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PAGE FOUR THOSE WHO COME AND GO Americus The Mecca For ■ - 1 ■ Those Seeking Fleasute, Health and Business. The largest and prettiest line Brace lets and Watches in the city. S. A. Daniels. J. W. Griffin left Saturday for Macon. Mr. Griffin spends most of his Sundays in the Central City. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clark left Satur day afternoon for Macon, where they went because of the accident to their son, Musician Bruce Clark, which hap pened Friday night at Camp Harris. Butter-Nut Bread, Phone 89. 8-6 t | L. S. Turner, of the Turner Elec trical Co., left Saturday for Montezuma to look after some business mtters. Tom Adams left Saturday afternoon for Macon on a short trip. To get an SB.OO set of kitchen ware absolutely free if you buy a MAJES TIC range next week is an offer worth investigating. Visit our special demon stration during the week commencing Oct. 16, and we will show you this fine ware which is an out and out gift. Sheffield Co. S-6t P. A. Fenimore, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, went up to Ma con Saturday afternoon, on a short business trip. He will return Monday. Miss Ina Hudson leaves today for Montgomery. Ala., for a visit of a week or more to her sister, Mrs. Jack son. See our Boys’ Knee Pants Suits if you want good clothes; well made; reasonably priced. ANSLEY’S. Miss Genevieve Wheeler leaves to day ofr Trenton, Cal., to visit her brother ofr about three months. Miss Mathena Bivins, who is con nected with Plains High School, is spending the week with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bivins. IMPORTED BULBS for sale. Phone 403. B. I. Mize. 5-ts Henry Payne, a well known Ameri cus boy who enlisted with Uncle Sam's army in Florida, is now on his way to the border. He writes home home to his home folks stating that he has had a very pleasant trip since leaving the Land of Flowers. Phillip Wise, was a business visitor in Americus Saturday from Plains. We keep busy serving the people of AMERICUS because we give them what they demand. Give us a trial. ACME SANITARY MARKET. Phone 574. 8-lt Jack Slappey, of Plains, was trans acting business in Americus Saturday. W. F. Cheek, a prominent farmer of the 17th district, was in the city Sat urday on business. Just received nice shipment of RI GS, ART SQUARES and MATTING. Call and let us show you our stock; prices reasonable. A. W. SMITH FURNITURE CO. 8-lt MISS BESSIE WINDSOR . . Insurance . . Fire, Accident and Bends. Of fice Forsyth St. ’Phone 313 i■—■ ~ - New Building Material Business I am now prepared to fill orders fcr Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Builders’ Hardware, Paints, Roofing, Mantels, Grates, Tiling, Window and Windshield Glass, and will promptly and cheerfully furnish estimates on building material bills. Also have an Electrical Department, and will be pleased to makd prices on Electrical Supplies, Wiring and Repairs, and ask of my friends and the public a share ol their business in my line. Yard—Plum & Hampton Streets Office—2l9 Cotton Avenue Phones-Office 271; Residence 240 w. w. McNeill Kryptok Invisible Bifocal glasses. Bell, The Jeweler. The German submarine will never ccme up Muckalee, but you will have external troubles all during life. JONES BALSAM of BENZOIN destroys disease germs in cuts, wounds and sores. Use this Liniment of Quality and court safety, instead of peril. Scores of children died last year in the Southern states from rusty nail wounds. Do you know that BALSAM or BENZOIN will perform a multitude of services in your home? Ask your druggist. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allison left Sat urday afternoon for Forsyth, where they will spend several days and then will visit Atlanta. Friends of Eugene Bailey regret to learn that he is confined to his home' with an attack of fever, which, how ever, has not yet developed serious symptoms. Experience in thousands of homes has proved that the MAJESTIC is the: one range that gives real satisfaction [ and cute down the cost of living. An expert irom the MAJESTIC factory will be at our store during the week commencing Oct. 16, and will show you why the MAJESTIC is the only range for you. Sheffield Co. 8-6 t Mrs. G. W. Lewis, Mrs. George Van Riper, Mrs. J. C. Beck, Mrs. Charles Culpepper returned home Saturday af ternoon from Atlanta, where they went to attend the G. I. A. convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. J. L. Kearsey, of Leesburg, was in Americus Saturday, looking after bus iness matters. Money Loaned—s 1-2 per cent inter est. See R. L. Maynard. 