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PAGE TWO Wonderfully Roasted Coffee! Especially Adapted for This Climate! French Market Coffee is the national drink of the South. It was the favorite coffee of Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and other makers of history who met at the Old French Market at New Orleans to discuss the topics of the day over their cups of this Old Secret Blend. As far back as a hundred years ago people journeyed from all parts of the country for their French Market Coffee. Today, as then, this famous blend is preferred by coffee enthusiasts for its rich aroma, flavor and genuine coffee goodness. And the Old Secret Blend is still a secret, despite repeated attempts to French Market the Old Secret Blend brings you a real coffee sur pnse. Learn how really good it is. Send a for a 12-cup sample and booklet of the interesting Story of Old French Market. We will also send names /. ji of grocers in your town who sell i f /7 French Market Coffee. 1-lb. cans, 25/; .Zv WIJ 4-ib. pails, sl. DOUBLY GUARANTEED COFFEE By Your Grocer- By Us. New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd. New Orleans, La. MIES Bl PICTURES IS PLAN IN Ml TOKIO, April 10 —Japanese young men resident in California are return ing to Japan in increasing numbers to seek brides, and the old-time habit of choosing wives by photograph is rap idly becoming extinct. The former system developed many evils, and the Japanese authorities who are working for the welfare of Japanese in the United States have been doing all pos sible to have it abolished. Fifty young men returned to the United States a few days ago with brides selected after a brief period of courtship in the fatherland. Matrimonial agencies did much to hasten the fall of this system. It was found that even the camera can be made to tell falsehoods and the agen cies are charged with having taken ad ■ vantage of this. Expectant bride grooms are said to have been vastly Bisillusioned when the original of some of the photagraphs have arrived in California. Gradually the Japanese ®-'i the Pacific coast have found that i’. l ays best to make the selection first hand and have largely discarded the photograph method. Kazo Fuagai, a leader among the Japanese of San Francisco, who MURRAY’S PHARMACY G. S. & F. RY. Offer excellent Passenger Service F rom Cordele to South LeoFgia and Florida Points Close connections made with trains from AMERICUS For information address J. W. JAMISON, T.P.A., Macon,fid. C. D. RHODES, fi.P.A., Macon, fia. came to Japan with a group of 100 fellow countrymen called the “Bur hist Home Country Visiting Party,” explained that although his friends re turned to Japan to be here during the coronation period they also came to seek wives on the spot. He said the “picture marriages” frequently proved unsatisfactory. One of the strongest advocates of re form is Y. Numano, until recently con. sul general at San Francisco. After consulting with the foreign office here, he issued an order prohibiting Jap anese men from marrying on the strength of pictures unless they de posited SBOO in an American bank within three successive years. Since the issue of the order the picture bride system has been doomed for any Jap anese who wished to marry and who had SBOO in his possession was more likely to come to Japan to look for a wife. More Japanese tourists visited Ja pan last year than ever before and the decline of the picture-bride system had a great deal to do with this. Even more would have come had there been enough steamships on the Pacific to bring all over that applied for passage. A special appeal was made at one time to S. Asano, president of the Toyo Kaishan, asking him to send a special ship to Honolulu, to carry many Jap anese who were anxious to visit their home country. This appeal could not be granted as in connection with the IHE AMERICUS UAici I IMJLS-RECORD ER TBAGK TEAM PICKED FOR CORDELE MEET The track team of the Americus High school picked in the preliminary contest of Monday resulted in the fol lowing men being elected to represent the school in Cordele April 14th: George Andrews, captain; Edward Ma this, Arnold McGillis, Cliff Wheatley and Bennie Webb. Captain Andrews will represent the school in the hundred-yard dash, his time in this contest being around eleven seconds. He is also the dasher for the 220-yard run, doing this event ii something around fifty-five seconds Edward Mathis is the broad jumpet and is, incidentally ,one of the best yet developed in the school. Cliff Wheatley will represent Amer icus High in the shot put. Bennie Webb is one of the members of the relay team and is showing speed in that event. He is the alternate for McGillis in the 440-yard run, and of Andrews in the dashes. Arnold McGillis will represent the school in the 440-yard dash and in the high jump. This youngster won sec ond place