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MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915. MONEY Remember when you want to borrow money on your improved farm on long time that I can get it for you at Six per cent interest. The contract cairy with them the privilege of paying SIOO, or any multiple there of, or of taking up entire loan, on anv interest day, without bonus. J. J. HANES!EY Lamar Street Americus, :: Georgia You may have good safe Insurance but until you get a Union Centra) Policy you haven’t the best It is best because it gives you all that is good in I ife Insur rance protection, and gives it to you for less iINION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. JLEE M. HANSFORD, General Agent. Room 18, Planters Bank Blag. Ifhe Great! Dividend Payer r, MONEY TO LEND We are in position to obtain money on farm lands in Sumter county promptly at reasonable rates. If you desire a loan call on or write us. las. 11. £ Jahn H Fort Planters Bank Building. F. and A. M. A Americus lodgi F. and A. M. meets ev -P* ery Second and Fourtt Friday night at > / 1 o’clock. S. A. JENNINGS, W M CLOYD BUCHANAN, Sec’y. M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. and A. M tea A meetß ever y First Friday night* *t, Visiting urothersc U viced to attend. W F. SMITH, W. M NAT LeMASTER. Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, W«»ODM®I OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in th* Wheatley Bldg., Windsor Ave. All via Sting Sovereigns invited to meet with us. J. M. TOBIN, C. C. NAT LeM ASTER, Clerk. WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 14, P. 0. S. OF A. Meets on Thursday niguts, Wheat ley Building, at 7:30 o’clock. All mem bers are urged to attend. Visitor* welcomed. E. F. WILDER, Pres't. O. D. REESE, Recording Sec’y. NAT LeMASTER. Financial Sec’y. I. 0. 0. F. Meets every Tuesday night at o’clock. K. of P. Hall. Visitors a) ways welcome. R. W. BUCHANAN, S. H. EDGE, Noble Grand Secretary. C. P. DAVIS, Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. R’ fi dent Phone 218. Office Phone 813 Allison Bldg. DR- M. H. WHEELER, Dentist Office in Bell Bldg., Lamar St. Juit opposite Postoffice. Iftice Phone 785. Residence Phone 28$ F. G. OLVER Sewing Machines and Supplies; Key snd Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repaired and Covered. LAMAR STREET NEAR WELL. “miss BESSIE WINDSOR • • Insurance . . Fire, Accident and Bonds, Of fice Forsyth St. ’Phone 313 | ftMERIGUS SHOWS GALAX THEATRE. MONDAY. “Traitors To Their King’’—4 part Drama. “Safety First”—l reel. TUESDAY. “In Humble Guise” —2 part Drama. “She’s a Pippin”—l Reel Comedy. “Horse Breeding”—Educational WEDNESDAY. “The Bungalow Bungle”—2 parts. “Tricks of Fate” —2 part Drama. THURSDAY. “In the Mesh of the Net” —3 part Drama. /“Soaking the Clothes” —1 Reel Comery. FRIDAY. Look for Special Feature. SATURDAY. “The Tom Boy”—2 part Drama. "Ringer for Mars” —2 reel Comedy. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY. “Bringing Up Father.” ‘ TUESDAY* “Anthonk and Cleopatra." WEDNESDAY. Lyceum Attraction. THURSDAY. “Wormwood.” FRIDAY. “Barbara Frietchie.” SATURDAY. “The Sins of the Mother.” ALCAZAR. MONDAY. Mary Pickford in “Little Pal”—s Reel Paramount Picture. TUESDAY. Last Episode Diamond From the Sky. Eyes that See Not.—3 Reel Essanay Drama. WEDNESDAY. Helen Holmes in “Substitute Fire man.” ‘“When Wifie Sleeps”—Comedy. “The Wanderer.” THURSDAY. Maud Allen in “The Rugmaker’s Laughter.”—s Reel Paramount Pic ture. FRIDAY. “Neal of the Navy, Chapter 7. “The Crooked Path.”—3 reel Drama “The Broken Coin.” Chapter 19. SATURDAY. “The Kidnapped Stockbroker.” 2 part Vitagraph Drama. “The Taking of Mustang Pete.” ATUNTA PEN WILL UWE FAMOUS SOESTS ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 6.