♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
♦ Local News Items
New line Pickard China just receiv
ed. S. A. Daniels.
/ Sara Cohen leaves today for Savan
■ Bfh, where he will receive the Scot
tish rite degree in Masonry, returning
home in about a week/
We have this day employed a first-,
class man for SHOEING HORSES. Wc ;
guarantee satisfaction. AMERICUS
BLACKSMITH CO. Lamar St. 12-tt
Mrs. Charles E. Scipie, of Atlanta, is,
the guest, of Mrs. Lawson Stapleton,
on Church street.
Special attention given to Children’s
Hair Cutting. Ammons Barber Shop.
Phone 710. I, ’ u
Mrs. B. W. Bowman, of Shellman,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. C-.
I’hone 772 for Dry Yellow Pine stove .
•wood. Rogers’ Wood Yard. 15-6 t
Rev .John Moore Walker, of Cordele,
arrived last night to officiate today at (
Calvary Episcopal church.
Man *tis war-time; you must save (
money; buy your Shirts and Under (
wear at Kassell’s. 15-lt i
Irving Lee has returned to Savannah,
after spending a day or two with
homefolks in this city. ,
Screen Doors, complete with hard
ware; Screen Windows; Standard Size (
wire cloth in four w idths. Screen your
house now. Phone 70S. Williams
Niles Co. 1 '”- t
— (
J. E. D. Shipp and J. E. Sheppard <
returned Friday night from St. Mark’s, s
Fla., where they spent a few days on
a fishing trip.
Just received a full line of silk ROY
AL SOCIETY thread, in all colors.
WALKER’S. 15-lt ’
Miss Lillian Jay and Willis Hawkins, !
of Ashburn, were the guests of George *
Welker during the Third District High
school meet. > ,
■WWW WWW WWU wwww«
We will have a special sale of over
three thousand yards of new dress
gingham, the price is about 2c per yard
less than the mill or wholesale deal
er’s price for the same standard make 1
today. We reserve the right to Imit
the quantity to each customer. This
is a sale for the benefit of our custom
ers and not other dealers. This spec
ial price is for Monday and Tuesday i
only. These ginghams were made by I
the Everett Mills at Lawrence, Mass., I
and are guaranteed fast colors, not [
more than 20 yards will be sold to one ■
buyer at the price, Monday and Tues- ■
day only, yd. 10 l-2c.
Good qualities at little prices, white, i
ivory, cream and ecru scrims, 36 Inches'
wide with plain hemstitched borders,
at 12 l-2c. Then we have scrims with[
flowered borders, 36 inches wide, at
yard 9c.
A group of excellent dresses of many j
types, all are fast colored materials,’
gingham and percale, new 1917 spring-'
styles, values up to sl, at 50c.
White and ecru. There are curtains
in this lot worth up to $3 pair. Some
may be slightly soiled, nothing more
serious, none worth less than $1.50.
Take your pick of our stock Monday
and Tuesday, pair 90c.
Linen sheeting, guaranteed 90 inches
wide, soft, smooth finish, actual value
$1.50, special for Monday and Tuesday,
yard 75c.
TOWELING 12 l-2c.
Extra heavy quality, soft and ah
aorbant, full bleached, worth about 20c,•
Monday and Tuesday, yard 12 l-2c.
Cotton Ave. Americus, Ga.
Have your eyes examined and glasses
fitted by Thos. L. BelL Optician.
ROYOLEUM Coal Tar Drip Disin
fectant and Sol-Tene prevents CHOL
ERA and other diseases in hogs. Ail
tc give satisfaction, or money refund
ed. J. L. GLAWSON, MGR. 15-lt
I Miss Melva Clark returned Saturday
night from a pleasant visit of several
i weeks to friends in Florida.
i Owen Moore find Irene Fenwick in
,"A Girl Like That” is the feature at
traction at the Alcazar Monday. 15-lt
Mack Harvey was a planter from
near Draneville in Americus Saturday
on business.
Silk Poplin Skirts $5.50 at Kassell’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Chappell. who
reside about 6 mile® west of Americus,
were visitors to the city Saturday.
We have a perfect substitute for air
in the National Rubber Tirefiller,
which takes place of rubber tubes and
air; makes tires last two to three times
as long, with no punctures, nu rim
cuts, no blow-outs. See or address
II J. Page, Agent, Byromville, Ga.
J. L. Glawson was a planter trans
acting business in Americus Saturday.
