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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1916 The royal Candy Kitchen (Recently Opened Up.) All kind Fruits, Candies and Pro duce, Bananas, Apples, Oranges and Grapefruit, Ss'ted Peanuts and Peunut Candy. All kinds home made candy, j chocolate and taffy that will suit the ! taste, price 20 cents per pound. Try a pound and become a permanent cus tomer. GEORGE J. CALLAN, Proprietor. 100 Lee St. 111 I Iff nSw k * RW v«e:un *k J •>■ n y J 5c EVERYWHERE 5 C AMERICUS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. J. T. Warren, Mgr. The Union Central Life’s reduced rates and The Un ion Central Life’s liberal di vidends offer you the best insurance at a lower cost than you can buy it else where. Lee M. Hansford Agent * oom 18 Planters Bank Bldg. Phone 715 Americus, Ga. F. G. OLVER Seeing Machines and Supplies; Kej mu Lock Fitting; Umbrellas Repaires »nd Covered. LAMAR STREET .(EAR WELL. IMPORTANT! It will be to your interest to investi gate what we have in the Fresh Meat k.nd Green Grocery line. We will give you value received for your money. Give us a trial. Your business will be appreciated. Fresh Meats and Grocer ies always on hand. We have fresh Vegetables every day and fresh Fish especially. We are sanitary in every respect, and we assure you of prompt delivery when you order from us. LEE STREET CASH MARKET Lone 698 Hudson Building Sealmairt Air Line The Progressive Railway al the Soutl Leave Americus ior Cordele, Ho ehelle, Abbeville, Helena, Lyons, Col tins. Savannah, Columbia, Richmond Portsmouth aud points East and Boult 12:91 p in 2:30 a n I,eave Americus for Cordele. Abbe rtito. Helena and intermediate pointe r.:is p m Leave Americus for Richland, At anta, Birmingham, Hurtsboro, Mont romerv ami points West and Northwest 3:10 p m Leave Americus for Richland, Col ambus, Dawson, Albany and interme Hate points 10.-do L ia Seaboard Bufte. Parior-Bleepiug Cat »n Trains 13 and 14, arriving Americui from Savannah 11:25 p. tn-, and leav lug Americus for Savannah 2:30 a. m Beeping car leaving for Savannah »i 1:30 a. m., will b- open ter passen gers at 11:25 p •> For further information apply to h. P. Everett, Local Agent. Americus. Ga C. W. Small, Div. Pass. Agent Savannah, Ga.; C. B. Ryan, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. The Sport World With Local Color Dished Time to Time The biggest series of baseball games in the history of Americus has ’been started. Mercer with a formidable bunch is already here and their eyes are set on nothing less than a complete victory.; Auburn likewise is just as determined to retain her record as the only un defeated college team in the South, and if there is any w-ay to hold the Bap tists from Macon, these huskies from our sister state of Alabama are trying to find it. This series will settle conclusively just who is entitled to the S. I. A. A. ras, as these two teams have demon strated their strength with the best nines in collegiate circles. A brief glance at the personnel of each team will bring to light names well-known in all departments of baseball. and other of the pastimes popular in col lege and the world generally. Suggs, the Auburn first-string pitch er. is one of the cleanest sportsmen in the whole array, and his great ability as a twirler has been proven to the satisfaction of many colleges scattered throughout the South. His latest feat was in winning a couple of games from the strong Mississippi ag gies, who were reckoned as one of the strongest teams in the S. I. A. A. Suggs in the first game let the ag gies down with one run and five hits, while his teammates hammered Eth el idge, of Mississippi, for three runs and the game In the second encount er on the next day Suggs won his game 5 to 4. In Ducote Auburn possesses a slug ger of the Speaker and Chancey type. This man is noted in college circuits for his bad habit of usually breaking up a perfectly good ball game with a circuit clout, and if the Mercer twirl ers are not exceedingly wary, this collegian will catch one jf the bend ers on the nose and a ball game will be gone into smoke. With Wynne, the third baseman of the Auburn crew, left to care for loose homers, Ducote should prove a powerful factor in helping Auburn. Opposed to these bright lights of the Alabama college’s line-up, are Fuss, Morgan, Dewberry, Clements, Sorse bee, Bloodworth, and Swann, of Mer cer. Fuss is the equal of any pitcher in the S. I. A. A. and