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PAGE TWO I THOSE WHO COME | AND GO Americus The Mecca For —Those Seeking Pleasure, I Health and Business. <M>Dd3GftCHXH>OWKH>O<KH>OOOOCOO<MKXKXH>CH>£HXKH>CHXHia£S®BBOSB® A nice line Belts with Silver Buck les at Daniels, the Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lott, of Macon, were visitors in Americus Wednes day. For the convenience of our custom ers and the general public, our garage will be kept open all night, beginning Tuesday. July 25th. Americus Auto mobile t o- Walter Bylander, Mgr. 26-(i I E. L. Massey, of Bronwood, was in Americus Wednesday looking after business matters. Make sleep more comfortable and restful by using Acme Mosquito Nels, For sale by A. W. SMITH FURNITURE COMPANY. J. T. Hightower, a prominent Lau rens county citizen, was a visitor in ( Amercus Thursday from Dublin. Ga. • I Notice. I will be absent from my office till , Saturday, July 29th. 23-6 t S. H. McKEE, D. D. S. —— — , L. D. McKee, of Seale, Ala., was in . the city Wednesday on business. For the convenience of our custom ers and the general pubMc, our garage will he kept open all night, beginning Tuesday, July 25th. Americus Auto, mobile Co., Walter Rylander, Mgr. 26-61 G. B. Netherton, well known trav eling man residing in Unadilla, Ga, but for some time past maaking head quarters in Macon, was a business vis itor in Americus Wednesday. You can have the y world's greatest sing- - ers an(i Musicians in 110Ine by having VICTROLA - WIND- ...x’-xr— PHARMACY. Tel ephone 161. 26-lt If You Want My Patronage, Say So “My wife tells me every afternoon to look over the ads in the Times-Recorder, and almost invari ably 1 find a reminder that induces me to purchase some articles really needed,” says a Times-Record er reader to the merchant who never advertises. “The Times-Recorder is the medium which my family consults. As I never see your ad in that paper I do not know what you have for sale. I patronize the Times-Recorder advertisers because I know what I want, and I find they advertise it. Besides, the things advertised are good—because these merchants have something which they are glad to show anybody.” AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER J TELEPHONE 99 J? 8L Americus, - - Georgia rL Kryptok Invisible Bifocal glasses. Bell, The Jeweler. JONES' BALSAM OF BENZOIN II for you. A reasonable quantity of Un- USUAL QUALITY. For all external troubles where a liniment is needed. Ask about It; three sizes, 25c, 50c and JI.OO. All dealers carry it. Sold on the money-back plan. 9-lm L. E. Picard, of Columbus, was in Americus Wednesday, on business. Don’t forget the Dance at Myrtle Springs, Thursday night, July 27th, Music by Pickens’ Orchestra. 27-lt The Horne-Summers-Bradley Compa ny, on Cotton avenue, have had their store walls and shelving painted, which adds much to the appearance of their store. For the convenience of our custom ers and the general public, our garage will be kept open all night, beginning Tuesday, July 25th. Americus Auto mobile Co., AV alter Rylander, Mgr. 26-61 Lee Childers, accompanied by his lit tle boy, Henry, were in Americus dur ing Thursday. Americus is Mr. Chil ders’ former home and he has lots of friends here who are always glad to see him come up from his Lee county plantation. Just received a fresh shipment of White Felt Hats at popular prices Hay & Tillman. 24-ts Tobe Laramore, of Lee countl, was in Americus Thursday on business. For the convenience of our custom ers and the general public, our garage will be kept open all night, beginning Tuesday, July 25th. Americus Auto mobile Co., Walter Rylander, Mgr. 26-61 A big crowd will see Billie Burke at the Opera House tomorrow. Are you keeping up with this delightful story. Mrs. W. H. C. Dudley will leave Fri day on a visit of several days to Mrs. Annie May Carroll at Atlanta. Dr. Bowman Wise and Frank Tim merman were Plains’ citizens in Amer icus today on business. Messrs. Brooks Buchanan and Charlie Hagerson were business vis itors in Americus today from near Friendship. During the show at the Opera House tomorrow when Billie Burke in “Glo ria's Romance,’’ will be seen the Aug ust Victor Records will be played, at the matinee only. 27-lt Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Davis, of Atlanta and Miss Lulu Adams, of Ormand, Fla., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McGillls, at their home on Lamar street. Mrs. H. B. Horton and son, Henry Clay, wTio have been visiting Capt and Mrs. H. C. Horton, left Thursday af ternoon for their home in Charlotte, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wilson, of Pres ton, passed through Americus this af ternoon, en route to Meansville, to visit relatives and friends. Make sleep more comfortable and restful by using Acme Mosquito Nets. For sale by A. W. SMITH FURNITURE COMPANY. Miss Louellen Bragg returned from a visit to Macon Thursday, having spent several days with relatives in that city. Hisses Annette and Elizabeth Ar thur,, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Arthur during several days returned to their home at Shellman ■ today. Deputy Sheriff R. E. Price left this afternoon for Milledgeville, accompa nying Mary Turner, a demented ne gress who will be incarcerated in the state insane asylum there. Get fresh Peanut Butter made Daily at the Acme Sanitary Market. Phone 574. 