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PAGE TWO “Silent Assassian”of Albany and His Weapon J ftW MJ // gl I nail J&to I lits Sil jy JES fi i 1— —ir-- ■■■■ —r 77 W 'J |Z ■*«! I s*\ Tarold L. Sererly, the “silent assassin" of Albany, who shot four persons before he was caught, is be lieved to be insane. The weapon is a Stevens single shot pocket rifle of 22- •tlibre with a butt about ten inches long, which, with the silencer farrow indicates silencer) attached, made it about eighteen inches all told. There eould be attached a skeleton detach able stock. He had attached the Maxim silencer to the end of the bar rel and then rigged up a wire atach ment at the end of the latter which when pressed would pull the trigger. Kis rigging up of the weapon was a clever idea. Two straps were a attched to the rifle near the butt. These were put about the arm an J ttld the weapon so the end of the silencer came within about an inch of protruding from Severly’s coat sleeve. He could walk along swing ing his arm, raise it up, pull the little wire connecting the trigger, and PREPAREDNESS KAY-LAX Mr. Wise prepares for the onslaught of his enemy "The Array of Dis ease with the proper defense— KAY-LAX KAY LAX cleans the liver, stomach and bowels; aiding digestion, relieving sour stomach, constipation, colds, biliousness, headaches. For men, women and children. Endorsed by chemists—every bottle guaranteed. For sale by HOOKS’ PHARMACY The Profit-Sharing Drug Store Open All Night. THREE THROUGH TRAINS - TO - Cincinnati AND POINTS NORTH LV. MACON: 2:05 p. in. 5:35 p. m. 3:40 a. in. AR. CINCINNATI 8:10 a. m. 11:40 a. in. 9J5 p. m. Connections for all Points North SLEEPING CABS BINlNfi CARS COACHES Southern Railway the bullet would be on its way. He, could only fire one shot at a time. To load the rifle again, all Severly had to do was to take a cartridge from his pocket, put hig hand in his coat as though to pull up his other shirt sleeve, i: sert the cartridge, cock the piece, which was then ready for execution at th'- pull of the wire atachment. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the city of Americus, said state and county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In March, 1916, the following described property, to-wit: “One five passenger Ford automobile, seats and baxiks re covered.” Levied on and will be sold as the property of H. C. Arrington, to satisfy a certain city court fifa, issued from the city court of Americus, in favor of Americus Automobile Co. vs. H C. Arrington. This Ist day of February, 1916. LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff Sumter County, Ga. THE AMERICUS DAILY ENGLISH WILL NSK ANOTHER WAR CREDIT (Continued From Page 1.) n formidable numbers of being sent , into Mesopotamia, and heavy fightin~ in that region is now anticipated. Along the western front there is lit-I tie to report. The long-range artillery duel going on there during ten days ■ or more, continues without decrease in violence, but neither army has materially altered its position as a re sult of the fighting. British Cruiser Sunk. LONDON, Feb. 14. —The British cruiser Arethusa struck a mine off the east coast of England, according to! an onnouncement given out by the offl-1 rial press bureau today. It is fearer' tbfc warship will prove a total loss.’ Most of the crew were saved, only about ten lives being lost in the disas ter. French Boat Torpedoed. PARIS, Feb. 14.—Reports of the loss of the French cruiser Admiral Char-] ner, said to have been sunk by a sub-1 marine, while patrolling the Syrian ’ coast in the Mediterranean Sea, are confirmed today by the French min-1 istry of marine. Information has ■ reached the ministry of the picking up j ■ci one raft bearing one live sailor and the bodies of fourteen members of the 1 crew of the Admiral Charner. The raft was picked up off the Syrian coast by a patrol vessel. Report From London. LONDON, Feb. 14. —Along the west ern front the most intense fighting is ir. progress in the Artois district. The i Germans claim to have taken several i hundred yards of trenches there, and j northwest of Tahure. Three hundred j prisoners are also said to have been taken by the Teutons in this region. Four hundred yards of the Allied po sitions have been taken by the Ger mans in the Anersept region, where heavy fighting still continues. At other points along the whole of the west ern front infnatry attacks are going on. A report reaching London from Mi lan late today says several Austrian aeroplanes flew over a number of Ital ian cities today, dropping bombs. The total casualties inflicted are represent ed by six civilians killed and a dozen others hurt. The property loss is un stated. ANNOUNCEMENTS. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. The charge for announcements in this column is $5.00, payable in advance. This includes publica tion in the Weekly Times-Re corder, and at least twice a week in the Daily Times-Recorder un til the day of election.