Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. Model of Stone Mountain Made By Sculptor and Plans Laid For Huge D. of C. Memorial The Stone Mountain Confederate memorial which provides for sculp ture on the mountain side on a scale surpassing anything else in history, beside which the pyramids and othei ancient monuments will appear almost insignificant, is getting into a definite status. Actual developments are ex pt cted after the first of the year. Surveys have already been made of tilemountain, and Gutzon Borglum, the the sculptor ,has made a model of the monument in scale. Lawyers are now working on the papers which will con- i vey from the Venable family to the ' monument association the perpetual use of the mountain. A subscription campaign will be started early next year. This, it is ex- • pected, will be national in scope. With-I cut any solicitation at all, men in the east have promised to give SIOO,OOO. Mr. Borghum’s original estimate fig- ’ ured the cost of the work at S2,(J)O,- ' 000.. After consultation with expert quarryman, he has reduced that esti mate by about $400,000. Mr. Borglum has just returned to New Yorkk from a visit to S. H. Vena ble. He intends to make speeches be fore various Southern societies in the ' » * east, setting forth the plan. Later on state campaigns will be started by the various Confederate organizations. I It is hoped to raise a large part of t ie necessary amount in the South, al though the whole nation will be in- j terested. The sculpture will depict the , war from a Southern standpoint. Mention has already been made of the plan’s details. Figures forty or ' fifty feet high, representing the South- ! crn generals and marching regiments' showing the Confederate and Union - armies, will be carved out of the moun-j tain granite. These will be visible for! miles. j In addition there will be thirtet\i columns carved out of the mountain, these representing the original states. Behind them, enclosed in heavy plate glass, will be rooms for each state, hollowed from the granite. The plans also provide for an exten sive park around the mountain, in which there will be additional statues showing the military leaders of the c vil war. The work will be done a section at a time, in three sections, its completion ’ requiring eight years. Aside from its historic and artistic value, the memorial would pay for it self in making Atlanta and Georgia a mecca for tourists. Mr. Borglum says that nature, fn providing a mountain of granite, has done more for Georgia in a monumen tal way than any other slate he knows i about. C. of Ga.Ry “The Right Way” Trains Arrive. From Chicago, via Columbus * 1:15 a in From Columbus *10:00 a m| From Columbus I 7:10 p m| From Atlanta and Macon 5:29 am ( From Macon * 2.10 p in i From Macon * 7.30 p m | From Albany ...*0:38 a ml From Montgomery and Albany * 2:05 p ig From Montgomery and Albany J0:39 p in From Jacksonville via Albany . * 3:45 a m Trains Dtpart For Chicago via ColumbUs * 3:45 -a m For Columbus I 8:00 a m For Columbus * 3:00 p m For Macon * 0:38 a ml For Macon and Atlanta ...2:05 p M For Macon and Atlanta. . .*10:39 p ft| For Montgomery and Albany * 5:29 ft nr For Montgomery and Albany * 2:10 p in' For Albany * 7:30 p m ’ For Jacksonville, via Albany * 1:15 a in •Daily. ’Except Sunday. <lvtv. J. E. HWHTOWEB. Agent. COAL COAL COAL HARROLD BROTHERS Exclusive agenis for the original Montevallo “The Worlds Best Coal” $7.00 per ton Blue Gem Jellico, next best, $6 50 TELEPHONE 2 HENRY FORD IS A CLOWN, SAYS A. 0. PARKER NEW YORK, Dec. 6.—Former Judge Alton B. Parker issued a typewritten statement here concerning the sail ing of the Ford peace party. He said: I “If we could only be sure that all other nations would estimate him as we do—as a clown strutting the stage , for a little time—no harm would come , of it.” I The statement follows: I "In common with many others, 1 have deemed it impossible that an un- ' informed man, exploited by those who i would fatten on his millions, would i venture abroad proclaiming the right , to speak for our people in a critical international situation. We are now I confronted with the sailing of Mr. Ford and his party and he still persists. The time has come for the people to . let him know that under our govern ment the president is authorized by . tie people to speak for them, or desig , nate who shall. I “Ford’s ignorance and conceit em . boldened him to seek the honor and power of such a designation, coupled I with the president’s blessing, which, • according