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PAGE TWO IB BOTTLED It’s the drink that sali- fies. Because— It’s Pure. It’s Wholesome. It refreshing. It’s always the same in flavor and in good ness. 5c AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. I. WARREN, Mgr. MISS LILLIAN! CBANIILLH FIRE AMI LIFE INSURANTS HEALTH AND ACCIDENT. Offices Allison Building, Phone 43. Americus, Ga. WONDER PRESSING CLUB A. HENDERSON, Prop. Next Chinese laundry. Suits pressed and Cleaned 50c Suits Pressed 25c Ladies’ Work a Specialty. Work done and delivered same day. C. P. DAVIS, Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia. Pyorrhea. Resident Phone 218. Office Phone 811 Allison Bldg. DR. M. H. WHEELER. Dentist, Office in Bell Bldg., Ijunar St. Just apposite Postoffice. MBee Phone 784. Residence Phone iSS F. and A. I. * AMERICUS LODGH F. and A. M. m Bv F. and A. M. meets ev- ery second and fourth Friday night at 7 .. o’clock. S. A. HAMMOND. W. M. CLOYD BUCHANAN, Secy. £ M. B. COUNCIL - , v . .LODGE, F, and A. M, meets every First and . Third Friday nights. < v, Visiting brothers are invited to attend. H. B. MASHBURN, W. M. NAT LeMASTEIL Secretary. • ’■——l I .1 ■■■ ill. ■ UKIUCUS CAMP, 2V2. K<M)DHR> OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wednesday night in Um Ihbeadey Bldg.. Windsor Ave. All ria kits Sovereigns invited to meet with M. J. M. TOBIN, C. C. NAT LeM ASTER, Clerk. »»AbttLNtiTON CARP, NO. IK P. O. S. OF A. Mtc.s on Thurscay nights, Wheat ley BuUd itg. at 7:30 o’clock. All mem bers are urged to attend Visitors welcomed. E. F. WILDER, PresT C. D. REESE, Recording Sec’y. NAT U-MASTER. Financial Sec'y. F. G. OLVER Sewing Machines and Supplies; Key Me Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repairei and Covered. LAMAR STREET NEAR BELL. You may have good safe Insurance but until sou get a Union Central Policy you haven't the best' It is best because it gives you all that is good in I ife Insur rance protection, and gives it to you for less CESTUI LIFE IXSCIME U) IIF M. H ANSFORD, General Agem. K. xn IK Piasters Bank Bkig -The Great ’ T/X.'Wai Payer | ANNOUNCEMENTS. I NOTICE TO PUBLIC. The charge for announcements in this column is $5.00, payable in advance. This includes publica tion in the Weekly Times-Re corder, and at least twice a week . in the Daily Tinies-Recorder un til the day of election. —EDITOR. For County Surveyor. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for county surveyci subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March x&th. If the people see tit to re e ect mine to this office, 1 will be grateful. R. It HOWE. For Judge City Court. To The Citizens of Sumter County : I respectfully announce my candidacy tor re-election to the office of Judge of the City Court of Americus, subject to the primary to be held on March 16th, 1916. This being the concluding year of the term heretofore conferred on me by the people, I will be gratified if they think proper to again favor mo at the polls. Sincerely W. M. HARPER. For Judge City Court. 1 hereby announce myself as ■> can didate for the office of Judge of the City Court of Americus, subject to the primary of March 15th. 1 will appre ciate the votes and help from all of the voters and people of Sumter coun ty. L J. BLALOCK. For Ordinary. To the Democratic Voters of Sumter County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15th, 1916. If elect ed. 1 will give the office my undivide attention and fulfill the duties thereof ti the best of my ability. 1 respectful ly solicit your support at the polls. DR. F. A. THOMAS. ■ For Ordinary, To flie Democratic Voters of Sum ter County: 1 respectfully announce as a candidate for Ordinary of Sumter county, subject to the primary called for March 15th. 1916. Thanking you for the confidence and support show n me in the past and assuring you that if elected I will give the same impar tial. fair, efficient and competent ser vice as I have always given you in the discharge of the duties of this honored and responsible office. Respectfully JOHN A. COBB For Solicitor City Court. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of solicitor of the City Court of Americus, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, March 15th. C. R. WINCHESTER. Far Solicitor City Court. I announce my candidacy for re election to the office of Solicitor of the I City Court of Americus, subject t o tire rules of the Democratic primary to be held on March 13th. ZACH CHILDERS. For Solicitor City Court. