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PAGE EIGHT PHONE Jfl Groceries and /8 a.4 Select Meats a. 9 HORACE LOWE’S PICTURE SALE Genuine Hand Colored Carbongravures 20x24, regular price SI.OO, sale price, 19c i SEE THE BIG WINDOW DISPLAY Hightower’s Boook Store wwww www wwwwwr wwwwwww wwwimwwwww w WWW CANE SEED OF ALL KINDS ; Honey Drip, Texas Seeded Rib- ; i i bon, Amber. Golden Dent Corn i ;' Whatley’s Prolific,Hickory Ring : ; I ! For the above phone 502. Planters Seed Company Americus, Ga. 1 ! «»■»»■■■» »W WWWWWW WWW WWW WWMW WWW WWW WWW OMBBmHßaaumHMMßMMnKuaninKsnßWßmni»3rr A <4’i JI i C ■ | B I wH ■Rt gyM j ; ;j3 ISiwII \ Ml® B rv;: \HI a Tb» St«ta- Bkch Co. Wil * P» STEIN-BLOCH j Smart Clothes are the Waterloo of the man who knows he can not be shown. There’s a model here to fit you, in a pattern you’ll like, and we would appreciate the opportunity to prove it. You’ll be glad if we please you —and each of us will make a friend. Rylander Shoe Co. Clothiers and furnishers tISE OUR WANT MS FOR BEST RESULTS Late Bulletins Bolivia Breaks With Germany. LA PAZ, Bolixia, April 14. —The Bo livian government announced today it would break relations with Germany. '.i lie action is taken because the Boliv ian government holds the Germany un restricted submarine warfare is a vio. lation of international law as express ed in The Hague convention. I Brazil to Break With Austria. RIO DE JANERIO, April 14.—Great activity in Brazilian military circles is reported today, in connection with which a widely circulated report says diplomatic relations between Brazil and Austria-Hungary are soon to be severed. To Encourage Gardening. WASHINGTON, D. C-, April 14. in order to encourage extensive gard ening during the war the department of agriculture has ordered printed thousands of copies of a complete man val of instructions for farmers, espec ially novices. The manual will be mailed free to any address within the i nited States on request. American Schooner Abandoned. WASHINGTON, I). C., April 14. The American schooner Edwin R. Hunt, of New York, was abandoned by its crew under shell fire from a sub marine in the Mediterranean sea, ApY’.l l'.th, according to a dispatch from Consul Gasset, at Malaga, Spain. The nationality of the attacking submarine was not disclosed, no flag being dis played. Cotton Consumed During March. WASHINGTON, D. C„ April 14. -| Cotton consumed during the month of, March totalled 602,000 running bales,, the consumption for the eight months. ending March 31st being 4,500,000 run nings bales, the census bureau an nounced today. Oon hand, March 13st. at consuming, establishments were 2,048,000 bales, and in public storage warehouses and compresses at the same date 2,900,000 bales were held. PLAN TO LIMIT FREIGHT TO FRAM E NOT SUCCESSFUL I LONDON. April 14.—The scheme for the limitation of freight »o France and Italy which was planned to attract increased tonnage for the' transportation of coal from England, has failed to bring into the service the required numjber of steamers at the fixed rates and in compliance with requests from shipbrokers, the au-j thorities have agreed to make the! plan more elastic. The schedule rates I of freights can now be adjusted in order to attract more neutral ton nage. SUFFERS ATTACK OF VEVRTIGO ON STREET W. H. Jones, one of the test known citizens of Sumter county, was strick en yesterday afternoon with an attack , of vertigo while walking along Jackson street, near Hooks’ Pharmacy. He fell to the pavement, sustaining bruises about the head and was im mediately removed to his room at the! Cawood House, where he received med-1 leal attention. Mr. Jones had been ill for a day or, two past and overtaxed his strength ! by walking up town. He was-reported as resting comfort-1 ably last night. AMERICUS HIGH LOST FIRST GAME YESTERDAA The Americus High school baseball team lost the first game of the season yesterday to the Albany High school at the local ball park by the score of ■ 4 to 1. The game was indifferently well-1 .played, errors at critical moments fig-1 uring largely in the scoring. The line-up of the teams was as fol-’ lows: Albany High School, Brosnan, 2b.; Murray, If.; Grimes, rs.; Smith,l 3m.; Carter, Ic.; Summers, c.; Mose ley, ss.; Cherry, p.; Floyd, cf. Amer icus High School, Slay, 2b.; Smith, If ; Seig, rs.; Webb, 3b.; Ball, lb.; Mono han, c.; Lanier, ss.; B. Ball, p.; An drews, cf.; Johnson, p. COTTO! MARKET [ AMERICUS, GA. April 14, 1917. i The Americus spot cotton market was quoted today at local warehouses. Good middling 20c Strict middling 19 314 c j Middling 19 i-2e! The Futures Market. The futures market at opening and' close was quoted: Open Close January 18.96 19.03 May 20.42 20.43 July 20.08 20.05 October 18.90 18.96 December 18.96 18.93 THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER OPERA HOUSE MON., APRIL 16TH ‘THE CRISIS’ By Winston Churchill, 10 reels ONLY TWO SHOWS ' Matinee .... 