 5 o’clock. The last roll call was on the adop tion of the resolution, and the resolu tion passed. By this time, however, the hour of adjournment had arrived, so that the resolution had no effect, being worded so as to apply only to THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER > speeches during the afternoon session. The anti-prohibitionists can proba bly muster enough votes to sustain the . call for the ayes and nayes, and this I being the case, they can prolong the • extra session indefinitely, if they see I fit to do so. • The prohibition leaders called atten tion during the filibuster yesterday as- . ternoon to the fact that Representative > Fullbright, of Burke, who has fre . quently stated on the floor of the r house that he favors prohibition, voted 1 with the antis in sustaining calls for . the ayes and nays, thereby helping to » prolong the filibuster. , After the adjournment of the after -1 noon session, the prohibition leaders expressed themselves as being per- - fectly content to let the antis prolong - the filibuster. “The responsibility for a long ex , tra session caused by an anti-prohibi , tion filibuster will rest upon the op j ponents of prohibition,” said Repre sentative M. J. Yoemans, of Terrell, one of the prohibition steering cam mittee in the house. “The prohibition ists will pass their bills in short order as soon as they can reach them in reg ular parliamentary order, and then [ they will pass the general appropria- i' tion bill and dispose of all other mat ters before the extra session without , ’ losing a moment’s time. If the oppon- ’ ents of prohibition prolong the session . ty a filibuster, they alone must as- 1 sume the responsibility.” At the opening of the morning house ‘ session Monday Representative Full- 1 ■right proposed to the prohibition lead- ! ers that the anti-prohibitionists would S agree not to filibuster, provided the j • prohibitionists would not set aside the appropriations bill in order to take up J the prohibition bills ahead of it. The I house adjourned for the prohibitionists • to caucus and pass upon the proposal. It soon developed that the proposal * made by Representative Fullbright t was not supported by the antis, as they * sent an olive branch committee from I their caucus which agreed not to fili buster, provided the prohibitionists would raise the alcohol limit in their bills from one-half of one per cent, to one per cent., and make the bills es- I $15 T .OO A new and large assortment of LADIES’ COAT SUHS Fnr trimmed or plain, belted back or box back, Navy, Russian Green, Black ard African Brown. Values up to $20.00 CHiCHESI Ek S PILLS W THE DIAMOND BBAND. X -/Lffdlesl Ask your DrugglM. for /j\ $ <'M-ches-t,ar a Diamond fcOllis* in lied and Gold boxes, scaled with Blue Ribbon, WJ Trnu other. Buy of your * H ~ Druff«l-t. 2 77 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 VT* r : / SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE tective July 1, 1916, instead of Jan uary 1, 1916. This the prohibitionists very emphatically and promptly re jected. and the filibuster at the after noon session was the result. The senate wasted no time yester day. The prohibition anti-shipping bill was enacted, and also the bill re pealing the tax on near beer and lock er clubs. Being up with its calendar, the senate had no afternoon session. DOYOUWANTTWINS IN YOUR FAMILY? No, we don’t mean children, we re fer to those wonderful twins of the medical world, that should always be in I every home- Squaw Nervatum and ■ Big Chief Rynol. Both of these splendid remedies are absolutely harmless, being produced by combining the best vegetable substances that Nature has given to man. There are no harmful drugs, both remedies work painlessly, harmlessly and pleas antly. (» Squaw Nervatum is woman’s best friend. Nothing is as good in cases of Suppression of Menses, Painful or Pro fuse Menstration, Female Weakness, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Sterility and Change of Life. Thousands of wo men owe their health and happiness to Squaw Nervatum, as is proven by the thousands of thankful letters we have received. Big Chief Rynol is the finest all round medicine in the world—splendid for stomach, liver, kidneys and impure blood. It is a pleasant substitute for calomel and other stringent drugs, and is more thorough in its work. With Squaw Nervatum and Big Chief Rynol in the house, you will never lack a good remedy for any disease. In order to introduce these great remedies to the Southern homes, we will cut off 55c on your first $1 bottle if you use the cou pon below: THIS COUPON and 45c is food for either a $1 bottle of Squaw Nervatum or Bis Chief Rynol, at HOWELL'S PHARMACY. Amerwus, Ga. Manufactured exclusively by RUSH MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, Ga. