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PAGE TWO * ♦ * Local News Items ♦ 4- f See our Stents Balls and Chains. Daniels, the Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jeter, of Plains, are receiving congratulations over the arrival of a pretty little daughter, who came to reside with them Sunday spoming. Mrs. Jeter is the daughter eV Mr. and Mrs. R. S.»Oliver, of Plains. M. Murchison, of Plains, was a busi ness visiter in the city Tuesday. Buy your Automobile Tubes and Tires from G. A. &W. G. Turpin. 13-ts J. B. Hudson went over to Plains■ Monday morning on business, return ing at noon. D. I. Hite, of Plaint, was in the city Tuesday, on business. See the new painted Black Glass at William-Niles Co. Bud Vases, Flower Containers and Bulb Bowls. Phone 7C6. Williams-Niles Co. 26-ts J. F. Souter, of Preston, was in Americus Monday, on legal business. J. W. Johns, of Plains, was in the city Tuesday morning. PREPARE for cold weather by ord-1 earing DIXIE GEM COAD from Clark Coal Co. Phone 303. You will like it. Guy Pryor, of Dee county, was in the city Monday, on business. Frank Morgan, of Richland, was in the city Monday. We have the half-size Muffin Pans, Tin Cake Pans with loose bottoms. Phone 706. Williams-Niles Co. 26-ts! Barney Usury came up from Adams Monday and was in Americus for a few hours on business. Jno. S. Ward, of Sordele, was in Huntington for a short while Monday, on business. Yearly contract wanted on 4-foot wood, furnished f. o. b. plant; or will buy timber, we cut and ban!, or will clear land for the wood. Americus Steam Laundry. 24-ts Mr. and Mrs. Irving Giddings, who have been visiting Mr. Giddlng’s par ents for a day or two, returned home Monday afternoon. 1,. W. Keith, the traveling passenger agent of the Central of Georgia rail way, was in the city Tuesday, looking •Her business for his road. COAL THAT'S AIL COAL Montevallo is the name. Only one original article by that name. By far the two best coals for grate purposes are the original Montevallo and ans BLUE GEM Jellico coal. Ac are the only dealers here selling both these coals. Our stock is limited on account car shortage. Better order while you can get it. Chances are, will be higher later in Winter. Harrold Brothers Phone No. 2 — - —————— A Nettleton Thoroughbred — “The Bond MB# ( Street” $7.50 <1 Economy Through Qualify Laced Style. In Nut Brown Russia Calfskin or soft, long-wearing Black Russia Calfskin. In “The Bond Street”, we presentone of those Nettleton models which ’mark the limit of perfection. The finest materials, the most skilled handwork enter into its making, producing a marvel of comfort, artistic fines and practical wearing quality. For business and informal wear. Pinkston Company Agent for Nettleton Men’s Shoes—the World’s Finest , Kryptok Invisible Bifocal glasses. Bell, The Jeweler. , The German submarine will never s come up Muckalee, but you will have i external troubles all during life. JONES ' BADSAM of BENZOIN destroys disease ■! germs in cuts, wounds and sores. Use ,! this Liniment of Quality and court safety, instead of peril. Scores of 1 children died last year in the Southern I states from rusty nail wounds. Do you know that BALSAM or BENZOIN will perform a multitude of services in your home? Ask your druggist. I Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Furlow are in Lumpkin visiting friends and relatives | after their return of several weeks ' spent in thj west. Dr. G. W. Barrow, of Leslie, was a visitor in Americus Tuesday. Money Loaned —5 1-2 per cent inter est. See R. L. Maynard. 21-ts I W. W. Hooks, one of the best farm ers in the ciunty, was in the city Tuesday from Cobb. Rev. J. M. Murray, of Ellaville, was in Americus, passing through, en route to serve one of his churches in this ■ section today. For longest range and greatest kill ing power, use Black Shells, smoke less and black powder. Phone 706. Williams-Niles Co, 26-ts Mrs. Walter Rylander is in Mcßae, to be present at the wedding of her sister, Miss Elizabeth Davenport, and Mr. Graeme Plant, of Macon, on Wed nesday, November Ist. Mrs. Rylander will be joined by her husband, Walter Rylander, who will attend the nup tials. Mrs. J. W. Goodman and little daugh ter, Virginia, left Tuesday morning for an extended visit to relatives and friends in Birmingham, Ala. Don’t fail to see “Race Suicide” at the Opera House tonight, 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock. Clarence Almand, of Atlanta, for merly of Conyers, was in Americus Tuesday for a short visit. Mr. Almand is in the real estate business in At lanta, and comes to Americus and this section of the country quite often. He left Tuesday afternoon for Albany on business. November Victrola Records now in sale at Windsor Pharmacy. Let us have your order. Phone 161. 