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PAGE TWO Local News Items A new line White Ivory Goods at S A .Daniels. Miss Mary Dudley Rort is tlie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Fort, on Lee street. J. L. Glawson, of Mattox ,was in the city Friday for a few hours, on business.' A real $35 Axminster Art Square size 9x12, next Monday at Allison Fur niture Co. for only $23.50. 15-?3t Miss Martha Wheatley is spending the week-end with friends in Macon. 1 J. S. Womack, of Ellaville, was in the city Friday, on business. Large California Celery, Florida Teppers and Egg Plants, Oranges and Grapefruit* Concord Basket Grapes and ' Butter-Nut Bread. W. S. Ivey & Co.| Phones 89 and 14. 17-1 1 Miss Laurie Johnson, of Huntington, was a visitor in Americus Friday morning. ' — I J. F. Bolton, accompanied by W. T. ( Jordan, of Leslie, were in Americus 1 Friday, on business. I <4 An all cotton Mattress in plain or ert tick next Monday at Allison's for cnly $7.75. 15-3 t Albert Brady and Ned Johnson, of j Huntington, were in the city Friday or business. George W. Bagley, of DeSoto, was in j Americus riday, looking after mat tt-rs of business. s ———— e We have just received a shipment of f BUICKS, little fours, in touring cars f or roadsters. Call and let us give you g a demonstration. W. G. Turpin & Co. ; 15-3 t i i v Arch McCrea was la the city Friday.! t I Mrs. Ernest Wilson, of Leslie, was a I visitor shopping in town today. ( j Full Colonial Buffet in Golden Oak, t 60-inch case, highly polished, S6O value s next Monday at Allison’s for only $45. 15-3 t ! a The condition of little Perry Clgg, IJ Jr., of Cordele, is very much imporv- jl cd, having been confined for four 1 weeks with pneumonia. He is the son ( of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clegg, and has | relatives in Americus. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, of Leslie,! were visitors in the city today. -- I have several Mules and Mares for 1 sale cheap; mules 7 and 8 years old.l< G. ¥. Harrell, Lumpkin, Ga. 9-ts: ( Mrs. C. O. Niles is expected to re- i turn tonight from a week’s visit at Bainbridge, Ga. I 1 |l Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor and i daughter. Miss Mattie Sue Taylor, re turned Thursday from a visit to Ma con. and were accompanied by Mrs. Taylor’s aunt, Mrs. Annie Mann, a former resident of Americus. Mrs. Mann will spend several days with Mr.l and Mrs. Taylor. See our assortment of Japanese and I Haviland CHINA before you make your I Christmas selection. Allison’s. 15-3tl Miss Callie Bell, who has been vis iting on the Mexican border, returnee home Friday afternoon. She saw all the Americus soldier boys while there M. J .Hines went down to Leesburg to spend a day or two with his family I Friday afternoon. We carry one of the most complete lines of Automobile Robes, Buggy Robes and Auto Accessories in the city. G. A. & W. G. Turpin. 17-ts Mrs. E. M. Dean, of Plains, was a visitor shopping in Americus today. Egbert McDaniel will return Satur day from Box Springs, Ga., where he has been visiting relatives for a month o.- more. Special next Monday: 2-Inch Post Iron Bed, in white or Vernis Martin, only a few, new beds. Only $8.50. 15-3 t ALLISON. The football team of the Third Dis trict A. & M. school will play the Col umbus Industrial school Saturday in Columbu.'. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holmes, of Macon, arrived Friday afternoon, and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dod eon for several days. ' Kryptok’lnvisible Bifocal glasses. Bell, The Jeweler. The German submarine will never come up Muckalee, but you will have external troubles all during life. JONES BALSAM of BENZOIN destroys disease germs in cuts, wounds and sores. Use Liniment of Quality and court safety, instead of peril. Scores of children died last year in the Southern states from rusty nail wounds. Do you know that BALSAM or BENZOIN will perform a multitude of services in your home? Ask your druggist. Rev. I. B. Lawrence returned homej from Bainbridge and Blakely Friday afternoon. He assisted in holding a meeting at Bainbridge. Mr. ad Mrs. T. G. Hudson spent a' few hours on their Schley couo’y plantation Friday. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the old Standard GROVES TASTELESS chill TONIC, You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50c. advt Barely Missed The Marina En Route To America And Home Booked for passage on the ill-fated f Marina, the British boat sunk by a j torpedo from a German submarine! several days ago; deprived of her res- ! ervations because of a sudden order . from the government taking it away : from commercial travel, and then' i safely booked on the Tuscania, landing , iu New York on last Tuesday, are the j interesting events in connection • with Miss Jessie Brascomb, in the city! today as the guest of Mrs. Allie Hayes ‘ Richardson. Miss Bramscomb is from : Union Springs, Ala., and has been in China in missionary work for three years, leaving there in June and re turning via Europe. In her travels she visited Paris and London. In the early spring of this year when prices on all woolens were very much lower than at present we placed large contracts for blue serges, plain and fancy worsteds and cassimers which v\ e have had made up into the most wanted styles men’s and boys suits. Now, in order to mike an unprecedented record in our clothing sales for the months of November and December we are going to make a price of $15.00 We merely request that you call and inspect these suits leaving it to 'yourjgood judg ment if they can be equalled'ANY WHERE at this price. THESE ARE SEE OUR BIG Spot Cash N orth window VALUES Member Americus Chamber of Commerce DISPLAY » • | Mrs. C. O. Niles, who has been visit ing Mrs. George H. Fields, at Bain i bridge, returned home Friday after noon. Money leaned—s 1-2 per cent inter est. See R. L. Maynard. 21-ts Dr. H. G. Foster, of Preston, was a visitor transacting business in the city today. J. B. Sims and two children, Bob and | Thelma, arrived Friday afternoon and | will visit relatives and friends here tor a few days. ATLANTA BOARDING HOUSES PUSH UP PRICES ON BOARDERS. ATIxANTA, Ga., Nov. 17. —Mr. Score Keeper! Ring up another for old I .1. C. of L! Boardiig houses have caught the fever of increased prices, or have been compelled to advance their rates because the price of groceries and > ether necessities is soaring—which-: ever you choose to put it —with the: result that bachelor boys and bachelor men and bachelor girls and bachelor maids, are having to dig down deeper into their pockets. There is no way out of it, declares our fat friend, the landlady. Meat up. Lard up. Flour up. Sugar up. Ev erything out of sight. That’s the way she dopes it out. And the worst o? it is, for the boarders, that she’s tell ing the truth. f Miss Bramscomb talks interestingly ! cf the thrills of the war land; the pe> iculiar Parisian topics; her passage I through England. It seems that she j had made all reservations on the Mar , ir.a, and had left London for Glas gow to take the boat. On reaching . there telegrams advised her that all bookings had been cancelled because i the boat had been commandeered by > the government. Immediately book ' ings were made for the Tuscania from I Liverpool, and from that port she sail ed safely to New York. Miss Bramscomb leaves tonight with Mrs. Richardson for Albany, where i she will visit before going to her home in Union Springs. THE AMERICUS lIMES-RECUKDEK. AMER'GUS SHOWS — ALCAZAR THEATRE. Friday.—Blue Ribbon, ‘Light at Dusk.” Five acts; “Peg O’ The Ring.” Chapter 3. Saturday.—Triangle. “Flirting With Fate.” Five acts; “The Surf Girl,” two reel Keystone. OPERA HOUSE. Friday—Kleine. Gloria’s Romance, ‘Enchantment Fare Lady.” Saturday—“ The Girl He Couldn’t Buy.”—Theatrical. MAY REQUIRE EXAMINATION j OF ARCHITECTS IN FUTURE SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 17. —Savan- nah architects are interested in the movement to have created a Georgia i state examining board, such as is now J required of doctors, dentists, lawyers and other professional men. The movement is incipient with the Amer ican Institute of Architects, of which 1 there is a branch in Atlanta, and has: the backing of architects generally j throughout the state. It Is claimed i that such a board would prove a pro-I tection to both the competent crafts man and the public. MCNAUGHTON’S PLEA TO BE URGED BEFORE GOV. HARRIS ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 17.