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PAGE SIX If you are in need of glasses I can fit you. I grind my own lenses, and am in position to give you better service and at reasonable prices than any one else. 20 Years Experience Thomas L. Bell Jeweler and Optician I * “WESTINGHOUSE” GUARANTEED ELECTRIC IRONS 3 and 6 lb. Sizes Levy-Morton Co. 113 Jackson St. —Phone 46 -WJr W-- Turn the Children’s Shoe Proposition Over to Us If you desire complete satisfaction at a mod erate price. We’ll fit them in new spring slippers, built for com fort, wear and style— but formed to fit grow ing feet correctly. Make this your shoe store and come here for shoes. EXPERT FITTING SERVICE . . . TILLMAN & BROWN We Give Profit Sharing Coupons lilt AMJLKiCUw , nvj. UKOLK ii Local News Items ke********************************* J. I. Hiller, of Plains, was a visitor in Americus today. Leon DeVane, of Cuthbert, has arriv ed to take a position with the Sani-! tary Barber shop on Lamar street, ■ next <o the B. and B. Case. Fresh Shad and Bream received dai ly at Sherlock & Company. Raymond R. Sparrow, a representa five of the Columbia Graphophone Co., with headquarters at Atlanta, was a visitor in Americus Monday. Dr. E. P. Rhodes and B. G. Lastinger were prominent citizens of Valdosta in Americus today on business. We are now ready to give special at tention to the Children’s Easter Bon nets. Misses Hayy & Tillman. 1-ts .1. H. Webb, of Sumter, was a pros perous farmer in Americus today on business. E. H. Hyman and J. G. Oliver were citizens of Americus going over to Preston today to take part in a county meeting. Give the Ayashery a trial on your cider for fresh meats and groceries. Your order will be appreciated. Try us at Phones 89 and 14. R. L. Maynard will return this ev ening from Atlanta., where he has been on business for the past several days. Fresh Bream and Shad received daily at Sherlock & Company. J. J. Wilson, of Leslie, was a promin ent citizen in Americus today on busi ness. Capt. Boyce Miller, of Macon, was a prominent vlsitorjn Americus today. L. K. Bagley, of DeSoto, was in Americus today on business. J. S. and R. T. Matthews, of Smith ville, were prosperous farmers in Americus today. Editor McCrory, and Mrs. McCrory, of the Schley County News were inter ested and pleasant visitors at the Times-Recorder office today. Misses Lula and Docia Mathis were it: Americus Tuesday, shopping, and were the guests of relatives where in the city. Miss Lillie Mae Easterlin, of Ander sonville, was a shopping visitor in Americus Tuesday. Jim Bramblett, of Virginia, formerly a resident of Americus, is a visitor in the city, the guest of his brother, Lem Bramlett. R. E. Allison left Tuesday for Texas and other southwestern states, on mat ters of business. Grady Royal, a prominent young man of Ellaville, was a business visitor in Americus Tuesday. i ■ The City Court has convened in Ogle thorpe this week, several Americus attorneys going to Oglethorpe today on business. Mrs. B. K. Armstrong, of Savannah, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parker. Strawberries 25c qt; Snap Beans, 2 qts 25c; Tomatoes 30c doz.; Celery, per bunch, 10c and 15e; Boston Brown Bread, 12c loaf. Laney Produce Co. COTTOS MARKET | AMERICUS, Ga., April 11.—The Americus spot cotton market was quiet 1 today, with no large sales reported. It was quoted. Fully good middling-.. 11 3-8 c Gcod middling ....11 l-8c Middling 10 7-Sc The Futures Market The futures market opened Tues day, steady, with quotations: . Open Noon January 12.45 12.46 May , H. 90 12.09 -'ttly 12.08 12.08 October 12.23 12.24 December 12.41 12.41 Closing Quotations. The market closed Tuesday, quoted as follows: January 12.46 May 11.89 July 12.06 October 12.21 December 12.3 J OPER4 HOUSE TONIGHT Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Castle IN "The Whirl Os Life” 6 Reels An extraoidinary feature Prices 10-15 & 20c Reserved seats to the 7:30 Show, Seats on sale at HOOKS’ PHARMACY LESLIE Will tOTE FOR SCHOOL BONDS The Leslie school district will vote or. the question of issuing SIO,OOO in bonds for the building of a new school house some time in May. The date for the election will be set Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the school authorities. It is very probable that the bond is sue will be considered favorably by the people, and Leslie will assume the fiont ranks in the matter of education with a handsome