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor of the City Court of the City of Americus, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary to be held on March 15th. T. 0. MARSHALL. For Clerk of Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Sumter county. If elected, Sam R. Heys will act as my Deputy, and we earnestly solicit the support o f the people of the county and pledge a faithful perform ance of the duties pertaining to said office. Subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. E. ALLEN. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for sheriff of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primarv or March 15th. If the voters elect me to this office I will have Tom Sum mers as my deputy. We both will ap preciate the support of the voters of the county. Respectfully. LUCIUS HARVEY. For County Treasurer. I am a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Sumter county, subject to the action of the primary March the 15th. I respectfully solicit and will appreciate the support of the voters of the county. H. D. WATTS. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15,1916. I will fill the position to the best of my ability, should the people see fit ta elect me. S. HUGH FERGUSON. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for Tax Receiver, subject to the Democratic primary to be held on March 15th next. I will appreciate your support and will give efficient at eutioa to the duties of the office, if ’.ected. W. A HARDEN. ] AHL AMAbKICua DAIL 1 I IMcJN-KtCUKDER For Tax Receiver. I announce myselef as a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Sum ter county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary of March 15th. I appeal to the voters of the county for support promising If elected to give every duty of the office my personal attention. Respectfully OMER S. BASS. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the Democratic pri ’ inary on March 15, and ask the support of my friends and the voters. If elect 'd, I pledge my best efforts in the dis charge of the duties devolving on the office, and will greatly appreciate the support received from all. Respec fuliy. C. W. HENDERSON. For Tax Receiver. | I hereby announce my candidacy for < election to the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary if ; March 15th. 1916. I sincerely ask the support of all the voters; and if elected I pledge my honest and best efforts in the discharge of the duties devolving upon said office, and all the assistance rendered me will be highhly appreciated, I am not able financially to canvas the county, as my wife will; have to remain in the Americus hos- i pital for several weeks yet. and I will have to spend most of my time I have' to spare with her. so will ask the vot-l ers to remember me at the polls. Re-| spectfully. GEO. D. JONES. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my candidacy sor 1 Tax Receiver of Sumter couny, sub-' ; ject to the Democratic primary on' March 15th. I will appreciate the: support of the voters. A. E. LOCKETT. For Tax Receiver. i I announce my candidacy for elec j ' tion to the office of tax teceiver of 1 Sumter county, subject to ths action ! of the Democratic primary on March i 15th. and if elected to this office will ; give it my best attention. I will ap-' predate anything my friends will do in my behalf. Respectfully, WILL H. CHAPPELL. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, March 1 15th. Will appreciate your vote, and it elected promise to fulfill the office ! to the best of my ability. J. P. (BUG) CHAPMAN. For Tax Receiver. I he-eby announce my candidacy for Taax Receiver of Sumter county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary on March 15th. If elected. I I promise my best services to the office. , CHARLES M. WILLIAMS. ’ For Tax Receiver. 1 lam a candidate for the office of 1 Tax receiver of Sumter county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, March 15th. I am thoroughly familiar with the duties of the office, having written up the digest for sev , era! years, and if elected promise mv very best services. If it tarries an' 1 especial credit, I will state that I was a "Confederate soldier’’ two years. 1 make n 0 claim on this ground, as I ; feel that I merely did my duty, but knowing my competency, I do ask your vote on the ground of efficiency. W. C. GRAY. For Tax Receiver. 1 announce my candidacy for elec tion to the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the t-tion o' the Democratic primary on March 15th. I ask your support, end if thus honored. I will give to this importani I i office my best care and attention. Re | : spectfully. I (DOC) J. S. GLOVER. I For Tax Collector. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for re . lection to the office of Tax Col ic, tor of Sumter county, subject to thej Democratic primary. I earnestly so !