Have you tried that California
ACY. . 15-3 t |
Misses Lucile and Gertrude Jossey,
of Atlanta, returned to their home'
Saturday, after a pleasant visit to rel
atives and friends here. . -j
If you need a corset buy at W. A B.
If will fit, at Kassell’s. 15-lt
Mrs. Laura Moore and son, Roy, of
Fort Screven, have returned to their ,
home, after a visit of several days, the
guests of Mrs. T. C. Bailey at her home
on Jackson avenue. |
For the best dry wood in town call
Mrs. Nat Stewart, who has been the
guest of her parents, Capt. and Mrs.'
John A. Cobb, left Saturday <for Athens 1
where she will make her home in the 1
Miss Windsor, Agent.
i Miss Leola Lee, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Fort on 1
Lee street for several days returned to
her home in Marshallville Saturday
SS.!H beautiful Georgette Crepe
Waists at Hassell’s. 15-lt
J. F. Finch left Saturday for Bron-
i wood on a short visit to his sister,
Mr/. J. S. Stephens.
I National Rubber Tirefilled not only
saves time and money, but accidents.
ilt is a safe and sane substitute for
i air. Mail orders solicited, or if you
i prefer demonstration, advise me and
; 1 will gladly call on you. W. J. Page,
I Byromville, Ga. 11-lt
S. C. Stern, manager of the Albany
telephone exchange, was in Americus
Saturday, talking over matters with
Paul Westbrook, manager of the Amer
icus telephone exchange.
i We are just in recipt of a complete
; line of ladies' hats, drummer samples,
that we are going to sell at wholesalt
cost price. This line consists mostly
if the latest styles and shapes, and
will be open to the public Monday at
Cohen’s. 15
/ Miss Rochelle Gurr and sister, who
have been the guests of Mrs. W. D.
Moreland for the past several days,
returned to their home in Dawson
Black and White Silk Hose, 25c, at
Hassell’s. 15-lt
Miss Mary Louise Reese arrived Sat
urday from Albany to spend the week
end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Reese, on Church street.
Just opened at 222 Forsyth street, a
full line of ROYOLEUM House-hold
and Farm disinfectants and Stock
remedies J L. GLAWSON, MGR.
| Zera A. Littlejohn, Jr., arrived Sat
urday from his Brooks county planta
tion to spend a few days with home
* Mrs. George M. Acree and baby, who
. have been spending sometime in Al-
* banuy, the guests of Mrs. Acree’s par-
* ents, returned home Saturday, accom-
; ponied by Mrs. Acree's mother, Mrs. B.
„' F. Smith.
9 If you want to saw money you cau
do it at Kassell’s. 15-lt
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Perry, of Cuth
,- bert, who have been visiting Mr. and
1 Mrs. W. J. Boyett for several days at
j their home on Bell street, returned to
- their home Saturday.
Every Southerner should see “The
. Crisis,” Opera House tomorrow. Scenes
I laid in the sixties. It rivals "The
| Birth of a Nation.” Only two shows,
[one at 3 p. m., another at 8 p. m.
! Prices 25c and 50c. 15-lt
. I
J Misses Audrey and Lexie Deckle,
| two young girls who attended the High
i school exercises, and have been the
guest of their cousin, Mr. W. I.
j Boyett and family, returned to their
! heme in Cordele today. Miss Audrey
Deckle won second prize in the spell
ing contest.
THE WAR IS HERE! Plant a gar
den at once. Get your seed from
' Jeff A. Taylor, of Buena Vista, was!
in Americus Friday. Mr. Taylor was!
mingling with his old friends here
who are always glad to see him.
1 Extraordinary values in Boy’s
i Hash Suits and Knee Pants, at Kas
sell’s. 15-lt
' W. C. Jordan, of Shiloh, was in the
city Friday.
Screen Doors, complete with hard
ware; Screen Windows; Standard Size
1 wire cloth in four widths. Screen your,
I house now. Phone 706. Williams-j
Niles Co. , 15-2 t
; ■
1 T. A. Collins, of Ellaville, was in
! Americus Friday, looking after busi- :
, ness matters.
It is after Easter; we still have a
I big line of Millinery at a great saving.
Kassell’s. 15-lt
Foster Cheney, of Ellaville, was in ;
the city Friday. I
We sell the best wood for cash. Clark
Wood Company. Phone 303.
Good bitterie, respond to t S<
Hndnea, and resent cruelty — r\l
lust like animals.
—UttU .4 mftn.
fl) ( )
(Copyright registered, 1917)
Headquarters of the
It costs you money to starve, neglect, and over
work your battery and you suffer all kinds of in
convenience and trouble besides.
