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APRIL 26. 1916 THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM FOR THE ELKS STATE CONVENTION PROVIDES DOINGS FOR EVERY MINUTE OF THEIR STAY The Convention »Vill Open Thursday Morning With The Business Sessions to Be Held in The Opera House—Every Detail is in The Program The official program for the Elks’ convention, meeting in Americus on April 27th and 28th, affords something all the time. The committee on ar rangements is C- H, Burke, general chairman; E. H. Hyman, secretary; i. J Kalmon, Dr. H. B. Allen and Rees E Horton. The program is: Morning, April 27—Business Session ■ — 5 £ * M 1 Your cares in comfort- ing the aches and pains m of the family from youth to old age, are lessened S when you use this old and trust-worthy remedy— | Sloan’s * ■ Liniment ■ J Bruises Rheumatism —Neuralgia J M Mothers: ‘‘Keep a bottle in your home” M Jj Price 2Sc., 50c. and SI.OO HELLO BILL! Everybody’s glad you come, and the Times-Recorder just voices the sentiments of everybody in Americus. You’ll have —’ a good time—because it’s here for you. You know a good time The best PEO- when you hear, feel and see it—so on with the dance PLE ON EARTH have come to the ’ And by-the-way, while you’re here the Times-Recorder will take special pains BEST PLACE ON to gratify ycur every want. Our first consideration will be the afternoon news- FARTH paper with all the news about the Elks, and coupled with this the news of the world , served by the Associated Press. The Times-Recorder will be on the streets each afternoon during your stay and it will guide you when all others fail. 1,11 AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER f “A PAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE** I —~ •- ' ' a 11 a m.—Calling the convention to order in Opera House by the State President, J ,E, T. Bowden, of Way cross, Ga. 11:15 a. m.—Welcome address in be half of the citizens of Americus, Mayor Lee G. Council. 11:30 a. m.—Welcome address _ on behalf of the business men of Ameri cus, E. A. Nisbet 11.45 a m.—Welcome address on be half of the Americus Ixvdge of Elks No. 752, B. P. O, E., W. A. Dodson. 12—Response on behalf of the state officers Elks’ Convention, Walter P. Andrews, of Atlanta, Ga. 12:30 p. m.—Response in behalf of the Elks of Georgia, John W. Bales, Rome, Ga, 1 p. m.—Barbecue dinner at Barbe cue Club grounds, Glessner street. Train will leave over the SeabOMd Air Line Railway front their depot at Jackson street. 10 a. m.—Special game of baseball for visitors, Auburn vs. Mercer, at Americus Baseball Park, foot Lamar street. Afternoon Session April 27. 3p. m. Ball game at Americus Bull Park, foot of Lamar street, Mer cer vs. Auburn. 4:30 p. m.—Automobile ride over the city by the Ladies* Reception Committee for the visiting sponsors and maids and other ladies. T/tdies to moot at Chamber of Commerce. 5 p. m. Reception to sponsors and maids of visiting Elk Ixvdgos, by the Queen of the Convention and her maids, at Windsor Hotel parlors. Grand concert by Jennings’ Moultrie Band during reception. 7:30 ip. m.—Grand ceremonial tn full regalia at Carnegie Library, Jack son street, Work to be put on by state officers. Officers in charge of coretn orial: John F. Gleason, Savannah Lodge, Exalted Ruler; John W. Bale, Rome Ivodgo, Esteemed Leading THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. UlAWlttaf Coffee ,o ° i PURE A GOOD TO THE LAST DROP I SEALED TINS ONIY - <; AT YOL'R GROCERS E(heek-Neai(offeeCo. NSSHVILVt '.HOUSTON JA-CKSONVD.Lt J Knight; H. D. Webb. Tifton Ixvdge. Lecturing Knight; Joe S. Watkins, I Augusta Lodge, Loyal Knight; Clayton Robinson, Milledgeville IjOdge, En quire; Albert Dunn, Atlanta Lodge, Organist; H. Hengeveldt, Waycross Lodge, Thantopaia; T B. Umar. Au gusta Lodge, Inner Guard. Bp. m. Roller Skating Tournament In street, block on Jackson street, be tween Forsyth and lamar. to be park ed In and seats built on same. All skates free on street while skating. 