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PAGE TWO —BootHHXXHXHHKKKKXHwnn rm rwinmnnn nn nmwn noon——— (THOSE WHO COME | AND GO Americus The Mecca Fot Those Seeking Pleasure, 1 Health and Business. Come in and let us show you some diamonds in the rough. Daniels, the Jeweler. Miss Cordelia Gatewood left this afternoon for Camilla, where she will be the guest for a week of Miss Mattie Palmer. Read our ad. this issue electric fix tures and supplies at and below cost. LEVY-MORTON CO. 16-2 t H. C. Garner, ofrmer Southern Ex press Company agent at this place, but now of Newnan, was in the city over Sunday. His many friends here were glad to have him with them again. Our going out of business sale be gins Monday. Read our ad. LEVY MORTON CO. 16-2 t Miss Virginia Gunn, librarian at the Carnegie Library here, is spending a short while with relatives at Orange, Fla. During Miss Gunn’s absence, Miss Agnes Mcßath is in charge at the library. Best Ice Cream in the city for 5c in plate or cone. Allen s Drug & Seed Store. Lawson Stapleton and son, Frank, are at home from a ten days' trip to St. Louis and other points in the west. Let the Opera House do your en tertaining. Three great shows this week: Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Look and see what they are. 17-lt Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brady, of Nash ville, Tenn., arrived in the city Sun day and are the guests of Mr. Brady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Brady, on Hancock and Furlow streets. Mr. Brady is a traveling salesman for a big shoe manufacturing company, and this is his first visit to his parents in over a year. Read our Ad on Page 5 of this is. si e. Big Sale. PINKSTON CO. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown and •daughter, Miss Elizabeth, have re tturned home from a ten days’ trip to sNew York. " -- II 1 -•■•Hi e Hello, Grandma! We’re All Well, How are You? It is a joyous moment for the distant grand parent when she hears the voice of her favorite youngster on the Long Distance Bell Telephone. i Children who cannot write can use the Bell Telephone with ease, and their small voices over the wires give assurance to loved ones that all is well. The Long Distance Bell Telephone plays an im portant part in the social life of the nation. With- ■ out leaving your home you can visit satisfactorily with relatives or friends in distant cities. I The service is fine; the rates are reasonable. i. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE tW AND telegraph company. e] Kryptok Invisible Bifocal glasses. e Bell, The Jeweler. JONES’ BALSAM OF BENZOIN it s tut you. A reasonable quantity of Un -1 USUAL QUALITY. For all external e troubles where a liniment is needed. Ask about it; three sizes, 25c, 50c and SI.OO. All dealers carry it. Sold on - the money-back plan. 9-lm t Dr. H. H. Glover and family, W. Thad Glover and mother, Mrs. Henry - Glover, and Wm. A. Dodson, Jr., have t returned home from a two or three w eeks’ visit to Panacea Springs, Fla. Nettleton’s $7 Oxfords ot $5.35; $«~50 Oxfords at $4.85. All staple vici - and combination lasts included. Buy - nt least two pair. PINKSTON’S, t Mr. and Mrs. Will Easterlin and a children leave Tuesday for Chatta- I nooga, Tenn. They will go in Mr. Eas !, terlin’s car and will return home in a week or ten days. t Best line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco at Alien’s Drug & Seed Store. e j. Harrold Hutchinson, of Macon, for merly an old Americus boy, is in the city for a few days, the guest of rela tives. v Last (all; Pictorial Review for 2 years for $2; if received before August Ist. Hightower’s Bookstore. s II Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gatewood will re turn home Tuesday, after spending two weeks delightfully at Myrtle Springs. All Shoes reduced at PINKSTON’S. it Mr. and Mrs. Harris Washburn and . j Lamar Crum, of Montgomery, and Mr. i | and Mrs. K. Roscoe Lummus, of Col -1 limbus, were in the city Sunday. i If you are a regular patron of Pink ston’s Shoe Department and have . waited for this sale, be sure and come i;» the morning. 1 Make a 25c purchase at Allen’s ■ Drug & Seed. Store and receive a 10c > cake of toilet soap free for the next ten days. W. H. Lytle and P. L. Ammons, cf Dawson, visited friends in the city Sunday. Springfield Creamery Butter 40c at Morgan’s Market. 16-2 t 1 S. F. Hunt and O. F. Mcßae, were iu the city Sunday. Lot $4 and $5 low Shoes in this sale > for $2. Extra values. PINKSTON’S. W. Thad Glover has returned after an outing to Panacea Springs, Fla. i Why go to the trouble of making I your Ice Cream, when you can ger pure Ice Cream from the Windsor I Pharmacy that is made out of San!- t tary products and handled in a SAN ( ITARY way. Phone 161 William Holmes returned Sunday , from his home at Culloden, to resume , his position with the Kress store. He ( was called to the Barnesville company or National Guards, but did not pass the examination. Last call for the following seeds. ' Six Week's Peas, Beans, Bunch Butter Beans and Tomatoes. Get your seed at Alien’s Drug & Seed Store. J. W. L. Daniel is putting in ac on crete refrigerator for the purpose cf ■ saving his bananas at his plant out on College street. Manager Dudley has booked for this week “Damaged Goods,” for Wednes day; Charlie Chaplin for Thursday and Billie Burke for Friday. Save your moving picture allowance for these. 