from his past per formances, this boy shows promise ot alli-Southern possibilities. Fuss is well known in Americus, having been connected with the Lanier (Macon> High school football team for several years. This is the first time Americus fans have had opportunity to see him perform in the national pastime, how ever, and they cannot fail to be pleas ed with his performance. Dew-berry and Morgan have both played before Americus people here totore. Dewberry having been captain You Can Drin k This Famous Coffee at Midnight It’s the Wonderful Old Secret Blear Even a hundred years agoFrencl Market Coffee was a favorite drink at all hours. I For generations it was known ai the midnight drink of New Orleans Society. Because of its delightful aroma and flavor, as well as the sac! that it can be partaken of freely with out harm, French Market Coffee is to be compared only with the best Turk ish and European coffees. This wonderful goodness is due to the famous old secret blend, which for a century has made French Mar ket Coffee the one choice of discrim inating coffee drinkers. Many have tried to imitate this famous blend — but the secret is still a secret. In former days you could get French Market Coffee at only one place —the Old French Market at New Orleans, from which it was named. Now it is sold at your own nearby grocery. Send 10c for 12-cup sample and booklet of the story o£ Old French Market. We will also send names of grocers in your town who sell French Market Coffee. 1 lb. cans, 25c; 4 lb. pails, SI.OO. DOUBLY GUARANTEED COFFEE By Your Grocer—By Us. NewOrleansCoffeeCompany, Ltd. New Orleans, La. of the 1912 Lanier football team, which organization gave the local High school eleyen the worst dicking they ever sustained in the pigskin game. Morgan was captain of the Lanier bas ketball team of 1915, and that team de feated the Americus High school five 81 to 10. Bloodworth is a very reliable pitcher and is depended upon to show Ameri cus fans and Elk visitors the stuff his coachs says he possesses. Duck Swann who won fame in football by his spec tacular 80-yard run against Florida, is playing first base for the Baptists, and it is said this man is even better as a baseball player than as a foottiall ar tist. Swann is a good batter, and one of the best all-round fielders in the game. Weaver is utility pitcher, catcher and outfielder, and one of the very best in everything connected with baseball. Mike Donahue, of Auburn, and Jake Zellars, of Mercer, are the rival coaches, and both are among the best in the country. TURN HAIR DARK WITHSAGE TEA Grandma Kept Her Locks Dark, Glos sy and Youthful With a Simple Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-time mixture or Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand mother’s recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance is one of the greatest advat. age. Nowadays though, we don’t have the troublesome task of gathering the! sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the addition of ether ingredients, called "Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound” for about 50 cens a bottle. It is very pop ular because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, be sides beautifully darkening hair after afew applications ,it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is soattractive. This ready-to-use preparation is a delight ful toilet requisite for those who de sire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of disease. CHAUTAUQUA IS A HUGE SUCCESS LUMPKIN, Ga., April 26.—Lumpkin Chautauqua closed Monday night with a lecture by Dr. Rader, the Platform Director, and a concert by the Swiss Yodlers, the company of singers who put William Jennings Bryan on the Chautauqua map. Dr. Rader spoke twice to a local congregation on Sunday, and gave his lecture on "The Making of a Man,” Monday afternoon. At night he spoke on "Uncle Sam and the World War, ’ taking strong ground for the Presi dent, and speaking for preparedness. He urged the young men of Georgia to stay by the soil of their native state and predicted a period of great prosperity for the South. This is Lumpkins first Chautauqua, but it will not be the last, so satis factory was the program that the pub lic spirited citizens signed readily a contract for another Chautauqua with | the Radcliff people to be given next year. The series of entertainments have been very much enjoyed by our peo | pie and have all been of a highclass. ■ '■ —— I, Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives rut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and ’.’uilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. 