to Ford, was denied him. I “Still he persists, and at last has 1 secured the blessing of a former cab : iaet member, which he has published J broadcast. > “If we could only be sure that all i other nations would estimate him as ,w e do—as a clown strutting on the • stage for a little while —no harm could | come of it, but we have no such assur- I ance. The chances are that his antics will be taken seriously and that they will tend to bring us into contempt, if ■ rot hatred. “His program of summoning the troops from the trenches by wireless is leading to serious discussion abroad. The possibilities of worse absurdities in the near future is shown by the antics and mouthings of the past two weeks. The people and press of this country should tell him to stay at heme and the government should re voke his passport and those of his guests.” HAD BRONCHIAL ASTHMA i i SO BADLY MAN COULD NOT LIE ! DOWN— CURED BY VINOL. For years and years we have been ! telling the people of Americus that Vi nol is a wonderful remedy for bron chial troubles. Here is positive proof: Tilden, 111. “For five years I suf fered from bronchial asthma. In the winter time I was obliged to sit in a Morris chair all night, as I could not lie down, owing to that dreadful , choking sensation. I tried nearely | i every known remedy, but nothing ■ | gave me any relief until one day I i met the station agent at Willisville, | 111., and he said he had been a suf i serer for years, but had been cured iby Vinol. I at once commenced to take it, and the result is my cough 'is gone, my appetite has improved, find I can lie down and sleep all night, and my experience leads me to be lieve that Vinol Is a certain remedy for bronchial asthma.” John H. Con dell, Tilden, 111. The reason that cough syrups fail iin such cases is because they are I piliative only, while Vinol removes j the cause, being a constitutional rem-; edy In which are combined the heal ' iiig elements of fresh cod livers, to gether with tonic iron and beef pep (tone. It strengthens and revitalizes th e entire system and assists nature tc expel the disease. Hooks’ Phar macy, Amerricus, Ga. j The Store With the Christmas Spirit And : : Hundreds of Wonderful Values j • bo Your Christmas Shopping Early. Get Best Selections and • • Avoid the Rush. 2 • ; • Suits, Shoes, Dress Goods, Millinery and Ready-to Wear for All ; 2 'MSI " in Christmas • 2 • L Boxes S 2B \ \ Hosiery 2 2Sm \ Waists 2 ® JSw vU You know for sure that you are go- Handkerch’ts • • IjhSSLJ /iBSbP/ /^/ J * n g to iOts Christmas goods. lies * 2 jw 1 ben do not put off buying your holi ' initia| h ™ d -2 2 x TiHI dav needs and your hoiiday presents, kerchiers, pure linen, ! X'. / ' all letters a • O ur l* nes are now com Pl ete ’ NOW you • • J can be sure to get what you want—later 25c J • you may not. NOW the price is as g low as it will be. NOW you can shop ad y a s ck K,d nd G • | a ano with comfort and save yourself the and white stitched * | XmVOi Christmas “crush.” nr J • —— • | Visit Our Store Every Day. Lots of New Things to Show you. • 2 816.50 to $20.00 815 Fur Trimmed Cut Price Sale on 2 Suitsnow 814.95 Suits for $11.95 Newest Millinery • 2 These suits are the geratest values Big lot of these suits just received. See these great values we are offer- roMI © They are made of Poplin in all the ing this week. NCW I vOt Ot ollK ’ J ve ever offered, every one o fthem lea(Jjng colorg an(J very best gtyleSj • © made over the most up-to-date mod- and extraordinary volues for $11.95 $7.50 ready trimmed hats now $5.95. DrCSSCS ® . ... - S6OO ready trimmed hats now $4.50. a • els, from extra good quality Poplin j n a y yery lategt c() i ors an( i V Special lot of good style Serge trimmed hats now $3.95. £ 9 all the leading colors with fur and suUs jn extra goo(J quality> tQ close '’ ' y styles, a real $20.00 value, to go spec- J braid trimming in all sizes ...$14.95 out this week at ....■s9-98 *3.50 ready trimmed hats now $2.50. iul for $13.95. * 2 TUST RECEIVED- The newest style Broadcloth suits v\ ith the long, wide flarring coats, trimmed io real Coney Pur; colors, black, £ J ' brown and nine, to go special during this week at J 2 J j s; ™ x. CHURCHWELL’S DEPARTMENT STORE ™s: • and deliver them w fiPOßfilA 2 2 HELPS YOU TO SAVE A « ANOTHER WEEK OF DEVELOPMENT IN DIXIE BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. 6.