in the meet last year in Vi enna, and is this season much improv ed over last. His work in the 440- yard event entitles him to rank as the best distance runner yet developed, ai d he is expected to make a brilliant slowing Friday in Cordele. The re lay team promises to uphold Americus’ reputation as having the championship relay squad every year. The local High school has won this event for the last three years, and from the present indications, it bids fair to re peat the dose this time. All the credit for this team should go to Prof. Holst, who has worked faithfully to give the locals a winner. And he has been on the go ever since the training season began. The boys all show the effect of his training and if Americus should win the meet, Prof. Holst is due all sorts of credit for his work. It is a revelation to those who jour ney to Dudley Field every afternoon to see how earnestly these athletes work. They seem to be charged with some kind of “pep.” which makes them work harder for the glory of their town and their school. Such hard work is bound to result in victory and the athletes of Americus High school will do their school credit in Cordele Fri day. | AMERICUS SHOWS OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle in “The Whirl of Life.” Wednesday. House rented; K. of P.; colored people. Thursday. William Farnum in “The Broken Law.” Friday. William Farnum in “A Wonderful Adventure.” Saturday. “The Strange Case of Mary Page," and two comedies. ALCAZAR TUESDAY. Metro Picture, Madame Petrova in “My Madonna.”—Five acts. WEDNESDAY. Triangle Pictures, “Martyrs of the ■Vamo,” five thrilling acts, and Hale Hamilton and Polly Moran in “Her Painted Hero.”—Two reel Keystone Comedy. THURSDAY. Paramount Picture, the beautiful and charming Hazel Dawn in “My Lady Incog.”—Five superb acts. FRIDAY. Ruth Roland in “The Red Circle,” Chapter 12. A Strong Three Reel Drama. SATURDAY. Triangle Pictures, William S. Harr i:< The Disciple.” Five Acts and Ches ter Conklin in “Saved by Wireless."— Two Reel Keystone Comedy. coronation more than 2,000 Japanese were disappointed in Honolulu alone. It is believed that many of them wish-’ ed to select wives during their visit here. -■ LOMBARD FOUNDRY, MACHINE, BOILER WORKS and MILL SUPPLY STORE Augusta, Georgia. Capacity, 300 Hands. Hundred Thousand feet floor space. Cotton, Oil, Gin, Saw, Grist, Fertilizer, Cane, Shin gle Mill Machinery, Supplies and Re pairs and Castings, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Wood, Coal and Sawdust Gratebars, Pumps, Pipe, Valves and Fittings, Injectors, Belting, Packing, Hose, etc. Cast every day. One hun dred machines and good men ready to do your work quick. FORD Motor Cars, Supplies and Re pairs In Stock. : Quick Delivery Investigate The . State Affairs Peking, April 11.—Yuan Shi-kai at tended the initial meeting today of a commission designated by him to in vestigate affairs of state and suggest reforms which will harmonize the country internally and establish better foreign relations. Cabinet members, foreign advisers and other prominent officials compose ti e commission, over which Lu Cheng hsing, the minister for foreign affairs and acting minister for foreign affairs and acting minister of state, presides as chairman. Dr. W. F. Willoughby, the American legal adviser of the government; Dr. George E. Morrison, the English political adviser, and Dr. Ariga, the Japanese constitutional ad viser are the three foreigners on the commission. Cures Old Sores, Otht, Remedies Won't Cure The worst cases, no matter of how long standing are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $l.O THE MILLEN NEWS. OPPOSITION HARD TO GET. The opposition to Hon. W. J. Speer for re-election as state treasurer has developed no strength in this section of Georgia. And it ought not to. He lias made, and is now making, one of the best officials we have ever had there, and that office is too important to make any change, unless absolutely necessary. One of the greatest assets this state has is its banks. Mr. Speer’s adminis tration over them has been most suc cessful and progressive. Notwith standing the powerful setback given our banks by the war, they stood the test and are pushing forward every day. This country was never called on i CheapandbigcanßakingPowdersdonot | save you money. Calumet does—it's Pure 1 and far superior to sour milk and soda. EASTER- The first day of spring—the day that custom has established as “DRESS-UP-DAY.” ARE YOU PREPARED? It’s only two weeks away. WE HAVE PREPARED FOR YOU— LADIES! OR Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Faille, at - $12.50 to $25.00 SI IITS Silks, Silk and W 001, and Woolens kjviikj Special values at - - $12.50 to S3O 00 SKIRTS Dress skirts of Taffeta and Serges A Sport Skirts, stripes, Plaids <.nd solid colors - - - $5.00 to $12.50 COAT’S of Chinchilla, Jersey Cloth, Veloure vvnikj