> ;t your support. Respectfully I. B. SMALL. For County School Superintendent. I hereby announce my candidacy fori th? office of County School Superin tendent of Sumter county, subject to’ the democratic primary, to be held 1 March 15<h. I will appreciate the sup-! port of the voters of the county & J. M’MATH. For County School Superintendent. I hereby announce my candidacv for re-election to the office of conn’ school superintendent, subject to the Democratic primary March 15th. It the people see fit to elect me. I hope ’o continue in giving them my best ser vieea. W. S. MOORE. For Coßntv Commissioner. At the oamest solicitation of my friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Commis sloner of Roads ar.d Revenue of Sum ter County, subject to the Democratic primary of March 15th. 19M. If Two New Styles From New York Every Week Price J. Price sl-0J) SI.OO 1 ~ Sizes Guaranteed f •’ . e ' ® Q- j Z v ~ • • e {guaranteed to be Correct * {Reg & Pa/ to be Correct in the “SEAL-PAC” envelope For instance. The Fem Waist comes in the Every Fern Waist in the Seal-Pac envelope is Seal-Pac envelope-it is never touched ty human cut full—there is no skimping— all sizes are suar hands from the time it leaves the makers until anteed to be ansolutely correct You will find you open the Seal-Pac envelope. You have the the size printed on the Seal-Pac envelone-also satisfaction of knowing that The Fern Waist in the style and price the Seal-Pac envelope has not been “tried on ” Whenever you need a waist be sure to buy Priced at only SI.OO The Fern Waist in the The Fern Waist in the Seal-Pac envelope You Seal-Pac envelope is really a wonderful value. can be sure that it is the latest style—hat it is Only the latest and smartest materials and trim- fresh ard clean—never been tried on before mings are selected, and the complete make and that the size is right -that the price is al ways $1 00 finish is the same that goes into high-priced everywhere, and that it represents the utmost ’in waists. value both in material and workmanship, New Spring St irtb Jr & New Crepe de $3.98 IF Chine and Jap Silk Waists $12.50 $2.50 MEMBER AMERICUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. elected, I will conscientiously perform the duties incumbent upon me to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. N. A. RAY. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on March loth. I solicit the support of the voters and will serve this office to the best of my ability if elected. S. A. RODGERS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Sumter county, subject to the Democratic primary of March 15th, 1916. If elected I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the very best of my ability. Your sup port is respectfully solicited. S. E. STATHAM. For County Commissioner. JOEL W. HIGHTOWER. For County Commissioner. I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Sumter county, sub ject to the Democratic primary of March 15th. If elected, I will bring to the office my best efforts to carry out its responsibilities In an efficient man ner 1 respectfully solicit your sup port. E. U WILSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Commis- a Howard Hall, New Gaumont-Mutual Star. Howard Hall, one of the most digni fied and distinguished figures of the Autericar. stage and screen, has recent joined the Gaumont-Mutual compa . fi‘: g' . :;ia) Masterpictunes. De Luxe Edition, at Jacksonville. Fla. in “According to Law.” his first picture. Mr. Hall will be seen as “Robert Bland.” the leading masculine role. Among his successes Mr. Hall has played in sup;x>rt of Wilton Lackaye in "The Mysterious Conduct of Judge La Gordo." a similar role in ’'The Poor Little Rich Girl.” "Dam aged Goods.” “The Natural I iw,” “The Experiment” and "The Unborn.” sioner, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held on March 15th. I solicit your support, pledging myself to fulfill the duties of the office to tha best of my ability, if elected. R. S. OLIVER. For Coroner. To The Democratic Voters of Sum | ter County: I announce as candidate ; for Coroner of Sumter county, under the rules of the primary of March 15th. I thank you for > oar past favors, and ask your support again for the office ED JENKINS. COUBT HOUSE NOTES ~ The automobile license tag law went into effect on Wednesday, March Ist, and if you are now driving an auto | mobile or motorcycle without a IMfi tag. you are liable for punishmnet for I violation of this law. There was a time when the law didn’t count for : n-.uch in Sumter county—but the board iof county commissioners very wisely announced their intention of enforcing 1 the law this year. The applications for these tags can i be secured at the office of the board of .commissioners in the