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PAGE TWO .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Local News Items ♦ +■ ♦ ♦ «♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ We have some fine Diamonds a rigM prices. S. A. Daniels. /i. I. Giddings, the druggist, ha jdaced his order for a handsome sod; fount and the same will soon be in stalled in his store at Cotton avenue and Forsyth street. / For anything you wish in the seed line, phone 502. Planters Seed Co. 6-11 Charlie Johnson, of Columbus, was in the city Thursday. Yoar NAME gets a box of candy, if iu Parcel Post Window at WINDSOR PHARMACY. Look for it. Phone 161. 8-3 t J. S. Harris, of Moultrie, was a vis itor tn the city Thursday. A few ladies suits left at $7.50 and ilOJkt. Ansley's. 10-lt Miss Alice Wheatley will arrive to night from Savannah to be the guest of Mrs. M. M. Eldridge. Everything points to still prices for new tires. Why not repair I the old ones now? G. A. and W. G.| Turpin. Mrs. S. A. Watford, of Crosby, Ala., is visiting her son, J. T. Darden, and ether relatives here, for several days Lemons 20c doz. Lowe's Cash Gro cery- ,<Mt J L. Clawson, who resides neat- Americus was looking after matters cf business in Americus today. Bathing Suits. HIGHTOWER’S. 26-t? Mrs. C. J. Griffin, of Villa Grove, 111, uho has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. N. Cobb, returned home Thursday, after a very pleasant stay here. Don’t wait for blow-outs and rim cetsit costs far less to prevent them than to repair them. Let us vulcanize them G. A. and W. G. Turpin. 7-ts theltandard 1 PHONE 226 - KO HOUSE IN THE WHOLE STATE 01' GEORGIA EVER i OFFERED GREATER SHIRT j BARGAINS THAN THESE y AT 85c s :::::: : An order cancelled by an overstock ed retailer was passed on to us by our regular shirt house, so they are all right NO JOBS NOR SECONDS, but perfect, regular goods, made of woven •rd printed madras, soft or laundered fffs and a very interesting range of patterns; sizes 14 to 18, 85c. LADIES SAMPLE WAISTS AT 39c. Some of these waists sold for $1; some may be sightly soiled, made ot voiles, batiste and lawns, trimmed with embroideries and laces; choice 39c. ■ORF. BOYS’ WASH SUITS AT 98c. Drtunmerss’ samples, all sizes, from 3 to 6 years, and all made of standard materials; values up to $2. Choice, suit 98c. LADIES' SHOES FOR $3.50. »«die‘ Patent Leather one or two strap slippers, Patent Ptimps, Baby Doll and Patent Oxfords, all are kid lined and made by the best shoe mak ers in the country; sizes 3 to 8; they compare well with the $5.00 grades. Our price, pair, $3.50. LADIES’ WHITE SHOES $1225. ladies’ White Colonial Pumps, Mary Jans Pumps, White Duck, blucher ox fords, all have leather soles, worth from $1.50 to $2.00. Our price, pair SIXS. MEN’S WHITE DUCK OXFORDS $1.50. White Duck Oxfords with white rub ber soles and heels, tan leather facing, wear guaranteed, at pair $1.50. KISSES’GINGH AM DRESSES 50c. Misses Dresses, made ot fast colored gmgiiam from the smallest to size 14; ao extra charge for the large sizes. If bought today the factory would charge as 75c for these; while the lot lasts take your pick at 50c. IDE STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Cotton Ave., Americus, Ga. lit Sheuffer’s non-leakable fountain pen. Hell, the Jeweler. is / Mrs. Raymond McNeil is visiting her la “parents at Eatonton, Ga. / —* e' A few ladies suits left at $7.50 and SIO.OO. Ansley’s. 10-lt d Sam Mc.Garrah, of Friendship, was t transacting business in town today. s ' MOTHER’S DAY next Sunday, May 13th, send her flowers. They will carry a double message. We are agents for t - Dahl’s Nurseries, the leading florists > of the South. WINDSOR PHARMACY, Phone 161. 