new school building. RAGE SEGREGATION PLAN IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, Ga., April 11. —Can the Southern cities, or any cities, for that matter, separate negroes from white . people in residence sections? Atlanta ! ai d numerous other Southern cities await with interest and concern the United States supreme court’s answer to this question. A case involving the constitutional ity of race segregation ordinances passed by the city council of Louis ville, Ky., was argued before the United States supreme court yester day. The court’s decision will proba bly determine the constitutionality of similar ordinances passed by the au thorities of Atlanta, Baltimore and a number of other cities in the South.i Atlanta city council recently passed a segregation ordinance and heated dis cussion on account of its violations has been going on for several days. Mor t of the ordinances on segrega tion are practically the same m their previsions as the Atlanta ordinance. They prohibit negroes from residing in blocks occupied by a majority of ; white people and prohibit white people! from residing in blocks occupied by a majority of negroes. The black sha-| dow, it is claimed, has caused white 1 residents on several Atlanta streets to sell their property at a loss and move; away. The '‘Jim Crow” law has neve. ! been passed in Georgia, as no trou ble has been experienced by negroes I who are required to take rear seats oi l ti e street cars and seldom if ever, I presume to sit near the front of the' car. i KINKY ftSBl A Atlanta. Ga. s Ex*lenlo Mod. Co. | UEjBHK. I Gentletnva. . 1 My pi. turn (hows yon wh »* ’ our fin ® A nHb- exelentq quinine POMaoe 4ons for oiy hair. V-sJr&fc’. iBJ JW?/ Before I uaed it, tny hair abort and c«*arw», V 4®/ *“ d now it is 24 inches *W lont. and ao soft and wF » ilk y tba * l CAn do 4 up any way I want to. I Yoon truly. CELU GREER. ► Don’t let some fake Kink Remover fool you. You really can’t straighten your h*ir >ntil it’s nice and lons’. That’s what [ EXELENTO does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of the hair, and makes it grow long, soft and silky. After using a few times you can tell the difference, and after ■ little while it will be so pretty and long that you can fix it up to suit you. If Ex.l.ntodoa’t do as we claim, we will give your money back. 25c by mail on receipt of etamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, Writ. y,r Firtkilm, ■XKUHTO MKDICIMK CO., Atlanta, Ga. Extra fine Ties $1.50 No trouble to fit any man in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes ww have suits for big men. for small -V men, for short men, for stout men, Fl for tall thin men—for every kind of 1 figure. M Hart Schaffner & Marx have reduced if clothe'-making to such an exact science u that nobody’s hard to fit. n U We’re ready to prove that and incidentally cut your r- few tailor bill in about half. Copyright H*rt Schaffner & Marx Soft Col- iars;2for W. D. Bailey Company 25c SCHLEV HIS SHOUT SUPERIOR COURTS ELLAVILLE, Ga., April 11.—Schley Superior court which convened Monday morning, Judge Z. A. Littlejohn, presid ing, will be in session today and prob ably may last through Wednesday. Very little business was transacted in the court Monday, Judge Littlejohn ex cusing the jurors in the afternoon about 2:30 until Tuesday The ! grand jurors remained in session, and ! this morning the court will resume its work. Mr. Morgan Collum was elect ed foreman of the grand jury. Quite a good many farmers were in attendance upon court Monday, and heard Secretary Hyman, of the Third .District Agricultural fair; Lee Allen and J. G. Oliver, of Americus, while Col. Thos. G. Hudson presided over the meeting. The meeting was an en thusiastic one for the fair, and com mittees that were appointed have al ready gone to work in earnest. They ipiopose to have a big barbecue a few days before the fair in Americus, and have a big time. The farmers of the county will give about 75 hogs for the occasion, and to this end on Monday,! Mr. A. C. Murray, one of the commit-| tee, together with others, succeeded in getting the greater portion of the num ber needed subscribed. Schley ex j pccts to come to the fair with a fine I exhibit, and no doubt will have one of the best displays at the fair. Mr. A. Arri.igton, one of Ellaville’s leading merchants, is a candidate for the legislature, to fill the unexpired term of R. J. Perry, deceased. This election has been called for April 28th. Mr. M. AV. Williams is also a candidate tenth are good men and popular. JUDGE HARPER TURNS DOWN BLIND TIGERS I Two “blind tiger” cases were argued before Judge W. M. Harper in extra-i| 1 ( ordinary motions recently, and in both I ( instances the motions for new trials I were denied. The cases were those of 1 1 the State vs. John Minyard and the i i State vs. Cooper Reese. 