17-lt Revivap services will be conducted this week at Concord church by Rev. Pearson, of Plains. The services will be held at the Methodist church andi will continue during the week. Automobiles—For quick sales we are offering some rare bargains tn slightly used cars: One 1914 Cadillac: one 1915 Eight-Cylinder Cadillac: one Buick, Model B-37; One Dodge. AU these cars have been thoroughly over hauled and are tn perfect condition. All cars equipped witli electric lights and starters. W. G. TURPIN & COM PANY, Americus, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Baker, E. B. Baker and G. W. Dyerle, of Atlanta, were here Sunday. W. H. Childers came over from El laville this morning tos pend a few hours in Americus, looking after busi ness matters. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Argo made a short trip to Leslie this morning. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. f Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Hester, of Willis y ton, Fla., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Herschel Smith, on Lee street. They leave Tuesday for Asheville, N. C, ■t where they will spend some time be lt fore returning to Williston. ’i Clean your summer clothes with Futnam Dry Cleaner. Big shipment just received at Alien’s Drug & c | Seed Store. Mrs. M. C. Langston, of Augusta, is r visiting her neice, Mrs. E. H. Lipford, on Barlow street. - We could not buy the Shoes in car ’. lots at the prices we are offering them - today. PINKSTON’S. Miss Minnie Palmer has just re turned from a few days’ visit at her brother's home in Cairo, Ga. r ’ Melons on ice, June Apples, Pine apples and Butter-Nut Bread. Laney ■ Produce Co. 17-lt Julius Otto, of Macon, was in the city Monday. [• It’s a golden chance to save. See our ad. LEVY-MORTON CO. 16-2 t Nathan McFadgen made bis Monday’ f visit in the city today. Plant now’, Beets, Lettuce, Radishes, Turnips, Ruta Bagas, Mustard and ! Rape for fall crops. Best seed at - lowest prices at Alien’s Drug & I Seed Store. C. M. Tillman, of Mcßae, was in the city Monday. It is Pinkston's policy to show only new and seasonable Shoes. Hence this price cutting, just when you need : shoes most. Sale starts early in the ' morning. PINKSTON'S. Bill Lee, of Atlanta, a former Amer icus boy, is visiting home folks here for a few days. Paint your house, brighten your walls, stain your furniture and make it look like new, wax your floors, polish your grates, enamel your beds with Sherwin-Williams paints andl brighten up goods. The best ever and ! at lowest prices. We sell it. Alien’s Drug & Seed Store. - j J. S. McGarrah, of Plains, was i transacting business in Americus to day. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Smith, of Al bany, motored to Americus Sunday, spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis. Roy Wardlaw and sister, Miss Nell Wardlaw, of McComb, Miss., are visit ing in the city at the home of their cousin. Mrs. Gordon Brooks. Miss Lucy Lane is at home from a pleasant visit to friends and relatives in Oakland, Meriwether county. Dr. F. L. Cato has returned from New Orleans, where he has been for several weeks taking a post-graduate course. DESPERADO KILLED SHERIFFS GUIDES OPELOUSAS, La., July 17.—Sherif Marion L. Sworde, of St. Landry par ish, and two negro guides were killed last night in a fight with Relaire Car rier, a desperado, who it is reported terrorized many people in the Mallett section, ten miles west of here. News of the tragedy reached Opelousas ear ly today. According to the information reach ing Opelousas this afternoon Carrier had killed three men and defied the officers to arrest him. On attempting to take Carrier prisoner, Sheriff Sworde and his guides were all kill ed. A posse of citizens and officers is now searching for Carrier, and if the desperado is overtaken it is believed he will resist arrest until killed. I Legal Advertisements To All Whom It May Concern: GEORGIA—Sumter County. Mrs. U. S. Haisten, administratrix upon the estate of Mrs. J. B. Jossey, deceased, late of said State and Coun ty, having filed a petition with me for a Division in Kind of said estate, and It appearing to the court that said Di vision in Kind is practicable, and the appraisers having been appointed and having filed their return, this is, there fore, to notify any one interested in Plate summer voiles 1 ; New chintz patterns, well covered grounds in unusual color combinations. Floral patterns in tint ’ ed grounds. Novelty stripes and plaids. Patterns r suitable for street dresses, numbers cf patterns for party dresses. Some beautiful white voiles in plains and fancies r PRICED AT f 15c-25c-35c-50c i ■' 1 WHITE SKIRTINGS > An infinite variety of weaves and weights to select