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PAGE SIX AMERICUS OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday, January 18lh DE RE BROTHERS IDEAL MINSTRELS “The People's Favorites.” Spectacular first part, “A Fountain of Mirth." Introducing Billy De Rue, “The Talkative Man,’’ and Bobby De Rue, “A Satan for the Blues.’’ Eight Big Vaudeville Acts—Eight. Challenge Acrobats, Turner Bros. First American appearance will this Company. Karl Denton, and Eight Dancers and Comedians, “Sunflower Coons.” Bert Allen and Ritter Carl, “Gold Dust Twins.” Golden City Quartette. Weber, Ist tenor; Hodge. 2nd tenor; Coffin, baritone; Widener, basso. Empire Musical Trio, Comedy and Music in Joyous combination. Yonder & Belmare,world’s champion comedy Barrel Jumpers, and many big, new startl'ng features. Guarantee Best Minstrel show ever held here. Grand street parade at 3:30 p. m. Tickets now on sale at Hooks’ pharmacy. PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75c & SI.OO LOW RATES ANNOUNCED FOR SOUTHEASTERN LAND SHOW ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 16.— Through the co-operation of the railroads, all M which are interested in bringing farmers to the South, the lowest rates ever granted, except to great eevnts like the I’anama-Paciflc exposition, have just been announced for the -’autheastern Und show, to be held it Atlanta on February 1 to 15. The object of the show, which is modeled after the great land shows of Chicago and the northwest, is to ex ploit Southern farm lands and attract s« (tiers. It is a rather surprising and significant fact that not more than 25 per cent, of the cultivatable land in the state of Georgia is now under cul tivation, and the proportion in other '-'cutbeastern states is similarly low. Southeastern farm lands of all kinds v : 11 be “on exhibit” at the land show, tl " exhibits consisting of samples of toils and products and comprehensive deta concerning the location and price cf such lands, the average climate and iciufall, and other facts which pros pective purchasers will want to know. A big feature of the show will be a i arantee of the correctness of all CLOTHING 1-3 OFF All clothing, overcoats and odd pants, 1-3 off $30.00 Suits . $20.00 25.00 “ . 16.67 22.50 “ . 15.00 15.00 “ . 10.00 The above prices for cash only Rylander Shoe Co. Clothiers and Furnishers the facts and data concerning each and every exhibit. Lands exhibited will be listed for sale with a realty company of this city, and investors can make immediate purchases before ■ leaving Atlanta with the absolute as-1 surance that they are getting what they pay for. It is expected that the show will attract hundreds of prospective set tlers of a very desirable class from all parts of the country, and that a great impetus will be given to the general farming interests of the entire South east. SEARCH US! THEY’RE GONE AND WE ARE GLAD OF IT. TOO ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 16. -What has become of the Scotch pipers who used to travel around the country advertis ing different brands of oatmeal? A local theatre manager declares they must have joined the Allies and gone to war, for he has been trying his best to find one for some sort of an attraction he is getting up. One that can make the welkin ring with the pipes and doesn't mind ex posing his shins—that’s what he wants. ffIEBJNS ARE URGED TO WIT ON ffiiOUT - - The Camp Sumter, Confederate Vet erans are requested to meet at the Americus High School auditorium at I 3 o’clock Friday afternoon, January 19th, to attend in a body the exercises in the memory of General Robert E. Lee. H. T. DAVENPORT. Commander. J. D. .STEWART, Adjutant. MACON COUNTY PECAN CO. APPLIES FOR A (HARTER ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 16—The Ma con County Pecan Company has filed [ in Superior court here application for a charter for a $25,000 industry to develop the raising of these nuts in Macon county, with headquarters in ; Atlanta. The incorporators are named ias H. C. Bagley, Margaret Gunn Bag- I ley and Hugh M. Bagley, of Atlanta; Pen Adler. Dougherty county, and J. R. Squires, Macon county. TAX NOTICE. You must settle for past due taxes. Tax fi fas will be issued and placed in hands of sheriff, Jan. 20th. I. B. SMALL, Tax Collector, Sumter County. Americus, Ga., Jan. 5, 1917. i| COnOH MARKET | AMERICUS, GA. January 16. 1917. The Americus spot cotton market was quoted today at local warehouses Good midling ....1 17 l-2c Fully inidling 17 l-4c diddling 17c The Futures Market The futures market was quoted to- > day at the opening and noon. Open Noon January 17.10 17.46 March ...17.44 17.56 i May 17.68 17.76 I July 17.64 17.80 October 16.48 16.50 Tuesday Afternoon. January 17.25 I March 17.44 • May 1 17.65 July 17.65 October 16.39 I December 16.46 !♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ !♦ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ♦ ♦ All advertising copy requiring ♦ ♦ two columns of space or less ♦ ♦ should be in the business office ♦ t- not later than eight o’clock morn- ♦ ♦ ing of Issue, in order to insure * i ♦ prompt insertion. All copy for * I ♦ space of more than two columns ♦ ♦ should be submitted not later ♦ I * than 6 o’clock of the day prior to ♦ j ♦ date of issue. ♦ j - THE TIMES-RECORDER. ♦ Only Temporary. A man whose married life had not been of the happiest lay dying. Call | ing his wife to his bedside, he prora i ised to leave all his worldly posses- I sions to her on one condition, that be -1 ing that she would erect a tombstone I and inscribe on it. “At rest.” This she faithfully promised, but, finding noth ing had been left her, she added to the above epitaph. “Till 1 come.” Quantities That Count. “The longer I live the more deeply am I convinced that that which makes : the difference between one man and another —between the weak and the • powerful, the great and the insignifi | cant —is energy, invincible determina i tion, a purpose once formed and then ‘ death or victory.”—Sir Thomas Fowell I Buxton. HUENION, FARMERS I am Agent for GENUINE PERUVIAN tiUANO and PERUVIAN GUANO MIXTURES Goods endorsed by the best farmers in Sumter and ad j joining counties. In using Peruvian fertilizers you have the market’s best. I Inquire of those who use hem. For further infoimation,see W. L ENGLISH, flgt. Am ficus, Ga. CHE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. WIiyDSDR HOTEL HDTES |l E. L. Rainey was a prominent citizen of Dawson visiting Americus Monday ( on a business mission. William Banner and H. G. Turner were among those coming from Colum. ■ bus yesterday, looking after business matters in the city. George C. Moyer, general agent otj the John Robinson and Howe’s shows, returned to the city last night after a vacation of several weeks. Mr. Moyer ] will have active charge of these shows until they return to the raod again. W. E. Steakley, of Atlanta, commer cial agent of the N., C. & St. L. rail : road, is in the city today in the inter est. of this railroad. Miss Josephine Van Riper is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Van Riper, at the Sumter hotel. M. I). Addison is among those coming down from Macon today, called here At Your Finger Tips If you have a Private Branch Exchange your business is at your finger tips. You can sit at your desk and talk with any of your business as sociates, and your operator can see that your most valuable customers, those who order by telephone, are connected with the proper depart ments. Consider your telephone fa cilities today and see if a Private Branch Exchange wouldn’t be a profitable investment. It is the modern necessity in the modern business house. The cost is lower than you think—the value is inestimable SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Men’s Clothing 1-3 Off We offer our entire slock of Men's and Boy’s Suitsand Overcoats at these prices sls garments for . . . SIO.OO S2O “ “ 13.33 $25 “ “ . . 16.67 SPECIAL VALUES FOR $15.00 Boys knee suits and overcoats reduced in the same proportion. Odd Pants A/g'Hi Overcoats *l-3 13 OFF QFF Member Americus Chamber of Commerce on business. ! Sam Lovett spent Monday in the city as representative of the Cordele agen cy of Armour & Co. i Burrell C. Cole, of Columbus, was i among the arrivals at the Windsor this 1 morning. | H. C. Goode is a popular salesman ' vistiing his customers in the city to- I day. John S. Hoge, of Macon, is a will known traveler calling on the local druggists today. j V. A. Vail, W. P. Barnes, F. E. Cook, C. E. Gilbert and J. H. Lyon are Macon ' knights of the grip seeking business in Americus today. C. M. Adams came down from Atlanta today having been called to the city on important business. J. A. Battle is a prominent citizen of Talbotton in Americus today. | T. F. West and C. F. Blanton, of Roa. ’ noke, Va„ are registered at the Wlnd : sor Hotel. The best news in the paper Hart Schaffner & Marx Overcoats, Suits, Extra Trousers and Boy’s Suits 33 1-3 % $35.00 coats and suits $23.35 $30.00 “ “ “ 20.00 $25.00 “ “ “ 16.75 $18.50 “ “ “ 12.50 $15.00 “ “ “ 10.00 These goods are new and stylish; they are worth much more than we ask for them at this m~i ute. We could make money by holding the goods —the prices are advancing so rapidly. But we’d rather give this profit to you; we gain a lot more in the end because of the new friends we make and the benefits bestowed on old friends. W. D. Bailey Company The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes AMERICAN DOLLAR AT A DISCOUNT IN MEXICO j MEXICO CITY. Jan. 16.—Mexico is 1 one place where the American dollar lis at a discount. This discount rang ; es from 10 to 40 per cent, according Ito locality. This has been caused by 1 the scarcity of Mexican gold and sil i ver coins and the fact that certain ■ taxes and rents and the wages of ! employes must now, according to de , cree, be paid in Mexican coin. “Hid- TUESDAY, JANUARY IS, 1917 algoes” or Mexican gold ten peso coins in Mexico City now sell for $6.50 and in some of the remote states the price has reached as high as $7.50. while they used to sell for $4.90. Whenever You Need a General Tonicr Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUIN INE and IRON. 50c. advt