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PAGE SIX .. EYES .. If you are in need of [glasses I can fit you. I grind my own lenses, and am in position to give you better service and at reasonable prices than any one else, 20 Years Experience Thomas L. Bell Jeweler and Optician Doings of The Market AMERICUS, Ga., Feb. 14—The Amer, icus spot farket continued steady with the following quotations: Fully good middling 11 5-8 c Good middling 11,3-So Middling 11c The Futures Market. The futures market opened at t he following quotations, and at noon were quoted: Open noon March 11.94 11.91 May 12.17 12.15 July 12.34 12.31 October 12.40 12.34 December 12.53 12.49 Closing Quotations. The market closed Monday at the following prices: -March 11.94 May 12.15 July 12.34 October 12.33 December 12.49 Hide and Rubber Market. Quotations made oy A. Cohen & Son, Americus. Per Lb. Tallow 05 Beeswax 22 G. S. Hides 14 Green Hides 12 Dry Safts 20 Dry Flints 22 Damaged Hides Half Price Rubber Prices. Boots and Shoes 07 Mixed Auto Tires 04c Solid Tires 03 THE BEST IN Everything Electrical CONTRACTING, SUPPLIES, FIXTURES Our Prices Right- Quality the Best Levy-Morton Co. 611 °. f The CARNIVAL GEORGE REYNOLDS SHOWS FURNISH ALL ATTRACTIONS AMERICUS, GEORGIXFEBRUARY 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th 10—BIG SHOWS-10 : 2—RIDING DEVICES-2 : FREE BALLOON ASCENSIONS ROYAL ITALIAN BAND - - - ONE SOLID WEEK OF FUN AND AMUSEMENT Bicycle Tires 01 l-4c Mixed Inner Tubes 08 Mixed Auto Peelings 05 Mixed White Sen p 06 White Wringers 05 Mixed Red Scrap 04 l-2c Mixed Black Scrap 01 Matting and Packing 00 l-2c Garden Hose 00 l-2c Cotton Fire Hose 01 Large Hose 00 l-4c N. H. RAY ENTERS COMMISSIONER RACE N. A. Ray, a well known Sumter county citizen, has announced his can didacy for county commissioner. He has been prominent in the affairs of the county and will r.eecive warm sup port from his friends. 1.0. SMALL IS FBHE-ELECTION I. B. Small announces his candidacy for re-election as tax collector of Sum ter county in todays’ issue of the I Tirnes-Recorder. He has made an effi cient officer, and will receive strong support from his many friends. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER ITEMS (IF INTEREST CITI of jmiN LUMPKIN, Ga., Feb. 14.—Among those who witnessed the presentation of “The Birth of a Nation," in Albany were Dr. and Mrs. R. L .Grier, Col .and Mrs. T. T. James, Geo. Burt, E. C. Hobbs, Humber Patterson, John Ard I and Ed Rockwell. i Mrs. Walter .Davidson ,of White Plains, Ga., has been the guest for sev eral days this week of Msr. Fred S. Singer. While here several delight ful entertainments were given in her honor. T. J. Burts, of Arlington, spent last Sunday with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Singer are spending some time in Florida, visiting j relatives in Jacksonville, and other points of interset. Mrs. Herbert Elder, of Cuthbert ,is i the guest of her father, Rev. E. H. McGehee. Miss Annie Ward formerly a resident of Lumpkin, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Cricket Patterson. Among those from here who have spent a few days in Macon during this week are Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Barr, Messrs. W. E. Streyer, John D. Rich ardson, and Olin Patterson. Dr. A. G. Fort, recently of Washing ton, D. C., is the guest of his father, Judge Arthur T. Fort. Judge W. F. George, of the Vienna circuit, was a visitor in Lumpkin Fri day. FEDERAL RESERVE HIS SUGGESTIONS WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 14.