—That the Atlanta federal prison is today hous ing and nearly always has in the past, more nation-famous people than all the hotels and private residences of Atlanta combined, is again strikingly stown by he announcement that Karl Buenz ana the other big bugs of the Hamburg-American line will spend the next year and a half there. If a cm rent historian were to take a bird’s eye view of Atlanta with re gard to getting up an encyclopoedic "Who’s "A ho” in America, about the only real material he would find would be at the prison. Also there are about as many mil lionaires out on the hill as guests of Uncle Sam as you can find walking free around the streets. Among the many men who have been in the Atlanta prison whose names are familiar words in America stand out Charles W. Morse, Julian Hawthorne, Lupo, the Wolf, Greene and Gaynor—but why miltiply the lift? NOTICE. The registration books for the current year will close on December lltli, 1915. Please make your applica tion for registration either In person or writing before that date, by so do- Ing jon will avoid any possibility of [ not being able to vote next year, by ■ registering before the 11th day of De cember you will be registered for twelve months. H. W. WEAVER, log-ts Clerk and Treasurer. I 450 PEDESTRIHNS KILLED IN 1815 ON N. I. STREETS NEW YORK, Dec. 6.—To decrease the number of pedestrians killed by ve hicles in the city streets, of whom there have been 450 thus far this year, Police Commissioner Woods today is- I sued a list of “don’t” directed to both I pedestrians and drivers. Some of his suggestions to chauffeurs are: Don’t imagine that you are a care ful driver, because you shout or toot your horn at a pedestrian crossing in front of you. Don’t forget that the pedestrian also is permitted to use the roadway. Don’t forget that children must play sometimes in the streets. Be ready to stop instantly if one runs in front of you. Don’t fail to slow down at cross ings. Don’t race home after your day’s work. . Don’t fail to examine your brakes oc casionally. Don’t leave an automobile unguarded so that a child can start it. To pedestrians the commissioner rec immended: Don’t vascillate on the approach of a vehicle. Act normally. Don’t forget that the proper place to cross the street is at the crossing. Don’t day-dream while crossing the street; you are liable to wake up in a hospital. WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND. Nature has provided women with ex tremely delicate organs, so sensitive that they become disordered for the slightest causes, and the least disturb ance is likely to prove serious. It is therefore every woman’s highest duty to take care of these organs. At the slightest sign of any of those dis orders, known generally as Female Troubles, they should be stopped imme diately before great pain and probably permanent injuries result. The most splendid remedy for all dis eases of women is SQUAW NERVA TUM, the simple, harmless vegetable remedy, that contains none of the chem icals or harmful ingredients. It curet quickly, painlessly and thoroughly. Every woman should demand the right to health and happiness that SQUAWNERVATUM brings. So inor der to put the first bottle of this great medicine within the reach of all, we make on the coupon below an unusually GENEROUS OFFER; This Coupon and 45c is good for a full SI bottle of SquawNervatuni at HOWELL’S PHARMACY, Americus, Ga. Manufactured exclusively by RUSH MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, G • Photographs as Christmas Gifts Stand Supreme The simple gift that | lends the touch of friendship without the embarrassment of an obligation. Make your appointme’t NOW . The McKinstry Studio 'Phone 621 .V M i ||, H U | ,l, in-n-irr--inx - f THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORD ER f Virginia cigarette tobacco is the best on earth —cigarette to bacco was born in Virginia. Only the choicest, mellowest Virginia is in Piedmonts —no wonder they are the biggest-selling cigarette in America. Try Piedmonts — today! rw- ttw wy-D/jL jTJT CIGARETTE OF QUALITY REV. A. B. SYKES DISCUSSES HIS WIFE’S TROUBLE MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL THINKS IT HIS DUTY TO MAKE STATE MENT ABOUT WONDERFUL CHANGE. It is seldom, indeed, that men of