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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1916 ; SOCIETY NEWS : ♦ ■* * 4 ♦ “SOMEBODY' SAID— ♦ ♦ “SOMEBODY TOLD ME SO.” ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦ Yoa can’t stop folks from talking, No matter how you try; Sone folks will talk, and talk and talk, And talk until they die. Say something good about someone, And it will never leak out. But just say something evil And how soon it spreads about Somebody said, somebody said, Somebody told me so— And that somebody heard it from some body. Who really ought to know; It’s the things folks say, And not the things they do — That cause all, the trouble Just believe me true, For there’s always somebody who knows somebody, Who knows your business better than you. —Alfred Bryan. ' » » » IMITATIONS FOB KAGAN-PACE MARRIAGE. Invitations have been received in Americus by many friends of the cou-' Pie. which say: “Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartow Ragan request the pleasure of your company at the mar riage of their daughter, Martha Grace, to Mr. Olin Stephen Pace, on Wednes day evening. December the twentieth at nine o’clock. At Home, Hawkins ville, Georgia.’ After January Ist the couple will be at home in this city. » • » HIRER PARTY OF MB. JAMES FORT. One of the happiest of the occas ions, and by far the most brilliant with planning and setting, was the dinner party last night at the Wind sor hotel, given by Mr. James Fort in compliment to his sister, Miss Mary Dudley Fort, whose wedding to Mr. C. S. Colley will be a pretty event Thurs day evening. With spirits high, the rccasion auspicious and all the beau tiful raiment possible, no grander event could have been held. The poig nant drives of humor; the curious ar ticles of fun-making and fuss-making --everything was there. At a late Footwear As Gifts I* / I* / I* / I * I I® I /® \ Join ths S. P. U. G. ’ Association c-fild the Arch In this day of beautiful footwear, and the promi- ent part it plays in the dress of man or wo nan, what could be more appropriate, or a gift to be more appreciated, than a pair of these: Gray kid vamp, Buck tops, Burgundy vamp gray Buck tops, different kid combinations, all blace kid lace or button, Patent kid with kid tops, black sport boots, white soles. Comfy slippeis for men, women and child ren, all colors. Men shoes in smart English shapes, con servative styles in Vici or Kangaroo. Shoes to touch the cockles of the boy’s heart, in cluding full line of the ever popular Scouts. Shoes for the baby, for the Miss or the large girl, from the soft soles at 50c to Sport Booots at $5.00. Pinkston ’s I hour the guests separated paying ' honor to the host for the elaborate and successful occasion. The guests were Miss Mary Dudley Fort, Miss Ev elyn Wright, of Newnan; Miss Louise Calioway, of Macon; Miss Helen Be thea, of Birmingham; Miss May Cole, of Newnan; Miss Etta Putnam, of At lanta; Miss Mattie Sue Taylor, Messrs. Eugene Bailey, Charles Ansley, Willie Bailey, Walter Page, Stephen Pace, Lewis Ellis, John Mathis, John A. Fort, James Fort; Dr. and Mrs. Allen Fort, of Nashville. Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Hol lis Fort, Mr. and Mrs. John Council, Mrs. C. O. Niles, Mrs. Howell Sim mons and Mrs. David Askew, of Ar lington. * * * MISS BROWN AND MR. SMITH MARRY TONIGHT. A marriage of wide interest is that of Miss Mamie Brown and Mr. W. F. Smith tonight at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown, on Brown street, at nine o'clock. Immediately after the cere mony an informal reception will be held. ♦ * ♦ MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS FORT. Mrs. Clarence 0. Niles was gracious hostess Tuesday afternoon at her love ly College street home in honor of Miss Mary Dudley Fort, one of the popular and pretty brides-to-be about whom so much social gaiety has clus tered this week. The affair was a mis cellaneous shower, many rare and beautiful gifts being received by the fair honoree, these presented upon a silver tray. The decorations, so prettily placed were in a color schenje of red, scarlet carnations and autumn leaves being used everywhere in greatest profus ion, adding much to the charming ef fectiveness of the many beautiful gowns worn. Bridge and forty-two played at sever tables, served to en tertain those present, and later a de licious and appetizing salad course was served. Miss Mattie Sue Taylor and Miss Ruth Brown were awarded dainty lin gerie pieces for skillful playing at the respective tables. MUSIC STUDY CLUB WITH MRS. HARROLD. The Music Study club met this morn ing with Mrs. Frank Harrold, at her pretty home on College street. A de lightful feature of the morning’s pro gram was the song of Miss Anna Gra ham Harris, who appears Friday night ,in a special program. The matter of buying a concert grand piano was dis cussed, to be placed in the club rooms of the organization. The meeting was attended by many interested members. * * ♦ MRS. HAWKINS HAS NEW BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. Eugene A. Hawkins