Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR Local News Items A beautiful line Silver and Cut (4ms just received. S. A. Daniels. | C. C. Jordan, of Ellaville, was a vis itor in Americus Saturday. Edwin F. Bell, of Columbia, S. C„ is h. the city, the guest of relatives. Mr. Bell is a former citizen of Americus, and has many friends here who are always glad to see him. DID pou get a box of Nunnaly’s candy last night? If not, get one next Saturday night. Windsor Pharmacy. Phone 161 25 " 1t W. T. Cock, of De Soto, is in the city- today. Mr. Cock has just finished boring a well on L. G. Council s place a few- miles from the city. John Henry Childers, of Schley county, was in Americus Saturday, looking after matters of business. Clara Kimball Young is the big at traction at the Alcazar Monday in the ‘Common Law.” See it without fail. Time shows start, 10 A. M., 1:30 P. K.. 3:15 P. M- SP. M., 6:45 P. M., 8:30 P. M., 10:15 P/M. 25-lt W. E. Mitchell, of Smithville, was ip. the city Saturday. W. F. Robinson, of Ellaville, was in Americus Saturday. ♦ IT IS THE DESIRE FOR PRI- ♦ ♦ MART TEACHERS THAT WE ♦ ♦ HAVE A FULL ATTENDANCE 4 ♦ NEXT SUNDAY. PLEASE SEND 4- ♦ THE CHILDREN. FIRST METH- ♦ ♦ ODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. 4- G. F. Sutton, of Leslie, was a vis itor in Americus Saturday. E. Timmerman, of Plains, was in Americus Friday afternoon on busi ness. 1 f The “Smack 0’ Goodness.’’ Seven varieties, dainty cheese in packages: Pimento, Chile, Club, cream, Norman dy. Rarebit. Limzurger. No Rind,. No Mold. All Cheese. 10c and 15c. Sparks, Grocery Co« Phones 43 and 279. 23-ts MAFFETT’S A Few of Our Daily Arrivals of New Spring Goods 36 inch silk pongee 75c 27 in waist pongee yard tWV| 40 in silk shipe or gaudies, yard.... VUv 40 in. white organ dies, yard dt>V 36 in. stripped voile 35c 40 in. barred and plaid voile,> ard.. OeJV 36 in percale, strip- J 61 ped and plain, yd. 27 in. poplins, all colois, yard 36 in. madras shirt- 4 ing. yard Ivv 20 in. Suzanne silk 25c 36 in. pink Batiste 40 in. flowered voiles, yard OvV There are other values just as equal that are too num erous to mention. J. D. MAFFETT Srxt licazar Theatre, Americus, Ga, Hate your eyes examined and glasses | fitted by Thos. L. Bell. Optician. Miss Clara Holly is the guest of rel atives at Sumter today. Miss Anne Springer of Memphis, Tenn., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Kassell, at their home on Church street, has returned home after a delightful visit If it’s to eat telephone Horace Lowe. Phones 14 and 89. 25-lt Mack Harvey was a planter from Draneville in Americus on business yesterday. Eugene Drane was a prominent planter of Friendship in Americus Saturday transacting business. Just received a complete line of drummer samples in Ladies, Misses and Children's ready to wear hats, that we are going to sell at Cost. Come early before they are picked over. A. Cohen. 25-lt Miss Mary Hawkes returned home Saturday afternoon from a short visit i to Albany, where she has a music class. B. S. Mattingly, who represents the George D. Witt Shoe Company, of Lynchburg, Ya., with headquarters in Americus, returned home Saturday morning from a trip to Lynchburg, where he went for his fall samples. He had an enjoyable visit at Lynch burk and gets out on the road Mon day morning with his new line. Have you tried a new- Neapolitan Parfait, at Windsor Pharmacy. It delights all. Phone us your order at 161. It will be appreciated. 25-3 t A. W. Livingston, of Smithville, was in Americus Saturday afternoon on business. E. T. Stalker, of Adams, came up Saturday afternoon to spend the week end with his family here. Clara Kimball Young is the big at traction at the Alcazar Monday in the ‘‘Common Law.” See it without fail. Time shows start. 10 A. M., 1:30 P. M., 3:15 P. M.. SP. M., 6:45 P. M„ 8:30 P. M.. 10:15 P. M. 25-lt The many friends of C. T. William son, who resides near Americus, will be glad to learn that he is considerably improved from a recent illness. Miss Joe McKay left Saturday af ternoon for Dublin, accompanying her niece, Miss Lillie Glover, home, who has been visiting Mrs. R. E. Allison for sometime. 4- IT IS THE DESIRE FOR PRI- ♦ I ♦ MARY TEACHERS THAT WE ♦ ♦ HAVE A FULL ATTENDANCE ♦ , * NEXT SUNDAY. PLEASE SEND 4- • I 4- THE CHILDREN. FIRST METH- ♦ 4- ODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. ♦ l |4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4->4-4-4-4-4-4-4‘ Mrs. C. H. Burt, of Lacrosse, was in I the city Saturday, shopping. Mrs. Thomas Tooke, of Schley I I county, was in the city Saturday, the ; guest of friends. J | Craig's Honey and Sandwich Bread, always the best at Horace Lowe’s. ( Phones 14 and 89. 