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Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1917 _LOOK! READ! A PAGE FULL OF MIGHTY MONEY-SAVERS PL..«z,k..,z»ll’c Apron and Dress Gingltams on Sale ‘Old Glory’Long Cloth on Sale C,hlirchwPl| ,< * I Churcnwell S MONDAY,JUNE2S in |f| MONDAY,JUNE2S d»| IQ VIIUI UHWUH I Thn «„,« Th,t <t»rvn. II RFcf U YARDS FOR ■ I V YARD BOLT <P 1 • 1 57 The store That Serves U Best I ine More I Udi oerveb U Dtbl Quality large assortment. Limit 6 yards to each Superior quality, English finished, 1 bolt to a customer, 3 A • customer. So phone orders, none to children. weight,suitable forscores of general uses, no phone orders AmeriCUS, - Georgia I Americus, - Georgia l— J ® Seamless Bed Sheets CHIJRCH WEL L ’ S Gr *at Shoe Sale I 81x90 inch size,with plain hemmeds, V U VJ 1% V** »» Big 10l Baby Doll Pumps sizes 2 1-2 to 7, to of an extra heavy soft finish muslin. /Up “THF DTfl RT NY <nTOR F” 8 P P Perfed quality, Mon., June 25. Limit | 1 HIS Divr Dl O O U 2 to each purchaser, no phone orders g-j . AIRerICUS, GO »***” I ECO NOMY SALE! GROWS BETTER AND BETTER, THE VALUES ARE ASTONISHING The Stocks are Large! Present Selling Breaks all Previous Records I Paiama rhp< Thousands of Shrewd Shodpers Attending! red rose dress ginghams rajaina VIIKCHS £ j. ir- Choice patterns m leading colors, perfed -■n Tuesday june '26 no Monev spent here means money saved. Ihe tacts and figures make quality, isc value, 10 YARDS— OJC this squarely the greatest sale Americus has ever known in OuVaL Tuesday, june 26 -yn Soft good weight. ueThe PurchasingPoyver of Your Money.ComeletitHave ft YARDS FOR ™ Limit 10 yards to customer. No phone f y]| Herd Hete S a CfOWded pagC tUll 01 IjOlUen upporiun- 8 yards to customer. No phone orders ordere -—J ities and yet not & of the good news presented. COME MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 4ND in e O T h I we E £ ur THERE’S NO EQUALING THESE MIGHTY VALUES ELSEWHERE Tuesday, June 2^ ,7 June The 271 h Special lot 25c White Rose Crepe in Value to $1 15c quality fancy Dress Voiles, 8 $1.25 value Bob Evans Middies, Forladies.neal IV YARDS for 0“ H J lUI •] J vards for all colors, at styles of Per- stripes, suitable for dresses, at yard slightly soiled, OfY < cale, only An extra good weight, smooth finish, go 48 cents 8H CCnIS Q 2 unbleached for all general uses. Limit 12 l-2c at 48c Only 8 yards to a customer Visit every department of our store) ) tJOC )| 10 yards to customer. No phone orders | Choice Entire Lot Os Our Ladies’ and Misses Trimmed Hats for $3.50 Children’s Wash Dresses Tennis suppers (jothes ot The Superior Sort for Men and Young White and Black Tennis Slippers 1 In this Great Economy Sale at with Black Rubber Soles; Mpn An SslC Here Prices which mean saving sixes for men, women, /| /p , ' IVU u CHILDRENS WASH DRESSES Nothing stands knew what o, X“r p t“a P “o S ?r White Canvas Pumps” Finest Palm Beach Suits Stylish Light Weight Wool » X p^SeX mal ” a ' - A big assortment and ~ Q $7.50 tO 88 50 SIO.OO tO $25.00 sizes Made of the be£ quality Palm Beach cloth H ere you w jH find a splendid selection of new Men’s Work Shoes Pair and hand tailored by Kirschbaum. These an j V ery popular Suits in both single and are in a big variety of patterns, including double-breasted models, Pinch-Back,English, Os the popular ooze leather, soft ——— light, medium and dark shades, “Pinch Back” an fi 2or 3 button sack, fashionable colors; and comfortable but durable; | g <_> “Rliio Stool” and plain back models, they are perfed fit- Brown, Grays and Blues; also fancy mixtures; 6to 12 size. Pair DiUe 31UU1 ting and guaranteed garments in all sizes Checks, Stripes ank Plaids. Serviceable ma- — Overalls for Men s terials; Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Home- M Made of heavy blue demin, genuine STYLISH COOL A spuns chevoits. Faultless tailoring mater ]Mdl’S SCOllt ShOCS indigo dye, full cut all *1 *1 /Y CLOTH SUITS ials, including the linings, workmanship and • • v sizes, selling regulavly X I I These are the ideal Summer Garments, Cool finish, guaranteed both by the makers and Strong, wear-resistmg for SL2S to $1.50, d/ J, •1. <Z an d Dressy yet bomfortable and serviceable. by ourselves. roo stock; sizes 6 to 11; at • —— unusual offer, at pair Limit 3 pair to customer, ~ ~ ami RA OET Cl IITC rsi\rvrvi To every purchaser of a suit costing $7.50 to $8.50 we’ll give choice of any PALIVI wEAvn □Ullw Ijljljlj! $1.25 shirt in stock or its equivalent iuee. To every purchaser of a Suit M ■ It ■ 1 I costing $15.00 to S2O 00 we give choice of any $2.50 Hat or pair Oxfords or JUST LOOK! Monday we place on sale, and until sold about 3o of QA 0 | jj jjJ the equ i va lent FREE. To every purchaser of a Suit cosiing $20.00 to {25 these popolar garments, in gray, at • • • • • : •••• •• •: . we give choice of any $3.50 Hat or pair of $3,50 Oxfords or an equivalent FREE. They are nicely finished and we guarantee them to be the genuine Palm Beach, sizes for everybody we give cnoice oi a y p in the lot —COME. - ————— VALUES SUCH AS THESE ARE NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE PUMPS Men’s Pants buyer in need of anything in Dry Goods, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear, Clothing, Hats, Millinery, etc come. If you have al- , tz ,1- »< • ready been here, come yet again and again. We want everyone to see everything. Big lot White Canvas Pumps, Os good quality Kahki Ma- 7 5 terial-- a perfed garment W ■ a 1 all sixes, at «T iq Churchwell s Department Store 98c 01,13 LAMAR STREET : = AMERICUS, GA. ALL PRICES ADVERTISED IN OUR BIG CIRCULAR CONTINUE IN FORCE THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. PAGE THREE