29-lt J. W. Jones left Tuesday afternoon for Smithville and Leesburg, where he went on business. Mrs. J. A. Hartzog and little son, John, left Tuesday afternoon for Mar lin, Ala., the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Hartzog, where they will spend a week or so with relatives. Wm. S. Hart in “The Apostle of Vengeance,” and Fatty Arbuckle, in “The Waiters’ Ball,” at Alcazar to morrow. Don’t fail to see these. Mrs. Taylor Lewis returned home Tuesday afternoon from Atlanta where she has been spending some time. R. E. Layton, formerly of Arling ton, but now of Ocala, Fla., arrived in Americus Tuesday afternoon. He came here to visit his friend, George W. Riley, and talks very optimistical ly, stating that he is now managing a Chero-Cola plant in Ocala and that his business is fine. 10 Days WOOL BLANKETS DRY CLENASED 50c pair. Americus Steam Laundry. Phone IS. 30-ts Russell jMcGarrah, of Friendship, was a busness cisitor in the city to day. J. G. Glover, of Camilla, w r as a vis itor to Americus today, en route to Columbus. Wm. S. Hart in “The Apostle of Vengeance,” and Fatty Arbuckle, in “The Waiters’ Ball,” at Alcazar to morrow. Don’t fail to see these. Miss Lal lie Carter was a visitor in Americus today. S. A. Daniels left Tuesday afternoon for Columbia, S. C., where he goes to visit his brother, Guy Daniels, who is ill at his home in the Carolina city. Mr. Daniels’ Americus friends all hope jthat he may find his brother’s condition perceptibly improved. W. F. Neil, representative of the wonderful production “Race Suicide,” j i°. in the city today, and reports big | business everywhere on this wonder- 1 ful picture. 31-lt Mrs ,W. F. George, Mrs. J. B. Heard and Mrs. P. A. Leonard, of Vienna, motored over to Americus Monday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crockett, at their residence on Lee street for the day. The members of the party also were shopping during their stay in Americus. Frank Powell, the popular and gen ial clerk of the Superior court of Dooly county, was over from Vienna Tt esday. Mrs. W. W. Dykes returned home Auesday afternoon from Atlanta, where she has been visiting for sev eral days. Miss Helen Argo left Tuesday after noon for Andersonville, where he music class will give a recital this a.ternoon. Miss Argo will return home at 7:30 o’clock this evening. Roger Williams, cf Ellaville, was a visitor in Americus Tuesday after noon. Legal Advertisements Petition For Charter. STATE OF GEORGIA, Sumter County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Frank Lanier, Carr S Glover, Wm. D. Moreland, W. M. Jones and J. Raison Cargill, respect fully shows the following facts. Ist. That they and their associates de sire to be made a body politic anl be incorporated under the name and style of FARM PRODUCTS COM PANY for a period of twenty years with the right of renewal at the ex piration of that time. 2nd. The principal office of said com pany shall be in the city of Americus, said county aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices and factories within and with out the state whenever the same may be thought expedient by the directors or officers of said company. 3rd. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be Ten Thousand ($lO,- 0C0.00) Dollars with the privilege of increasing the same from time to time to any amount not exceeding the sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND $100,000.00) Dollars. 4th. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be divided into shares of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. sth. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. 6th. The particular business to be car- THE AMERICUS TIME3KECORDER. ii A big new discovery in II || cigarette blending || 1 he big thing about Chesterfields is their unique blend. The Chesterfield blend is an entirely new com* * bination of tobaccos. 1 his blend is the most important ffl • new development in cigarette making in 20 years. « B Oj As a result, Chesterfields produce a totally new |||| cigarette enjoyment—they Just like ||||S a b e f° re bedtime satisfies when you’re hungry. H|i But with all that, Chesterfields are MILD, too! O® Thi ® new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild) comes jlj' ® CNLY in Chesterfields because no cigarette maker can copy the Cfoster/WfZ ■I ll H; ms a package of those cigarettes that SA TISFYI ” •|1 I Chesterfield I Is CIGARETTES I: 10 for 5c J Jpf.® Also packed 20 for 10c a * ■■ ’ &/ it ried on by said corporation is the' manufacture, refining, blending and ' packaging of sugar, syrup, candy, molasses, conserves, sweet meats and the buying and selling of same; the manufacture and packaging of flour, meal, stock and poultry feed, oils and all products of peanuts, cotton seed, etc., and the buying and selling of same; evaporating, condensing and packaging of milk and dairy products and the canning and preserving of all fruits and vegetables and the buying and selling of same; the grading and packaging of pecans, peaches and all fruits and vegetables and the buying and selling and growing of such oth er products or commodities of this or foreign countries. To plant and to grow sugar cane, sorghum, tomatoes and all vegetables and field crops that may be thought necessary in the op eration of said business; to buy and to sell real estate and to own and op erate farms and refrigerating plants for preservation of the products of farms, orchards or dairies; to own and operate factories, warehouses and refrigerating plants for preserva tion of the products of farms, orch ards or dairies; to own and operate factories, warehouses and refrigerat ing plants in this and other states for the carrying on of said business and to deal in live stock; to buy and to sell meat, grain, hay and plantation supplies and to do all accessories nec essary for carrying on the business of the FARM PRODUCTS COMPANY. , 7th. Petitioners desire the right to sue and to be sued, to plead and be im pleaded, to have and to use a common seal; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations and to do all other things which may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said For Sale at Auction! I 152 1-2 acres of land, more or less, known as the Joseph Hagerscn place, siiuated about one mile from Concord church, to be sold to the highest bidder before the court house door on the first Tuesday in December, 1916. For further information apply to S W. W. HAGERSON I Americus, Georgia | business and execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which may be incurred in the con duct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed or other form of liens and to own stock in other corpora tions. Bth. Petitioners ask authority of said corporation to wind up its affairs and liquidate and discontinue business at any time it may determine to do so by vote of two thirds of its stock at the time and let it have all other rights, powers and immunities of like corporations permissible under the laws of Georgia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style as aforesaid with all of the powers, privileges and immunities as herein set forth, SHIPP & SHEPPARD, Petitioners Attorneys. Original filed in office, Oct. 18tb, 1916. H. E. ALLEN, Clerk Superior Court. GEORGIA—Sumter County. I, H. E. Allen, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the petition for char ter of FARM PRODUCTS COMPANY as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of this court, this October the ISth, 1916. H. E. ALLEN, Clerk Superior Court. The people whose advertisements yon read in this paper are on the level. Tliey'ie not afraid of tnelr goods. Try a AVANT AD in the Times-Re. order. They pay big dividends i DR. BURROWS CALLED By ! : DEATH ID NASHVILLE » • Dr. Lansing Burrows left this af ternoon for Nashville, Tenn., having been called by the death of Dr. J. M. 1 Frost, secretary of the Sunday School 1 Board of the Southern Baptist conven ts tion. Dr. Burrows was closely affil > iated with Dr. Frost, because of the t presidency of the Southern Baptist r conventiop. Dr. Frost’s death removes f a distinguished divine from the work r of the Baptist church. • I Want Advertisements | 1 jl mi.m-.i- - i _ _ - -- - - _ * . IJS -er w t irwwwww srwwwwwwiwirww’i Figure your own want ad. Minimum charge is 25c. For insertions less than two weeks, one cent per word. PERSONAL r ______ ] LOST —Cap on a Hudson car gaso- line tank. McCord Prather. 26-ts Buy The large sizes of JONES' 5 BALSAM OF BENZOIN when your , horses are troubled with scratches J thrush, galled shoulders, swellings and flesh wounds. Sold on the money-back plan. Ask you" dealer for it. *t i WAN TED—Miscellaneous I _ We will pay seventy-five cents per ■ bushel, delivered our plant, for new la me raised corn, shelled or on the , cob. Also in market for velvet beans 31-2 t FARM PRODUCTS CO. WANTED—Messenger boys with I wheels. Western Union, Americus. I 30-ts MONEY TO LEND.—We have a few I thousand dollars of local trust funds I or quick loans, or will buy purchase I money notes, if well secured. Shipp- I & Sheppard. 29-1 m I NEW PRUNES; new dried apples I and peaches; new dates. Buchanan I Grocery Co. 25-ts i; A CLASS in bookkeeping and short- I\ hand to begin November Ist is being |! organized. If interested address I Bookkeeping care Times-Recorder. 16-ts I CHOICE FARM LOANS at 5 1-2%. . G R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. 15-lt TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, j 9lg Physician’s Eczeniaßemedy Dr. Holmes, the well-known skin special ist, writes: “I am convinced that the D. D. D. Pre scription is as much a specific for Eczema as quinine Lor malaria. I have been pre scribing the D. D. I>. remedy for years.” This soothing combination of oil of Wintergreen, Thymol, and other healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescription is now a favorite remedy of skin special ists for all skin diseases. It penetrates the pores, gives instant relief from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. Druggists are glad to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid. 25c, 50c and SI.OO. Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the first bottle relieves you. D. D. D Soap keeps your skin healthy.. Ask about it. Hooks’ Pharmacy. buA, .a.a a a a a * * —a w*f •<*» nrwmwrwxwwwwm. wwwWC I WANTED—Three or four hundred i cords of four-foot pine wood. Atlantic • Ice & Coal Corp 19-ts I HAVE several thousand dollars lor cal money to lend on improved farm lands. Sec R. L. Maynard. 18-tl I FARM LOANS Can give good I terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six-room house with 5 acres of land; Felder street; posses sion November Ist. H. C. Davis. 30-6 t FOR RENT—House No. 219 Craw ford street; $15.00 per month. Apply to Crawford Wheatley. 24-ts > __ ___________ TOR SALE i FOR SALE—Or exchange. We have several high-grade heifers and hol s>.ein bull. Would like to exchange for beef cattle. W. J. Josey. 31-6 t r 3 FOR SALE OR RENT—WiII sell on 3 easy terms or rent, whole of Land Lot > No. 56 in 27th district, where Ralfs i Tison now resides; place formerly cwned by W. P. Wallis. G. R. Ellis, i 11-ts 1 f USE NATIONAL MAZDA Lamps. They give the fullest measure of light; . make your money go farther. Phone ; 706. Quick delivery. Williams-Niles Co- 25-ts CABBAGE PLANTS—Large plants, grown from select seed; 25c per 100. ■ R. D. Stewart, Phone 705, next t<s • I'ooles’ Grocery, Americus. 18-tl