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ‘ RATES. • loooaoaooe.eaooauae One cent a word each Insertion. Minimum charge of 25c. No classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on onr subscription books. All advertisements for “HELP o ITUATION WANTED” wUI be in serted one time free. Wien number of Insertions exceev fcvo weeks 3-4 cent a word. When number of insertions exceed four weeks 1-2 cent a word. LOS 7 LOST—Diamond brooch, sot with pearls. Return to T. C. Tillman and get reward. 8-2 t LOST —Lavaliere with ruby and a pearl drop; on Lee street, or in front of Kress. Reward if returned to C. S. Hogg. LOST —Setter dog; white with tan spots; about 2 years old. Any infor mation to T. F. Gatewood, Jr. 4-ts FOR RENT FRESH CABBAGE and Lettuce Plants; Fruit and Ornamental Trees, iLoses and Shrubbery; Strawberries. R. D. Stewart, Phone 705, next to Poole's Grocery. FOR SALL FOR SALE —We have a client who w ishes to sell house and lot on Brown 1 street better known as the Lamar Home. Will sell a part cash with re mainder good securities. Call on Wallis & Fort. 5-ts SING AND PLAY your own accom paniment; no knowledge of music nec essary; only one dollar for the entire course. The Musical Chart Company, 1805 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky. 25-30 d FOR SALE—M. M. Lowrey residence on Lee St., formerly know'n as J. G. Dodson home. Sealed bids will be re ceived until Nov. 15. 1915. The best offer gets the property, subject to ap proval of the department. N. M. Dud ley, Receiver Americus National Bank. 4-10 t DIXIE GEM—Best JELLICO Coal in Americus. Spot cash price Six Dol lars per ton. Your money back if not satisfied. Telephone 303. C. J. CLARK. 1 3 - ■* | 7-tt SUMTER COUNTY GROWN seel rye, oats and wheat for sale. Sunny Hill Farm, Americus, Ga., Lee M. Hansford, Propr. 1-ts i FOR SALE OR RENT: Desirable six room residence, crib, buggy shed and stables. Size of lot "5 X 185 ft. I Also an adjoining vacant lot Will sell with or without vacant lot. Small cash payment, remainder on easy terms. If interested' see W. L. Dupree. 7-ts FOR SALE: Pair cheap mules. Ap- I ply “Mules,” this office. 7-3 t FOR SALE—Good milch cow; fresh in milk. G. R. Ellis. AUTOMOBILE—For sale cheap; five I passenger “Mitchell.” See Lee Allen | 31?tf I I ? WANTED—Miscellaneous I LOANS made on farms at Six Per- I Cent Interest. J. J. Hanesley. Before buying lands, get a report on I the title from The Americus Abstrac- I Company. We have already looked 1: I up. AM ERIDUS ABSTRACT CO. I 12-ts | FARM LOANS—Can give good I terms on f arm loans; money plentl- I fu’. w. W. Dykes. 16-tT ■ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, lilt. FARM LOANS —at 6 per cent, inter est. Terms satisfactory. R. L. May nard. WANTED, JOB as overseer by a good man. Address, Overseer, this office. 7-3 t When needing fire insurance, call on The Americus Abstract Company. 12-ts 44444444 4 44444* ♦ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. * ♦ All advertising copy requiring * ♦ two columns of space or less 4 ♦ should be in the business office ♦ ♦ not later than eight o’clock morn- ♦ ♦ ing of issue in order to Insure r ♦ prompt insertion. All copy for * ♦ space of more than two columns * ♦ should be submitted not later e ♦ than 6 o’clock of the day prior to f A date of issue. +' ♦ THE TIMES-RECORDER, + I AMEHICL'S LEADS In the general march of progress as the best town in Georgia. IN BOTTLES Leads all beverages as the popular drink in America. SEASONS CHANGE But Coca Cola in bot tles is the same always; invigorating, refreshing It gives new life to the whole system. 5C EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. T. WARREN. Mgr.