27-t» P. B. Williford returned home today after a brief visit to his sister, Mrs. Ralph Newton, at Fort Valley. Mrs. R. B. Godwin left Thursday af ternoon for Charlotte. N. C. THE AMERICUS HMES-RECORDER. We close at art These prices one o’clock / for Thursday * and Friday Ihursdays CHOICE OF only ALL WHITE WASH SKIRTS Values Up to $2.00 wiiii iMartiiiMMu rnimimiiffiiirir'iiiiiiiiin m— min OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 59c AND SI.OO CHILDREN’S WASH DRESSES 39c and 79c These prices W eclose at for Thursday K . and Friday Oneoclock Only MEMBER AMERICUS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TIIU FSCI Q V S Miss Clara Belle Culpepper, of At- ■ lanta, after a visit of several days in I Americus, the guest of Miss Mamie Brown, returned home Thursday af ternoon. The friends of Miss Elizabeth Stev ens will learn with regret that she is still confined to the Americus Hospi- ( tai and that she is seriously ill at that institution. Billie Burke is on tomorrow in “A Perilous Love.” Be sure to see this 5 episode. JUDGE M E. MARTIN ANNOUNCES FDRSOLICITOR ■■ 1 ■ - '■ 11 " Elsewhere in today’s Timesßecorder ( will be found the announcement of Judge Ware G. Martin, of the City Court of Leesburg, who seeks to be solicitor general of the Southwestern Judicial circuit. Judge Martin is the third entry into the field as a candidate for this im portant office. He is well known all oi er the circuit and will poll a good vote in the coming primary. SHE WAS A MAN ANO WANTED TO JOIN ARMY TOKIO, July 27. —The army con scription examiners in session at a town in the interior were astounded Recently when a young Japanese wo man dressed fashionably and carry inga parasol walked into the office and requested examination for mili tary service. When the applicant ex plained that “she” was a man and not a woman the examiners recalled ar. old Japanese custom of concealing sex, a custom which, as it afterward appeared, the applicant was follow ing. Old-time traditions held that a physically weak boy should be brought up as a girl from the belief that the child would thus escape the curse of death. The boy was attired in female costume and his hair was allowed to grow long like a girl's. Yasukichl, the son of King Mishi kawa, the array applicant, was brough up under this tradition which is followed now only in remote dis tricts. He learned to sew and to cook. He entered a cotton mill at Osaka and worked as a female opera tive. No one suspected his real sex. The examiners found the young man of perfect physique and health | and he has entered the army in man's clothes. I / BELCHER WHITES ON ELECTRICAL CLASS The editor has received the following communication from B. Belcher, an Americus boy in the United States Navy, which is interesting and instruc tive. It is on the electrical class at the New York yard: I have heard a lot of talk that a sailor’s life was about as rough a life as could be led. But I find that it is like I believed, that it is untrue. There are two sides to every question. The majority of the boys in the Electrical school here are High school graduates or have attended colleges several years. There are some boys here that have been through the Training Station for Seamen or have been in the service possibly several years. Most of them however start navy life here in the school. The school hours are about seven a day. Every thing that you study is before you. You can run the motors, dynamor, steam engines and turbines and see how they all work. In this way it is easier to learn more about them. There is also a large machine shop in the school. During the practical weeks of the course you repair and rewire motors, build switchboards or do any repair work around the school. After the school hours the class is drilled for an hour each evening and on Saturday about three hours. The class has its own band. We have sev eral drummers and a number of bugl ers. The class is now quartered in the Marine Barracks. It