entertained a new bridge club this morning at her Church street home, it proving very delightful for the devotees of this in teresting game. A salad course was served, and the players being Mrs. N. B. Stewart, Mrs. J. E. Mathis, Mrs. Ben Roberts, Mrs. Arthur Rylander, Mrs. Thad Youmans. Mrs. C. U. Rogers, Mrs. J. E. Hightower, Mrs. T. O. Mar shall, Mrs. W. D. Ivey, Mrs. Thomas Harrold. ♦ ♦ ♦ MRS. JONES HAS BRIDGE PARTY TODAY. A beautiful event of this morning was the bridge party which Mrs. H. O. Jones gave this morning in honor of Miss Mary Dudley Fort, whose wed ding is to take place Thursday night. The pretty Jones bungalow was at tractive for the occasion, and four ta bles of interesting bridge featured the morning. Miss Fort, the guest of honor, was presented a boudoir tray, and pretty crepe de chine handker chiefs were given for the top scores at each table, they being awarded Miss Evelyn Wright, Miss Louise Callaway, Miss Georgia Bena Dodson, Miss Vera Foy. Mrs. Jones was assisted in en tertaining by Miss Ruth Brown, Mrs. Lucius McCleskey and Mrs. James Fer guson. The guests were Miss Fort, Miss Evelyn Wright, of Newnan; Miss Louise Callaway, of Macon; Miss Mae Cole, of Newnan; Miss Helen Bethea, of Birmingham; Miss Etta Putnam, of Atlanta; Mrs. David Askew, of Arling ton; Mrs. Hollis Fort, Miss Mary Ella Davenport, Miss Catherine Davenport, Miss Flora Denham, Miss Vera Foy, Miss Georgia Bena Dodson, Miss Sara Tower, Miss Estelle Holt, Miss Mary! Belle Hixon. Coming in for refresh ments were Mrs. 'Allen Fort, Mrs. I Howell Simmons and Miss Mattie Sue Taylor. LOYS’ DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS TO BE AT HIGH SCHOOL TONIGHT The Boys’ Drug and Bugle corps in their big auto truck arrived this morn ing and will give an entertainment to night at 7:30 o'clock at the High school auditorium. The concert will be a most enjoyable affair, and all who' can should attend. The young players ■ are from the Georgia Industrial Home, | formerly known as the old Mumford! Home for Dependent Children, at Ma con. The band is constituted of eigh-1 teen pieces, and some splendid music, will be rendered by these boys tonight. I The street parade given by the band I through the streets of the city this: afternoon was excellent. Admission ■ tonight is free. MOYER NAMED TO SUCCEED OSBORNE AT SING SING ALBANY, N. Y.. Dec. 6.—William H. Moyer, former warden of the Atlanta (federal prison, has been appointed warden of Sing Sing prison, succeed ing Warden William Mott Osborne. Jf m • j lm' <'ll fir' Wzf For Christmas— Your Photograph! No gift will be so highly ap preciated or will be remember ed for so long a time as an ar tistic photograph bearing the 'personal thought of the giver. It Is Not Too Early To Place Orders Now the McKinisiry Studio I Phone 621 DIE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. NO ALUM IN ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Avoid AH Substitutes Miss Easterlin And Mr. E. J. Eldridge Prettily Wedded One of the most beautiful weddings of the season was solemnized last night at the First Baptist church when Dr. Lansing Burrows united Miss Lillie Mae Easterlin and Erwin James Eld ridge in marriage. The bride, the beautiful and accom plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. lin, of Andersonville, was never more, resplendent than in her wedding gown of white cut velvet, combined with white ivory satin. A court train of silver cloth dropped from the should ers. Orange blossoms were draped most effectively over the veil, which hung in graceful folds from the coronet fasten ings in the hair. The bridal bouquet of orchids and valley lilies added beau ty to the complete toilet of the youth ful bride. Mr. Erwin James Eldridge is one of Americus’ most influential young busi ness men, and comes from a prominent and most aristocratic old family. This marriage unites two of the most prom inent families in Georgia. Mrs. James Harris, jr., sang sweetly “At Dawning,” at the conclusion. Mrs. H. O. Jones softly played Mendels sohn’s wedding march while the ush ers, Mr. Walter Page, Mr. McCord Pra ther, Mr. Walter Brown and Mr. Charles Burke, preceded the party to the beautifully decorated chancel. A profusion of Southern smilax, ferns and Latannia palms marked a magnificent setting for the happy oc casion. The altar, with its simple dec decorations of Easter lilies, ferns and smilax completed the pretty arrange ment. The ushers were followed by the .bridesmaids and groomsmen, Miss Catherine Davenport, Miss Elizabeth Eldridge, Miss Flora Denham, Miss Clem Buchanon, Mis s Lucile Easter lin, Miss Kathleen Denham, Miss Maude Sherlock, Mr. Emory Rylander, Mr. Frank Stapleton, Mr. Furlow Gate wood, Mr. Fred Sills, Mr. John Hodges, Mr. J. R. Williams, Jr., Mr. Harris Council. Piquant style and girlish becoming ness was fashioned in every detail of the charming frocks worn by* the (bridesmaids. The fluffy pink tulle tunics over silver cloth, with handsome trimmings of silver lace; and dainty silver slippers completed the effective and charming costumes. Each maid carried a