—The Manufacturers Record reports that; £ieat enterprise of far-reaching im-j portance are following fast one upon i another in the South, indicating that| this section is catching step to the n usic of progress which is being heard j throughout the land. The Federal Dyestuff & Chemical Co., headed by the Du Pont interests and other leading capitalists, previous ly reported as to build a large plant at. Kingsport, Tenn., has been organized ! in New York with a capital stock of I $'.5,000,000 and has secured a 200-acre! site at Kingsport, and will construct buildings at once for the making of dyestuffs and picric acid. It is report ed that the company has already sold its entire output of picric acid for 1916 to a foreign Government. The Poole Engineering & Machine| Co. of Baltimore has been incorporat- I ed with a capital stock of $3,000,000 to succeed the company of the same name which has been in operation for nearly three-quarters of a century. This company has secured contracts for munitions of war amounting to THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER $17,785,000, and is spending about SBOO,OOO in the enlargement of its plant in order to fill these heavy ord ers. The Newport News Shipbuilding & Diydock Co. has secured contracts for , four additional big ships, which makes the aggregate amount of ship ■ work now under way at that yard , about $30,000,000. The Southern Munitions Corporation I has been organized with a capital : stock of $500,000 at Anniston and leas je l a big car-building plant at taht ' point to carry out the contract for es f. blishing a munition-making indus try, having orders for 50,000 shells for the English army. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. has awarded a contract at about sl,- 500,000 for a coal pier at Baltimore, to ! be 700 feet long and to have an annual ; capacity for handling 10,000.000 tons of coal. The Freeport Sulphur Co., Freeport, Tex., contemplating enlarging its an nual output of sulphur from 200,000 to 400,000 tons, and has begun founda tions fpr additional boilers to have an aggregate of about 16,000 horse-power. The Monarch Cotton Mills, Union S. C„ will add about 11,000 spindles and , other equipment at a cost of about $275,000. Marion Extract Co. has purchased a 10-acre site at Chattanooga, Tenn., on which to build a $150,000 plant for manufacturing tannic acid. The Peerless Block Coal Co. has been organized to develop 1500 acres >f coal land at Hazard, Ky., to have a daily output of 1500 tons. i The Hess Steel Co., recently organ . ized at Baltimore with a capital stock |of $1,500,000 to build electric steel- , making plant, has awarded contract for furnace and machine buildings. The Lutcher & Moore Lumber Co., I Orange. Tex., has prepared plans for a new mill with a dailv capacity of from I ! 200,000 to 250,000 feet of lumber. ' The Port Commissioners, New I Orleans, awarded contract of nearly $200,000 for wharf for the municipal grain elevator now under construction. > This wharf will be over 1300 feet long. I From all parts of the South there i are reported many other industrial and : business enterprises, large and small, , indicating a constantly expanding de- - velopment throughout that section. • The iron market has made a further - advance in price, with increasing de i n.and for pig-iron. The lumber in- OLDEST WOMAN IN ILLINOIS 103 DECEMBER 13 METROPOLIS, 111., Dec. 6.—" Aunt” Betty Storey, who resides at Browns ’ ville, near here, will be 103 years old December 13. She is the oldest resident in south ern Illinois, and probably the oldest ■ ip the state. Mrs. Storey lived here when Illinois was a territory. Her health is good and her mind clear. She delights to • tell of the early days of the state and 1 and recalls when this section of Illi -1 ■ nois was a wilderness. I On her last birthday she received I i.early 3,500 postcards from her friends I and acquaintances from all parts of j the country. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA i I TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary i Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor , ringing in head. Remember the full name and I look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. ■ tcrests are busier than for several • years, and similar conditions prevail - in many lines of industry. PAGE THREE IA Tonic For I Christms a ■ Shopping I COCA COLA H A bottle of invigorat* fl ing Coca Cola relieves || the strain and fatigue U of a busy day I U is the ideal 9 so delicious, pure and 9 harmless. A case of || it in your home is not I only a luxury, but a necessity. 5C EVERYWHERE 5c AMERICUS COCA COH BOHLING CO. .1. T. WARREN. Mgr.