8-3 t I Miss Florence Ellis, who has been visiting G. R. Ellis and family, left Thursday for Thomasville, where she ( will visit Miss Florence Pringle. I I A small lot of plants for sale, Pepper, Egg Plants, Tomoto, Zinnia Giant, Mar . igolds double, and Collard. Phone 502, Planters Seed Co. 6-lt | M. W. Suggs, a prominent farmer. residing near Smithville, was in Amer icus Thursday, looking after busi- I ness. We are now showing our Sport ana Mid-Summer Hats in white. Misses' Hay & Tillman. 3-ts Mrs. L. G. Council and young daugh ter, Elizabeth, went up to Atlanta Thursday to see Miss Ruth Council, who is in a sanitarium there, but [ whose conditions is improving steadily. Latest improved Vulcanizing Ma chinery; work promptly done; prices satisfactory. G. A. and W. G. Turpin. 7-ts. Clarence Price, of Bronwood, was a visitor in the city Thursday. See the PARCEL POST WINDOW for i candy at WINDSOR PHARMACY,' Phone 161. 8-3 t Rev. J. B. Holly, of Meigs, was in Americus tor a couple of days this [ week, looking after the interests of the Georgia Anti-Saloon League. He vis-' ited Leslie during his stay in this community and left Thursday after noon to return home. No. 2 Royal Scarlet Pork and Beans lie. Lowe’s Cash Grocery. 10-lt Murray Calhoun, representing the I Seaboard Air Line railway, was a bus iness visitor, ip the city Thursday. Fishing Tackle and sporting goods. 26-ts. HIGHTOWER'S. / Mrs. A. E. Chappell, of Macon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Taylory Use Sol-Tene for worms in all kinds of stock, all ROYOLUM products guaranteed, for sale at 222 Forsyth street. J. L Glawson, Mgr. 10-lt A few ladies suits left at $7.50 and SIO.OO. Ansley’s. 10-lt W. L. Glessner, field writer for the i Southern Ruralist, was in the city 'Thursday. He is well known in Amer icus, having lived here for a number of years, having owned and edited the Americus Recorder for several years. He has many friends in the city who are always glad to see him here. Use COAL-TAR-DIP for scouring your house, fumigates aud disinfects interior, simply use 1 part Dip and 200 parts water, spray poultry house and paint poles with Dip. Use Royolum Poultry Powder for healthy chicks. For sale at 222 Forsyth street. J. L. Glawson, Mgr. 10-lt Don’t Throw Away Your old Automobile Tires and Tubes. Bring them to us for repairs. Our Steam Vulcanizing ! Plant is at your service. Every job we turn out is completed by an expert workman. Time will demonstrate the wisdom of bringing your vulcanizing to us. G. A. & W G. TURPIN Ladies Attention. * Mrs. A. L. Battson, beauty special- ► ist representing the Velvetina line is ► [in our city, and will be delighted to ► 'demonstrate same in your home. ► jFor engagements, Phone WINDSOR -IPHARMACY, HOWELL’S PHARMACY, ► I HOWELL-PRATHER or Mrs. P. 11. i, Williams, Phone 392. ' SAVED BY WIFE’S SHAMEFUL p * ADMISSIONS, VAWTER WILL START LIFE OVER, AN OUTCAST ( CHRISTIANSBURG, Va„ May 10.— Charles E. Vawter, former professor of [physics at Virginia Polytechnic Insti . Hute, des declared not guilty of the . i iiirder of Stockton Heth, Jr., whom he shot to death in the Vawter home early on the morning of March 13th. Mrs. Vawter, wife of the defendant made certain sensational statements on the stand regarding her relations with Heth, these resulting the acquital of I her husband. The jury was out two i and a half hours, but according to one of its members, only one ballot was taken. As Deputy Clerk Walters read the verdict, Vawter sprang from his [chair and clasped his aged mother in Ibis arms. R. L. Jordan, the only mem -1 her of the defense counsel in the court room at the time, sank into his chair and sobbed. Mrs. Vawter