21-ts Miss Evelyn Odum, of Leesburg,l came up Saturday afternoon for a short visit. E. L. Bridges, formerly of Ellaville, but now residing in Ocalla, Fla., trav eling for the Alkahest Lyceum system, with headquarters at Ocalla, was in the' city Saturday going to Ellaville. Mr. I Bridges is county school commissioner of Schley county until January Ist, when his successor qualifies. Butter-Nut Bread, Phone 89. 8-Gt Arch McCrea, of Plains, was in the city Saturday, on business. B. B. Ford, the Macon cotton man. went up to Macon Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday with home folks. He will return to Americus Monday. The greatest line of Men's Suits for $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 to be found anywhere; understand, however, we have Suits for $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00. ANSLEY’S. Walker Carter, of near Americus, was a visitor Saturday on business. Pinkney Powell, of Leesburg, was a visitor in Americus Friday, looking af ter matters of business. When about to buy an article such .is a range that plays an important part in the daily routine of the home, it I pays to examine it carefully and be I sure you are gttting the best range j va’ ue. A range expert from the factory I will during the week commencing Oct. 16, show’ you how the MAJESTIC is built, why it lasts so long and why it is the best value. Sheffield Co. 8-6 t The many friends of Miss Ruth Christian will regret to learn that she has been carried to the Plains hospital for treatment. They hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Thomas Brock and tiny young daughter, Winnifred, return to their home in Dothan, Ala., today, after a pleasant visit of several days to Mrs. W. C. Wheeler. No picture shows at OPERA HOUSE this week on acount putting same in readiness for opening theatrical season i during this month. 8-lt Mlle. Lucile (Lucile Whitehurst) and sister, Miss Florine Scarborough, sail today from Savannah on the City of St. Louis for their home in New York City. The expressman is a frequent visitor here these days. Suits, Dresses, Waists and Coats have idled in on us this week and tomorrow we shall be ready to show ample stocks of the most desired merchandise. PINKSTON’S. J. F. Souter, one of Webster coun ty’s popular citizens and capable at torneys, was in Americus Friday after noon. Mr. Souter has many friends in Sumter, as he has in other counties in this circuit. ATTENTION FARMERS. Mr. Will Green Turpin has just returned from' Kentucky, where he has selected a ear-! load of mules and Brood Mares with' colts by their side; they are also bred 1 again. 2-6t' Duncan Forrester was in the city Friday, coming up from Leesburg on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Reese M. Andrews, of Plains, was in Americus Friday after noon. Butter-Nut Bread, Phone 89. 8-6 f R. S. Pryor, of Smithville, one ofi Lee county’s most substantial citizens, was in Americus Saturday on import ant business. New Waists of Georgette, Crepe, Cot tons, showing the novelty effects, in cluding the famous Wirthmor, are here from $1 upward. Select yours at PINKSTON’S. Will Green Turpin, of Turpin & Son’s stables, left Saturday night for' Shelbyville, Ky., where he will visit the? mule and mare markets and purchase another lot of these animals for his large sales stables here. When you buy a range that has proved itself to be the best your mon ey has been well invested. The MA JESTIC DEMONSTRATOR will, during the week commencing Oct. 16, show you why the MAJESTIC is the best, and why it actually saves you money. Sheffield Co. 8-6 t Mrs. Ike Wilson, of DeSoto, and Mrs. i Lee Bradley, of Leslie, were in Amer k us Saturday, shopping. J. C. Rainey left Saturday for Ella ville, his old home, to spend a few days. Dustin Farnum in “David Crockett” at the Alcazar Monday. See it by all means. 8-lt W. E. Mitchell, of Smithville, was in the city Saturday. Remember October means cold weather and you must have underwear. "e have had. ours hurried and it Is now ready for your selection. All made by “Merode.’’ PINKSTON’S. Mrs. L. T. Turner, who has beep I visiting her sister in Jacksonville, I Fla., for the past two months still con , tinues ill. She has been quite sick , (luring her visit there and was for two j weeks in a hospital. Her many Ameri | cus friends will be glad to learn, how- I ever, that she is Improving. 1 You want pork and beef that you can sit down to, and enjoy at your meals, 't lien order it from the ACME SAN I. TARY MARKET where your business v ill be appreciated. Phone 574. 