—Six amendments to the federal reserve act were recommended to congress today in the report of the federal reserve board for the first full year of opera tic n of the new banking system. “A year's experience in the opera tion of the federal reserve act,” says the report, “has confirmed the Board in its profound conviction that the act has been one of the most beneficial pieces of legislation ever adopted by congress. Not only have its fundamen tal principles been fully vindicated but in most details the working of the measure has been successful.” The amendments recommended would: Permit national banks to subscribe and hold stock in banks organized for he special purpose of doing a banking business in foreign countries; Permit, with the approval of the beard, the issue of federal reserve ■notes to federal reserve banks eithe • against the deposit of commercial pa per or gold, provided that the gold so deposited shall count as part of the required reserve of the bank; Extend the acceptance system to the domestic trade so far as it relates to documentary acceptances secured by shipping documents or warehouse re ceipts, covering readily marketable commodities or against the pledge of goods actually sold. Permit national banks to establish branch offices within the city or county in which they are located. Permit advances to member banks against the member bank's secured promissory notes or against the deposit or pledge of U. S. government bonds; ! Authorize a wide discretion in the making of farm loans of this kind with a radius of one hundred miles of its place of business whether in its district or another district. OPERA HOUSE TCDAY Matinee and Night The famous Cartoon comedy HENPECKED HENRY JACK TRAINOR and a big company The best dressed chorus in America Take advantage of an opportunity to absorb the surpassing charm of the most delightful musical piece in years All Music, Laughter and Song. SENSIBLE PRICES. Best Reserved Seats, $1.00; Others, 25c, 50c, 75c. MATINEE 3 P. M. Adults 50c; Children 25c. SEAT SALE HOOKS PHARMACY I Railroad Commission of Georgia. Chas. Murphey Candler, Chairman; Geo. Hillyer, Vice Chairman; Joseph F. Gray, Paul B. Trammell, J. A. Per ry, Commissioners; Campbell Wallace, Secretary; J. P. Webster, Rate Expert Atlanta, Ga., January 25, 1916. CIRCULAR NO.*39s. Freight Rule No. 7. Change paragraphs 3 and 4 of Freight Rule No. 7, now reading: “The maximum rates prescribed by the Commission for the transportation of live stock are based upon the fol lowing maximum valuation: Each Horses and mules, not over ... .$120.00 Horned Cattle, not over 50.00 Stallions, Jacks and Bulls, not over 150.00 Fat Hogs and Fat Calves, not over 15.00 Lambs, Stock Hogs, Stock Calves, not over 5.00 Where consignors offer their animals for shipment at valuations in excess of the valuation above given, carriers may charge the following percentage of increase above the prescribed max imum rate of freight Over $150.00 and not over $400.00, add 30 per cent. Over $400,00 and not over $600.00, add 50 per cent. Over $600.00 and not over SBOO.OO, add 60 per cent. Over SBOO and not over $1,000.00, add 100 per cent. Over $1,000.00 subject to special rate by contract between the ship per and the carrier, TO READ: Rates on live stock will apply when the actual value does not exceed the following art ual value to be stated by shipper in writing in shipping or der: Jacks of Stallions, each $150.00 Horses or Mules, each 100.00 Mare and Colt, together 100.00 Yearling Colt 50.00 Cow and Calf, together 35.00 Domestic Horned Animals, each 30.00 Yearling Cattle, each 15.00 Calves, Hogs, Sheep, or Goats.. 10.00 For every increase of 100 per cent, or fraction thereof, in the actual value, there shall be an increase of 5 per cent, in the rate, except that any ani mal, the value of which exceeds sl,- 500.00 will be accepted only under special contract. When the value is not stated by the shipper, in writing, in the shipping order, carriers will not be required to accept shipments. Passenger Rule No. 3. Amend Passenger Rule No. 3 by add ing following paragraph: “Where baggage is transported on a passenger ticket which for any reason is not used by the holder for personal transportation, and application for re fund is made, the carrier shall, if such ticket shows baggage checked, charge for the transportation of such bag gage only on the total weight thereof, not exceeding double the excess bag gage rates per 100 pounds above shown, and the difference