handsome silved filagree bas ket filled with pink rosebuds; the ex quisite gifts of the bride. As the maids met the groomsmen at the altar, which gave a most wonder ful effect. They were grouped most beautifully in the chancel. tX The little flower girls, petite Miss Mary Elizabeth and Frances Easterlin, attired in exquisite little dresses of white tulle and carrying baskets of pink rosebuds, added more beauty to the occasion. The maid of honor, Miss Thelma Easterlin, the sister of the bride, next When Buying PURE Georgia Cane Syrup’ -'J You Must Demand KATQENA Brand Packed Put Up by and Sold Aiaba ™ a ' . . W® Geor & ia Syrup; only m Co., Sealed Cans - Montgomery, Ala. oeaicvi L>ans Jacksonville, Fla. came in her extreme loveliness. The bride was accompanied to the altar on the arm of her father, Mr. Benjamin Easterlin, and was there met by the groom and his best man. Mr. A. J. Bell. Dr. Lansing Burrows pronounced the short, but impressive ceremony. The happy couple in all their joy left the church, amid the congratula tions and best wishes of their friends. A large reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Easterlin, on South Lee street. After a delight-; ful evening spent with their many friends, the couple left for Atlanta to spend their honeymoon. ♦ * ♦ WOMAN’S LITERARY CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS. CLARK. The Woman's Literary club will hold its usual meeting Thursday after- I neon with Mrs. C. J. Clarke, at her ‘ Pretty tome on Jackson street, when an interesting program will be pre sented. * • * MISS TAYLOR WILL HAVE BUFFET SUPPER. Miss Mattie Sue Taylor will enter tain at a buffet supper tonight in com pliment to Miss Mary Dudley Fort, whose wedding will be an event of Thursday evening. The event tonight will follow the rehearsal. A W J Special Reduction On Hats We wish to announce that in order to reduce our stock of Hats, we are going to offer them at one-third off for a few days only. These hats are of the latest styles and of good quality. REMEMBER we are only offering this Inducement to decrease our stock. Come now and do your Christmas buying while selections are good. Walker’s Millinery Store Jackson Street New Era NEW ERA, Dec. 6. —Mrs. Sam Ledg er and daughters, Ruth and Neva, were guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C, Griffin, last week, returning■ to their home near Vienna Sunday. Mrs. Mary Newton, of Shellman, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mr. Frank Chappell, of Americus, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Bailey. Miss Della Parker was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Grant Friday afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Parker spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs. D. C. Griffin. Mrs. Mary Lizzie Thomson, of Wal nut Grove, was a visitor at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Bradley last week. Mr. M. M. Parker was a Sunday vis-1 itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Parker. Mr. J. M. Mercer, of Cordele, spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mercer. Rev. E. T. Moore, of Andersonville, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O. Bray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cannon spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Della Parker, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Veal and chil dren were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morris and Miss Annie Willis Morris spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bradley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Griffin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Griffin had as their guests Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. S. Duckworth, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Griffin. Rev. E. T. Moore, Mr. SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES AT SAM HOFFMAN’S 107 COTTON AVENUE Ladies all wool sport coats at $4.50 and up Ladies all wool skirts at $2.50 and up Shoes for the whole family at reduced prices. Men’s heavy fleeced underwear at 45c all this week SAM HOFFMAN’S 107 Cotton Ave. ® ISJ? » ® : .willHwj : : | j RUGS RUGS RUGSJ • We have just received a new shipment of • • rugs, which was bought befn.e the great ad- • • vance, and if you are in need of ru. s, we will • • be glad to show you our line. We have both • • the large and small size of Velvet, A x minster, • • Tapestry, Brussels, Wool Fiber and Crex. Al- 0 • so a big shipment of Mattings just received • • Will take pleasure in showing jou our : A. W. SMITH FURNITURt 10. S • • ALCAZAnh theatreK l Wednesday Matinee 5 & 10c Night 10& 15c I Bessie Barriscale, in ’’The Payment” B Five acts, and Fay Tincher, in •’Skirts” | Two reel Keystone Thursday 5c & 10c K Paramount Picture ’’The Reward B of Patience” Five acts Friday 5c & 10c I ’’Shoss” ■ Five acts, and ’’Peg O’ the Ring” II Chapter 6 and Mrs. W. T. O. Bray, Mr. D. C. s Bray and Master Hugh Bray. Mr. Charlie Griffin spent Saturday . night with Mr. Arthur Holley at his . home near Arles. PAGE FIVE