11. S. TROOPS MOST ELEAN IIP MEXICO OH WILSON LOSES Americus people wo have observed events occurring along the Mexican border in recent months, will be in terested in a letter received today by Mr. R. C. Moran from his cousin, Dr. M. J. Moran, who resides at Deming, N. M., only a few miles from Colum bus, the town raided by Villa, and who tells graphically of conditions as they are there. Dr. Moran, in connection with other matters of personal nature writes: "The ‘war’ is still on, though we have 'htd no disturbance closer than the border or Columbus, aid at the latter piace only on one occasion—Villa’s raid. The United States government has wished all the cripples and other prisoners on Deming, and the county has to take care of them. On April 2(th, the trial of the remaining six captives took place in the federal court here. The jury trying the case was out just thirty minutes, and each of the defendants was sentenced to hang. “There has been a lot of army equip ment passing through Deming, such as auto trucks, etc., and there is much ac tivity at Columbus, thirty miles south oi here in this county, but no condition of actual war yet. The hope is general ly expressed throughout this section that the United States army will stick to its task and clean up lawless conditions in Mexico for good. If they fire withdrawn before this task is ac complished, I fear, there will not be a democrat left in this part of the coun try—at least, not a Wilson democrat. “Aside from the recent border dis turbances Arizona is in better finan cial condition than in years and con ditions in every line of business is improving in New Mexico as well. Ari zona, probably, is in better condition than our state, but New Mexico is rapidly forging to the front, and good opportunities await all who come here prepared to undertake serious busi ness, With little to interest the fakir Beautify Your Complexion Not artifically, but perma nently, by drinking one pint of this delicious, digestive tonic with each meal. SHIV AR GINGER ALE Clarifies and puts roses and plumpness in sallow cheeks of old or young. At all grocers. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded on first dozen pints. Bottled only by the celebrated SIiIVAR MINERAL SPRING, SHELTON, S. C. If your dealer has none in stock tell him to phone GLOVER GROCERY CO., Distributors ior Americus. lEVBrPONIsTMENf Os Mrs. Chappell, of Five Years' Standing, Relieved by Cardui. Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap pell of this town, says: “1 suffered for live years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my punishment was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardin, the wo man’s tonic, and I decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until i I was almost cured. It did me more I good than all the other medicines I had fried, put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and 1 told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it.” Do you, lady reader, suffer from any ' of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache, sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired feeling? If so, let us urge you to give Cardui a trial. We feel confident it will help you, just as it has a million other women in the past half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. You won’t regret it Al) druggists. Writ/ t»: Chattanooga Medicine Co , Ladies’ Advisory Dept , Chatianoiga. Term... lor 5/znai fartnutinu on your case a >d 84 page book, "Hom. r-.-Unent lor Women," ir, plain wrapper N.U 114 A t— enjoyment as you never thought J could be is yours to command quick as f J » you buy some Prince K\ JwSwM Albert and fire-up a NS---.WMIIM pipe or a home-made : \ c’garette! S P* |S| Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat- isfaction your smoke- £p appetite ever hankered S for. That’s because » it’s made by a patented | process that cuts out I I I bite and parch! Prince Albert has always 3^. p^' |# AOJ/ g been sold without coupons or premiums. ™X*p , ip«'wh’«.r" I I ■ We prefer to give quality I (..oGAaern tobacco I Fringe Albert tAe national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it! And that isn’t strange, either. Men who think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga where ""fcacco rette