between this sum and the original price paid for the passenger ticket plus any excess baggage charge made, shall be re funded. Classification. The following changes in, and addi tions to, the Commissioners Classifies- Some Special Suits at Very Special Prices $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 Suits Now $12.50 - ' Besides our regular stock of Hart Schaffner & Marx winter suits that we are offering at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent we have on hand about fifty spring and summer suits carried over from last season, the choice of which you may have at $12.50. These are good suits, good colors and good styles and well worth your attention. We will be glad to show them to you. W. D. Bailey Company tion of Freights, are hereby adopted: Add following specific item to Clas sification: CR | OR CANS: x. | Milk Shipping: Loose or in packages j L. C. L. . ... 1 j Loose or in packages, C. L., min wt. 16,000 lbs.. 4 j Milk Shipping, returned, | loose 4 | Eliminate from Classifica- j tion following ratings and | descriptions on Cigar- | ettes: CIGARETTES, in wooden | boxes (See Notes) 1 | NOTE: Boxes weighing | each less than 15 pounds | will not be accepted. | NOTE: Boxes must be strapped: with metal j straps and sealed with j metal seals, except when. | constructed as follows: Ends rabbetted, tops and | bottoms flush with sides | and ends, secured with | not less than two nails at | each side and end, corners locked and glued. | NOTE: The term “Cigar ettes” will include only | such articles with paper j wrappers. CIGARETES, N. O. S., in | boxes 3t 1| Change item now reading: ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, | viz: Transformers, weighing | each 150 lbs, or less 1 | Same, weighing over 150 | lbs, each 3 | TO READ: . j MACHINERY: Electrical Machinery. | Transformers, L. C. L... 3 j Same, C. L., min, wt., | 24,000 lbs 6 j Change item, now reading: MACHINERY: Shaftings, Hangers, Pul- | leys, etc 4 | 5 TO READ: | MACHINERY: Shafts, shaft Collars, Shaft Couplings, Shaft Hang- | ers. Pillow Blocks or | Shaft Pulleys, without j Clutch Attachments, L. C. | L. 5 j Same, straight or mixed C. | L., min. wt. 20,000 1b5.... 6 j This circular shall be in effect on and after February 15, 1916. and re peals everything in conflict. C. M. CANDLER, Chairman. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Secretary. Americus Undertaking Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Mr. Nat LeMaster, Managei. Agents for Rosemont Gardens Day Phones 88 and 231 Night 661 ana 136 A. COHEN & SON I TELEPHONE 596 . AMERICUS, GA. • Dealers in Old Scrap Metals, Rubber, Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, Wool, etc. It will pay you to write, wire or phone us for prices Before sell ing. Remember we are paying 4c a pound for mixed autotires. The old scrap iron that is laying about can be turned into money. Gather it up and we will be glad to quote you our prices. IWWWW W~WWWW WWWWWWW WWW<» WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWW WW WW Genuine montevallo coal Exclusive Agents in Americus HARROLD BROTHERS TELEPHONE 2 Wc also sell Blue Gem Jellico Coal and Eureka Coal ■maMHBBWBaMMBMBnaaaMHMmBMMHgKMr-w ! THERE’S A REASON i » WHY i !-' ' ! ; i We submit the following reasons why you should trade at ALLEN’S ' ' DRUG & SEED STORE: ! First, We have the largest, best assorted and most complete stock [ j of Drugs, Chemicals Patent medicines, Toilet Articles, Druggists' Sun- j ! dries, Garden, Field and Flower Seed, ever shown in Americus. Second. We offer the best service in polite and obliging salesmen ! and prompt delivery of all goods. j Third. Our prices are as low as can be found in Americus or the [ i State of Georgia. i If you are not already a customer of ours we tivite you to call and j < let us take you through our splendid stock and show you how well ' | prepared we are to serve you. Aw’aiting your call, Allen s Drug & Seed Store MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1916.