courthouse. The , figures as to cost for the licenses are ! Machines below 25 horsepower. $3.00; 1 above 25 horsepower and below 40 horsepower. $4,00; above 40 horse pcwer. s'.oo; motorcycles. $2.00. A gentle hint is that you get a tag for that automobile or motorcycle. Sheriff Serving Cases. Sheriff Harvey and his deputy are busy during Friday and Saturday serv ing notice of suits filed for the March term of the City court. Return day fi ll on Tuesday, twenty days before the court convenes, and the sheriff is re quired to serve the papers fifteen days >before the first session of the court. I March 4th Spells Mneh. March 4th has gone down in various i history books as a day on which the j presidents of the United States are in ;a gurated; according to some it is a iday of pleasure, and for some—only ■ anxiousness. March 4th—Saturday—is • the final day on which candidates can i enter the Sumter county primary. < All officials who have opposition have already settled down to hard work, while the unopposed find it impossible to settle down with that same degree of assuredness. Drop by the courthouse Monday • r ornins?—after March 4th has passed —and congratulate your friends —some »ill greet you with a smile, ih fact all will, for they love the voters. The people whose advertisements yon read in this paper are on the level. They're not afraid ot their govds. Want Advertisements ♦ RATES. -F One a word each insertion. Minimum charge of 25c. No classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on our subscription books. All advertisements for “HELP or SITUATION BANTED” will be in serted one time free. When number of iqaertions exceed two weeks cent a word. When number of insertions exceeds four weeks 1-2 cent a word. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS—2 Ford touring cars; 1 E. M. F. touring car; 1 Studebaker touring car; 1 Overland roadster, self starter, electric lights, newly painted; 1 Buick roadster, self starter, electric lights. All cars equipped with new tires; will sell or trade. W. G. Turpin & Co. SWEET POTATOES—IOO bushels Triump!.. the best producer and best keeper grown; SIOO per bushel, deliv ered at Americus. J. L Glawson, Phone 2431. 3-2-lw FOUR SECOND-HAND gas fixtures and one roller-top desk, for sale cheap. Address or phone 414 for particulars. 1-ts EGGS FOR SALE—Finest strain Rhode Island Reds. SI.OO per setting. 20-ts R. A SHY. MISS BESSIE WINDSOR . . Insurance . . Fire. Accident and Bunds. Of fice Forsyth St. ’Phone 313 MONEYTOLENU We are in position to obtain money on farm lands in Sumter county promptly at reasonable rates. If you desire a loan call on or write us. Jas. 3.5 John fi. Fort Planters’ Bank Building. THE B. & B. The Old Reliable Case For Ladies and Gentlemen Beginning Sunday. March Sth. we will serve regular dinners every day from 11:30 to 2. Special Sunday din ner. The case that never closes. Call or phone us your orders at 789, next to Hooks’ Pharmacy. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1915 FOR SALE—My residence, corner Furlow & Lee streets. Apply to R. J. Perry. 15-cf fc-- _ SI. GAR CURED and properly smok ed hams, shoulders, breakfast bacon and country lard; delivered anywhere in the city. J. L. Glawson. Phone 2431. 3-2-lw FOR SALE—Hickory smoked coun try hams. Call Phone 2703. 15-ts TVA/V TED—M iscellaneous PRIVATE MONEY to loan on im proved real estate for one or mor< years. W. T. Lane. 27tf FARM LOANS—at 6 per cent, inter est. Terms satisfactory. R. L. May nard. WANTED— A wide-awake man ai agent for Old Line Casualty Company Monthly premium. Address P. J Stilwell, Montezuma, Ga. FARM LOANS Can give good terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-tl FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six-room house on For rest street, adjoining college yard; pos session at once. Apply to H. C. Davis. 3-2-ts FOR RENT—One six-room house 529 Jackson avenue; partly furnished; gas, water and sanitary attachments; chicken yard; will expect board with renter. John T. Howell. l-3t HOI SE FOR RENT—Jackson ave. See Lee Allen. 21-ts FOR RENT: Two-storv bouse on Lee street, next to Catholic church. Apply to S. R. Heys. 20—c. c. ts LOANS made on farms Jt Six Per- Cent. Interest J. J. Hanesley. FOR RENT—Six room house Branon Ave. Modern conveniences. Possession March Ist. Herbert Hawkins. 13tf IOR RENT—Small cottage, moder- Ie rent. Apply Mrs. Geo. Oliver. 13-ts l o-R RENT—Nine room dwelling, re cently renovated, on Jackson street. Mrs. Geo. Oliver. IS-ts FOR RENT—Attractive bungalow home; Hancock street, near College Reasonable rental. Immediate pos session. Apply Reo. D. Wheatley. l-t$ FOR RENT— House and lot l&fi Tt* lor street, now occupied by J. T. t 5 ..kes. See R K. McNulty. 8 J