and Corduroys at - - $5.98 to $15.00 Handkerchiefs Silk Waists “LISSUE” colored borders XT absolutely fadeless New mod els by Saturday’s 25c each Express Other colored handker- ~ _ chiefs - -10 cto 25c $2.50 to $4.50 ‘Fern’ f jf Waists /n Jar Four w jflF XJr & /Sr Wx* New W'W' * Models sl-00 — MEMBER AMERICUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. before in its banking history to face so sudden and calamitious a blow, and the manner in which they came through is proof positive that we have the “right man in the right place.” Let’s keep him there. The banks of Georgia, and, especial ly the country banks, ought never to make any part of anybody’s political ,cheme, and, any effort to make them so should be put down strong and sharp. If Senator W. J. Eakes, who is op posing Mr. Speer, has any reforms he wants to introduce in our banking sys tem he ought to try to convince his co-legislators of its wisdom and get it made into law. He has done nothing of the kind and there is nothing in his legislative record on which he can ask for so high an office. If he was unable to help the people of the state in a financial way as member of the gen eral assembly he certainly cannot ex pect to do much as our treasurer. With Mr. Speer it is quite different and we believe that the people of Geor gia will give him the indorsement he o richly deserves--a continued tenure i:> office as state treasurer. —advt. : FRESH I Tomatoes, Celery, Tender Green Beans, Strawberries,: Florida Oranges,everything good to eat at Sparks Grocery Company 43 Phone 279 The Royal Candy Kitchen * (Recently Opened Up.) All kind Fruits, Candies and Pro duce, Bananas, Apples, Oranges and Crapefruit, Salted Peanuts and Peanut Candy. All kinds home made candy, chocolate and taffy that will suit the taste, price 20 cents per pound. Try a pound and become a permanent cus tomer. GEORGE J. CALLAN, Proprietor. 100 Lee St. Want Advertisements ♦ RATES. > One cent a word each insertion. Minimum charge of 25c. No classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on our subscription books. All advertisements for “HELP or SITUATION WANTED” will be in serted one time free. When number of insertions exceed two vve« ! s 3-4 cent a word. When number of insertions exceeds four weeks 1-2 cent a word. Buy the large sizes of JONES BAL ■ SAM when your horses is troubled I with scratches, thrush, galled should j ers, swellings and any flesh wounds. I Sold on the money back plan. Ask ! your dealer for it. 9-lm . FOR RENT THREE ROOMS for sent. Phone 281. Church street 112. 11-3 t SEE G. M. BRAGG if you want to rent a six-room house, 713 Forrest ; street; screened and in good condition, ; with large garden. 4-It FOR RENT—Two nice furnished ! rooms for light housekeeping; down stairs; price reasonable. Phone 592. 10-21 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 227 Brown St. Phone 660. 9-12 t FOR RENT—House and lot 155 Tny lor street, now occupied by J. T, Stakes. See R. E. McNulty. 8-U K)R SAI.L EASTER CANDY EGGS; large, big fat ones, at Buchanan Grocery Co. 30-ts Sweet potato plants, Nancy HalJ Porto Rico, Golden Beauty and Tri umph, all ready for shipment, $1.50 per thousand. R. 1). Stewart, Americus, Ga. 9-ts J. A. GLASGOW, tailor-making, re pairing; display Mason-Hanson sam ples. 215 Lamar Street. 5-lm TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 191 G FOR SALE—One Jersey cow and young calf. R. p, Stackhouse. 11-3 t FOR SALE—Lookout Mountain Irish potato seed. This potato will keep, summer and winter. W. J. Josey, Americus, Ga. 11-3 t FOR SALE—IOO Bushels each of Poulnot & Simkins' Cotton seed; SI.OO. Phone 839. W. O. Easterlin. 11-6 t FOR SALE—At a bargain, nice six room house and big lot; all modern conveniences. Call 793. 5-ts FOR SALE—I,OOO Bushels Arles Im proved Toole Cotton Seed; price on application. Arles Plantation. Phone 2703. 17-ts 1 OMATO PLANTS— Earhan’s Beau ty, Globe, Stone; extra large plants 8 weeks old, 100, 75c; 200, $1.25; 300, $2.00; sent to your P. O. box postage paid. Sweet potato plants, Nancy Hall, Early Triumph, Bunch and Ye! low Yams, 500, $1.25; 1,000, $2.00, post paid; we fill all orders daily in April and May. Evergreen Plant Farms, Ev ergreen, Ala. 3-20 t WA N TED—M iscel/aneous W ANTED to buy Short Leaf Pine 1 imber convenient to loading point on Central or Seaboard Ry. 523 East Furlow Street, Americus, Ga. 9-6 t LOANS made on farms Jt Sil Per- Cent. Interest. J. j. Hanesiey. NASSAU GROCERY COMPANY— This side Seaboard Depot. Clark'Bros, cld stand. All kinds fancy groceries and fruits. Phone 576. 29-Im W AN! ED—To rent three rooms, furnished or partly so, for light house keeping, close in. Price must be reas onable. Address Rooms, care this of- 3-tf I‘ARM LOANS can give goof terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-tl FARM LOANS—at 6 per cant. inter est. Terms satisfactory. R. L. May nard. I