8-lt Mrs. T. M. Easterlin, of Anderson ville, was in Americus Saturday shop ping. B. G. Statham, of Atlanta, leaves Sunday morning for Leesburg, accom panied by his father, John Statham. They will spend the day with Dr. J. H. Statham at Leesburg and return to Americus Sunday night. The offer of an SB.OO set of kitchen ware FREE to every purchaser of a MAJESTIC during demonstration week is genuine. It is an out and out gift to every purchaser of a MAJESTIC range and the price of this range with a rep utation remains the same. See this de monstration during the week com mencing Oct. 16, at our store. Sheffield .Co. 8-6 t THE AMERICUS lIME3-RECORDER Lee Worsham, of Atlanta, was in the J city Saturday afternoon. Men: Have you ever worn a pair of Nettleton Shoes! Ask your neighbor. PINKSTON’S. W. E. Barrow, residing in Schley county, near Ellaville, was in Americus for a few hours Saturday. Paul Lee arrived Saturday from a very successful trip of several days in his territory. We have the latest and most attract ive styles in Fall Millinery. WALK ER'S. Pay us a visit. 28-ts Mr. and Mrs. W J. Slappey and chil dren, of near Ellaville, Schley county, were in Americus Saturday afternoon, shopping. PREPARE for cold weather by or . tiering DIXIE GEM COAL from Clark ' Coal Co. Phone 303. You will like it. 8-lt Frank S. Hale, of Smithville, ac companied by his son, Clarence, were visitors in Americus Saturday. Butter-Nut Bread, Phone 89. 8-6 t Cyrus Carter dropped in on his . Americus friends a few hours Saturday , from out near Friendship. Two story residence on Lee street for * ! rent. Possession November Ist. S. R.' Heys. Floyd P. Jones, of Leslie, w r as a bus iness visitor in Americus Saturday af ternoon. PREPARE for the 801 l Weevil by raising stock; buy your brood mares now. A good selection from Kentucky bred; also a nice line of Kentucky mules. Look them over. G. A. & W. G. Turpin. 2-6 t Miss Mary Haw’kes, of Americus, spent yesterday in the city with friends.—Albany Herald. Dr. A. S. Boyett, of Draneville, Marion county, was in Aericus Satur day attending to business atters. Fit your children in Shoes at Pink ston's, and we Will cut down your shoe bills, and tit the little feet correctly. PINKSTON’S. Dustin Farnum in “David Crockett” at'the Alcazar Monday. See it by all means. 8-lt B. K. Ford, formerly of Americus, but now residing in Birbingham, Ala., is in the city, and will be here for several days. Just received fresh shipments VEL OURS and up-to-date pattern hats. Misses Hay and Tillman. 5-ts L. H. Killebrew, residing near La crosse, Schley county, was in Ameri cus Saturdaj’ ofr a few hours. Has it ever occurred to you that a worn-out range wastes money in burning too much fuel and spoiling food? A range expert who will have charge of the MAJESTIC DEMON STRATION during the week commenc ing Oct. 16, will show you how the MAJESTIC range cuts down house hold expenses. Sheffield Company. 8-6 t wisJl aOf twos o, Ij| jjgH whenever iLeres- ■ ,T7Sg.TSS I I wk is- s-v~e io please. Jy I ■ LEVINE GOES WITH HUFFMAN BROTHEBS David Phillip Levine, who has been with D. Pearlman, in the mercantile business for over six years, is now with Hoffman Brothers, at 116 Cotton avenue. He is a salesman of known I GfeL* ; T vi||| 1 \ X: I > ■ ' -Wfe X I A- DAVID PHILLIP LEVINE. well known salesman now with Hoff man. Bros. I ability and liked by the large percent age of people who personally know' him in Sumter county. Mr. Levine has already made the change and can be found at Hoffman Brothers, where they are handling dry J goods, shoes, clothing, millinery and ladies’ ready-to-wear as a specialty, i Many people in Americus and this county will be interested in the busi ness change made by Mr. Levine, and will continue to do business with this popular salesman. ALLIED WAR VESSELS IN WATERS AROUND ISLAND MANILA, Pa. 1., Oct. 7.