—Expecting no clemency from Hugh M. Dorsey, | who was elected governor of Georgia or. a platform denouncing executive clemency, and pledging him to let the law take its course in criminal cases, Dr. J. W. McNaughton is making a last appeal to the state prison com mission in the hope that they will act mavorably on his petition for a pardon in time for Governor Harris to finally I decide the case before he retires from‘ office. Dr. McNaughton is now serving a i life term at the state prison farm‘ near Milledgeville for the murder of Fred Flanders, whom he was convict ed of poisoning with arsenic. The ■ wife of Flanders, who was imptreated 1 in the alleged poisoning at the time 1 indictments were returned, was never prosecuted, and this fact has been ' urged as one of the chief claims in I behalf of McNaughton’s petition forj pardon, it being claimed bv his at-I. C; A Ws olftSlr WWa “This Is the 38 Kind I Want!” rVN k^ot her tried all brands, QC Qo she knows which is best — Qf” Qn knows how to get good, fCp fWv wholesome bakings every JjX Syl bake-day how to save 04 •CH Baking Powder money t* 304 avoid bake-day sorrows. OC QC “She likes the wonderful > 5 QC leavening strength fine JO Qc; raising qualities—absolute Jr i Qi J purity —great economy of Jr i g CALUMET$ SS BAKING POWDER jg AX “Don’t think the Baking jOC AZ Powder you now use is best. » C Qjt Try Calumet once find •Cjt out what real bakings are.” R yjkz Received Highest Awards CjQ QQ Bienju Cook Book t ree — AQ far. See Slip in Bound Can rVj Cheap and big can Baking Powders do not save y ou money. Calumetdoes—it's Pure and far superior to sour milk and soda. « - ■ torney, F. H. Saffold, of Swainsboro, that McNaughton and Mrs. Flanders were either equally guilty or equally innocent. Try a WANT AD In the Times-Re. corder. They pay big dividends Want Advertisements f < I Figure your own want ad. Minimum charge is 25e. For insertions less than two weeks, one cent per word. For insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a cent per word. For insertions of more than four weeks, one-half cent per word. PERSONAL Buy the large sizes of JONES' BALSAM OF BENZOIN when your horses are troubled with scratches thrush, galled shoulders, swellings and flesh wounds. Sold on the money-back plan. Ask your dealer for it. ff FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six-room house with 5 acres of land; Felder street; posses sion November Ist. H. C. Davis. 30-6 t FOR RENT: Nice office, with big: skylight over Sanitary Barber Shop. Apply to B. C. Ammons, Phone 710. 12-6 t FURNISHED ROOMS, 117 South Prince Street. 7-i m FOR RENT—Five-room house with bath, in a block and three doors of Artesian Well; SB.OO per month. Phone 169, or see B. E. Turner. 5-ts FOR RENT—-Roney Seed Farm in side city limits, one to nine-horse farms unfurnished. J. W. Hightower. WANTED— Miscellaneous CHOICE FARM LOANS at 5 1-2%, G R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. 15-1; MONEY TO LEND.—We have a few housand dollars of local trust funds or quick loans, or will buy purchase noney notes, if well secured. Shipp <: Sheppard. 29-lm FARM LOANS Can give good terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts I HAVE several thousand dollars lo cal money to lend on improved farm lands. See R. L. Maynard. 18-ts FRIDA , NOVEMBER 17, liU6 I A CLASS in bookkeeping and short* : hand to begin November Ist is being organized. If interested address Bookkeeping care Tiires-Recorder. 16-ts TOR SALE FOR SALE—Two very fine Poinset tias in tubs, on rollers. Phone 169, or see Mrs. B. E. Turner. 17-ts Try Polishtone for your furniture and floors. Phone 706. Williams- Niles Co., Quality and Service. FOR SALE—Sumter County Fuig hum Oats and Texas Rust-Proof. Har rold Brothers. 1-ts WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN cut down roadster, equipped with electric lights; newly painted; good tires. This car is in good mechanical condition. T. T. Cochran, Ice Plant. 17-3 t FOR SALE OR RENT—WiII sell on easy terms or rent, whole of Land Lot No. 56 in 27th district, where Raise lison now resides; place formerly cwned by W. P. Wallis. G. R. Ellis. 11-ts FOR SALE, CHEAP; Good work mule and new wagon. F. G. Beavers. 8-ts CHOICE PEACH TREES, large Pa lershell Pecan Trees; just come in. If you want them at at bargain prices. Phone or see me at once. R. D. Stew art. Phone 705, next to Poole’s Gro cer?- 16-tt FOR SALE CHEAP—WiII sell flvf passenger E. M. F. Touring Car cheap F. O. Box 313. SURE REMEDY FOR BOLL WEE- VlL.—Prices paid by the oil mills for peanuts have proven them profitable to the farmers. White Spanish nuts bring a premium over all other varie ties. We have only a limited quantity of seed for sale. Write us before sup ply is sold. Cuthbert Oil Company, Cuthbert, Ga. 17-ts The Want Ad means a quick return i anything you want. Try them once,