from. Gabardines, Piques, Waffle Cloths, Poplins, Reps, Birdeyes, Linens,combination weaves, etc. PRICED AT 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c MAY WE SHOW YOU THESE GOODS? SPORT ft • LimvrcT STRIPE n HONEST silks fF J dollar Yard wide ts SILK HOSE 75 c , all MEMBER AMERICUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. COLORS said division; that the return of said appraisers will be made the final order of this court on the 27th day of July, 1116, unless objections thereto be filed I between now and that day. . This the 28th day of June, 1916. JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary of Sumter County, Ga. Sheriff’s Sale. J GEORGIA—Sumter County: Will be sold, on the first Tuesday t in August, 1916, at the court house in . said County, within the legal hours > of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: One house and lot Number 1313 Lee St., ; Americus, Georgia. Said lot fronting west on Lee street and running back east one hundred and fifteen (115) feet, of a uniform width. Known as ( the John Lowman house and lot | Said property levied on as property ’ of John Lowman, to satisfy an execu tion issued from the Justice Court of , said county, in favor of Americus Security Company, against said John Low'man. Tenant in possession noti l lied according to law. . This stfc day of July, 1916. [ LUCIUS HARVEY, SheriifE. t - 1 fommissioner’s Sale. • GEORGIA—Sumter County: Will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Americus, between the legal hours of sale, on first Tues day in August, 1916, the following de ’ scribed property, to-wit: ; One certain house and lot in City of ! Americus, Georgia, fronting on Wynn street 57 feet and running back a depth of 75 feet, known as No. 309 Wynn Street, Americus, Sumter coun ! ty. Georgia; bounded North by Lind l sey alley, East by Wynn street, seutn by lot belonging to Annie Clements, and west by Mamie Jacobs’ lot The above described property to be sold under and by virtue of a consent decree from Sumter Superior court, dated May 23rd, 1916, the said decree reciting that one-half of proceeds from said sale be paid to Ernest and Rossid Cobb, and the other half to John ; Graham, guardian of Mamie Jacobs, : ■ minor, after deducting the cost and ; • expenses of the litigation in cases of . ■ Will Prince, Executor, vs. H. E. Alle> Administrator, and case of H. E. Al- i I len, Administrator, vs. Ernest and . ■ Rossie Cobb together with all expenses ! atending this sale. I Terms of sale Cash. 1 This July 5, 1916 1 H. E ALLEN, Commissioner. Are You Going Away? Let The Times-Recorder follow you? The summer Vacation would be made ideal with your home paper, with all the local news. Call Phone 99, or drop by The Times-Recorder and give us your address. That boy or girl off during the summer schools would appreciate this daily letter from home. And you, too, want the Times-Recorder. # Want Advertisements II I i - ♦ RATES. ♦ One cent a word each insertion. Minimum charge of 25c. So classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on our subscription books. AU advertisements for “HELP or SITUATION WANTED” will be In serted one time free. BUY the large sizes ot JONES’ BALSAM OF BENZOIN when your horses are troubled with scratches thrush, galled shoulders, swellings and fleeh wounds. Sod on the money-back plan. Ask vour dialer for it 9-lm FOR RENT FOR RENT: House close in on Church street. Phone 778, or see Miss Pickett. 15-ts u- _ FOR RENT: Bungalow all modern improvements. Phone 335. 13-24 MISS BELLE PARK. WANTED—Miscellaneous WE SHARPEN scissors, knives, and adjust lawn mowers. Phone 706. Williams Niles Co. 14-3 t LABOR WANTED—IOO men at once; wages from SI.OO to $1.50 per day on grading between Flint river and Amer icus. R. s. Talmadge Contractor. 28-30 t I have some local money to loan on desirable City Property. H. O. , Jones. to-ts WANTED—To bur your junk; old brass, copper, scrap iron, etc. Tele phone 813. Castleburry & Co., 711 s Elm Avenue. 16-ts i MONDAY, JULY 17, 191*, FARM LOANS van give good terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15.3 SAVE YOUR CIGARETTEbox faces and coupons for Emmett Sherlock. 26-24 t FARM LOANS—at 6 per cent, inten est. Terms satisfactory. R. I, May nard. fOR SALE FOR SALE:—One E. M. F. cut-down Roadster, one Overland Touring car, one Flanders Touring car, all in good shape. See Law Reese. 11-1 w FOR SALE— 500 bushels ear corn: price on application. Arles Plantation. 23-ts LEE STREET SAND PIT—In old Elbert Head Fish Pond Best buildlnj sand in Georgia. Short haul, easy to cad, very accessible, 20 cents for 2- horse load at pit, or 85 cents delivered! Vac in large quantities. See Harrold Brothers or L. G. Council. H-sis LOS7 LOST BULLDOG PUPPY with white and black spots; taken up at my house. Owner can secure same by paying for this ad. W. T. McMath. 17-lt LOST; On road to Myrtle Springs pair of gold rim spectacles. Finder will please return to Times-Recorder offlce - 16-ts EsTRAYED: Young Jersey Heifer, split in one ear. Notify Mrs. W. C. Barrow, Jackson street, Americus if