1i 11 Both of these cases had been before i 11 the Court of Appeals and had been re- ) ported adversely, and the extraordin ary motions before Judge Harper) curries as a final action, and it looks | now as though the violators of the law will have to pay the penalty. MISS LILLIAN CHANDLER HRE AND LIFE INSURANCE HEALTH AND ACCIDENT. iffice: Allison Building, Phone 4* Americus, Ga. L C. CAMPBELL KILLS SELF ATJANDEHSVILLE K. C. Campbell, a former resident of this county and a citizen of Plains, committed suicide at Sandersville yes terday morning iby drinking carbolic acid. He had only just returned from Plains, where he had visited with his wife and family. On reaching his bearding place he built a fire; he then wrote a letter to his wife, marking it personal, and drank a bottle of car bolic acid, throwing the empty bottle into the fire. When found, he was dead and had a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth. The sad news was im mediately telegraphed his family at Plains. A coroner’s inquest was held, the verdict being in accordance with the above statements. The deceased was one of the mos; prominent Shriners in the state, and a member of the Alee Temple, Atlan ta. He had been a resident of Sanders ville about two years, and was a bookkeeper for the Central Fertilizer Co. While a resident of Plains, ha was bookkeeper and general office man for the Oliver-McDonald Co. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Mary Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Hudson, of Plains, and three chil dren to mourn his untimely demise. No cause can be assigned for his rash act, save that of ill health. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at Plains. Americus Undertaking Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Mr. Nat LeMaster, Manage:. Agents for Rosemont Gardens Day Phones 88 and 231 Night 661 and 136 g Turn your Iron, Bones and Rags into dollars g and all other grades of metals, hides, etc. It a ill I be to your benefit to write, wire, ’phone or call us. g TELEPHONE 596 A. COHEN & SON I Americus, Georgia. g ■wwwwwwwwwwwwwww, ■ ——- , lu , ullluu , u B Examine your casings now and see if the fabric inside is broken—if you d j fine these breaks, let us repair them now for these are forerunners of ser ious blow-outs. Our complete modern equipment in sures you prompt service in casing and tube repairing. Call 105. In Hear Americus Auto Co. Americus Steam Vulcanizing To. J- W. LOTI'.. Manager. TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1916 Don’t Endure Itching Skin We jtirge all skin sufferers who have sought! relief in vain, to try this liquid wash, the D. D. I>. Prescription for Ec zema. All skin diseases yield instantly to its soothing oils. Its ingredients, oil of Wintergreen, thymol and glycerine, have been used by doctors for years in the cure of the skin. The liquid form carries these healing ingredients down through the pores to the root of the disease. Druggists are glad to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid. 25c, 50c and SI.OO. Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the first bottle relieves yon. D. D. D. Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. D Th For 15 Years • the Standard Sldn Remedy Hooks’ Pharmacy. CHIciFESilis”p!LU V Till DIAMOND BRAND. X I*' die*! ytvie for XIX A ft * lUcheM-ter fi sf)amoi;d Jfwfißglk (*'(>l* in Red &«>d LtoiJ V* —boxes, sealed v>' Blue a inbon. Tr**« no other B y your * I*/ *lr DfumlM. kfor'H ..ClIEs-TERS J S 5 DIAMOND BRAN > PILLS, for 85 yearsK nown£«;Best,Safest.Always Reliable *~ A SOLO BY DRLC6HTS EVERYWHERE TO THE PUBLIC I wish to announce to the public that I will have the pool at Magnolia Springs in first class condition by May Ist, and I will have cottages ready and will also be able to take care of table / carders by June Ist. I will also be able to provide tenting ground for people who wish to camp, season tickets will be for sale up to June Ist. For further information apply to R. H. WISE, Plains, Ga.