broke down , when a newspaper man telephoned her I the news. Vawter and his wife and their chidren will begin life anew in some other section of the country, it is reported here. JUST A FEW I’ETWAY COTTON SEED LEFT i ' ; The early prolific cotton, tried out. ■ If you want them, call or send at once. $2.00 per bushel. CHAS. L. ANSLEY. A WAY HAS BEEN FOUND TO ■ DOUBLE VALUE OF COFFEE CROP RIO DE JANEIRO, May 10—After i forty years of chemical research, a way has been found to double the al ready enormous value of the coffee crop by manufacturing by-products from the coffee berry husk. One of the by-products—manita— properly combined with nitrogen, makes an explosive of about the same I power as dynamite or fulminate of mercury, and markets at about $lO per kilogram. The average coffee crop of the state lof Sao Paulo, Brazil, is ten million sacks of 132 pounds each, representing a value of more than $80,000,000. This [value is in coffee without the by-pro ducts. Dr. Pedro Baptista de Andrade, the chemist, already has begun manufac turing the by-products, which re dis , covered. He proposed to poduce 30,- 000,000 litters of alcohol, 360,000 kilo | grams of manita and 36,000 kilograms of Caffeine. Caffeine is a drug com manding a price of about 10 cents a gram. Alcohol is sold here at about 12 cents a liter. Dr. Andrade’s process Is ito treat by distillation processes the [ coffee berry husk, which heretofore has been discarded as useless. j Because of the war-made demand i for explosives and alcohol, the new I industry is expected to jump quickly into prosperity. FORAKER, FAMOUS OHIO STATESMAN PASSES AWAY CINCINNATI, 0., May 10. —Joseph Benson Foraker, former United States s senator from Ohio, and one of the fore ' most politicians of the state, died at - Pis home here today. He was seventy • y< ars old, and served two terms as >. governor of Ohio, before going to the . senate. ► ’ Legal Advertisemenls I s a 1 01 i . ' 01 Citation. |> n ! GEORGIA, Webster County. |' . ITo All Whom It May Concern: C, p W. Maugham having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of L. J. ■ Maugham, late of said county, this isi to cite all and singular the creditors ■ and next of kin of L. 'J. Maugham to be and apply at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admin - istration should not be granted to C. W. Maugham on L. J. Maugham estate. | I Witness my hand and official signa ture, this sth day of May, 1917. J. R. STAPLETON, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell Stock. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Io Whom It May Concern: Thomas B. Hooks, administrator of the estate of Mrs. L. E. Hooks, deceas ed, having in legal form applied to tpe for leave to sell three shares of stock in the Southwestern Railroad Com pany, belonging to said estate, notice ’ iL- hereby given that said application, * will be heard and determined on the first Monday in June, 1917, at the reg-i ular June Term of this court. | Tbis 7th day of May, 1917. • JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary of Sumter County, Ga f IniL AMERICUS TIMI2>KECORDER. The Newest and ; The Daintiest • pW. J' ,r in Waists / S // \An o ■ They are new and stylish creations of sheer i’ // white voile and organdie, trimmed with the finest /l 'ly[ J C of embroideries and laces—reproductions of the / |l[[il • fe? \ t J \ / < A newest and mo& attractive French creations. / f “Fpk/X ' /.