Join the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
And don’t let your membership lapse. Run in to
see us at least once a month. Otherwise you’re
violating the first rule of the society—you’re treating
your battery cruelly.
The membership privileges include
expert attention for your battery,
bright lights, quick starting, and /
perfect ignition. /
You can also get a rental battery
when yours needs repairs. /
Note reproduction at right of the
card which ent ties holder to free ’
testing of his battery at regular in
tervals. Ask us for yours.
Americus Automobile Company
Mrs. O. T. Lawson, of Plains, was in
the city Friday.
No desert so delightful as ice cream. ;
Phone 161 for a brick. WINDSOR '
PHARMACY. 15-3 t .
Cobb Sumerford, of De Soto, was a
business visitor in the city Saturday.
Owen Moore and Irene Fenwick in
”A Girl Like That” is the feature at-'
traction at the Alcazar Monday. 15-lt
Lieut. Edwin T. Murray, of the Sup
ply company of ’the Second Georgia
regiment, is at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Murray, confined
to his bed with an ttack of the mumps, i
For a general supply of Garden Seed
PANY. 10-ts
Miss Ola Mae Martin, who has been
the guest of Miss Alice Olver, returned
home yesterday, accompanied by Miss
Olver, who will spend a few' days with
We are in receipt of a new shipment
of Spring hats, of latest models and
choicest colors. WALKER’S. j
—■ ~
R. S. Pryor, of Lee county, was in
the city Saturday shopping. j:
Let us shoe your horse for you; our i
n.-ethods are MODERN, our workman-,
SMITH CO. 12-tt ]
Lee Bass, of near Leslie, was in 1
Americus Saturday. I1
■ I
CAR, 60 inch tread. Address Box 254, i
Americus. Ga. 15-lt i
George Deriso and Pope Bass, two!,
prominent citizens of Leslie, were in 1 f
Americus Saturday. ]
Call 502 for your GARDEN SEED. We .
test every seed and find every one to j
15-ts (
C. D. Giddings left Saturday after
noon for Akron, Ohio, on business.
Miss Sara Oliver entertained as her 1
guests this week during the High <
school meet, Misses Frances and Dolph 1
Oliver, of Plains; Misses Callie Cun- i
ningham and Janie Howell, of Cor- i
dele. 1
I J. J. Askew' and John Williams, two
I well known Webster county citizens,
w'ere in Americus Saturday.
i ————-
' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Slappey and chil
. dren of Schley county, w'ere shopping
in Americus Saturday.
H. E. Kennedy, of Adams, was a
visitor in the city Saturday.
i Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover who have
been spending the past several days
. with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Perry and
'Mr. and Mrs. James A. Perry and Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Gatewood, left Satur
day night for Cincinnati, Mr. Glover
having been called to resume his work
earlier than he anticipated.
I Manager Dudley has booked three
great pictures for this week. “The
Crisis” comes on Monday. April 16th.
, Mary Pickford in “The Poor Little
‘ Rich Girl,” Friday, April 20th, and
Charlie Chaplin in “The Myrtji of a
Nation,” and the "Life of Buffalo Bill.”
Sqnopsis: Irene Fenwick, who
I scored such a great success in her re
i cent Famous Players-Paramount pic
ture “A 'Coney Island Princess,” >s
starred by that company in “A Girl
I.ike That,” which is the attraction, at
the Alcazar theatre Monday.
Nell Gordon is unfortunate in her
ancestry—her father a crook —but she
possesses rare qualities of resource
fulness and loyalty. Though she loves
her father, she detests his associates,
particularly one Bill Whipple, who is
her constant suitor. Joe Dunham, who
does the scouting for the trio, finds a
very lively bank in the prosperous
town of Wheaton, the fact that a new
keeper is needed there opening the
way for the gang to get inti) the bank,
as Nell is an expert. Working on her
love for her father, who is a very sick
man, Whipple and Dunham persuade
Nell to go to Wheaton and take the
position. See the picture.
MEXICO CITY, April 14.—General
Carranza has made a personal gift ot
10.000 pesos to the town of Herm
osillo in recognition of the fact that
this city w-as the first to receive him
in a friendly and hospitable way
when he took the field against the
late General Huerta in 1913.
PEKING, April 14.—Dr. Wu Ting
fang’s service as Minister of Foreign
[Affairs early this month was brought
to a sudden end by his loss of hear
ing. Dr. Wu accepted the foreign of
fice portifolio reluctantly at the re-
I quest of President Li Yuan-hung and
leaders of the different parties in
China. He was a compromise candi
date who stepped in at a time when
the opposing factions could not agree
on anybody else.