can sm °k e an d will smoke if they use Prince toppyred bag*, sc; tidy red Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try ond hai/.p' , o a "n‘d°tTn hZmf. out certainl Y have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment don—and—that corking fine coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply Prince Albert will tell its own story I wv,.h.i...nrim—aiwo,,i R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. I and speculator.” Dr. Moran is secretary of the New Mexico State Board of Dental Exam iners, and by reason of his office trav els over the state quite frequently, thus being in position to reflect accu rately the state of public opinion there. He will visit this section during the coming summer, and anticipates spend ing a portion of his vacation in Amer icus. De Soto (Special to Times-Recorder.) DESOTO, April 26.—Mrs Aleck Duncan and daughters, Ann and Mary, went to Americus shopping Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howe and Miss Nellie Morris went to Americus Fri day. Dr. George Bagley made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Mr. L. K. Bagley went to Americus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bonie Johnson and Mrs. Addison, of Leary, w r ere interest ing visitors to Mr. and Mr'. Allen Johnson last Wednesday. Mrs. A. G. Howard, of Cobb, was the guest of Mr. and Mrsfl Ham West last Thursday. Messrs. Cobb and Harold Sumer ferd, John Davis and R. E. Howe at- 5 tended the boll weevil conference in Albany last Thursday. Miss Bessie Klosterman and Dr. Alva Bagley were guests of Mrs. H. A. ( . Bagley, of the 28th District. last Bunday. Miss Floyd Johnson, of Americus, is ( an attractive visitor to Mrs. Hugh Ferguson. Mr. M. C. Adams attended the teachers’ meeting in Macon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chadsey, Mr. end Mrs. Eshton Howe and children motored to Albany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson, baby and nurse, motored to Monticello last Friday to spend several days with rel atives. Mrs. Gus Luke and daughters, Gus sie and Mae, and Miss Florine Scar bcro autoed to Americus Friday. Mesdames Walter Herring, L. L. Wiggins and H. A. Chadsey were a trio of shoppers to Americus Thurs day. The school children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt Friday morning, chaperoned by Misses Nellie Morris and Mary Freguson. IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER Take u Glatts of Salts to Flush Out Your Kidneys and Neutralize Irritating Acids. Kidney and Bladder weakness result from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water (passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it. because they can’t control urina tion. While it is extremely annoying and sometimes painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast continue this for two or three days. This will neutral ize the aends in the urine so it no long t.- is a source of irritation to the 1 ladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caus ed by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts ic splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pelasant, efferves cent lithia-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. The people whose advertisement# ji.ii rend in this paper are on the level Thej’ie not afraid of tuelr goods. (standardized) ForAII Live Stock ■’.ASY TO USE—EFFICIENT—ECONOMICAL ’ A Sanitary Protection Against Contagious Diseases | Kills Lice, Ticks, Fleas. For Mange, Sheep Scab and other common skin troubles. Drives away Flies. J A Kreso Dip No. lin original packages D i > AlleiiT Drug A Seed Stors. ASK roa w booklkts. Yf PAGE THREE WONDER PRESSING CLUB A. HENDERSON, Prop. Next Chinese Laundry. Suits pressed and Cleaned sOe luits Pressed 25e Ladies’ Work a Specialty. Work done and delivered same day. * 1 111 ® r j SFt OH fc'r^'^t r^Bgpg^^ jfahby-ty‘ n 'Lexicon^ 1 "- ARROW C O L L AR spring style, in two heights CLUETT. PEABOOY b CO. IN CM* Kt RS Fresh Asparagus Tender white tips, cut daily Fresh tomatoes, celery,fresh peas, strav berries. Every thing good to eat. Sparks Grocery Company 43 Phone 279 The Royal Case For Ladies and Gentlemen. Just opened. Gives excellent service. The menu consists ot the best the mar ket affords and you get what you want If it is not on menu call for it and if It is in the market you get it. Everything new and up-to-date. 8. BANIACAS, Prove. E D. RAMOS, Manager. 207 Lamar 5t.... .. Telephone ttk