—Allied war ships, believed to be British vessels, are again active in territorial waters of the Philippines and a half dozen in ter-island vessels have been overhoul ed, halter and examined during the past few days. The proceedure is generally to halt a ship, send an armed landing party aboard, examine the ship’s papers, ask for information as to the nationality of the passengers and inquire whether the ship carried cargo or mail addresses to Teutonic subjects! So far there has been no interference either with passengers, mail or cargo. A large cruiser, believed to be Brit ish, cerated a sensation recently by dashing into Manila Bay and coming within four miles of the harbor. Then she turned tail and as suddenly made for the open sea again. No effort w r as made to stop her by the American DO YOU VALUE YOUR HEALTH? If you do then, consider the importance of buying your drugs from a reliable firm that keeps a line of fresh and pure drugs. Also the importance of having your medicine compounded by a druggist shat has had the ex perience ai d knows the business. REMEMBER that we carry at all times a full line of Candies, Toilet Articles, fresh Garden Seed and the best prepared drinks, or anything that you may demand from a first class drug store. Allen’s Seed & Drug Store AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Dodge Service. Day or Night Prices Reasonable Terms:—Cash L. L. COMPTON Phone 161—Windsor Pharmacy Residence Phone 646 AMERICUS, GEORGIA warships in the bay which have charge of enforcing neutrality regula tions, but it is understood that the matter was the subject of correspond ence between the governor general’s office and the British consulate. THE ALCAZAR Dustin Farnum is the star in the new Pallas-Paramount picture, “Davy Crockett,’’ but his fine work is almost equalled by the remarkable acting of a hitherto little known actor. This player has appeared in several ether screen successes, but has never before been given a part worthy of his exceptional ability. This played is a perfect specimen of a full grown cinna mon bear and has a coat like velvet. In all the scenes which this per former appears he stars, if a bear could ever be said to star. Whether It is only to frighten the sleeping colored boy in the canoe or to perform the del icate task of springing a genuine bear trap, the work is accomplished in a faultless manner. The remarkable intelligence of this animal and his comical actions add much to the atraction of this excep tional and differently told romance of the frontier. This photo-play is com ing to the Alcazar theatre Monday. Want Advertisements Figure your own want ad. Minimum charge is 25c. For insertions less than two weeks, one cent per word. For insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a cent per word. For insertions of more than four weeks, one-half cent per word. PERSONAL Buy the large sizes of JONES' BALSAM OF BENZOIN when your horses are troubled with scratches thrush, galled shoulders, swellings and flesh wounds. Sold on the money-back plan. Ask your dealer for it. *f TED—Miscellaneous WANTED—To buy several hundred good, sound oat, cotton-seed hulls and mixed feed sacks. Harrold Brothers. 5-ts. FIRST CLASS salesmen to sell ga-' rages, factories, stores, etc.; steady, I well-paying position for active man. i Milwaukee Tank Works, Milwaukee,; Wisconsin. 8-lt! FARM LOANS Can give good terms on farm loans; oney plenti mul. W. W. Dykes. 15-tl I HAVE several thousand dollars 10. cal money to lend on improved farm lands. See R. L. Maynard. 18-tl FOR RENT FOR RENT—Roney place; four to nine-horse farm; residence in city lim its. J. W. Hightower. 2-25 t FOR RENT—Three room apartment n our new home, electric lights, batt md all modern conveniences, sls.'b per month. C. A CHAMBLISS. 3-ts SUNDAY, OCTOBER t), 1 9W For Sale! One desirable Lee Street lot, eastern frontage, 55x210 feet. Cheap to quick buyer. Address T. A. B. Care Times Recorder FOR RENT—Light housekeeping and single rooms. Mrs. T. N. Hawkes. 4-4 t FOR SALL CABBAGE PLANTS—Large plants, grown from select seed; 25c per 100. R. D. Stewart, Phone 705, next to Poole’s Grocery, Americus. 4-ts ——- —M STRAWBERRY PLANTS—I sell you plants grown by Continental Plant Co. for less than you can buy direct. I buy in big quantities. R. D. Stewart. Phone 705, next to Poole’s Grocery, Americus, Ga. 1-ts WINDOW PANES, all sizes, putty and sprigs for same. Phone 706. Williams-Niles Co. x 8-ts FOR SALE —• Registered DUROC JERSEY PIGS. J. T. Bolton, Leslie, Ga. 3_st FOR SALE—Genuine Sumter county raised seed rye; also Texas rust-proof seed oats. Harrold Brothers. 8-6 t FOR SALE —Registered Duroc pigs, sired by Sensation Select. Write J B Ellis, Route B, Americus ,Ga. 11-ln FOUR ROLLS High Grade Toilet Pai per 25c. Hightower’s Book Store. 24-ts ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS—Flash Lights and Batteries a* Hightower's Book Store. 24-t| WATER GROUND meal made from new corn. Buchanan Grocery Co. BRICK! BRICK! Omaha brick yards opened under new management; skilled brick-maker; ask for price and samples; don’t belong to the trust; for prices, etc., write M. W. Berry, Manager Omaha Brick Yards, Omaha, Ga. 8-lt