11 p. m. -Grand Street Ball. Queen of Convention and her maids with thn sponsors and their maids and their es certs, will lead the grand inarch. Jackson street block Second Bay's Session Morning, Ipi ll 2S- Business Session. II a. m.—Calling of Convention to order by State President, Hon. J. E. T. Bowden, of Waycross, Go. Business of the Conventlcn. Report of Elks Lodges over the state of Georgia. Election of officers for ensuing year Selection of place for holding Con vention 1917. New business for the good of the Order. Adjonrn for dinner Yftcmoog Session April 2S. 2 Sfl p. m Assemble for grand par ado Will form at head of Jackson Street, at intersection of Collage street, parade facing north 8 p. m. -Grand Final Rail on Jack son street. 8:80 p m -Grand March led by Queen and her maids of honor, visit fug sponsors and maids of honor and their escorts 9 P tn—Opening of Grand Street Ball. Everybody dances until they get tired. Good night Formation of Parade, Platoon of Police. Chief Marshal of the Parade. Aids to Chief Marshal. Jennison's Moultrie Band. State Officers in decorated automo biles. Queen of the Convention and maids ion decorated floats drawn by four white horses. Elks’ Lodgee in order named Amer icus Lodge, No. 752, Allanta Tjodge, No 78. Savannah Lodge, No 183, Augusta 1 edge. No 205. Macon Lodge, No. 230 Columbus l,odge. No in, Albany Lodge. No 713, Moultrie Lodge, No 1277, Brunswick Ixidge, No. 691, Tifton Lodge, No 114, Milledgeville Ixtdge. No. 744. LaGrange Ixidge, No. 1084. Dublin Lodge, No. 1 KIR. Douglas Ixidge, No. 1286, Bainbridge Lodge, No. 981, Waycross Lodge, No . 369, Valdosta l odge, No. 798, Griffin Lodge, No. 1207. Dalton Lodge, No. 1207, Athens Lodge, No 790, Carrollton Lodge, No. 1159, I’lzgvrald Lodge, No 1036, Thomas ville Lodge, No. 638. Sponsors and maids of honor will ride in front of the lodges they repre sent. Decorated floats and earriagos. Americus Fire Department. The folowing prizes will be offered during the parade sl<tn in gold for the best uniformed Lodge of Elks in Ibe parade; |r,o In gold for Ibe larges! attendance of any Lodge of Elks In Hie stale; $lO for the shortest Elk in parade; slo for Hie tallest Elk in par ade; $lO for the fattest Elk in parade; $lO for the ugliest Elk in parade: $lO for the fnnntest Wk in parade; SBS tn gold for the Ijodge wearing the most attractive badges. Line of March. Form at head of Jackson street, just south of Seaboard depot, facing north .Tackaon street to Lamar street; Lamar street to Ix»e street; lx* street Jto Forsyth street; Forsyth street to 1 Tnckson street; .Tackson street to Ja mar street; lemar street to Cotton avenue; Cotton avenue to Forsyth street; Forsyth street (left hand aide) to lee street, around left side of mon ument to Lee street; out lee street to Taylor street. Taylor street to Brown street; Brown street to Churvh street; iTiurch street to Lee street; Lee give style, comfort and superbly fitting gown; are economical because long* wearing, and assure the utmost in a corset at a most moderate price. W. B. NUFORM STYLE 419 (See large illustration) Medium low bust: elastic inserts. Splendid wearing coutil, embroidery trimmed. . $1.51). W B NUFORM STYLE 440 (See small illustration) rCS'Ct Inr average full figures. Me ’ .A diumbust. hobble hip con f strurtinn assures double i—T wear, with smooth fit. Long jx \ wearing Coufil, embroidery f /I ,|» Dimmed. . $2(1) Ay W OibrrW.B.Models SI.OO up. WrW W n. BRASSIERES worn wl® with W. 0. Corsets, give sash- [ll ji'i mY ionnble figure lines and add G / to gown-fit. . 50c and up. I i |“s| AT YOUR DEALER | -J | 0 Send fnt Fitee IlhisttHFed Fbidet to I <t* . so.ti. u w y^’w^Tr 1 * b t 11 ? '’f- M ■ " npwYntlt I hlencn Son street (rig4it hand side) tn court honae and disband The people whose asvorfis-emmrti yog road fa this paper are eg the lerH They’re got efraM of theft- goods. ♦ ♦ Big B. Bread * ♦ and Quality Cakes * ♦ made in Amrrkus, 4 ♦ at your Grocer or , ♦ ’PHONE 194 : anfri® BMitn : PAGE SEVEN