Dr. Wu Ting-fang assumed office
last November. He was suffering
slightly with deafness at that time.
Shortly after he came to Peking, he
ft /TR. and Mrs. Citizen, we know that you are in love
’-*■ with your home and if you are as much in love
with your home town it is quite natural that you will
purchase your home furnishings in this community.
Don’t buy “sight unseen.” Deal with a responsible fur
niture house whose guarantee stands back of every
piece of furniture it sells.
Any article of merchandise purchased here mu&
give entire satisfaction. We see to it that you get val
ue received when you spend your money with this store.
Allison Furniture Co.
Floor-Mops, Brooms
We have just received shipment of both. These were
bought some time ago and before prices reached the high
water mark. Our mops are made with screw-on handles,
and by buying an extra mop head you get two mops for a
little more than the price of one. Our brooms are the best.
Sparks Grocery Co. 4 3™d279
t .
| Want Advertisements
i I
Figure your own want ad. Minimum
charge is 25c. For insertions less
than two weeks, one cent per word.
For insertions between two and four
weeks, three-fourths of a cent per
word. For insertions of more than
four weeks, ous-haJ cent per word.
I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch,
clock and jewelry repairing. Expert
service and reasonable charges. R. S.
Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St.,
directly in front of postofflee.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. 117
South Prince Street. 15-25 t
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished
rooms; possession immediately. Phone
840. 13-2 t
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms
unfurnished, for light housekeeping.
Phone 430. Apply Mrs. Lee Croxton.
408 Lamar Street. 13-3 t
FOR RENT—Reception Hall and two
large rooms, unfurnished, possession
at once, 204 Furlow street. Apply Mrs.
S. M. Smith. 12-3 t
FOR RENT—Josey House, corner
Prince and Lamar streets. C. M. Coun
WA N TED—M iscellaneous
WANTED —Position as stenographer
or general office assistant. Address
Postofflee Box 136. 10-51
MONEY TO LEND at 6% interest on
desirable residences in Americus, Ga.
H. O. Jones. 18-ts
MONEY TO LEND—On real estate;
small loans my specialty. Gordon
Howell, Attorney, Allison Building.
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1»17.
contracted a severe cold and pneu
monia was threatened. Although he
has recovered his hearing is now al
most entirely gone.
In his letter ot resignation to the
president, Dr. Wu Ting-fang explains
that he lias despaired of recovering
his hearing and says: “With two ears
dull to hear, there are all kinds of
inconveniences in dealing with dip
lomatic affairs. At this critical time
of diplomatic negotiations when a
minute passed would mean a thous
and miles loss and when tilings are
pressing so hard, I with the difficulty
of deafness, feel reluctant to incur
the charge of lingering in my office
o>- even imitating examples of unwise
persons who sacrifice themselves for
the sake of their name.”
WANTED TO BUY—Dry pine and
oak wood; also charcoal. E. E. Rog
ers, rear Harrold Brothers. 15-2 t
FARM LOANS at &i per cent inter
est. City loans at 6 per cent, inter
est. Apply to R. L. Maynard, Amer
icus, Ga. 11-ts
Me give lowest rates, easiest terms and
quickest service. Save money by see
ing us G. R. Ellis or G. C. Webb.
FARM LOANS Can give good
terms on farm loans; money plenti
ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts
TAXI-CAB SERVICE; meet any train,
out of town trips reasonable price.
Day phones 161 and 75 night. Millard
Shy. 30-20 t
TAXI-CAB service; meet all trains;
out-of-town trips reasonable. Phone
781. Julius Shy. 16-25 t
fiOR SAL.*
FOR SALE: F. A. Pruitt place, fou|
miles North of Parrott, Georgia, con,
tains 1,038 acres. About 700 acred
open land, plenty of running water,
fine place for stock, well located, on
two good public roads. Price 110,500,
We can make extremely easy terms
on this place. Apply The Georgia
Loan and Trust Co., Macon, Ga., or W,
L Thomas, Plains. Georgia 81-ts
FOR SALE—Seed velvet beans, ear
ly speckled variety; the 90 days bean,
guarantee sound germinating 85 to 98
%, $1.40 bu. f. o. b., Troy; cash with
order. W. S. Coleman, Troy, Ala.
NICE LINE of Go-Carts and Baby
Carriages, kitchen cabinets and refrig
erators. Bragg’s Furniture Store.
12-3 t
near Americus. Se« A. C. Crockett