3p. mJ Night 8 p. m.| Prices 25 & 50c FRIDAY Mary Pickford IN "A Poor Little Rich Girl" SATURDAY Charlie Chaplin IN The Myrth of a Nation ♦ COLLEGE OARSMEN IN ♦ ♦ CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST * ♦ * ♦ OAKLAND, Cal., April 14. * ' ♦ Oarsmen of the University of Cal- F ■F ifodnia, die University of AVash- -F ■F ington and Stanford University + F met today on Oakland Estuary in -► ♦ the Pacific coast's ribbon boat * ♦ event of the year. Since last fall ♦ ♦ the crews have been in training F F for this event, which decides the ♦ ♦ championship of the far west. F FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF ALLIED COMMISSION IS REDRAWING EUROPE’S RAILROAD MAP | I ROME, April 14. —Allied railroad commissions today are preparing to , redraw Europe’s railroad may. They are already planning the destruction o the allied dependence on the German lines in the ‘‘war after the war.” For example, a proposed railroad j i connects Bordeaux with Odessa, avoid ing Middle Europe and passing througn ; Turin and the Italian-to-be Triest. I Other lines, perfecting the development I of allied territory, are also in pros pect. French and Unglsh railroad officials are now in Italy, studying the situation with allied officials. The commission ers are making a careful tour of inves tigation throughout the allied coun tries, it is said, and work on the con- 1 templated lines will be rushed to competion, as soon as the war ends. | NEW DRESS GOODS During the pa§t week numbers of new goods have been received —goods you have been wanting, in patterns that are new and desirable. We mention a few: SILKS & WOOLENS LINENS! Beautiful sport patterns in silks as well as Forty five inch French finish dress linens, in white, plenty of solid colors rose, copen and Belgian. . New Broadcloths, in gold and white. Heavy Linen pillow casing Fine French serges. Sheer Linen Lawns Round thread Madeira Art Linen -k t a tn Beautiful Damask cloths and napkins NECKW EAR The latent novelties in Georgette,Khaki Kool, f Crepe de Chine, and Organdy. M if J jf Beautiful color combinations and plain J white. The right place tolr for your clothes buying ® V T OU want to buy clothes in the right place, of A course; and with a number of different places to choose from, you may not be sure which the IwOR-iWI right one is. W-’-f It:::: V.r-1 . . Us::: tajis! One important point in deciding this jpj-i question is to ask yourself what you know | about the goods offered. Do you know | pj| who makes the clothes you buy? What | fUi: LL 4 do you know about the maker? About I £3:l his ideas of quality, style, tailoring? Do rli’l you know enough about the goods to feel Eggl üBl sure you’re going to get real value for your ulil money? -- Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marz ‘ When we mention Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, we know that you know they’re good A „ fabrics use<) Harl clothes. You know they re absolutely guaranteed c l jp u n to give satisfaction. And we know that this store . ... , . . . 7 ~ r . ..,.11 i woo* or silk and wool mix- ts the nght place, because ,t s the place where you tares A „ , he get Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. , t f by experts as it comes from the mills. If any material W. D. Bailey Company ° thei ; th , an , w l OOl or silk « x found, the fabric is rejected. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes FISHING PARTY IS BACK FROM FLORIDA EXPEDITION The Americus fishing party compos !ed of J. E. D. Shipp, J. E. Sheppard, i Henry Shipp and W. M. Andrews, who I have been spending the past several I days; at St. Marks, Fla., have returned home. The party enjoyed the trip and I had plenty of fish to eat. They did not make any large catches, however, as they were fishing for sheep head, and it is said that they were not biting good. The sailor’s choice, which is a much smaller fish, was plentiful. The party all returned in good shape. OPENS RETAIL HOUSE TO DISTRIBUTE DISINFECTANTS J. L. Glawson, well known through out this section, has opened a retail establishment on Forsyth street near Cotton avenue handling a stock of the Royoleum household and farm disin fectants. These products are finding considerable favor in this section, and Mr. Glawson, who has secured the ex vlusive agency in this territory, ex pects to develop an extensive patron age. New Auto Shop We wish to announce to our friends and the public that we are now prepared to take care of your automo bile repairing. Watts Markett & Burrell Kent At J. D. Hooks Motor Co. Next to Times-Recorder TELEPHONE 16 YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED The Public— Demands the in Coal and Wood and also quick delivery of same. We will show you that we appreciate your business by giving you the be& in Coal and Wood and quick delivery. CLARK COAL & WOOD CO. Telephone 303 SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1917.