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TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1917 (Society News & ; MRS. DAISY 0. GNOSSPELIDS, Editor ♦ Office Phone 99 ♦ 99 Residence Phone 490 490 > BRIDGE PARTY FOB MISS BELL AND MISS HUFF. A very pretty compliment to Miss Nannie Sue Bell, whose marriage tc Mr. Cliff Williams will take place on Tuesday of next week, and of Miss Gladys Huff, of Columbus, was the bridge party given this afternoon by Miss Claire Everett at her home on Lee street. The game was placey at five tables, placed conveniently in living room and hall which were made, indeed, attrac tive with quantities or bright-hued spring flowers, effectively arranged in vases and baskets. When cards had been laid aside, a very delicious salad course was served, Mrs. C. P. Payne and Miss Callie Bell assisting. The score prize was a box of pretty hand kerchiefs, while the guests of honor were presented with pretty hand-em broidered towels. Invited to this pretty party were Miss Nannie Sue Bell, Miss Gladys Huff, Miss Callie Bell. Miks Mitch Payne, Mrs. Walter Rylander, Miss Ruth Brown, Miss Mary Littlejohn, Miss Mary Mathis, Mrs. Lee Council, Miss Lulu Mathis, Miss Mattie Lewis Dodson, Miss Georgia Bena Dodson, Mrs. Emmett McKenzie, of Athens; Mrs. Charles Council, Mrs. C. U. Rog ers, Miss Martha Cobb, Mrs. Eugene Hill, Miss Louise Williford, Mrs. James Rees, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. C. O. Niles, Mrs. C. M. Williams, Mrs. E. J. Eldridge, Miss Edith Jossey and Miss Annabel Converse. * * * CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS. COUNCIL. The Chrysanthemum club will meet on Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. 7ohn Council at her home on Lee street. * * * DANCE AT MYRTLE SPRINGS THURSDAY. There will be a dance at Myrtle Springs on Thursday evening. These dances are proving very popular and as the summer approaches greater crowds visit this resort. PINKSTON COMPANY /V J\ '—A. xA Boots Pumps Oxfords for summer wear Cool Pumps White Canvas, White Kid, covered French or low heels, Black Kid, Patent, Grey Buckskin. Tan and Black Calf, $2.50 to SS.OO Two Fall Boots that were shipped early— White Wash Kid, full cov ered Louis heel,cloth top to match. Same in Ivory Kid priced SIO.OO PINKSTON COMPANY RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MISS COBB AND MISS SHERLOCK. The pupils of Miss Elizabeth Cobb and Miss Maude Sherlock will give a recital this evening at their studio on Lee street. These occasions are al ways delightful and this will prove no exception to the rule. The following program has been arranged: (a) "Grace Waltz” (Cramm) (b) “An April Shower” (Cramm) —Norma Dunaway. Duet, ‘ Elephant’s March” (Wood) — Miss Nettie Lee Smith, Miss Sher lock. “Ride of Santa Claus’ (Cadman) Ruth Everette. “Little Bo Peep” (Spaulding)—An nie Ruth Ray. “Forrest Frolic”—Dora Riley. (a) “My Homeland” (Oley Speaks); (b) “When Love is Gone” (Hawley) - Miss Smith. “Mazurka” (Englemann)—Mary Eliz abeth Easterlin. ■ “Village Dance” (Spencer)—Dorothy Dunaway. ( Helter Skelter” —Alice Harrold. “Idyll” (Bilbro) —Caroline Sims. “Last Night I Heard the Nightingale” (Mary Turner Salter) —Miss Sherlock. “Staccato Minuet” (W. G. Smitts)-- Frances Sparks. “Dream of the Dance” (Read) —Mary Godwin. “Spring’s Witchery” (W'. G. Smitts) —Gertrude Davenport. (a) “To You” (Oley Speaks); “The Star” (Rogers)—Miss Blanches Snider, “A-Romance” (Sidney Smith) —Mary Sims. “March of the Drummers” (Sidney Smith) —Annie Ellis. “March of the Drummers” (Sidney Smith) —Annie Ellis. (a) “Song of the Shuttle” (H. W. Greene); (b) “So Blue Thine Eyes” (H. W. Greene); “A Song of Trouble” (H. W Greene); (c) “A Song of Trouble’ (H. W. Greene); (d) “Violets” (H. W. Greene.) —Miss Cobb. “Witches' Dance” (Mac Dowell) Mabel Ellis. (a) “Song” (Mac Dowell); (b) “To i There’s i another i good . thing about delicious biscuits made with COTTOLENE I hey are wholesome. ' < FREE I Cook book containing 239 recipes by famous cooks sent free. Write The N. K. Fairbank Company, . 