—EDlTOß. For Ordinary. To The Democratic Voters of Sum- jUMAGED iiOflDS ANO WORLD’S MUSEUM -OF— ANATOMY For men only commencing Tuesday, February 14th, at 7 P. M.. and lasting until Saturday, February 19th, inclus ive. The most instructice and educational exhibition. The first time in Ameri h us. Will exhibit at 212 Hamll Bldg., Cotton avenue. Don't fail to see it as this is the only exhibition of its kind traveling. In this museum you can learn and see more in twenty minutes than you have learned and seen in your lifetime. Every man, without fail, should come and see this wonder ful collection of anatomy museum. Friday For Ladies Only from 1 p. m. t:> 6 p. m. We are here for this week only. Open every day after the first night from 19 a m. to 10:30 p. m. Admission 15 cents .including lecture. j LACES! LACES! f ; LINEN AND VALS. ON SALE j : TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY i i 5c and 10c : I • lich have just < J eceh £ d a shipment of real Barmen and Smyrna Linen Laces and French and Eng- $ • lish Vais new patterns that are specially pretty, and all the old reliable patterns 5 • We have enough for the two days sale but to get (he choice patterns come early Tuesday morning J • One lot dainty Swiss Embroideries, matched sets, on sale,yd. 10c • • One lot Embroidered Voile and Lingerie Flounces HALF PRICE • • One lot Lace Insertion, per yard, 1c • | SEE WINDOW DISPLAY * • 77 > 9 i • Childicnsnew zC Childrens’ • • Wash Dresses Aprons s • 2SC TO $1.23 > A I* : • MEMBER AMERICUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ter County: I respectfully announce as a candidate for Ordinary of Sumt3r county, subject to the primary called for March loth, 1916. Thanking you for the confidence and support show n me in the past and assuring you that if elected I will give the same impar tial, fair, efficient and competent ser vice as I have always given you in the discharge of the duties of this honored and responsible office. Respectfully JOHN A. COBB. For Solicitor City Court. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of solicitor of the City Court of Americus, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, March 15th. C. R. WINCHESTER. For Solicitor City Court. I announce my candidacy for re election to the office of Solicitor of the City Court of Americus, subject t o the rules of the Democratic primary to be held on March lath. ZACH CHILDERS. For Solicitor City Court. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor of the City Court of the City of Americus, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary to be held on March 15th. T. 0. MARSHALL. For Clerk of Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Sumter county. If elected, Sam R. Heys will act as my Deputy, and we earnestly solicit the support of the people of the county and pledge a faithful perform ance of the duties pertaining to said office. Subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. E. ALLEN. For Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for sheriff of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary or March 15th. If the voters elect me to this office I will have Tom Sum mers as my deputy. We both will ap preciate the support of the voters of the county. Respectfully, LUCIUS HARVEY. For County Treasurer. I am a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Sumter county, subject to the action of the primary March the 15th. I respectfully solicit and will appreciate the support of the voters of the county. H. D. WATTS. For County School Superintendent. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of county school superintendent, subject to the Democratic primary March 15th. If the people see fit to elect me, I hope to continue in giving them my best ser vices. W. S. MOORE. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Tax Col lector of Sumter county, subject to the Democratic primary. I earnestly so licit support. Respectfully I. B. SMALL. I For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the Democratic pri mary on March 15, and ask the support of my friends and the voters. If elect 'd, I pledge my best efforts in the dis charge of the duties devolving on the office, and will greatly appreciate the support received from all. Respec fully. C. W. HENDERSON. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for Tax Receiver of Sumter couny, sub ject to the Democratic primary on March 15th. I will appreciate the support of the voters. A. E. LOCKETT. For Tax Receiver. I announce my candidacy for elec tion to the office of tax receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15th, and if elected to this office will give it my best attention. I will ap preciate anything my friends will do in my behalf. Respectfully, WILL H. CHAPPELL. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, March 15th. Will appreciate your vote, and it elected promise to fulfill the office to the best of my ability. J- P. (BUG) CHAPMAN. For Tax Receiver. I he-eby announce my candidacy for I Taax Receiver of Sumter county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15th. If elected, I promise my best services to the office. CHARLES M. WILLIAMS. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15, 1916. I will fill the position to the best of rny ability, should the people see fit to elect me. S. HUGH FERGUSON. For Tax Receiver. I am a candidate for the office of Tax receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, March 15th. I am thoroughly familiar with the duties of the office, having written up the digest for sev eral years, and if elected promise my very best services. If it carries any especial credit, I will state that I was a "Confederate soldier” two years. I make n o claim on this ground, as I feel that I merely did my duty, but knowing my competency, I do ask your vote on the ground of efficiency. W. C. GRAY. For Tax Receiver. I announce my candidacy for elec tion to the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action o" the Democratic primary on March 15th. I ask your support, and if thus honored, I will give to this important office my best care and attention. Re spectfully. (DOC) J. S. GLOVER. For County Commissioner. At the earnest solicitation of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commis-i slouer of Roads and Revenue of Sum-; ter County, subject to the Democratic! primary of March 15th, 1916. If elected, I will conscientiously perform the duties incumbent upon me to the* best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. N. A. RAY. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Sumter county, subject to the Democratic primary of March 15th, 1916. If elected I pledge myself tc perform the duties of the office to the very best of my ability. Your sup port is respectfully solicited. S. E. STATHAM. For County Commissioner. I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Sumter county, sub ject to the Democratic primary of March 15th. If elected, I will bring to ; Want Advertisements 11 ~ ■ ■■■■■■■■u.i ♦ RATES. ♦ One «-• ut a word each insertion. Minimum charge of 25c. No classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appear* < n our subscription books. AH adiertisements for “HELP or SITUATION « ANTED” will be in sorted one time free. When number of insertions exceed two weeks 3-4 cent a word. When number of insertions exceeds fonr weeks 1-2 cent a word. tOR SALL FOR SALE —Baby Maxwell; cheap for cash. Doctor Eldridge. 6-6 t VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE -679 acres good land in Terrell county at a bargain and on easy terms; in good state of cultivation, fair improve-. ments, etc. Ask for particulars. G. R.' Ellis. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE— -1252 acres good land in Calhoun county at cargain and on easy terms; good buildings, good sta’e of cultivation, flowii g artesian w’ell. Ask for partic ulars. G. R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. Try a WANT AD in the Times-Re. Carder. They pay big dividends WANTED—M isceilaneous WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY—But can do your work promptly at price that will suit. For work in electrical lines see us. TurneF'S’Giddings. Bell Bldg. IJ-tf WILL RENOVATE, furnish new tick and make old mattress new from $2.50 to $4.50. Pope Mattress Eo. Phone 120. The Want Ad means a quick return n anything you want. Try them once. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1916. the office my best efforts to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient man ner I respectfully solicit your sup port- E. L. WILSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held on March 15th. I solicit your support, pledging myself to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my ability, if elected. R. S. OLIVER. For County Commissioner. JOEL W. HIGHTOWER. For Coroner. To The Democratic Voters of Sum ter County: I announce as candidate for Coroner of Sumter county, under the rules of the primary of March 15th. I thank you for your past favors, and ask your support again for the office , ED JENKINS. LOANS made on farms at Six Per- Cent. Interest. J. J. Hanesley. WANTED— A wide-awake man as agent for Old Line Casualty Company. Monthly premium. Address P. J. Stilwell, Montezuma, Ga. FARM LOANS—at 6 per cent, inter, est. Terms satisfactory. R. f, May nard. FARM LOANS Can give good terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts PHONE 242, Turner & Giddings, and let them do your electrical work 13-ts FOR RENT FOR RENT—House on Church street. Phone Mrs. U. S. Haisten. 10-6 t FOR RENT—Six room house Branon Ave. Modern conveniences. Possession March Ist. Herbert Hawkins. 13tf FOR RENT—Small cottage, moder ate rent. Apply Mrs. Geo. Oliver. 13-ts lOR RENT— Nine room dwelling, re cently renovated, on Jackson street. Mrs. Geo. Oliver. 13-ts FOR RENT—Attractive bungalow home; Hancock street, near College. Reasonable rental. Immediate pos session. Apply Geo. D. Wheatley. 1-tl FOR RENT—House and lot 155 Tay lor street, now occupied by J. T, Stakes. See R. E. McNulty. 8-tl LOSI ■ LOST—AII red Stylo fountain pen. N. McFaden, care Hotel Windsor. It