25-lt S. A. Jennings was carried to the ( j City Hospital Friday for an operation. ’ The many friends of Mr. Jennings trust that he may soon be able to be )! out again. Mrs. J. L. Williams left Saturday for > 1 her home in Washington, D. C., after a ’ ] delightful visit, the guest of her par | ents here. Mr and Mrs. H. C. Tarver. ’ I Ladies. Children and Misses new spring hats. Drummer samples to be 1 , sold at cost. A. Cohen. 25-lt E. H. Wall, of Ellaville, was in JI Americus Saturday. J. 9. Womack, of Schley county, was in the city Friday. ' Send us your order for Victrola rec ords. Shipment just received. March records will be on sale the 28th of Feb. Windsor Pharmacy, phone 161. 25-3 t J I Miss Sarah Mathis came up Saturday i i afternoon from Albany to spend the I j week-end at home. I Stephen Pace is spending the week-! ■ end with relatives in Hawkinsville. Miss Elizabeth Cobb spent Saturday afternoon in Smithville. returning home Saturday night. Judge J. C. Rainey left Saturday af ternoon to spend the week-end with his homefolks in Ellaville. Clara Kimball Young is the big at traction at the Alcazar Monday In the ‘‘Common Law-.” See it without fail. Time shows start, 10 A. M., 1:30 P. M„ 3:15 P. M-. SP. M., 6:45 P. M„ 8:30 P. M., 10:15 P. M. 25-lt Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Boyette, accom panied by Misses Walsh, of Dranes ville, were visitors in Americus Satur day, shopping. Mrs. R. S. Pryor and daughter, of Smithville, were visitors in Americus Saturday. The “Smack O’ Goodness.’’ Seven varieties, dainty cheese in packages: Pimento, Chile, Club, cream, Norman dy, Rarebit. Limzurger. No Rind;. No Mold. All Cheese. 10c and 15c. Sparks Grocery Co., Phones 43 and 279. 23-ts Albert Brady, of Huntington. was in the city Saturday afternoon. Rev. C. A. Phillips, of Plains, spent a few hours in Americus Saturday. New line of Spring Ginghams just received. A Cohen. 25-lt Ik A. B. Connors was in Americus Sat urday looking after matters of busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Simmons, who re side a few miles west of Americus, spent Saturday afternoon in the city. Just received shipment of Dodge Brothers Cars, latest model, your In spection cordially invited. W. G. Tur pin & Co. 25-2 t T. L. Summers, deputy sheriff, re turned home Saturday from Aiken, S. C., where he went for a risoner | CHURCHWELL’S j j MEN’S DEPARTMENT j • • • this week —we will have our spring display sale • • of Men’s made to order suits. • • This will be the most Elaborate Display • • ever made in Americus. • 5 Special arrangements have been made • • through which we will show 500 Styles ot • • Fabrics in medium and light weights tor • • spring and summer wear, besides have S e in attendance two Practical Tailors who we S • know will serve you in a satisfactory man- • • ner. • • Prices have been lowered to minimum J | prices ranging from $15.00 to $35.00, for a J J three piece suit. The value for any given price | J is better than usual and Entire Satisfaction J J Guaranteed. J • Its a duty you owe yourself to see this dis- • • play. Come Early in the week if convenient, •! • or be sure without fail to come some day while • • this sale is on. • i CHURCHWELL’S I : MEN’S DEPARTMENT j • : THE AMERICUS TIMES-R ECORDER- KASSELS’ PROFIT-SHARING STORE Have you taken advantage of our profit-sharing prices? If not then do so at once as our stock is being replenished every day by new and charming arrivals from New York. Our new suits,’sport coats, dress es and millinery are the last word in style and material. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY We offe” for Monday only, sl6 50 and SIB.OO suits s|3 50. They are made of all wool Poplin, silk lined. New Shades: Navy and black included. To appreciate this value you must see them. CVT "EZ <JZ|C!I7 We offer for Monday, pure silk hose, in all colors,regular price 75c. They OQp HVFijIL are second quality, for Monday only Ovv 210 South MZ AOC*r*T* 9C* Opposite Forsyth St. *B A* Ll L kJ ALLEN DRUG CO. Crawford Wheatley left last night for Atlanta, where he will spend a few days. He will be joined in the Gate City by his son, Charles Huntington Wheatley, who goes over from the Uni versity of Georgia, at Athens. Miss Nannie Sue Bell visited in Plains yesterday afternoon. R. S. Pryor, a prominent planter of Lee county, was in Americus Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Statham and two children. Ruth and James, were in Americus Saturday from Cobb. Wallace Carter, of near Anderson ville, was in the city Saturday. J. R. Statham, of Parrott, who is visiting his brother. J. H. Statham, at Cobb, was a visitor in Americus Satur day. L. L. Wiggins and W. F. Ferguso, of De Soto, were among the visitors in the city yesterday J. L. Wilkerson, of Smithville, was in Americus Saturday, on business. B. C. Methvin, on Route B, Americus, was a business visitor in the city Sat urday. L. Patton, of Plains, a prominent planter of the western portion of the county, was in the city Saturday. W. E. Kennington, of Cobb, was in the city Saturday, and states that ev erything around his section is doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Slappey and sons. T. R. Slappey, Jr„ and W. J. Slappey, Jr., were visitors in Americus Satur day from their home in Schley county. Bernard Watts will return to Fitz gerald today, after spending two or three days with homefolks. Miss Ethel Hair, of Buena Vista, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oby L. Pass more, at her residence, the Shiver apartments, on Lee street. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Andrews and children of Plains, were in Americus Saturday. J. L. B. Usry, of Ellaville, was in the city Saturday afternoon on busi ness ' Want Advertisements Figure your own want ad. Minimum charge is 25e. For Insertions less than two weeks, one cent per word. I For insertions between two and four I weeks, three-fourths of a cent per ) word. For insertions of more than I four weeks, one-half cent per word. I PERSONAL I I WANT TO ORDER for you your ' swell, up-to-date engraved wedding in- F vltations, reception and calling cards. ) R. S. Broadhurst, 110 Lamar St. ) I HAVE several tnousand dollars, . local money, to lend on desired prop erty. H. O. Jones. 26-ts > - 1 TOR RENT FOR RENT—Eight room residence cn Lee street; all modern conven ' icnces; possession after 15th inst. Ap • ply to Dr. W. S. Prather. 23-ts ( ROOMS FOR RENT—2I6 S. Jackson I street. Phone 496. 25-3 t FOR RENT—Josey House, corner Prince and Lamar streets. C. M. Coun- 1 cil. 1 FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms. Phone 430. 23-tt i FOR RENT—Five room apartment house, College street; all modern con i veniences; immediate possession, if de sired. Phone 333. 22-ts i FOR RENT—Sixty-eight acres land with 5-room bungalow, one mile from Americus. A. C. Crockett. 1-ts FOR RENT —Rooms and apartment opposite Y. M. C. A. corner, Church and Jackson, close in. Apply Mrs. L H. Burkhalter, 216 South Jackson St 28-ts K’A/V TED—Miscellaneous WANT TO RENT—Three or four | room house, besides dining room and kitchen, for two years. Phone 442. 7-ts FARM LOANS at 5j per cent inters est. City loans at 6 per cent inter est. Apply to R. L Maynard, Amer- < Rus. Ga. n_tf SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bird were shop ping in the city Saturday. KASSELL MAKING CHANGES IN FROSYTH STREET STORK B. s. Kassel is making several changes in the arrangement of his store on Forsyth street, addzig new shelving and re-arranging the coun ters, which will add considerable ad ditional space, besides improving the appearancje of the estire establish ment. «» Mr. Kassel is planning to carry a more complete line of ladies' and men’s ready-to-wear, besides a full line of millinery. AMERICAN LINER SHOULD BE HERE THIS WEEK NEW YORK, Feb. 24.—The Ameri can liner Finland carrying 160 pas sengers left Liverpool Feburary 17th and is due here Tuesday or Wednes day. i FARM LOANS Can give good i terms on farm loans; money plenty • ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts WANTED—By experienced lady, po -1 sition as saleslady or to do light cler ical work. Address Box 275. 25-lt WANTED—Good milch cow; fresh In milk. G. R. Ellis. Americus, Ga. 19-t CHOICE FARM LOANS at 5i% We give lowest rates, easiest terms and ' quickest service. Save money by see ing us G. R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. TOR SALT FOR SALE—Baby Grand Chevrolet, almost new, $450.00; one Cadillac tour ing car, equipped with electric lights , and self-starter, price $350.00. W. G. . Turpin & Co. 25-3 t ■ FOR SALE—Baby Maxwell, first class condition; 16 horsepower; extn tire, inner tubes, tools and materials; a great bargain for quick buyer. Sam Hoffman, 107 Cotton Ave., Americus, Ga. 25-lt FOR SALE—Lewis’ 63 Cotton Seed; wilt resistant; specially recommended by boll weevil experts and state board of entomology. T. M Merritt, Jr„ Americus, Ga. 29-ts FOR SALE—IOO,OOO half brick, or bats, at Virginia-C. C. plant; $2.00 per thousand, two for one. John W.„ Shi ver. 9-tt FOR SALE CHEAP—WiII sell five passengei E. M. F. Touring Car cheap G. R. Ellis. FOR SALE: f. A. Pruitt place, fout miles North of Parrott, Georgia, con tains 1,038 acres. About 700 acres open land, plenty of running water, fine place for stock, well located, on two god public roads. Price $10,500, We can make extremely easy terms on this place. Apply The Georgia 1-oan and Trust Co., Macon, Ga., or W, L Thomas, Plains, Georgia 31-ts FOR SALE —Seed velvet beans, ear ly speckled variety; the 90 days bean; guarantee sound germinating 85 to M %, $1.40 bu. f. o. b., Troy; cash with order. W. S. Coleman. Troy, Ala. 18-ts