-Ah j[ if Everything possible to make and keep these \ \ 7) [ ;/ , garments dainty, fresh and sanitary has been done. \ j/ / ' I Their crispness is preserved by ; Individual Envelope Package 1 /fl \\\ \ / I \ \ ; X ' x Nustile and Noveltie 1 [ X New Style STYLE 5924—Exquisite wai-ft STYLE 6055— Stunning tail- of sheer chiffon voile, the front ! ored wai& of fine organdy. Waists are Guaranteed to be Satisfactory in Every of which is elaborately embroid- Hie front is tucked with groups Way. A New Wai&, or the Money, will be given ered and trimmed with medal of wide and fine tucks. Hem- in Exchange for any Waisft that for any reason does ]i ons of Plauen lace. The deep stitched turn back cuffs Nov- prove satisfactory. / square collar is embroidered to elty shaped collar is hemstitch- , match the front and edge with ed and trimmed with pear but- Two other new styles, No. 6079 and 6026 Plauen lace. Front tucked and tons. PRICE SI.OO now on display. hemstitched. PRICE $2 00 Churchwell’s Department Store, Americus, Ga. ♦♦♦♦»♦»t » » » » » » 1 ♦ The Great Creatore Will ♦ ♦ Be Here on the Last Day t t Os Chautauqua Week ; I hJKV SIGNOR GIUSEPPE CREATORE. IT will be welcome news to lovers of band music to know that the great Creatore and bis band are coming here on the last day of the Redpath 3 1 Chautauqua program this season and that at the evening concert Creatore -1 himself will conduct. Thousands of people in all parts of the country who t[ have heard of Creatore for years have looked forward to the time when they j, I would see and hear him. I s e For Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Sumter County. To All Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Williams hav | it’g, in proper form, applied to me for | permanent Letters of Administration I on the estate of Joshua S. Williams lato •' oi said County, this is to cite all and i singular the creditors and next of kin [of Joshua S. Williams to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by n law, and show cause, if any they can if why permanent administration should [, not be granted to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth a Williams on Joshua S. Williams’ estate, a I Witness my hand and official signa o.ture, this 7th day of May, 1917. e JOHN A. COBB, Ordinary, i s, * i- notice. 3. Sumter County. e. | J. N. Smith, guardian of Mattie Lee, i- Bessie and Ethel Smith, having applied to the court for leave to sell certain y. city lots located in DeSoto, Georgia, be longing to said wards, for the purpose obdistribution, two of said wards being of legal age, if no objection is filed said petition will be granted at the June M Term. 1917, of this court. s- JOHN A. COBB, le Ordinary, Sumter County, Ga. lit ■— —... _— • IL —■ '• i- Executor’s Sale, •ej GEORGIA, Sumter County. in | By virtue of an order from the ie' Court of Ordinary of Stephens County, ;-IGeorgia, will be sold at public outcry lon the first Tuesday in June, 1917, at • the courthouse door in Sumter county, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, lying and being i ....... I -I— - ■' l— ■ ■ I ■ » in said county and more particularly described as fcl’ows: ! The following described land, re ferred to by certain tracts known as Kelley, Hooks and Andrews Subdivis ion of the J. F. Kelley farm, as well as by lot numbers, to-wit: Tract No. 8, consisting of 432.2 acres and tract No. 9 of said Subdivision, consisting of 69.7 acres; said two tracts of said subdivision comprising the whole of the west half of lot of land No. 73. the whole of land lots Nos. 74 and 75; also tract No. 10, of said subdivision, consisting of 74.6 acres, and tract No. 11, consisting of 1101.1 acres, and 22.4 acres off the south I side of tract No. 12. being a narrow I strip off of said south side of equal j width running from east to west, and j being all of said tract No. 12, except 52.5 acres; said tracts Nos. 10, 11 and 12 of said sub-division comprising