Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1915 AMERICUS GHdPTER Mb BANNER FOR HER «tm« THOMASVILLE, Ga., Nov. 20.—The tewenty-first annual convention of the Georgia division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, adjourned here late Friday afternoon. The next place of meeting will be chosen later. Ths Americus chapter won the ban ner for the largest number of new members during the past year, and the banner for the Children of the Confederacy was presented to the Ma con chapter. The convention was scheduled to adjourn at 12 o’clock today, but owing to prolonged discussion, an afternoon session was obliged to be called for the election of officers and unfinished busi ness. The new officers elected are: Presi dent. Mrs. Herbert Franklin, Tennille; first vice president, Mrs. A. D. McWil son, Atlanta; second vice president, Mrs. Frank Harrold, Americus; third vice-president, Mrs. James Watt, Thomasville; recording secretary, Mrs. J. E. Hayes, Montezuma; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. E. A. Gilmore, Ten nille; treasurer ,Mrs. R. A. Grady, Sa vannah ; registrar, Miss Mary Edwards, Eastman; historian, Miss Mildred Rutherford, Athens; auditor. Mrs. Zeb ulon Walker, Canton. Address by Mrs. Plane. The address of Mrs. Helen Plane, of Atlanta, this morning on the Stone Mountain memorial called forth much discussion as to whether the Georgia division was ready to accept the work cr not, it being finally decided that chapter contributions would be made to it, the division not being financially able yet to formally take it over. Five thousand five hundred dollars was con tributed by the Atlanta chapter and a number of amounts smaller from EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL t LEVY-MORTON CO. Q ~7li r tr'f'iL.! fl The Gas Way The Right Way. The gas range will do this: / /o== It will save you from dirtying V" your kitchen with soot or ashes. It LA, / g will save you lugging coal. It will V /jap save you time by cooking quickly t and well. It will save you worry, I for you won’t have to fret over a I glow oven or whether the lire will I BM M Mll coin' 1 up in time. It will save you | money. r Get oDe ’ k We have many styles at various prices. u s *-'- AMERICUS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY. ALBANY SENDS CARLOAD DP PECANS TO CHICAGO ALBANY, Ga., Nov. 20.—What is claimed to be the most valuable car load of Georgia produce of any class ever shipped out of the state went for ward from Albany today when a solid carload of high-grade paper shell pe cans left for Chicago. The net weight of the nuts was 30,- 206 pounds. They will be retailed for a price probably in excess of $15,000, and their value to the shippers is be tv een ten and twelve thousand dollars. The shipment was made by the Paper Shell Pecan association, whose Chi cago representative will handle them. Many other large shipments have been made this esason and will continue through the next thirty days. THOUSANDS VIEW THE LIBERTY BELL ON TRIP MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 20.—Over ten thousand school children and thousands of older persons marched in review before the Liberty Bell when halted here today on its return from the San Francisco exposition, others. The following bills were indorsed for action by the Georgia legislature: The bill for compulsory education, the bill to raise the age of consent in Georgia, the Smith-Lever bill and the bill to permit the women of Georgia to practice law if they w'ant. Recommendations of the president passed were, first, that expenses of the president of the division to the gfneral convention U. D. C. be paid; second, that Children of the Confed eracy be represented at future con ventions; third, that chapter taxes be rated for general and state organlza t!ons under one item, making assess ment of 20 cents per member; fourth, that Miss Stiles, regent of Georgia room at Richmond, be made honorary president of Georgia division. Philadelphia Magnate Dead M “ * ■ 'W ' If i 9 ..." I. 4 w-' / ■ *’ I Pfw ; L 1 Hi jr “at "N S: ' i V- . ■ *B L ' 1 I *7 '•» i Wfc . i i W- - ■ Jt* . """"R™ 7 Peter A. B. Widener, strongest financial power in Pholidelphia ,a city in which milloinalres are common, is dead in his eighty-first year. Mr. Widener, who began life as an humble butcher, was a member of that street railroad combination made up of William C. Whitney and Thomas F. Ryan, of New York, and W. L. Elkins, Thomas Dolan and himself, of Philadelphia which controlled the street railway systems In Philadel phia, New York and other cities. This was the great'ast combination of street railroad men the United States has yet produced. Each made a for tune. and Widener died worth $60,000,000. He spent large sums on foreign pictures, buying more of them than any other American millionaire, ex cept J. P. Morgan, it is said. i She Wears the Mutual Smile V" t»W: <&; • ' V . ' ;I. y, | K if > V,' '‘ < J Francelia Billington, Reliance (Mutual) Studios. Francelia Billington, young, talented and beautiful, is one of the most popu lar of the many stars on the Mutual program. In her latest appearance, as co-star with Ralph Lewis, in "Father and Son,” a three part Reliance drama released on the regular Mutual pro