is of great advant aeg to be here instead of on a ship as we were a few weeks ago. There is more room and it is more like a home than on a ship. Besides there are no “decks” to scrub in the mornings. We have Divine services three times a week. On Tuesday and Friday nights services are held by someone in the city while the services bn Sunday morning are held by the chaplain of the navy. Usually there are.several ladies to sing ofr us on Sunday morn ings/ There is also a large library at the Barracks that is open to the sailors. Besides the books to read there are a number of good magazines and the daily papers as well. There is also a Victrola in the library, but dancing is strictly prohibited. We have liberty every other night and on Sundays. During this time one has a chance to see the city as well as the surrounding country. B. BELCHER. THIS AUSTRIAN BABY LOADED JITH NAMES VIENNA, July 27.—Th latest son of the heir to the Austrj-Hungarian throne was formally christened with gerat pomp at Schoenbrunn last week] and given the modest total of fifteen names to carry. The young man probably will be called Felix for short, but officially he l is now Archduke Felix, Frederick ; August, Maria vom Siege, Francis . Joseph, Peter, Karl, Anton, Robert, > Otto, Pius, Michael, Benedict, Sebast [ ian, Ignatius, Marcus d’Aviono. i His sponsor or godfather was King . Frederick August of Saxony, who ***~*‘*‘-**‘********'“**”*«‘»»-W««.«».r-.,,„ l1 Want Advertisements “—‘ la■ a a > RATES. ♦ ’ One cent a word each insertion, t Minitnnm charge of 25c. Ao classified advertisement will be charged to any one unless their name appears on our subscription books. BUY the large sizes of JONES’ . BALSAM OF BENZOIN when your - horses are troubled with scratches thrush, galled shoulders, swellings and flesh wounds. Sod on the money-back plan. Ask your dealer for tt. 9-lm I FOR RENT , FOR RENT—S room house Brannon avenue; screened, sewerage and bath. Mrs. Geo. Oliver. 23-ts i s FOR RENT—Four room house on , Prince street; electric lights; $lO a month. Apply to M. N. Edwards. 20-ts. ’ FOR RENT: Bungalow all modern s improvements. Phone .335. > 13-24 MISS BELLE PARK. i WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED—at once; one first class barber; must be first class; young married man preferred. Call, write, or come to see me. R. E. Brown, Les • He. Ga. 27-2 t i > WANTED.—'WiII pay cash 75c per t hundred certificates ( for Churchwell’s and Windsor Pharmajcy Profit Sharing Coupons. Frank J., Payne. at Y. M. C. A 19-ts ■ AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS One , Buick, model C-37, 1915, starter and lights; one Ford Touring car, 1916, like new. E. W. Tullis. Phone 16. ISltf THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911 made a special trip to Vienna from Dresden. As representative of the godmother there officiated Countess Lucchesti-Palli, nee Princess of Par ma. The solemn service in the Maria Therese room of the palace at Schoen brunn was conducted by Cardinal and . Princely Bishop Dr. Piffl. Archduke Felix was brought in to 1 the great room by the Countess Thun, with the king of Saxony following closely behind. He lay wrapped in • silks, on a silken pillow quite con i tentedly as the formal questions and : answers were spoken, and disturbed i the ceremony not at all by crying. i The witness included the Emperor, ■ Francis Joseph, but the baby’s father, Karl Francis Joseph, was absent in 1 the field. He has not as yet seen his > sen. W SHARPEN Scissors, Knives and aujuts Lawn Mowers. Phone 706. Williams-Niles Co. 25-tt COUPLE WANTS two rooms furn ■ ished for light housekeeping; must be close in; references exchanged. Ad dress C. H. C„ care Times-Recorder ' Cffice. 26-3 t i LABOR M ANTED—IOO men at once; I wages from SI.OO to $1.50 per day os 1 grading between Flint river and Amer -1 icus. R. s. Talmadge. Contractor. 28-30 t SAVE YOUR CIGARETTE box faces and coupons for Emmett Sherlock. : 26-24 t FARM LOANS can give good terms on farm loans; money plentl , ful. W. W’. Dykes. 15-Q i FARM LOANS—at 6 per c-snt. inter, est. xerma satisfactory. R. u May, -a-fl TOR SALE fcw, - LONG TIME LOANS made upon improved city rea’-estate located oa best streets of Americus. J. J. Hanes -1 ley, Americus, Ga. 20-tt I have some local money to loan •on desirable City Property. H. O. Jones. 10-tt FOR SALE—SOO bushels ear corn: i price on application. Arles Plantation. : 25-ts LEE STREET SAND PIT—In oil Elbert Head Fish Pond Best building sand in Georgia. Short haul, easy to ’cad, very accessible, 20 cents for 2- horse load at pit, or 85 cents delivered; 75c In large quantities. See Harrold Brothers or L. G. Connell. 21-tl