the w hole of the south half of land lot No. , 100 and all that part of the south half i of land lot No. 101 lying west of the : public road from Cobb, running south l to the farm, house of Mrs. C. C. Clay, to > where it intersects a plantation road running in a northwesterly direction through said Kelley place and from thence north, being all that part of said lot No. 101 lying west of said plantation road or the south half of said lot. All o’ said land lying and being tn one ' body in the 15th district of Sumter • county, Georgia (.i nsisting of 700 ecies ' of land, more or less. Terms of sale. Cash. .' This 28th day Os April. 1917. ' W. T. EDWARDS and J. C. EDWARDS, Executors of L. A. Edwards, Dec’d. STATIONERY OF REFINEMENT '— 1 [ 50c to $2.00 Box i I I ! Latent tints and shapes. Nothing more appropriate than ! a box of fine Stationery for party prizes. Hightower’s Book Store ; Exclusive agents for Vudor Porch Shades and Webb & ! I Vary’s line of Engraving WWWWWWW WWW WW WWWWW WWW WWW ww w w w w wwwiii WWWWWW W WWWWWU A Limited Amount MEXICAN JUNE SEED CORN, ALSO GOLDEN g. DENT, WHITE DENT AND HICKORY KING Sparks Grocery Company Telephones 43 and 279 y.wmmwwwwmwwwwmomwwmWßWMll WWWWWOWMi wwmwww mwww-wy ~ ■ I [[ Want Advertisements 1 I 4 : 1 Figure yonr own want ad. Minimum. * charge is 25c. For Insertions less titan two weeks, one cent per word. For insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a cent per . word. For insertions of more than ’ four weeks, one-haii cent per word. i _______________________ FOR RENI i i i FOR RENT —One house, 5 rooms . and bath. 209 E. Lamar street; SB.OO i per month. One house, 4 rooms; sani- ' tary connections, 207 E. Lamar street; $6.00 per month. Phone 169, or sea L B. E. Turner. 30-ti 1 FOR RENT —House and lot on Fur low street. Apply to O. L. Dixon, 8-ts i ’ WANTED—Miscellaneous I I CASH PAID for 100 cords oak wood t and swamp wood by A. C. Alexander. ; Phone 355. l-25t t „ MONEY TO LEND—We hold several r thousand dollars for quick loans or [ purchase money notes. Shipp & I Sheppard. 9-lm t■ ’ 1 FARM LOANS —Cm give good , terms on farm loans; money plenti ful. W. W. Dykes. 15-ts ; , Any Hat made new. YEARWOOD. ' 4-26 t ) ———————- ———— j FARM WANS at 5* per cent Inter , est. City loans at 6 per cent. Inter-j , est Apply to R. L. Mavnard. Amer-' j Icus, Ga. 11-ts t j CHOICE FARM LOANS at 5J% » We give lowest rates, easiest terms and i Quickest service. Save money by see. j ! Ing us. G. R. Ellis or G. C. Webb. WANTED —To borrow $2,000, without commission, on gilt edge security, sot j 3 or 5 years. Address “Loan,” P. O ; Box 464. i-tfj THURSDAY, MAY Is, ijfj n*wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv*«nSMß»*<" . MONEY TO LEND at 6% interest on desirable residences In Americus, Ga. H. O. Jones. 18-ts uO/f SALb FOR SALE —Registered Hampshire hogs; a choice stock to select from. Arles Plantation. 23-tl FOR SALE Kerosene attachment for Ford cars. Twice the mileage per gallon. Cut your expenses over 50%. W. J. Josey, Americus, Ga. 8-6 t FOR SALE—Sow ana nine pigs. Cal) 3202. Eugene Daniel. 8-6 t FOR SALE: F. A. Pruitt place, foul miles North of Parrott, Georgia. ccn< tains 1,038 acres. About 700 acral open land, plenty ot running water fine place for stock, well located, o» two good public roads. Price SIO,BOA We can make extremely easy term! on this place. Apply The Georgia Loan and Trust Co., Macon, Ga., or W L Thomas. Plains, Georgia 81-ts WE NEVER FALL DOWN ON A JOB All work we undertake for you in this tin and Sheet Metal line will bo completed quickly and be done prop , erly. Warm air furnace and auto rad . iatcr work AMERICUS SHEET METAL WORKS I Phone 733. B. H. Allen, Mgr.