gram, Miss Billington delivers one of the most dramatic portrayals ever screened. Thtee Fine Photo Plays 1 his Wesk at Ihe Opera House Manager Dudley has just returned from Atlanta, where he has been in the interest of the Opera House, book ing photo plays the past week. He has landed some choice pictures for the patrons of the Opera House for this week as well as for the week to come. Three swell offerings for the current week are “Vendetta,” from the novel by Marie Correlli, in 5 parts, Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. On Thursday William Fox presents Betty Manson, The Royal Actress, in her first made in America photoplay, “The Celebrated Scandal.” Miss Nansen is the star of the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. She has been decorated by Kings and Emperors. In “The Celebrated Scandal.” Miss Nan sen’s role in this production gives full scope to her powers of emotional ex pression. . Friday, Nov. 26th. 5 thrilling acts of realism, romance and vital human-in terest are shown in “The Woman Fays,” featuring Valli Valli with Ed ward Brennan and Marie Empress. Manager Dudley saw this one person ally and can vouch for it. Valli Valli will be remembered here in the picture "The High Road,” in which she made a great hit. Try to see them all, they are worth five times the money asked. They certainly please in other cities, why not Americus? THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER SCHNEIDER MARBLE GO. ASKS FORA CHARTER The Schneider Marble Co., the mem bers of the firm being E. C., E. E. and H. S. Schneider, have applied for a charter, the capitalized tsock stated as $20,000, with the privilege of increas ing to SIOO,OOO. W. A. Dodson is rep resenting the petitioners as their at torney. This concern is well known in Amer icus business and has a wide reputa tion in their work. Hazel Dawn Triumphs In Screen Drama of Love And Social Intriguz The fascinating, youthful star, Hazel Dawn, whose unusual screen successes ir. “One of Our Girls” and “Niobe” re cently actuated the Famous Players Film Co. to induce her to abandon the stage permanently and devote all her time to a series of important photo plays, returns to the screen at the Alcazar Monday in an elaborate photo production of Ronald MacDonald’s famous story o f love amid the intrig ues of high society, “Gambier’s Advo cate,” in which she will portray the charming and powerful character of Clarissa. This latest production of the Famous Players Film Co, on tbe Paramount Program provides Miss Dawn with the greatest screen vehicle she has had so far for the expression of her charming capabilities as an emotional ingenue star. The role of Clarissa exceeds by far the dramatic value of her last charac terization, “Niobe,” in which she at-■ tained an undisputed degree of success I and which should therefore be consid erably surpassed in her present im personation. Clarissa proceeds through the drama never losing or decreasing her firm hold on the interest of the audience, maintaining its constant sympathies and emerging at last triumphant and vindicated. Hazel Dawn, with her sparkling charm, her irresistible vivacity, her captivating alertness and gracefuly activity,, makes of the character of Clarissa a thor oughly fascinating creature, imbubed with the fires of youth, the Impulses of love, and the devotional faith ofg a true woman. Miss Dawn is ably supported by a sterling cast, including James Kirk-1 wood, who directed the production asj Stephen Gambier. Fuller Mellish, Dor othy Bernard, Robert Broderick, and the noted stage favorite, Maude Odell. Don't fail to see it. w HOFFMAN BROS. a EARLY SEASON MONEY-SAVING SALE! And right now at the very height of the season of supply we are do ing the greatest service for our customers with a series of sales all over the store the more interesting for giving our public what they want when when they want it at a saving in prices. All next week we put cn sale a lot of nicely Fur Trimmed Ladies’ Coat Suits, in all Wool Poplin, well tailored, regular S2O 0V to $35.00 val ues at these two exceptionally attractive prices ui $13.95 and $17.95 A nice lot of Lacies’ and Misses TiiQt Rprpivpd Sport Coats, in black and white „.• J . ( T .. , c . n o checks and stripes, the seasons latest osbrpment of Ladies Silk Poplin styles, regular $8 to $12.50 values,at Dresses, pretty designs and of at these two wonderful prices of si s oo e fo“r PPearanCe ' h “ P $4.98 and $6.48 $4.98 Ladies’ Skirts, the very latest styles and materials w ill be sold 1-3 of regular price. Men’s and Boy’s clothing, consisting of fine all w 00l Serges and fancy Worsteds, will be offered at stunning reduced prices. COME AND BE CONVINCED HOFFMAN BROTHERS THE STORE THAT SELLS HP TO BATE MERCHANBISE fOR LESS MONEY Jfi 116 Cotton Avenue :: / :: Americus, Ga. HR CONVENTION OF I SUNDAY SCHOOLS THIS AFTERNOON I SUMTER COUNTY SCHOOLS MEET AT FIRST METHODIST. i District Convention No. 1 of Sumter ! County Schools will be held at First Methodist church, beginning this af ternoon. The public is invited, and the following program will be pre sented: Convention called to order by Presi dent H. E. Allen, with song, by con gregation. Prayer by J. A. Thomas. Scripture erading by audience. Leading the class to Christ, by D. W. i Sims, General Secretary of the Geor gia Sunday School Association. The Banner Sunday School, by T. F. Gatewood. How we stand today. Marking the schools of the Division. Chart to show how many of the Banner Points each school has attain ed. Conducted by D. W. Sims, General Secretary. The one best thing our school is do ing—two minutes statement from some representative from each school. Adjourn. Music for the occasion will be furn ished by Senior and Junior Sunday ' School Choirs, led by Mrs. Mary Kate Heys. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford’s Black-Draught. McDuff. Va.—*'l suffered for several /ears,” says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ol this place, ‘‘with sick headache, and ctomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Fhedford’s Black-Draught, which 1 did, md 1 found it to be the best family medi cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the lime now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught is purely vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, neadache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It has been in constant use for more I lhan 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends Hack-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a jackage to-di y. n, C 523 EXAMFORFOUHTH ■L CARRIER W DECEMBER 11 The fourth rural route out from Americus has been secured, as an nounced exclusively in the Times-Re- I corder several weeks ago. I The following notice of examination for the position of carrier has been ! made by the post-office department of the government in connection with the civil service: The United States Civil Service Com mission has announced an examination for the County of Sumter, Georgia, to be held at Americus on December 11, 1915, to fill the position of motor rural carrier at Americus and vacancies that may later occur on motor rural routes, from post offices in the above-mention ed county. The salary on motor routes ranges from $1,500 to SI,BOO per annum. The examination will be open only to male citizens who are ac tually domiciled in the territory sup plied with mail by a post office in the county and who meet the other re quirements set forth in Forms 2121 and 1977. Form 2121 may be seen posted at any post office in the county for which the examination is held, and Form 1977 and application blanks may be obtained frqm the offices at which the vacancy exists and where the ex amination is to be held, or from the United. States Civil Service Commis sion at Washington, D. C. The ap pointee to this position will be requir e-.l to furnish, maintain, and operate a modern motor vehicle with a carrying capacity of not less than 800 pounds and a cubic capacity of not less than 80 feet. Applicants must file with their applications a statement of the j equipment they will be able to provide in the event of appointment. Appdica • tions should be forwarded to the Com mission at Washington, D. C., at the earliest practicable date. SUNDAY’S TIMES-RECORDER In AN ADVERTISING FEATURE. Reau every fine of the advertising. | ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦■re *■'>*♦♦♦*■ ♦ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ All advertising copy requiring ♦ ♦ two columns of space or less ♦ ♦ should be in the business office ♦ ♦ not later than eight o’clock morn- ♦ ♦ ing of issue in order to insure ♦ ♦ prompt Insertion. All copy for ♦ 4- space of more than two columns * + should be submitted not later ♦ ♦ than 6 o’clock of the day prior to ♦ ♦ date of issue. ♦ ♦ THE TIMES-RECORDER. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PAGE NINE “XORA” Li but a foretaste of the quality that lies in all the Manta Rosa Line. The line with foreign quality at American prices. Get the MANTA ROSA HABIT and you may be sure your toilette is just right and you know what a com fort that is! To be properly perfumed Is an essential just as it is to be prop erly gowned. Eatn the distinction of being BOTH! Say MANTA ROSA and and get QUALITY. Hooks’ Pharmacy A REAL BEAUT) WAS ARRESTED IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 20.—One of the I pettiest women ever seen in Atlanta was arrested at the Southeastern fair yesterday as she tried to secret a valuable piece of exehibit embroidery in her muff. She was tali, statuesque in propor tions and magnificently dressed. The county officers who made the arrest carried her before the fair authorities aud asked what they should do. Th<i officers decided that it would be test to escort the woman will never be known whether she was a professional thief or a real lady who succumbed to an irresistible kleptomaniac impulse. P • Leland Benham, One of the Juvenile Mutual Stars. This handsome little fellow is Leland Benham, better known ns leading man with little Helen Badgley of the Than houser (Mutual) Studios. His most re cent appearance was as co-star with bls dainty “opposite” in “The Spirit of Audubon,” a bird lore playlet of irre sistible appeal. Leland is only seven years old: but. nevertheless, enjoys a wide popularity as a star of the silent drama. Leland's latest rtivitse is as the lead in “The Little Captain of the Scouts.” released in the regular Mutual program Nov. 0.