prominence, especially ministers of the gospel, willingly express their indebtedness publicly to a proprietary medicine. However, when a medicine obtains that singular purity and effi ciency that is shown by the uniform preparation, Tanlac, statements from our best citizens are to be considered thoroughly commensurate with t be good that is actually being accom plished. Rev. A. H. Sykes, pastor of the Wat kins Park Presbyterian church, Nash ville, Tenn., prominent not only as a minister of the gospel, but popular as a man and citizen who has been true to his friends and every trust ever reposed in him, said recently: “For the past ten months Mrs. Sykes has been in very delicate health, suf fering from bad stomach and kidney troubles, which gradually developed into a general nervous breakdown. At times her condition became alarming, ard I frequently sought medical ad vice, but nothing we could do for her seemed to bring relief. “In fact, she suffered so long and so much that I feel it my duty to let ( everyone know what this medicine has done for her. For several months her condition was such that she had to re main in bed, and as a last resort. I I decided to let her try Tanlac. "I am a conservative man and have always been skeptical regarding the use of proprietary medicines, but this case, has certainly proven an excep tion. I am now firmly convinced that Tanlac is a medicine of great power and extraordinary merit. I do not think I have ever seen anything to give such prompt results. Mrs. Sykes had taken only two-thirds of a bottle of this medicin e when we began to no tice a marked improvement in her con ’ dition. In less than week from the < time she began taking it she was able to sit up and is today able to help with the household duties. Before she > began taking Tanlac she had fearful ■ pains in her side, and suffered con- < stantly from sour stomach and indl i gestion and was intensely nervous, j These distressing symptoms, I am ’ thankful to say, have entirely disap peared, her appetite has returned and ' she seems to relish everything she eats. She sleeps better and is gaining 1 strngth and flesh rapidly. I think it only a question of a short time until ’ her health is fully restored. “Tanlac has certainly proven a re markable remedy in hen case and will do all you claim it. I cheerfully rec ommend it to my friends.” ‘ Tanlac is sold exclusively in Amer icus by Alien's Drug and Seed Store. Tanlac is sold exclusively in Leslie by Leslie Drug Co. ATLfiNTA 53H00LS WILL BE BUT BN DEC. 17 ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 6.—Atlanta’s ' public schools will adjourn for the Christmas holidays this year on De cember 17, and will resume work Jan uary 3. The announcement has been hailed with delight by more than 25,- I” A- - children as it means their vaca tion will be longer than in past years. Perfect Duties* Gentleness and cheerfulness, these come before all mortality; they are the perfect duties. If your morals make you dreary, depend upon it they are wrong. Ido not say give them up, for they may be all you have, but conceal them like a vice, Inst they should spoil the Ilves of better and simpler people. :| - Stevenson. HERBERT HAWKINS Insurance and Surety Bonds Specialty—Autos at 2 per ct. Planters Bank Building • ’Phone No. 186 DR. R. M. WILLIAMSON VETERINERY SURGEON Hospital Accommodations for Horses. Mules and Dogs Jffice and Hospital, Hampton St. near Ball Park, TELEPHONE - - ' - 235 ■nriiliiiiiiiiiililiiiiM THE ALLISON UNDERTAKING COMPANY . . . FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS . Das Phones Night Phones 253 80 and 106 J. H. BEARD, Director, Americus, Ga I GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS USEFUL ELECTRICAL DEVICES Curling Irons. Electrical Portable Reading Lamps Boudoir Lamps, Electric Percolators, Electric Toys, Study Lamps. A new lighting fixture for the parlor or dining room is a most acceptable gift. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Levy-Morton Company MANTELS : GRATES : ULF PAGE SEVEN