11l West Washington Street, '• Chicago, 111. The Sea’* (Mac Dowell)— Madre Rod gers. “The Star Spangled Banner” —Audi- ence. ♦ * * MRS. ELDRIDGE TO ENTERTAIN FOR MISS BELL. Mrs. E. J. Eldridge will entertain to morrow afternoon in compliment to Miss Nannie Sue Bell. * * * RED CROSS CLASSES COMPLETING WORK. The Red Cross work in Americus has begun in earnest and several sur gical dressing circles have been form ed and the work pushed with much enthusiasm. Miss Sarah Cobb and Miss Claude McLaughlin have just fin- 1 ished instructing a class in the prep- j aration of surgical dressings. The~e were eight members in this class who were anxious to complete the course, before leaving Americus for the sum-| mer, and so the work was pushed' very rapidly. Other classes, including! a number of the younger people, are being arranged by Miss Cobb and Miss McLaughlin Mrs. I. J. Kalmon and Mrs. E. C. Parker have a class of fifteen mem- ' bers. The work of this class is almost complete and another class will soon take their place. Those desiring in structions should «1 ply at once. • Xs -- ' • r ?* \ 1 9, |l a r ! I * W''' /»? t '> J Il X XVxT ' . t S#W’ ■ L\ ' 7 1 \ X\'\ ( P '■ 'f/.l x\ - / Each bottle of CHERO-COLA is an individual I drink. It is the same at the small store as -.'W; 55v OK^ x ''jß I j the city fount. Always pure, wholesome /w. ■ and refreshing, with no bad after effect. g Aw *** \ II i <5> ’ x-“ -—. \ A \| I DRINK W K Ki ! e / Z— I ... . . y > . THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. MRS. HIXON AND MRS. M’NILTY ENTERTAIN. Ms. James A. Hixon and Mrs. R. E. McNulty entertained jointly this morn ing for Miss Nannie Sue Bell, at the lovely home of Mrs. Hixon, on Lee street. The spacious house, so well adapted to entertaining, was never more charming than on this occasion, adorned with a profusion of bright colored cut flowers and many hand some palms and ferns. Bridge was played at eight tables and at its conclusion a very delicious salad course was enjoyed. The score prize was a pair of silk hose, and the honor guest received a pair of hand some hand-made pillow cases. The presence of a number of out of-town visiting girls made this occas ion more than usually delightful. * * * UROGRAM COMMITTEE OF MUSIC STUDY CLUB TO MEET The members of the programme com mittee of the Music Study club are re quested to meet on Wednesday morn ing at lo o’clock with Mrs. W. H. C. Dudley, on Church street. * * * SEWING CIRCLE MET WITH MRS. JONES The sewing circle of First Baptist church met on yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Georg.e D. Jones, on Church street. About fifteen of the members If Your Boy is called to the service of his country, it may be many months before you see him again. Have you a recent photograph to remember him by. Let Us Picture Him As He is Today .... McKinstry Photographer JACKSON STREET AMERICUS FISH & OYSTER MARKET 216 FORSYTH ST., WEST Phone 778 N. BOLDE & CO., Prop. We are in receipt of a fresh shipment of Spanish Mackeral, Trout, Red Snapper, Crockers, Mullet and j all kinds of mixed fish. We will dress them if you wish. i ALCAZAn I THEATREIV I Tuesday 5 & 10c ■ Emmy Wehlen, in “SOWERS AND REAPERS’’ Five acts Wednesday Matinee 5 & 10c Nlghl 10& tic || Triangle Pictures Dorothy Dalton, in “THE BACK OF MAN” Five acts, and “THE FILM EXPOSURE” Triangle Comedy Thursday 5 & 10c I Paramount Picture Marie Doro, in “CASTLES FOR TWO” Five acts were present and the afternoon was spent most pleasantly and profitably. * * • DANCE AT ARMORY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Preparations are being completed for the big dance to be given tomor row night, at the armory. Rollins’ or chestra from Almany will furnish the music, and a number of out-of-town people will attend. * » ♦ Miss Mary Marvin James, of Lump-' kin, who is a student at Wesleyan this year, was a visitor in Americus for a short while yesterday, the guest of Misses Annie and Mabel Ellis. J Th e Secret to Successful Baking is in I I SUPREME PATENT FLOUR I It combines the dainty and delicious with Y the rich, substantial and satisfying F . ■ Sold by all grocers. Guaranteed by a ■ Nashville Roller Mills (The Red Mill) Nashville, l eno. t ' S ■ ' - - _■ EL <t MftWfflrt’i IIILZV xRR ’° two’s W ffc whenever Con\paa\y|j|| % I w||| is -x. J. T. Warren, Mgr. ’ Americus, Ga. Special Notice The Georgia State Board [of Embalming will meetj[in Americus, Georgia for the transaction of important business and the examination of appli cants for license. Application blanks can be had from the Secretary. Headquarters Windsor Hotel, June|l2th, 1917. W. Edward Platt, Sec’y. & Treas. Augusta, Ga. s insure in 1 1| [HOT The Good j Health of > ; • iWt W 1 1.;. ’sllsis®’ Yourself » :SS Z and I rucO Family s Purity, Freshness, Cleanliness are assured when you own a LEONARD “CLEANABLE” Refrigerator, or a BALDWIN. All styles and sizes for every need, whether you need a tall, narrow style, or a wide three style—what ever you need there is one here for you. One-Piece Porcelain Enameled Lined “Like a China Dish.” See the Leonard before you decide. 1». SMITH HJRNlillit COM PAGE FIVE